School Orchestra WHY TO JOIN THE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA? Playing Bowed Stringed instruments: INCREASES BRAIN POWER AND IQ BY 7% Children who make music show improved spatialtemporal reasoning, which is the foundation of later success in math and science IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM: playing beautiful string instruments is a proven stress reducer, producer of higher levels of melatonin, a revitalized natural production of Human Growth Hormone—even an increase in the immune system's natural "cancer-killer" cells GREAT FOR THE SOUL AND SOCIAL LIFE: beauty and emotional depth of music provide great tools for ones self-expressions, increase self-esteem, motivates, inspires. Orchestra students have higher percentage of succeeding in pursuing higher education and higher paying jobs. Orchestra students less likely to use drugs and later in life they can continue playing instrument in community orchestras, chamber groups and those activities show reduced levels of anxiety, depression and loneliness. MAKING MUSIC IS FUN: we all are born to be creative and music playing provides endless opportunities for creativity and self-expression. Making music brings people together, breaks down barriers and almost always leads to a good time. Playing really well can make you feel like you're on top of the world. And even if you're not brimming with talent, doing your best and even messing up occasionally is a lot more engaging than staring at the TV Orchestra program provides annually many opportunities for excellence to all enrolled and passing all classes students: ECISD 7th and 8th grades SOLO and ENSEMBLE CONTEST, ALL-CITY Orchestra auditions and concert; UIL Concert and Sight-Reading contest, Winter and Spring orchestra concerts; UIL Solo and Ensemble contest, West Side Orchestra Festival, Field Trips in and out of town . Expenses for field trips, pizza rehearsals, orchestra t-shirts and non-refundable $35 maintenance fees are covered by annual fall and Spring fundraising activities. Instruments and books are free of charge (parents/student must sign ECISD INSTRUMENT LOAN FORM) School Orchestra BEGINNING CLASS th 5 period OPEN ENROLLMENT ALL NEW TO ORCHESTRA 7TH GRADE STUDENTS ARE WELCOME LEARN BASICS PLAYING TECHNIQUES on the instrument of your CHOICE, international LANGUAGUE OF MUSIC (READING, WRITING and COUNTING MUSIC NOTATION) m PARTICIPATE in FUNDRAISINGS, WINTER & SPRING CONCERTS, ECISD SOLO CONTEST and WEST SIDE ORCHESTRA CONCERT. INTERMEDIATE CLASS 8th period OPEN ONLY TO STUDENTS WHO HAS AT LEAST 1 year of learning experience (6th GRADE ELEMENTARY ORCHESTRA CLASS) and wants to continue playing the same instrument in school orchestra School Orchestra ADVANCED ORCHESTRA CLASS 7th PERIOD OPEN ONLY TO 8TH AND 9TH GRADE STUDENTS WHO PLAYED AT LEAST 2 YEARS IN SCHOOL ORCHESTRA and successfully completed beginning or intermediate levels Advanced Orchestra students are expected to have positive attitude, good performing record, passing grades in all courses and dedication to excellence in music performance