Chapter 9 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry Created by Professor William Tam & Dr. Phillis Chang Ch. 9 - 1 About The Authors These PowerPoint Lecture Slides were created and prepared by Professor William Tam and his wife Dr. Phillis Chang. Professor William Tam received his B.Sc. at the University of Hong Kong in 1990 and his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto (Canada) in 1995. He was an NSERC postdoctoral fellow at the Imperial College (UK) and at Harvard University (USA). He joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada) in 1998 and is currently a Full Professor and Associate Chair in the department. Professor Tam has received several awards in research and teaching, and according to Essential Science Indicators, he is currently ranked as the Top 1% most cited Chemists worldwide. He has published four books and over 80 scientific papers in top international journals such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., Org. Lett., and J. Org. Chem. Dr. Phillis Chang received her B.Sc. at New York University (USA) in 1994, her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in 1997 and 2001 at the University of Guelph (Canada). She lives in Guelph with her husband, William, and their son, Matthew. Ch. 9 - 2 1. Introduction Classic methods for organic structure determination ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Boiling point Refractive index Solubility tests Functional group tests Derivative preparation Sodium fusion (to identify N, Cl, Br, I & S) Mixture melting point Combustion analysis Degradation Ch. 9 - 3 Classic methods for organic structure determination ● Require large quantities of sample and are time consuming Ch. 9 - 4 Spectroscopic methods for organic structure determination a) Mass Spectroscopy (MS) ● Molecular Mass & characteristic fragmentation pattern b) Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) ● Characteristic functional groups c) Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (UV) ● Characteristic chromophore d) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Ch. 9 - 5 Spectroscopic methods for organic structure determination ● Combination of these spectroscopic techniques provides a rapid, accurate and powerful tool for Identification and Structure Elucidation of organic compounds ● Rapid ● Effective in mg and microgram quantities Ch. 9 - 6 General steps for structure elucidation 1. Elemental analysis ● Empirical formula ● e.g. C2H4O 2. Mass spectroscopy ● Molecular weight ● Molecular formula ● e.g. C4H8O2, C6H12O3 … etc. ● Characteristic fragmentation pattern for certain functional groups Ch. 9 - 7 General steps for structure elucidation 3. From molecular formula ● Double bond equivalent (DBE) 4. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) ● Identify some specific functional groups ● e.g. C=O, C–O, O–H, COOH, NH2 … etc. Ch. 9 - 8 General steps for structure elucidation 5. UV ● Sometimes useful especially for conjugated systems ● e.g. dienes, aromatics, enones 6. 1H, 13C NMR and other advanced NMR techniques ● Full structure determination Ch. 9 - 9 Electromagnetic spectrum cosmic & -rays X-rays 0.1nm ultraviolet 200nm X-Ray Crystallography visible 400nm infrared 800nm IR UV microwave radiowave 50m NMR 1Å = 10-10m 1nm = 10-9m 1m = 10-6m Ch. 9 - 10 2. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy A graph that shows the characteristic energy absorption frequencies and intensities for a sample in a magnetic field is called a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum Ch. 9 - 11 Ch. 9 - 12 1. The number of signals in the spectrum tells us how many different sets of protons there are in the molecule 2. The position of the signals in the spectrum along the x-axis tells us about the magnetic environment of each set of protons arising largely from the electron density in their environment Ch. 9 - 13 3. The area under the signal tells us about how many protons there are in the set being measured 4. The multiplicity (or splitting pattern) of each signal tells us about the number of protons on atoms adjacent to the one whose signal is being measured Ch. 9 - 14 Typical 1H NMR spectrum ● Chemical Shift () ● Integration (areas of peaks no. of H) ● Multiplicity (spin-spin splitting) and coupling constant Ch. 9 - 15 Typical 1H NMR spectrum Record as: 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3): 4.35 (2H, t, J = 7.2 Hz, Hc) b 2.05 (2H, sextet, J = 7.2 Hz, H ) 1.02 (3H, t, J = 7.2 Hz, Ha) chemical shift () in ppm coupling constant no. of H (integration) multiplicity in Hz Ch. 9 - 16 2A. Chemical Shift The position of a signal along the x-axis of an NMR spectrum is called its chemical shift The chemical shift of each signal gives information about the structural environment of the nuclei producing that signal Counting the number of signals in a 1H NMR spectrum indicates, at a first approximation, the number of distinct proton environments in a molecule Ch. 9 - 17 Ch. 9 - 18 Ch. 9 - 19 Normal range of 1H NMR "upfield" (more shielded) "downfield" (deshielded) 15 (low field strength) ppm -10 (high field strength) Ch. 9 - 20 Reference compound ● TMS = tetramethylsilane Me Me Si Me Me as a reference standard (0 ppm) ● Reasons for the choice of TMS as reference Resonance position at higher field than other organic compounds Unreactive and stable, not toxic Volatile and easily removed (B.P. = 28oC) Ch. 9 - 21 NMR solvent ● Normal NMR solvents should not contain hydrogen ● Common solvents CDCl3 C6D6 CD3OD CD3COCD3 (d6-acetone) Ch. 9 - 22 The 300-MHz 1H NMR spectrum of 1,4-dimethylbenzene Ch. 9 - 23 2B. Integration of Signal Areas Integral Step Heights The area under each signal in a 1H NMR spectrum is proportional to the number of hydrogen atoms producing that signal It is signal area (integration), not signal height, that gives information about the number of hydrogen atoms Ch. 9 - 24 Ha R Ha O Hb Hb Hb a 2H H b b 3H H a Ch. 9 - 25 2C. Coupling (Signal Splitting) Coupling is caused by the magnetic effect of nonequivalent hydrogen atoms that are within 2 or 3 bonds of the hydrogens producing the signal The n+1 rule ● Rule of Multiplicity: If a proton (or a set of magnetically equivalent nuclei) has n neighbors of magnetically equivalent protons. It’s multiplicity is n + 1 Ch. 9 - 26 Examples (1) H Hb C b H a C Ha: multiplicity = 3 + 1 = 4 (a quartet) Cl Hb H a (2) Ha Hb Cl C C Cl Hb Hb: multiplicity = 2 + 1 = 3 (a triplet) Ha: multiplicity = 2 + 1 = 3 (a triplet) Cl Hb: multiplicity = 1 + 1 = 2 (a doublet) Ch. 9 - 27 Ch. 9 - 28 Examples (3) H b Ha Hb C H b Hb C Br Ha: multiplicity = 6 + 1 = 7 (a septet) Hb Hb: multiplicity = 1 + 1 = 2 (a doublet) Hb Note: All Hb’s are chemically and magnetically equivalent. Ch. 9 - 29 Pascal’s Triangle ● Use to predict relative intensity of various peaks in multiplet ● Given by the coefficient of binomial expansion (a + b)n singlet (s) doublet (d) triplet (t) quartet (q) quintet sextet 1 11 121 1331 14641 1 5 10 10 5 1 Ch. 9 - 30 Pascal’s Triangle H ● For Br C a H b C Br Cl Cl Ha H b ● For Cl C C Cl Br Br Due to symmetry, Ha and Hb are identical a singlet Ha ≠ Hb two doublets Ch. 9 - 31 3. How to Interpret Proton NMR Spectra 1. Count the number of signals to determine how many distinct proton environments are in the molecule (neglecting, for the time being, the possibility of overlapping signals) 2. Use chemical shift tables or charts to correlate chemical shifts with possible structural environments Ch. 9 - 32 3. Determine the relative area of each signal, as compared with the area of other signals, as an indication of the relative number of protons producing the signal 4. Interpret the splitting pattern for each signal to determine how many hydrogen atoms are present on carbon atoms adjacent to those producing the signal and sketch possible molecular fragments 5. Join the fragments to make a molecule in a fashion that is consistent with the data Ch. 9 - 33 Example: 1H NMR (300 MHz) of an unknown compound with molecular formula C3H7Br Ch. 9 - 34 Three distinct signals at ~ 3.4, 1.8 and 1.1 ppm 3.4 ppm: likely to be near an electronegative group (Br) Ch. 9 - 35 (ppm): 3.4 1.8 1.1 Integral: 2 2 3 Ch. 9 - 36 (ppm): 3.4 Multiplicity: triplet 2 H's on adjacent C 1.8 1.1 sextet triplet 5 H's on adjacent C 2 H's on adjacent C Ch. 9 - 37 Complete structure: most downfield CH2 signal Br • 2 H's from integration • triplet most upfield signal CH2 CH3 • 2 H's from integration • sextet • 3 H's from integration • triplet Ch. 9 - 38 4. Nuclear Spin: The Origin of the Signal The magnetic field associated with a spinning proton The spinning proton resembles a tiny bar magnet Ch. 9 - 39 Ch. 9 - 40 Ch. 9 - 41 1H: Spin quantum number (I) I = ½ (two spin states: +½ or -½) (similar for 13C, 19F, 31P) 12C, 16O, 32S: I=0 These nuclei do not give an NMR spectrum Ch. 9 - 42 5. Detecting the Signal: Fourier Transform NMR Spectrometers Ch. 9 - 43 Ch. 9 - 44 6. Shielding & Deshielding of Protons All protons do not absorb energy at the same frequency in a given external magnetic field Lower chemical shift values correspond with lower frequency Higher chemical shift values correspond with higher frequency "upfield" (more shielded) "downfield" (deshielded) 15 (low field strength) ppm -10 (high field strength) Ch. 9 - 45 Ch. 9 - 46 Deshielding by electronegative groups CH3X X= F Electro4.0 negativity OH Cl Br I H 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 (ppm) 4.26 3.40 3.05 2.68 2.16 0.23 ● Greater electronegativity Deshielding of the proton Larger Ch. 9 - 47 Shielding and deshielding by circulation of p electrons ● If we were to consider only the relative electronegativities of carbon in its three hybridization states, we might expect the following order of protons attached to each type of carbon: (higher (lower 2 3 sp < sp < sp frequency) frequency) Ch. 9 - 48 ● In fact, protons of terminal alkynes absorb between 2.0 and 3.0, and the order is (higher (lower 2 3 sp < sp < sp frequency) frequency) Ch. 9 - 49 ● This upfield shift (lower frequency) of the absorption of protons of terminal alkynes is a result of shielding produced by the circulating p electrons of the triple bond H Shielded ( 2 – 3 ppm) Ch. 9 - 50 ● Aromatic system Shielded region Deshielded region Ch. 9 - 51 ● e.g. Hd Hc Hb H a (ppm) a b c d H & H : 7.9 & 7.4 (deshielded) H & H : 0.91 – 1.2 (shielded) Ch. 9 - 52 ● Alkenes H Deshielded ( 4.5 – 7 ppm) Ch. 9 - 53 ● Aldehydes R O H Electronegativity effect + Anisotropy effect = 8.5 – 10 ppm (deshielded) Ch. 9 - 54 7. The Chemical Shift Reference compound ● TMS = tetramethylsilane Me Me Si Me Me ● as a reference standard (0 ppm) Reasons for the choice of TMS as reference Resonance position at higher field than other organic compounds Unreactive and stable, not toxic Volatile and easily removed (B.P. = 28oC) Ch. 9 - 55 7A. PPM and the Scale The chemical shift of a proton, when expressed in hertz (Hz), is proportional to the strength of the external magnetic field Since spectrometers with different magnetic field strengths are commonly used, it is desirable to express chemical shifts in a form that is independent of the strength of the external field Ch. 9 - 56 Since chemical shifts are always very small (typically 5000 Hz) compared with the total field strength (commonly the equivalent of 60, 300, or 600 million hertz), it is convenient to express these fractions in units of parts per million (ppm) This is the origin of the delta scale for the expression of chemical shifts relative to TMS = (observed shift from TMS in hertz) x 106 (operating frequency of the instrument in hertz) Ch. 9 - 57 For example, the chemical shift for benzene protons is 2181 Hz when the instrument is operating at 300 MHz. Therefore = 300 x 106 Hz = 7.27 ppm The chemical shift of benzene protons in a 60 MHz instrument is 436 Hz: = 2181 Hz x 106 436 Hz x 106 60 x 106 Hz = 7.27 ppm Thus, the chemical shift expressed in ppm is the same whether measured with an instrument operating at 300 or 60 MHz (or any other field strength) Ch. 9 - 58 8. Chemical Shift Equivalent and Nonequivalent Protons Two or more protons that are in identical environments have the same chemical shift and, therefore, give only one 1H NMR signal Chemically equivalent protons are chemical shift equivalent in 1H NMR spectra Ch. 9 - 59 8A. Homotopic and Heterotopic Atoms If replacing the hydrogens by a different atom gives the same compound, the hydrogens are said to be homotopic Homotopic hydrogens have identical environments and will have the same chemical shift. They are said to be chemical shift equivalent Ch. 9 - 60 Br H same compounds Br H C C H H H H C C H H H H C C Br H H H H H H H C C H H H H Ethane H H Br C C H H H H C C H H H H C C H Br H Br H same compounds H H The six hydrogens of ethane are homotopic and are, therefore, chemical shift equivalent Ethane, consequently, gives only one Ch. 9 - 61 signal in its 1H NMR spectrum If replacing hydrogens by a different atom gives different compounds, the hydrogens are said to be heterotopic Heterotopic atoms have different chemical shifts and are not chemical shift equivalent Ch. 9 - 62 same compounds H these 3 H’s of the CH3 group Cl are homotopic the CH3 group gives only one 1H NMR signal H Cl Br C C H H H Br C C H H H Br C C Cl H H H H H H H Br C C Cl H H Br C C H H H H These 2 H’s are also H homotopic to each other H Br C C H Cl different compounds heterotopic H Ch. 9 - 63 H H Br C C H H H CH3CH2Br ● two sets of hydrogens that are heterotopic with respect to each other ● two 1H NMR signals Ch. 9 - 64 Other examples H (1) CH3 C C H CH3 H (2) 2 1H NMR signals CH3 H H H 4 1H NMR signals CH3 Ch. 9 - 65 Other examples H (3) H H CH3 H3C H H H 3 1H NMR signals Ch. 9 - 66 (1) Application to ● Examples H3C CH3 13C NMR spectroscopy 1 13C NMR signal CH3 (2) CH3 4 13C NMR signals Ch. 9 - 67 (3) HO (4) 5 13C NMR signals 4 13C NMR signals OH HO OH Ch. 9 - 68 8B. Enantiotopic and Diastereotopic Hydrogen Atoms If replacement of each of two hydrogen atoms by the same group yields compounds that are enantiomers, the two hydrogen atoms are said to be enantiotopic Ch. 9 - 69 Enantiotopic hydrogen atoms have the same chemical shift and give only one 1H NMR signal: H enantiotopic H H3C H3C G Br H enantiomer Br G H3C H Br Ch. 9 - 70 H OH H3C Hb Ha OH H3C Hb G CH3 CH3 diastereotopic H OH H3C G Ha diastereomers chirality centre H CH3 Ch. 9 - 71 Br Ha Br Hb H Hb Ha H diastereotopic Br diastereomers G G H Ch. 9 - 72 9. Signal Splitting: Spin–Spin Coupling Vicinal coupling is coupling between hydrogen atoms on adjacent carbons (vicinal hydrogens), where separation between the hydrogens is by three s bonds H a Hb 3 J or vicinal coupling Ch. 9 - 73 9A. Vicinal Coupling Vicinal coupling between heterotopic protons generally follows the n + 1 rule. Exceptions to the n + 1 rule can occur when diastereotopic hydrogens or conformationally restricted systems are involved Signal splitting is not observed for protons that are homotopic (chemical shift equivalent) or enantiotopic Ch. 9 - 74 9B. Splitting Tree Diagrams and the Origin of Signal Splitting Splitting analysis for a doublet Hb H a C C Ch. 9 - 75 Splitting analysis for a triplet H b Ha C C Hb H b Ha H b C C C Ch. 9 - 76 Splitting analysis for a quartet b Hb a H H C C Hb Ch. 9 - 77 Pascal’s Triangle ● Use to predict relative intensity of various peaks in multiplet ● Given by the coefficient of binomial expansion (a + b)n singlet (s) doublet (d) triplet (t) quartet (q) quintet sextet 1 11 121 1331 14641 1 5 10 10 5 1 Ch. 9 - 78 9C. Coupling Constants – Recognizing Splitting Patterns Ha Hb X C C Hb Ha Hb Ch. 9 - 79 9D. The Dependence of Coupling Constants on Dihedral Angle 3J values are related to the dihedral angle () H H Ch. 9 - 80 Karplus curve ~0o or 180o Maximum 3J value ~90o 3J ~0 Hz Ch. 9 - 81 Karplus curve ● Examples b H b H Ha Ha (axial, axial) (equatorial, equatorial) b H a H b a H = 180º Ja,b = 10-14 Hz H = 60º Ja,b = 4-5 Hz Ch. 9 - 82 Karplus curve ● Examples b H Ha (equatorial, axial) b H Ha = 60º Ja,b = 4-5 Hz Ch. 9 - 83 9E. Complicating Features The 60 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of ethyl chloroacetate Ch. 9 - 84 The 300 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of ethyl chloroacetate Ch. 9 - 85 9F. Analysis of Complex Interactions Ch. 9 - 86 The 300 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of 1nitropropane Ch. 9 - 87 10. Proton NMR Spectra and Rate Processes Protons of alcohols (ROH) and amines may appear over a wide range from 0.5 – 5.0 ppm ● Hydrogen-bonding is the reason for this range in high dilution (free OH): R O H = ~0.5-1.0 ppm in conc. solution (H-bonded): R R H O O H R H O proton more deshielded Ch. 9 - 88 Why don’t we see coupling with the O–H proton, e.g. –CH2–OH (triplet?) ● Because the acidic protons are exchangeable about 105 protons per second (residence time 10-5 sec), but the NMR experiment requires a time of 10-2 – 10-3 sec. to “take” a spectrum, usually we just see an average (thus, OH protons are usually a broad singlet) Ch. 9 - 89 Trick: ● Run NMR in d6-DMSO where Hbonding with DMSO’s oxygen prevents H’s from exchanging and we may be able to see the coupling Ch. 9 - 90 Deuterium Exchange ● To determine which signal in the NMR spectrum is the OH proton, shake the NMR sample with a drop of D2O and whichever peak disappears that is the OH peak (note: a new peak of HOD appears) R O H D2O R O D + HOD Ch. 9 - 91 Phenols ● Phenol protons appear downfield at 4-7 ppm ● They are more “acidic” - more H+ character ● More dilute solutions - peak appears upfield: towards 4 ppm OH O H Ch. 9 - 92 Phenols ● Intramolecular H-bonding causes downfield shift O 12.1 ppm H O Ch. 9 - 93 11. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy 11A. Interpretation of 13C NMR Spectra Unlike 1H with natural abundance ~99.98%, only 1.1% of carbon, namely 13C, is NMR active Ch. 9 - 94 11B. One Peak for Each Magnetically Distinct Carbon Atom 13C NMR spectra have only become commonplace more recently with the introduction of the Fourier Transform (FT) technique, where averaging of many scans is possible (note 13C spectra are 6000 times weaker than 1H spectra, thus require a lot more scans for a good spectrum) Ch. 9 - 95 Note for a 200 MHz NMR (field strength 4.70 Tesla) ● 1H NMR Frequency = 200 MHz ● 13C NMR Frequency = 50 MHz Ch. 9 - 96 Example: ● 2-Butanol H CH3 C CH2 CH3 OH Proton-coupled 13C NMR spectrum Ch. 9 - 97 Example: ● 2-Butanol H CH3 C CH2 CH3 OH Proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum Ch. 9 - 98 11C. 13C Chemical Shifts Decreased electron density around an atom deshields the atom from the magnetic field and causes its signal to occur further downfield (higher ppm, to the left) in the NMR spectrum Relatively higher electron density around an atom shields the atom from the magnetic field and causes the signal to occur upfield (lower ppm, to the right) in the NMR spectrum Ch. 9 - 99 Factors affecting chemical shift i. Diamagnetic shielding due to bonding electrons ii. Paramagnetic shielding due to low-lying electronic excited state iii. Magnetic Anisotropy – through space due to the near-by group (especially p electrons) In 1H NMR, (i) and (iii) most significant; in 13C NMR, (ii) most significant (since chemical shift range >> 1H NMR) Ch. 9 - 100 Electronegative substituents cause downfield shift Increase in relative atomic mass of substituent causes upfield shift X Electronegativity Atomic Mass 13 C NMR: CH3X Cl 2.8 35.5 23.9 ppm Br 2.7 79.9 9.0 ppm I 2.2 126.9 -21.7 ppm Ch. 9 - 101 Hybridization of carbon ● sp2 > sp > sp3 e.g. H2C CH2 123.3 ppm HC CH 71.9 ppm H3C CH3 5.7 ppm Ch. 9 - 102 Anisotropy effect ● Shows shifts similar to the effect in 1H NMR e.g. C C C shows large upfield shift Ch. 9 - 103 Ch. 9 - 104 Ch. 9 - 105 Cl (a) CH2 (b) CH (c) CH3 OH 1-Chloro-2-propanol (c) (b) (a) Ch. 9 - 106 11D. Off-Resonance Decoupled Spectra NMR spectrometers can differentiate among carbon atoms on the basis of the number of hydrogen atoms that are attached to each carbon In an off-resonance decoupled 13C NMR spectrum, each carbon signal is split into a multiplet of peaks, depending on how many hydrogens are attached to that carbon. An n + 1 rule applies, where n is the number of hydrogens on the carbon in question. Thus, a carbon with no hydrogens produces a singlet (n = 0), a carbon with one hydrogen produces a doublet (two peaks), a carbon with two hydrogens produces a triplet (three peaks), and a methyl group carbon produces a quartet (four peaks) Ch. 9 - 107 9 Off-resonance decoupled 13C NMR 2 N 1 8 3 N 7 6 4 5 O Broadband proton-decoupled 13C NMR Ch. 9 - 108 11E. DEPT 13C Spectra DEPT 13C NMR spectra indicate how many hydrogen atoms are bonded to each carbon, while also providing the chemical shift information contained in a broadband proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum. The carbon signals in a DEPT spectrum are classified as CH3, CH2, CH, or C accordingly Ch. 9 - 109 Cl (a) CH2 (b) CH (c) CH3 (b) (a) (c) OH 1-Chloro-2-propanol Ch. 9 - 110 The broadband proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum of methyl methacrylate Ch. 9 - 111 12. Two-Dimensional (2D) NMR Techniques HCOSY ● 1H–1H correlation spectroscopy HETCOR ● Heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy Ch. 9 - 112 HCOSY of 2-chloro-butane H2 H3 H1 H4 H4 H1 H3 H2 Ch. 9 - 113 HETCOR of 2-chloro-butane C3 C1 C4 C2 H4 H1 H3 H2 Ch. 9 - 114 13. An Introduction to Mass Spectrometry Partial MS of octane (C8H18, M = 114) 14 (CH2) 29 (CH3CH2) 57 85 71 M+ 114 Ch. 9 - 115 The M+ peak at 114 is referred to as the parent peak or molecular ion - C8H18 e 70 eV [C8H18] + 2 e(M+) The largest or most abundant peak is called the base peak and is assigned an intensity of 100%, other peaks are then fractions of that e.g. 114(M+,40), 85(80), 71(60), 57(100) etc. Ch. 9 - 116 Masses are usually rounded off to whole numbers assuming: H = 1, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19 etc. [C8H18] fragmentation (M , 114) -CH3CH2 (29) + [C6H13] Daughter ions (85) -CH3CH2CH2 (29+14) [C5H11] Molecular ion (parent peak) (71) Ch. 9 - 117 14. Formation of Ions: Electron Impact Ionization In the mass spectrometer, a molecule in the gaseous phase under low pressure is bombarded with a beam of high-energy electrons (70 eV or ~ 1600 kcal/mol) This beam can dislodge an electron from a molecule to give a radical cation which is called the molecular ion, M+ or more accurately M 70 eV e- M Ch. 9 - 118 M This molecular ion has considerable surplus energy so it can fly apart or fragment to give specific ions which may be diagnostic for a particular compound - m1º A - m2º B - m3º C etc. mº = neutral fragment radical Ch. 9 - 119 15. Depicting the Molecular Ion CH3CH2 CH3 Radical cations from ionization of nonbonding on p electron H3C OH H3C N CH3 H2C CHCH 2CH3 CH3 Methanol Trimethylamine 1-Butene Ch. 9 - 120 Ionization potentials of selected molecules Compound Ionization Potential (eV) CH3(CH2)3NH2 8.7 C6H6 (benzene) 9.2 C2H4 10.5 CH3OH 10.8 C2H6 11.5 CH4 12.7 Ch. 9 - 121 16. Fragmentation 1. 2. 3. The reactions that take place in a mass spectrometer are unimolecular, that is, they do not involve collisions between molecules or ions. This is true because the pressure is kept so low (10-6 torr) that reactions involving bimolecular collisions do not occur We use single-barbed arrows to depict mechanisms involving single electron movements The relative ion abundances, as indicated by peak intensities, are very important Ch. 9 - 122 16A. Fragmentation by Cleavage at a Single Bond When a molecular ion fragments, it will yield a neutral radical (not detected) and a carbocation (detected) with an even number of electrons The fragmentation will be dictated to some extent by the fragmention of the more stable carbocation: + ArCH2 > + CH2=CHCH2 > 3o > 2o > 1o > + CH3 Ch. 9 - 123 e.g. R+ R CH X ● Site of ionization: R + + CH3 + CH3 n>p>s non-bonding Ch. 9 - 124 As the carbon skeleton becomes more highly branched, the intensity of the molecular ion peak decreases Butane vs. isobutane 70eV e- a b+ M (58) 70eV e M+(58) a (43) + CH3 + CH2CH3 b (29) (43) + CH3 Ch. 9 - 125 16B. Fragmentation of Longer Chain and Branched Alkanes Octane vs. isooctane (85) + (71) + (57) + + M (114) (43) + + M+(114) (57) Ch. 9 - 126 16C. Fragmentation to Form Resonance-Stabilized Cations Alkenes ● Important fragmentation of terminal alkenes Allyl carbocation (m/e = 41) R R + (41) Ch. 9 - 127 Carbon–carbon bonds next to an atom with an unshared electron pair usually break readily because the resulting carbocation is resonance stabilized Ethers ● Cleavage a (to ether oxygen) C–C bonds O CH3 + O O (m/e = 59) Ch. 9 - 128 Alcohols ● Most common fragmentation: - loss of alkyl groups a CH3 + OH OH (m/e = 59) a OH b M+(74) b CH3CH2 + OH OH (m/e = 45) Ch. 9 - 129 Carbon–carbon bonds next to the carbonyl group of an aldehyde or ketone break readily because resonance-stabilized ions called acylium ions are produced Ch. 9 - 130 Aldehydes ● M+ peak usually observed but may be fairly weak ● Common fragmentation pattern a-cleavage H + R C O acylium ion R + H C O (m/e = 29) O R H Ch. 9 - 131 Ketones ● a-cleavage O + a b O (m/e = 71) a b O + (m/e = 99) Ch. 9 - 132 Alkyl-substituted benzenes ionize by loss of a π electron and undergo loss of a hydrogen atom or methyl group to yield the relatively stable tropylium ion (see Section 14.7C). This fragmentation gives a prominent peak (sometimes the base peak) at m/z 91 Ch. 9 - 133 Aromatic hydrocarbons ● very intense M+ peaks ● characteristic fragmentation pattern (when an alkyl group attached to the benzene ring): - tropylium cation CH3 CH3 + CH2 rearrangement benzyl cation tropylium cation (m/e = 91) Ch. 9 - 134 16D. Fragmentation by Cleavage of Two Bonds Alcohols frequently show a prominent + ● peak at M - 18. This corresponds to the loss of a molecule of water ● May lose H2O by 1,2- or 1,4elimination Ch. 9 - 135 1,2-elimination: OH + (M - 18) M 1,4-elimination: M H2O OH H (M - 18) OH + CH3CH2 + H2O Ch. 9 - 136 Cycloalkenes show a characteristic fragmentation pattern which corresponds to a reverse Diels-Alder reaction retro Diels-Alder + e.g. + Ch. 9 - 137 Aromatic hydrocarbons ● e.g. H McLafferty Rearrangement CH2 H H (m/e = 92) + Ch. 9 - 138 Ketones ● McLafferty rearrangement H OH O OH + 1st McL. Rearr. H O OH (m/e = 86) 2 nd McL. Rearr. OH + (m/e = 58) Ch. 9 - 139 OH i H ii O 2º radical H OH (m/e = 86) observed i ii OH 1º radical OH (m/e = 114) NOT observed Ch. 9 - 140 Characteristic of McLafferty rearrangement 1. No alkyl migrations to C=O, only H migrates H O H O R R X R O H Ch. 9 - 141 Characteristic of McLafferty rearrangement 2. 2o is preferred over 1o H H O ii i OH 2º radical OH not 1º radical Ch. 9 - 142 17. How To Determine Molecular Formulas and Molecular Weights Using Mass Spectrometry 17A. Isotopic Peaks & the Molecular Ion Ch. 9 - 143 The presence of isotopes of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen+ in a compound ● gives rise to a small M + 1 peak The presence of oxygen, sulfur, chlorine, or bromine in a compound + ● gives rise to an M + 2 peak M + 1 Elements: C, H, N M + 2 Elements: O, S, Br, Cl Ch. 9 - 144 + ● The M + 1 peak can be used to determine the number of carbons in a molecule + ● The M + 2 peak can indicate whether bromine or chlorine is present The isotopic peaks, in general, give us one method for determining molecular formulas Ch. 9 - 145 Example ● Consider 100 molecules of CH4 H H 1 1 12 C H H 1 H 1 H1 C H1 1 13 H 1 H 1 C12 H2 H1 H1 M + 1 = 17 M : 16 C12: 100 C13: 1.11 H1: 100 H2: 0.016 Ch. 9 - 146 H1 H 1 C12 H1 H1 H1 H 1 H1 C13 H1 H1 C12 H2 H1 H1 M + 1 = 17 M : 16 1.11 molecules contain a 13C atom 4x0.016 = 0.064 molecules contain a 2H atom + ● Intensity of M + 1 peak:+ 1.11+0.064=1.174% of the M● peak Ch. 9 - 147 relative ion abundance M + ● 100 + ● ≈ m/z M +1 1.17 Ch. 9 - 148 17B. How To Determine the Molecular Formula m/z Intensity + (% of M● ) 72 73.0/73 x 100 = 100 73 3.3/73 x 100 = 4.5 74 0.2/73 x 100 = 0.3 Ch. 9 - 149 + ● Is M odd or even? According to the nitrogen rule, if it is even, then the compound must contain an even number of nitrogen atoms (zero is an even number) + ● ● For our unknown, M is even. The compound must have an even number of nitrogen atoms Ch. 9 - 150 The relative abundance of the + ● M +1 peak indicates the number of carbon atoms. Number of C atoms = relative + ● abundance of (M +1)/1.1 ● For our unknown Number of C atoms = 4.5 1.1 ~4 Ch. 9 - 151 + ● The relative abundance of the M +2 peak indicates the presence (or absence) of S (4.4%), Cl (33%), or Br (98%) + ● ● For our unknown M +2 = 0.3%; thus, we can assume that S, Cl, and Br are absent The molecular formula can now be established by determining the number of hydrogen atoms and adding the appropriate number of oxygen atoms, if necessary Ch. 9 - 152 + ● Since M is m/z 72 molecular weight = 72 As determined using the relative + ● abundance of M +1 peak, number of carbons present is 4 Using the “nitrogen rule”, this unknown must have an even number of N. Since M.W. = 72, and there are 4 C present, (12 x 4 = 48), adding 2 “N” will be greater than the M.W. of the unknown. Thus, this unknown Ch. 9 - 153 contains zero “N” For a molecule composed of C and H only H = 72 – (4 x 12) = 24 but C4H24 is impossible For a molecule composed of C, H and O H = 72 – (4 x 12) – 16 = 8 and thus our unknown has the molecular formula C4H8O Ch. 9 - 154 17C. High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Ch. 9 - 155 Example 1 ● O2, N2H4 and CH3OH all have M.W. of 32 (by MS), but accurate masses are different O2 = 2(15.9949) = 31.9898 N2H4 = 2(14.0031) + 4(1.00783) = 32.0375 CH4O = 12.00000 + 4(1.00783) + 15.9949 = 32.0262 Ch. 9 - 156 Example 2 ● Both C3H8O and C2H4O2 have M.W. of 60 (by MS), but accurate masses are different C3H8O = 60.05754 C2H4O2 = 60.02112 Ch. 9 - 157 18. Mass Spectrometer Instrument Designs Ch. 9 - 158 19. GC/MS Analysis Ch. 9 - 159 END OF CHAPTER 9 Ch. 9 - 160