Shaw High School’s Engaging - Student-Centered - Standard Based Learning Plan Ciudad y Campo Chapter Book Link Day 1 Teacher: LIVINGSTON Subject: SPANISH II Grade: 10-12 GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARD(S) (GPS): Elements: MLII.IP1D Give descriptions MLII.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses about plans and events. MLII.IP2D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. MLII.INT1D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in listening, viewing and reading comprehension MLII.P2A Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High Proficiency in pronunciation and intonation when presenting material. MLII.CU1B Identify patterns of behavior typically associated with cultures, such as eating and shopping customs, leisure activities, and celebration of national holidays. MLIICCC2A Compare and contrast traditions, such as holidays, foods, and celebrations. MLII.CCC5A Illustrate how the target language and culture(s) studied are evident in and through media, entertainment, and technology Topics: Communication: Tell what happened (D) Describe city buildings (D) Talk about professions (D) Tell where things are located (D) Talk about present and future (D) Give instructions to someone (D) Grammar: Use of regular –er, -ir verbs in preterite tense (P) Use of spelling change verbs (-y) in preterite tense (P) Use of hacer, ir, ser in preterite tense (P) Use of location words (D) Use of demonstrative adjectives/pronouns (P) Use of ordinal numbers first-tenth and last (P) Use of irregular verbs in the preterite tense (D) Culture: History and culture of Quito, Ecuador (D) How the Americas changed European food (D) ECSBC Opening: ESSENTIAL QUEST ION/TASK TOCA CAMPANA SMART START OR RAIDER REV. ECSBC Middle: Engaged Centered – Standard Based Classrooms (ECSBC) – The Raider Way! Students are Introduced to the chapter with them selecting key words needed to go shopping overseas What are the similarities and differences between city life and country life in Ecuador and the U.S.? Mira la foto en pagina r6 y contesta las siguientes preguntas. Oraciones completas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Estan en una fiesta los jóvenes? Quellevan? Que toman? Donde esta la casa? Donde esta Guatemala? Review the forms of hacer, querer and venir. Complete exercise 10 page 10. Go over exercise with student. LEARNING STEPS ECSBC Closing: LEARNING ASSESSMENT Evidence of Student Learning… Feedback from students on what worked and did not work… Were Students Engaged? Complete exercise 11 page 11. Escribe todo. Must be completed by the end of class to receive credit. HOMEWORK Complete exercise 15 page 14. Escribe todo. Book ONLINE RESOURCES Chapter 9 Review Page Ciudad y Campo Coloring Activity phpapp01.pdf Shaw High School’s Engaging - Student-Centered - Standard Based Learning Plan Ciudad y Campo Chapter Book Link Day 3 Teacher: LIVINGSTON Subject: SPANISH II Grade: 10-12 GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARD(S) (GPS): Elements: MLII.IP1D Give descriptions MLII.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses about plans and events. MLII.IP2D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. MLII.INT1D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in listening, viewing and reading comprehension MLII.P2A Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High Proficiency in pronunciation and intonation when presenting material. MLII.CU1B Identify patterns of behavior typically associated with cultures, such as eating and shopping customs, leisure activities, and celebration of national holidays. MLIICCC2A Compare and contrast traditions, such as holidays, foods, and celebrations. MLII.CCC5A Illustrate how the target language and culture(s) studied are evident in and through media, entertainment, and technology Topics: Communication: Tell what happened (D) Describe city buildings (D) Talk about professions (D) Tell where things are located (D) Talk about present and future (D) Give instructions to someone (D) Grammar: Use of regular –er, -ir verbs in preterite tense (P) Use of spelling change verbs (-y) in preterite tense (P) Use of hacer, ir, ser in preterite tense (P) Use of location words (D) Use of demonstrative adjectives/pronouns (P) Use of ordinal numbers first-tenth and last (P) Use of irregular verbs in the preterite tense (D) Culture: History and culture of Quito, Ecuador (D) How the Americas changed European food (D) ECSBC Opening: ESSENTIAL QUEST ION/TASK TOCA CAMPANA SMART START OR RAIDER REV. Engaged Centered – Standard Based Classrooms (ECSBC) – The Raider Way! Students are Introduced to the chapter with them selecting key words needed to go shopping overseas What are the similarities and differences between city life and country life in Ecuador and the U.S.? Put he following conversation in order and then translate to english. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cual es tu primera clase? Hola, German Como estas? Yo también! Caminemos juntos. Me siento un poco nervioso porque es el primer dia de clases. Tengo matemáticas a las nueve. ECSBC Middle: LEARNING STEPS Introduce Chapter 9 Vocabulary. Go over the power points with students. Together complete end of the of the exercises ECSBC Closing: LEARNING ASSESSMENT Evidence of Student Learning… Feedback from students on what worked and did not work… Were Students Engaged? Complete exercise 7 and 8 page 268. HOMEWORK Write 10 spanish sentences using the new vocabulary. Book ONLINE RESOURCES Chapter 9 Review Page Ciudad y Campo Coloring Activity Shaw High School’s Engaging - Student-Centered - Standard Based Learning Plan Ciudad y Campo Chapter Book Link Day 4 Teacher: LIVINGSTON Subject: SPANISH II GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARD(S) (GPS): Elements: MLII.IP1D Give descriptions MLII.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses about plans and events. Grade: 10-12 MLII.IP2D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. MLII.INT1D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in listening, viewing and reading comprehension MLII.P2A Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High Proficiency in pronunciation and intonation when presenting material. MLII.CU1B Identify patterns of behavior typically associated with cultures, such as eating and shopping customs, leisure activities, and celebration of national holidays. MLIICCC2A Compare and contrast traditions, such as holidays, foods, and celebrations. MLII.CCC5A Illustrate how the target language and culture(s) studied are evident in and through media, entertainment, and technology Topics: Communication: Tell what happened (D) Describe city buildings (D) Talk about professions (D) Tell where things are located (D) Talk about present and future (D) Give instructions to someone (D) Grammar: Use of regular –er, -ir verbs in preterite tense (P) Use of spelling change verbs (-y) in preterite tense (P) Use of hacer, ir, ser in preterite tense (P) Use of location words (D) Use of demonstrative adjectives/pronouns (P) Use of ordinal numbers first-tenth and last (P) Use of irregular verbs in the preterite tense (D) Culture: History and culture of Quito, Ecuador (D) How the Americas changed European food (D) ECSBC Opening: ESSENTIAL QUEST ION/TASK Engaged Centered – Standard Based Classrooms (ECSBC) – The Raider Way! Students are Introduced to the chapter with them selecting key words needed to go shopping overseas What are the similarities and differences between city life and country life in Ecuador and the U.S.? TOCA CAMPANA Escribe una lista de palabras con tu vocabulario que se refieren a la ciudad o el campo: Ingles y Espanol CIUDAD CAMPO SMART START OR RAIDER REV. ECSBC Middle: LEARNING STEPS ECSBC Closing: LEARNING ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK Go over the vocabulary Completar ejercicio 7 y 8 pagina 268 Go over the exercises Introduce the Imperfect progresivo Complete exercises at the end of the power point Evidence of Student Learning… Feedback from students on what worked and did not work… Were Students Engaged? Completar ejercicio 14 pagina 271. Write what your family member was doing at the specific time on page 271 exercise 15. Book ONLINE RESOURCES Chapter 9 Review Page Ciudad y Campo Coloring Activity Write directions on how to get from one place to another place here at school. Do not go outside the building. Write them in English and then in Spanish. You must use every direction and then we will record ourselves. Shaw High School’s Engaging - Student-Centered - Standard Based Learning Plan Ciudad y Campo Chapter Book Link Day 5 Teacher: LIVINGSTON Subject: SPANISH II GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARD(S) (GPS): Elements: MLII.IP1D Give descriptions Grade: 10-12 MLII.IP1G Ask questions and provide responses about plans and events. MLII.IP2D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. MLII.INT1D Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High proficiency in listening, viewing and reading comprehension MLII.P2A Demonstrate Novice-Mid to Novice-High Proficiency in pronunciation and intonation when presenting material. MLII.CU1B Identify patterns of behavior typically associated with cultures, such as eating and shopping customs, leisure activities, and celebration of national holidays. MLIICCC2A Compare and contrast traditions, such as holidays, foods, and celebrations. MLII.CCC5A Illustrate how the target language and culture(s) studied are evident in and through media, entertainment, and technology Topics: Communication: Tell what happened (D) Describe city buildings (D) Talk about professions (D) Tell where things are located (D) Talk about present and future (D) Give instructions to someone (D) Grammar: Use of regular –er, -ir verbs in preterite tense (P) Use of spelling change verbs (-y) in preterite tense (P) Use of hacer, ir, ser in preterite tense (P) Use of location words (D) Use of demonstrative adjectives/pronouns (P) Use of ordinal numbers first-tenth and last (P) Use of irregular verbs in the preterite tense (D) Culture: History and culture of Quito, Ecuador (D) How the Americas changed European food (D) ECSBC Opening: ESSENTIAL QUEST ION/TASK Engaged Centered – Standard Based Classrooms (ECSBC) – The Raider Way! Students are Introduced to the chapter with them selecting key words needed to go shopping overseas What are the similarities and differences between city life and country life in Ecuador and the U.S.? TOCA CAMPANA Complete exercises 2, 3 and 4 page 286. SMART START OR RAIDER REV. ECSBC Middle: Read Together Buenos Aires, Argentina Go over the reading with students for comprehension LEARNING STEPS ECSBC Closing: Evidence of Student Learning… Feedback from students on what worked and did not work… Were Students Engaged? Complete exercise Comprendes page 279. LEARNING ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK No tarea Book ONLINE RESOURCES Chapter 9 Review Page Ciudad y Campo Coloring Activity