03Feb07 - ESF Briefing

Severe Weather
ESF Briefing
Feburary 3, 2007
Silence All Phones and Pagers
Please move conversations
into ESF rooms and busy out
all phones.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Safety Briefing
• Fire
• Medical
• Stress
• Severe Weather
• Parking
24 Hour Operations
EOC Staffing
SERT CHIEF – David Halstead
PLANS CHIEF – Carla Boyce
RECOVERY – Marcia Chiricos
State Coordinating Officer
Craig Fugate
Up Next – Ben Nelson
Ben Nelson
Enhanced Fujita Scale
Afternoon Infrared Satellite Loop
Afternoon Radar Loop
Forecast Rainfall through Sunday PM
Forecast Weather Map: Sunday PM
Up Next – Carla Boyce
Information & Planning
Carla Boyce
Up Next – Leo Lachat
Operational Areas
Information & Planning
Common Operational Picture
Coordinated IAP, Branch/Section specialty
plans, ESF/Branch Briefings
– Evening briefing
• 80% - PLANNED & HOW it will be accomplished
• 20% - Accomplishments (highlights & late breaking)
– Focus on activities planned in the next 12 hours
– Communicate accomplishments, movements
and information to Information & Plans as well
as on scrolling displays.
Planning Assumptions
• Beginning transition to recovery
• Forward Command Staff beginning to
• PDA may take an additional 2 days
• Impacted Counties continue to receive mutual
• Cooler temperatures and possibly near freezing
temperatures will impact both victims and
Issues & Constraints
• SuperBowl Sunday
• MCV is operational w/some IT issues
• SEOC lost one eck server affecting users
in Current Hazards spaces
• Cold Wx impacts to victims and
Issues & Constraints
1. Maintain State level operations
2. Maintain & revise staffing and deployment plans
3. Provide information to the public and responders regarding
weather updates and status of event
4. Support Forward Command operations
5. Support Human Services initiatives
6. Support Heath & Medical Operations
7. Support local Law Enforcement Operations
8. Support infrastructure operations
9. Support Recovery Operations
10.Provide resource support as requested
11.Assess economic impacts to affected areas
12.Provide for fiscal management of event
Plans and Reports
• Next SERT IAP meeting at 0630
• Staffing Rosters for personnel needed at Joint Field Office
• Branch Level Situation Report (ex EM Services) at
6:30am, 12:30pm, 5:30pm, and 12:30am
• State Situation report published at 1:30PM and 7:30PM
• Intel report published at 10:30AM, 4:30PM and 11:30PM
• Media Briefing report published at 9:00AM and 3:00PM
POD locations
Damage Assessments
• Six (6) Federal/State PDA teams deployed
1 - Sumter
3 - Lake
2 - Volusia
• Completed mission at 1800hrs EST
• Consolidating team reports and
• consesus by developed with Federal
• Report to be published for 0630 briefing on
Responders Page
Interactive Mapping
Coming Soon –
USNG & Damage Assessment
Up Next – Leo Lachat
Leo Lachat
Up Next – ESF 1&3
ESF 1&3
Transportation & Public Works
ESF 1&3 – Transportation & Public Works
• Current Issues
• Tolls still being suspended for utility teams.
• Traffic counters on I-4 corridor still on.
• Unmet Needs – None
• Future Issues
• 6 FDOT employes ready to deploy as
Disaster Recovery Center Managers.
Up Next – ESF 2
ESF 2 – Communications
• Current Issues –
• Wireline
• No major infrastructure loss/commercial power
returned to all network components
• Normal load of daily customer trouble reports
• 50 Centrex lines being transferred/installed for Dept.
of Children & Family (DCF) in Deland area
• 12 analog lines installed in Governor's Conference
ESF 2 – Communications
• Current Issues –
• Wireless • All wireless carriers are operational. Heavy capacity
loads in Lake County area but no tower failures
• 7 sites out of service in Deland area due to local telco
issues estimated time of restoration 7PM tonight
• SLERS (State Law Enforcement Radios System) is fully
• FIN (Florida Interoperability Network) fully operational
• 30 Verizon emergency cell phones deployed to
DEM/Human Service Branch for Disaster Recovery
Relief Team efforts
• CISCO Communications team is on site at LSA-Orlando
setting up communications command center system
• UNISYS Communications team expected arrival to TLH
this evening with mobile communications support.
(awaiting direct deployment assignment)
ESF 2 – Communications
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Continue to monitor situation and support
communications as needed.
Up Next – ESF 4 & 9
ESF 4&9
Firefighting and Search & Rescue
Up Next – ESF 6
Mass Care
Up Next – ESF 8
ESF 6 – Mass Care
• Current Issues –
• The Red Cross (ARC) has 9 Emergency Response
Vehicles (ERV'S) in the disaster area with 30 more ERV's
en route.
• ARC is performing mobile feeding throughout the
affected counties with two vehicles distributing clean up
and comfort kits.
• Red Cross continues to conduct data assessments.
• The Salvation Army (TSA) has 5 Canteens working in the
disaster area. More on standby.
• The Seventh-day Adventists are operating a mobile
kitchen in the affected areas.
• Shelter database updated in real time @
• Elder Affairs and Children & Families mobilizing staff to
provide assistance as required.
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
ESF 6 – Mass Care
• Future Operations –
• Continue shelter and mass care operations.
• Continue providing SERT with information on mass care
• Elder Affairs scheduling conference calls with
representatives in the disaster area through the
Up Next – ESF 8 Health and Medical
Health & Medical
Up Next – ESF 10
ESF 8 – Health & Medical
• Current Issues –
• Lake County has 1 Special Needs Shelter open with one
• Crisis counseling issues are being addressed locally by
County Health Departments with assistance from the
American Red Cross
• Volusia County has issued 4 boil water notices in the
impact area
• 2 Regional Emergency Response Advisors (RERAs)
continue to work in the impact area
• Health and safety messages have been released from
public information
ESF 8 – Health & Medical
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Planning
• Monitor for environmental health issues
• Monitor the need for behavioral health assistance to
• Implementing recovery actions regarding health care
Up Next – ESF 10
ESF 10
Hazardous Materials
Next –
ESF 11
Food & Water
Up Next – ESF 12
ESF 11 – Food & Water
• Current Issues –
• Contracting with vendors for trucks
• Arranging for upload and delivery of water and ice to
affected counties
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Monitor inventories of resources
• Continue working with Logistics section to complete
requests for resources
• Review staffing needs and schedule staff as needed
Up Next – ESF 12
ESF 12
Up Next – ESF 13
ESF 12 – Energy
• Current Issues –
• Power
• Volusia County - approximately 1,500 customers
without service- those that can receive service are
expected to be online by about 6:00 PM. The number
of customers that are estimated to be unable to
receive sevice remains in the hundreds.
• Lake County - about 106 customer without serviceSome service unrestorable due to structure damage
• Sumter County - 28 customer without service - Some
service unrestorable due to structure damage
• Rest of Counties- all that can receive service are
online - normal operations.
• Fuels:
• Normal operations
• Natural Gas:
• Normal operations - about 250 customers shutoff for
safety reasons. Cannot restore till customers
available to check pilot lights.
ESF 12 – Energy
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Power- Expect to return to normal operations 100%
before midnite tonight.
Up Next – ESF 13
ESF 13
Military Support
Up Next – ESF 14
ESF 14
Public Information
Up Next – ESF 15
ESF 15
Volunteers & Donations
Up Next – ESF 16
ESF 16
Law Enforcement
ESF 16 – Law Enforcement
• Current Issues –
• 155 deployed, 125 demobilized today
• Sumter County - traffic congestion due to number of
contractors in area assisting with cleanup
• Lake County - traffic congestion around Church of God
• Setup system to deal with price gouging complaints
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Continue to support remaining law enforcement
• Continue demobilization of Mutual Aid resources
Up Next – ESF 17
ESF 17
Agriculture & Animal Protection
ESF 17 – Agriculture & Animal Protection
• Current Issues –
• Response teams have been contacted and are staged to
move if needed.
• No request from counties ; will continue to monitor
tracker as well as make contact locally.
• Unmet Needs - None at this time
• Future Operations –
• continue to monitor the event
Up Next – ESF 18
ESF 18
Business, Industry & Economic
ESF 18
• Current Issues –
• Continuing to work with local Econ. Devel.
Organizations to develop extent of damage to business
• AWI mobile One Stop to open in Volusia on 2/5,
Emergency Field Coordinator deployed
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Coordinate with US SBA, local Econ. Devel.
• Organizations to implement small business assistance
centers and workshops
• Coordinate the deployment of the SBDC mobile units
• Evaluate need to implement State's small business loan
Up Next – Finance & Administration
Finance & Administration
Finance & Administration
• Current Issues –
• Issuing PO's for supplies/equipment
Travel arrangements as necessary
Processed paperwork for CR staff
E-Mail sent to State Agency Finance Officers
Need Estimated Costs by Noon Mon 2/4/07
Continue to track costs of event
• Unmet Needs – None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Continue to support EOC with any purchases and
deployment of personnel
• Will be accumulating costs of event for DEM & all
state agencies
Up Next – Logistics
Unified Logistics Section
Connie Nunn
Up Next – Recovery
Unified Logistics Section
• Current Issues –
• State Logistic Response Center open and operational
• Lake Co. CSA open and operational
• 3 PODs Lake Co open and operational
• Unmet Needs –
• None at this time
• Future Operations –
• Continue resource supply to SLRC, Lake Co. CSA and
• Possible 1-2 PODs for Sumter Co.
• Monitor burn rates
Up Next – Recovery
Up Next – Operations Chief
Operations Chief
Leo Lachat
Next Briefing