Q. 17. Besides the size of per capita income, which


Class - X Chapter – 1 Development




Why different persons can have different developmental goals? Explain with two examples

Different persons can have different developmental goals. Life situation of people are different- they are born and brought up in different situations. Their educational and spiritual thoughts will be different.

Their concept of life is different. So their notions of development will be different. But What may be the development for one may not be the development for the other. a.

Landless Labourers wanted more days of work and better wages

They wanted that local school should provide quality education to their children.

They wanted to become leaders in the village. They do not want any social discrimination. b.

Prosperous framers from Punjab - Assured a high family income through higher support prices for their crops and through hardworking and cheap labourers; they should be able to settle their children abroad.

2 .Prove by giving examples that developmental aspirations/goals are some

times conflicting each other. i.

Industrialists wanted more dams to get more electricity. On the other hand, tribal people do not want more dams, which submerge their land and disrupt their life.

ii. A girl expects as much freedom and opportunity as her brother but the brother may not like it.

3. What are the two types of development goals? (What are the attributes that we consider when we look at individual aspirations and goals?)


Give two examples where factors other than income are important aspects of ourlives. i.Money or material things: People wanted regular work, better wages, and decent prices for their crops and thus wanted more income. ii. Non material things: People wanted equal treatment, freedom, security, and respectof others. People wanted equal treatment, freedom, security, and respect of others. ii.

A job with low income but offer regular employment will be more preferred than a job with high pay with no job security. iv. If there is respect for women there would be more sharing of housework and a greater acceptance of women working outside. A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business.

4. Why is greater income to be considered as one of the important national goal of development?

I .Countries with higher income are more developed than others with less income. ii. More income means more of all things that human beings need. What ever peoplelike and should have, they will be able to get with greater income.

5.What is per capita income? i.It is the average income of a citizen. It is calculated by dividing the total income of the country by the population. ii.The per capita income of an Indian is Rs. 28000 in 2004.

6.How did World Bank classify countries? What criterion did they use? What are its limitations?

i. The World Bank classified countries in to High Income countries, Medium

Income countries and Low-Income countries. ii. Countries with per capita income above Rs. 4, 53,000 is considered high income countries iii.

Countries with per capita income between Rs. 4, 53,000 and 37 000 is considered medium income countries. iv. Countries with per capita income less than Rs.37000 is considered low income countries. iv.

They used per capita income as the criterion to classify countries.

Limitations of this criterion are the following: a) Per capita income alone can’t bring development.

b) Even though per capita income of many countries is very high, it is noticed that the standard of living of the people remained low.

7. Give three examples where an average is used for comparing situations.


Whydo we use averages? What are the limitations to their use?** i.The per capita income or the average income is used to compare economic development of countries ii.We use averages to identify and analyze performance level in different areas. iii.It is used to compare different situations and to find out the strong and weak points. iv.We use averages to make calculations easier and averages reveal general pe rformance level. There are limitations to their use. Averages will not represent the actual performance. When we take the average of similar performance or similar amount, it is meaningful. However, when we calculate two extremes or a number of very low performances and a very high performance, the average will not tell the exact situation.

8. Why do you think average income is an important criterion for development? Explain.

I. Average income represents the total income of a country keeping in view of the total population. If the average income is adequate to meet, the basic requirement and other facilities that country is considered developed. ii. More income means more of all things that human beings need. What ever people like and should have, they will be able to get with greater income.

9. Besides size of per capita income what other property of income is important in comparing two or more societies? i. Equal distribution of income is important in comparing two or more societies. ii. How we use income is also important.

10.Prove by giving examples that income itself is not a completely adequate indicator of material goods and services that citizens were able to use. i.

The per capita income of Panjab and Kerala is Rs. 26000 and 22800 by the year 2002 . ii.

Though the per capita income of Punjab is much higher than

Kerala their infant mortality rate is 49 and it is higher than 11 in

Kerala and literacy rate is 70 % in Punjab and 91 % in Kerala iii.

Money cannot buy all the goods and services that we need to live well. It can not buy a pollution free environment or ensure that we get unadulterated medicine.

Iv. Inspite of high levels of incomes money is not spent on education and health.

v. lack of awareness also has caused high infant mortality rate in states like


11. In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development different from the one used by the World Bank? i. United Nations Development Programme used three criteria, life expectancy(health status) , literacy rate and per capita income as the criteria to

measure human development where as World Bank used per capita income only as the criterion to classify countries.

Ii.The World Bank considered the economic aspect ie the average income only whereas UNDP considered over all achievement in different aspects like health status, educational achievements and average income to measure human development.

World Bank uses the criterion of per capita income (measured in dollar terms) to classify different countries as high income or low income countries.

Countries with per capita income of Rs 4,53,000 per annum & above in 2004 are rich countries & countries which have per capita income of Rs. 37000 per annum or less are low income countries (according to WDR 2006). But the limitation of this criterion is that it doesn’t tell us anything about the distribution of income in a country.

UNDP uses a different criterion called human development index (HDI). HDI is a composite index on a a) Longevity :- It is measured in terms of life expectancy b) Knowledge :- It is measured by a combination of adult literacy & combined enrollment ratio c) Standard of living :- It is measured by real per capita income in dollars

Q. 14 ‘While average income is useful for comparison but it may hide

disparities’. Discuss.

Ans. Per capita income is an important criterion for development is considered to be one of the most important attributes for comparing countries but is suffers from the following limitations:

( i ) Per capita income doesn’t tell us anything about the distribution of income.

A poor country with a more equal distribution of income would be better off than a richer country with unequal distribution of income.

( ii ) Per capita income doesn’t measure various facilities & services that influence quality of life e.g. health facilities, education facilities, equal treatment etc.

( iii ) It is effected by size of population. Even with a large national income, per capita income will be low if a country has large population.

15. Explain two main reasons for the need of environment friendly economic growth and two suggestions to achieve them.


Why is the issue of sustainability important for development?

Sustainable development takes care the needs of the present generation as well as the future generation. i.

It is important because future generations should not suffer due to the development programmes of the present generation.

Ii Issue of sustainability consider judicious use of resources, adopt measures to prevent environmental pollution and to avoid wastages


ECONOMIC GROWTH: i). Present production technology has polluted atmosphere and water bodies with garbage, smoke and poisonous gases. ii) . Rapid economic growth and industrialization have led to reckless exploitation of natural resources.

SUGGESTION TO ACHIEVE IT i). Increased use of renewable and clean sources of energy, less use of fossil fuels, organic farming. ii).Measures to reduce global warming and global limits on carbon emission, etc.

16.Why has Kerala a low infant mortality rate and a high literacy rate even thoughthe per capita income is comparatively low?

It is true that per capita income is not the only criterion behind human development. Factors like infant mortality rate, literacy rate & not attendance ratio are also very crucial for overall human development. In these factors Kerela is better than Punjab.

i.Kerala has a low infant mortality rate because it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities. The Government spent a fair amount of money in the field of health and education. ii. The Public Distribution System functions properly in Kerala and essential goods are supplied at a lower price than the market prices. Therefore, the health and nutritional status of the people is very high.

.However if we are interested only in comparing two or more states in terms of production and income generated then per capita income is an important criterion.

Following questions are for self studying from exam point of view.

Don’t write these questions in your notebook.

1. What is national development? What are the aspects covered under the national development?

Ans. i ) . Under national development, the government decides what would be a fair and just path for all. ii) . Under national development, only those programmes and policies are implemented which would benefit a large number of people. iii). Under national development, it is very important to decide about the conflicts and their solutions. iv). Under national development, we have to think whether there is a better way of doing things.

Q. 2. What contributes to the human development? What is its importance?

Ans . There are many economic as well as non-economic factors which contribute to the human development. i ). Living a long and health life. ii ). To have education, information and knowledge.

iii). Enjoying a decent standard of living. iv). Enjoying basic fundamental rights like freedom, security, education etc. v ). To have equality and enjoyment of human rights.

IMPORTANCE i.) It indicates the level of development of a country. ii). It indicates to a country how far it has travelled, and how far it has yet to travel to achieve a high rank iii) . Through it one comes to know the important elements of economic welfare likelife expectancy, level of education attainment and read per capita income.


3. What are the three components of Human Development Index? Or What are attributes of regional or national developmental aspirations or goals?

I.Per capita income or the average income of a citizen. Per Capita Income is calculated in dollars for all countries so that it can be compared. It is also done in away so that every dollar would buy the same amount of goods and services in any country.

II. Life expectancy at birth denotes, as the name suggests, average expected length of life of a person at the time of birth. Infant Mortality Rate or the number of children dying before the age of one year per thousand births.

III.Gross Enrolment Ratio or literacy rate for three levels means enrolment ratio for primary school, secondary school and higher education beyond secondary school.

4. Find out the present source of energy used by the people in India. What could be the possibilities fifty years from now? i.At present we use conventional source of energy mostly like coal and petroleum asthe major source of energy. ii.Since it is an exhaustible and non renewable source of energy it may not beavailable after fifty years.

iii.We use non conventional source of energy like solar energy, wind energy, andhydel energy to a small extent. After 50 years we have to depend on nonco nventional sources of energy only or we have to develop a new source of energy.

5.How do public facilities stand as a clear indicator of development? i.Money cannot protect you from diseases unless the

whole community takes preventive steps. ii.You can not get good education if the provision is not available to all or no one else, other than you, is interested in education. iii.Kerala has a low infant mortality rate because it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities. The Government spent a fair amount of money in the field of health and education. iv.The Public Distribution System functions properly in Kerala and essential goods aresupplied at a lower price than the market prices. Therefore, the health andn utritional status of the people is very high.

6. Why have the scientists of the 2nd half of the 20th century been warning that the present type and levels of development are not sustainable? i.It is because the present type and levels of development is not eco friendly.

Itcreates a lot of problems like ozone layer depletion,

global warming andenvironmental pollution. ii.The present type and levels of development is not judicious-there is too much over exploitation of resources causing depletion of resources by which the future generation would suffer.

7. List a few examples of environmental degradation that you may have observed around you. i. Large areas of forests are destroyed in different parts of India.

ii. Industrial effluents are disposed and discharged without proper treatment causing land and water pollution.

8. What should India do to achieve to become a developed country? i.Per capita income of India should be increased by achieving rapid industrialde velopment and increasing national income and by reducing the population to the size of the resources available in the country. ii.Life expectancy of the people of India should be increased by improving the health status of the people through awareness and immunization programmes, maternal and child health care and improving overall medical facilities in India. iii.Literacy rate and Gross Enrolment Ratio should be increased by effectiveimpl ementation of the constitutional provision to provide free and compulsory education to all children up to the age of 14 and by launching various education programmes.

10.Give twoexamples to show that collective provision of goods and services is cheaper than individual provision. i.Collective security for the whole locality is cheaper than individual security to each house. ii.A pond or a playground for all people will be cheaper than individual ones.

11.Why is Per Capita Income calculated in U.S. dollars?

Per Capita Income is calculated in U.S. dollars for all the countries so that it can be compared. It is an internationally accepted currency. It is also done in a way so that every dollar would buy the same amount of goods and services in any country.25.

12. ‘The earth has the resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy thegreed of one person’. How is this statement relevant to the discussion of development? i.The statement warns against the modern technology of production, which leads to over exploitation of resources and further leads to environmental pollution and wastages of resources.

ii.It is due to the greed of human beings that the resources are over exploited and the environment is polluted. It is not sustainable. Sustainable development takes care the needs of the present generation as well as the future generation.

Q. 13 What is Per Capita Income?

Ans. It is obtained by diving national income by the population of a country for a given period of time i.e. Per Capita Income = National Income / Population

Q. 14. What is meant by ‘economic development’? Write the two basis of measuring economic development of a country?

Ans. Economic development is a sustained increase in real per Capita income that promotes economic welfare by reducing poverty, unemployment & inequalities in distribution of Income.

Two basis of measuring economic development are National Income & per

Capita Income.

Q. 15 “What may be development for one may not be development for the other.” Explain with a suitable example.

Ans. The establishment of a dam leads to infrastructural development but many people have shifted out of the village, hence it may not be development for them.

16. Why do you think average income is an important criterion for development? Explain.

Ans. It is an important criterion because it gives some idea about the rising standard of living. Prosperity of a country depends not only on the size of the national income but also on the number of people who would share it.

Q. 17. Besides the size of per capita income, which other property of income is important in comparing two or more societies?

Ans. Per capita income is an important but not the only criterion for development. Along with average income, equitable distribution of income in a country should also be considered.

Q. 18 What is human development index HDI?

Ans. HDI is a composite index of achievements of a nation in terms of three important variables that determine the quality of life. These three variables are longevity, knowledge & standard of living. It is prepared by United Nations

Development program.

Q. 19 Among Punjab, Kerela & Bihar, which one has the lowest infant mortality rate?

Ans. Kerela has lowest infant mortality rate.

Q.20 How can development be sustained in an economy? Give an example with reference to use of Resources

Ans. Development can be sustained in any economy by using renewable resources such as ground water, wind energy & solar energy.

Q. 21 Why is per capita income of different countries calculated in dollars & not in their own currencies by the World Bank?

Ans. It is done in order to make comparisons of per capita income of different countries possible.

Q.22 Distinguish between economic development & human development. s.

Human Development

1. It refers to human centered approach towards development. It focuses on people & qualitative improvement in human life.

2. It is indicated by human development index.

3. It is a under term & includes economic development also.

4. It considers human welfare. Should be increased through investments in education & health.

Economic Development

1. It refers to sustained increase in real per capita income that promotes economic welfare by reducing poverty, unemployment & inequalities in distribution of income.

2. It can be indicated by national income & per capita income.

3. It is narrower term as compared to economic development.

4. It considers people can be made better off by increasing their command over goods and services.

Q. 23. How does industrial pollution degrade the environment? Explain three measures to control environmental degradation

Ans. Industrial pollution degrades the environment in the following ways :

( i ) Air is polluted by the gases.

( ii ) Dust, fume, mist, spray and smoke contain particles. ( iii ) Industrial effluents pollute rivers.

( iv ) Paper pulp, textiles, chemicals etc. industries pollute land & soil due to toxic materials.

Steps to control environmental degradation are :

( i ) Careful planning & setting of industries.

( ii ) Better equipment

( iii ) Proper fuel selection & utilization.

( iv ) Treatment of industrial liquids.

Q.24. “Do the two terms –economic growth and economic development mean the same thing”. Discuss.

Ans. No, they are different. Economic growth can be defined as a process whereby a country’s real national income increases over a period of time. On the other hand economic development is a process of long-term increase in income as well as with achieving a more equitable income distribution and poverty alleviation. Thus economic development is a wider concept than economic growth.

25. Explain two main reasons for the need of environment friendly economic growth and also explain two suggestions to achieve them.

Ans. Reasons for need of environment friendly economic growth are:

(i) Present production technology has polluted atmosphere and water bodies with garbage, smoke and poisnous gases.

(ii) Rapid economic growth and industrialisation have led to natural resources

(like fossil fuels).

Suggestions to achieve it:

(i) Increased use of renewable and clean sources of energy, less use of fossil fuels, organic farming.

(ii) Measures to reduce global warming and global limits on carbon emissions etc.
