Unit 3: Soil Formation & Morphology Chapter 6 Objectives Knowledge of the processes of weathering of soil materials Understanding of how soil profiles form Investigate 5 soil forming factors & their affects on soil development Why soils degrade Weathering of Soil Minerals Weathering – disintegration of primary minerals & reformation of some of those dissolved materials into new secondary minerals When rock disintegrates into loose aggregates in which water, air, and roots may grow, it becomes soil Can take many thousand years for this process to happen naturally Weathering of Soil Minerals Processes of Weathering Causes of weathering Physical – grinding or breaking of minerals into smaller particle sizes Chemical – dissolution or chemical alterations of minerals Water is the material that fosters much of these processes Hydrolysis – dissolution of minerals Hydration – softening of minerals that helps with internal swelling pressure Weathering of Soil Minerals Carbonation – from carbon dioxide dissolved in water that acidifies water & helps it’s solvent action Oxidation-reduction – O2 combination with minerals to form iron oxides helping produce a soil solution Products of Weathering Some ions remain in the soil Most soluble ions get leached away Weathering of Soil Minerals Least soluble ions may resolidify Some persist and precipitate in soil solution Held w/ soil water May be important to know original parent minerals, but much soil is formed with new deposits from other materials (e.g. flooding, eroded soil) Alluvium – sediments deposited from moving waters Soil Formation: Building a Matrix for Living Organisms Soil formation – formation of soil horizons & other changes to the soil From Rock & Mineral to Soil To become a soil: minerals & organic residues must be transformed into sand, silt, clay, humus Soil Formation: Building a Matrix for Living Organisms Additions – anything that might be added to a soil to ehlp it form From: water, N from bacterial fixation, energy from sunlight, sediment, etc. Losses – materials lost through plant removal, leaching, etc. Eroded particles, nutrients removing from harvest/grazing, etc. Soil Formation: Building a Matrix for Living Organisms Transformations – minerals that change or dissolve to other forms due to: Chemical reactions Biological reactions Decomposition of organic matter Translocations – movements of water & organisms w/in the soil Clays carried to deeper layers in the soil Soluble salts Soil Formation: Building a Matrix for Living Organisms Soil Profile Vertical cross section of soil Each will tend to be different depending on how the soil is formed and the environment Soil Horizons O, A, E, B, C, R Soil-Forming Factors >15,000 soils ID’d worldwide Varoius minerals/substances/climates combine to form soils Five soil forming factros: Parent Material Climate Biota Topography Time Soil-Forming Factors Parent Materials & Soil Formation Surface materials from which soils form Unconsolidated materials once elsewhere and laid down by water, wind, glaciers May be any mixture of soil types & particle sizes Often the dominant determining factor in the property of soils (dependig on location) Soil-Forming Factors Climate & Soil Formation Increasingly a factor in soil formation over time Precipitation Temperature Ex. Of effects of climate on soil formation Lime Acidic soils – intense weathering & leaching of cations Erosion Soil-Forming Factors Decomposition – speed related to temp of climate Weathering - rates depend on temp Development – when the soil has detecable horizons Also affects soil formation due to the plants that grow in the region Addition/losses of organic matter Additions/losses of soil moisture Protection from wind/water erosion Soil-Forming Factors Biota (Organisms) & Soil Formation Living platns & animals & their ogranic residues Ex. Differences between soils in forest vs. grasses right next to each other Decompositoin of plant materials may be slow and on the surface, or organic matter may be deep into the soil (1’) Animals – help mix soil profile, decompose organic matter, aerate soils Ex. Of important animals? Soil-Forming Factors Soil microbes also help by producing weak acids that help dissovle minerals faster than just water Topography & Soil Formation Primary influence from modificaiton of temp & wtaer Steep Hillsides – little water washes through horizon, increased erosion Gentle Hillsides – more vertical movement of water, more/thicker vegetation, more organic matter Soil-Forming Factors Landlocked depressions – receive runoff/erosion from higher areas – higher vegetative producton, slower organic matter decomposition (lower oxygen levels) Organic soils – form in areas where soils are waterlogged much of the year (peat or muck) Soil-Forming Factors Time & Soil Formation Length of time required to develop genetic horizons w/ help of climate, parent material, biota, topography Time to develpo soils tends to be shortest in warm, humid, forested climates Helps if it’s acidic, slightly sandy Development may take just a few to several hundred years, depending on the environemnt Soil-Forming Factors Interactions of Soil Forming Factors 5 soil-forming processes must work in combination Deficiencies/unfavorable conditions greatly affect the ability of the soil to develop How might the following soils develop? High rainfall & good drainage climate w/ warm weather Poor drainage, lowland area Soil-Forming Factors Conditions that retard soil development: Low rainfall Low relative humidity Sandy parent materials High clay content Resistant bedrock materials Very steep slopes Presence of substances toxic to plants Hgih water tables Soil-Forming Factors Cold temps Ongoing accumulation of soil material by decomposition Severe erosion Mixing Ancient Soils: Paleosols Normal soils – develop in existing climateic environment Soil-Forming Factors Paleosols – soils formed mostly in previously exising climates (may now be buried) Relict – exposed paleosols formed in a previous time under environmental conditioins quite different from current conditions Fossil – paleosols buried in the geological section of the Earth, but deeper than present soil development processes Anthrosols – exhibit deliberate actions of people Soil-Forming Factors Why is this important? Can help us date & reconstruct history Ex. Soils that may be buried after a cataclysmic event http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog 101/textbook/soil_systems/soil__development _soil_forming_factors.html Landforms & Soil Development Depositions by water, wind, glaciers form landforms Mesas, plateaus, plains, etc. May include other characteristics Soil depth, surface slope, soil texture Soil Depth Vertical distance from the surface to a restricting layer where roots cannot penetrate Landforms & Soil Development May be restricted by: rock, compacted zone, water table, permafrost Deeper soils are more desirable Why? How deep do you think our soils are? Term Depth (in.) Very shallow <9.8 Shallow 9.8-19.7 Moderately deep 19.7-39.4 Deep 39.4-59.1 Very deep >59.1 Landforms & Soil Development Slope Elevation changes in the landscape Slope = (vertical distance/horizontal distance) * 100% Usually want to measure at least 33’ to avoid any localized differences that may skew your slope measurement Most obvious & important factor in determining suitability of use for a particular purpose Landforms & Soil Development Soil Formed from Rocks Most soils form in place (extremely slowly) May be as little as 1/8 to 1/2” per 100 years, but can be much quicker in tropical regions with little erosion Pediments – erosion-formed gradual slopes Plateaus – large, flat level areas cut apart by water gullies May include/form smaller mesas, or tiny buttes Landforms & Soil Development Bluffs & scarps – steep cuts by erosion undercutting a top layer Playa – barren basin where water and sediment collects temporarily Materials Deposited from Water Alluvium – sediment deposited from flowing water Floodplains – landforms built by these deposits Landforms & Soil Development Alluvial fans – deposited soils coming from hgiher areas that “fans” out into the lowland area Lacustrine deposits – sediments in standing water (lakes) Marine sediments – sediment deposited by oceans (some actually exists in the Great Plains, more commonly today in the Gulf of Mexico) Landforms & Soil Development Deltas – form at mouths of rivers from waterborne sediment Materials Depostied from Winds Eolian deposits – wind-transproted materials May be coarse/fine silts, sands, clays Wind-deposited materials following the last glacial period referred to as loess (common in our area) Landforms & Soil Development Materials Deposited from Ice Glacial till – material deposited from glacial movements Could create stony hills, ridges, smooth plain deposition, outwash plains Only northern and eastern parts of IL affected by glacial till Landforms & Soil Development Sediments Moved by Gravity Downslope movements cuased by the effect of gravity on weathered rock debris Material moved – colluvium Some may move in dry conditions, some may move under wet conditions Morphology of Soil Horizons Horizons – layers of soil forming parallel to the soil surface Most differences in horizons are obvious Color/structure/texture differences Can have indistinct changes in horizons due to color/texture as well Form due to: Differences in weathering w/ depth Amounts of humus accumulated Morphology of Soil Horizons Translocations of colloids to deeper depths Losses of colloids from percolating waters Identifying horizons May have one master horizon (A) May see clear horizons clearly represented together (AB) Soil scientists have many other breakdowns to clearly ID horizons & describe its characteristics http://www.dmtcalaska.org/exploration/ISU/unit2/images/SOILTAMU.GIF http://www.public.iastate.edu/~arossi/Copy%20of%20soil_profile2.gif Degradation of Soils Soils can be improved/damaged according to hwo they’re managed Changes often result inadvertently due to its use Can reduce cropping yield, if ignored or undetected Degradation of Soils Degradation of Soil Degraded soils – soil has become less suitable for its planned use “worn-out” soils Can often occur due to deficiencies in soil nutrients because of continual cropping w/out repalcing by fertilization sufficinetly Soils used for filtration of wastewater can also become “full” and cannot filter the chemicals targeted Degradation of Soils Degradation by lost humus & organic matter content Degradation by salt acccumulation Degradation by erosion Loss of soil Reduced permeability Deposition of poor soil material Degradation by compaction Degradation by contamination Degradation of Soils Complete Destruction of Soils Most commonly occurs in shallow soils over rocks Burning of organic soils Erosion of mountain slopes Contaminated soils – if they can’t be reclaimed because of cost or impracticality Large applications of sewage sludge resulting in high levels of heavy metals Degradation of Soils High levels of salts due to inability to drain an area Assignment