October 2013 Week 8 Atoms/Periodic Table Essential Question: What causes some nuclei to be unstable? Week 9 Radioactivity Essential Question: How are alpha, beta, and gamma radiation alike? Week 10 Radioactivity Essential Question: How does radioactivity and nuclear energy impact YOUR daily life? Monday September 30 Notes Chapter 19 Section 1: Metals Video: Hunting for Elements Give study guide for test Monday October 7 Notes: Chapter 18 Section 2: Nuclear Decay Video: Food Irradiation (20/20) Notebook Quiz HW: Half-Life video Monday October 14 HOLIDAY NO SCHOOL Tuesday October 1 Notes Chapter 19 Sections 2 & 3: Nonmetals & Mixed Groups Elements Match Up activity Tuesday October 8 Notes: Radioactive Half-life and Radioactive Dating (2 slides) LAB: Radioactive Decay (Pennies) Nuclear Decay WS Tuesday October 15 Teacher Workday Wednesday October 2 Show Your Cards Game Review call out items for test Test: Ch. 17 & 19 Study guides due for extra credit only! Friday October 4 Begin Radioactivity; handout notes packet for use during entire chapter Notes: Chapter 18, Section 1 Video: Marie Curie Tuesday October 9 Tuesday October 10 Tuesday October 11 Webquest: Nuclear Decay (Computer lab) HW: Guided Notes Section 3: Detecting Radioactiv. Section 4: Nuclear Reactions Notes Chapter 18 Section 3: Detecting Radioactivity Section 4: Nuclear Reactions Video: The Eyes of Nye HW: Study for quiz Nuclear Decay Quiz Preview Irradiation Article with discussion of sample HW: Nuclear Power Fission vs. Fusion WS Wednesday October 16 Thursday October 17 Friday October 18 Irradiation Article assignment: a) assign article b) group discussion c) prep for presentation HW: Nuclear Decay Practice WS P-SAT Day Physical Science Thursday October 3 Article Presentations HW: Radioactivity Study Guide for chapter test Introduce Element Book UPA a) Explain b) Show models c) Begin research d) Plan design GPS Standard SPS4. Students will investigate the arrangement of the Periodic Table. a. Determine the trends of the following: • Number of valence electrons • Types of ions formed by representative elements • Location of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids • Phases at room temp. GPS Standard SPS3. Students will distinguish the characteristics and components of radioactivity. a. Differentiate between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. b. Differentiate between fission and fusion. c. Explain the process halflife as related to radioactive decay. d. Describe nuclear energy, its practical application as an alternative energy source, and its potential problems. GPS Standard SPS3. Students will distinguish the characteristics and components of radioactivity. a. Differentiate between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation. b. Differentiate between fission and fusion. c. Explain the process half-life as related to radioactive decay. d. Describe nuclear energy, its practical application as an alternative energy source, and its potential problems. October 2013 Week 11 Chemical Bonds Essential Question: What part of an atom determines how it will bond with atoms of other elements? Week 12 Chemical Bonds Essential Question: How are covalent & ionic bonds alike? How are they different? Physical Science Monday October 21 Media Center: work on gathering information for element book UPA Tuesday October 22 Chapter 18 TEST Chemical Bonds Diagnostic Assessment Monday October 28 Tuesday October 29 Element book UPA’s due! Notes: Writing Ionic formulas HW: Writing Binary formulas WS Review HW Notes: Writing ionic names Compound Naming cheat sheet HW: Ionic Bonding & Formula Writing WS Wednesday October 23 Ch. 20 Section 1 notes: Stability in Bonding Work on element books in class HW: Bonding - Let’s Get Together WS Wednesday October 30 Review HW Notes: Writing Covalent Names Naming & Covalent Compounds WS Thursday October 24 Ch. 20 Section 2 notes: Types of Bonds Practice exercise HW: Chemistry calculations WS Thursday October 31 Mini-lab: Building Ionic vs. Covalent Bond activity HW: Chemical Bonds Formula Writing Friday October 25 Interactive Website activity Guided Reading and Questions Friday November 1 Textbook Assignment pg. 626, #1-18 pg. 628, #1-11 GPS Standard SPS2. Students will explore the nature of matter, its classifications, and its system for naming types of matter. b. Predict formulas for stable binary ionic compounds based on balance of charges. c. Use IUPAC nomenclature for transition between chemical names and chemical formulas of • binary ionic compounds (containing representative elements). • binary covalent compounds (i.e. carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride). GPS Standard SPS2. Students will explore the nature of matter, its classifications, and its system for naming types of matter. b. Predict formulas for stable binary ionic compounds based on balance of charges. c. Use IUPAC nomenclature for transition between chemical names and chemical formulas of • binary ionic compounds (containing representative elements). • binary covalent compounds (i.e. carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride).