Non verbal communication


Non verbal communication

Eleni Fiaka

What is Non-Verbal Com?

• It’s the way a person transfers messages to another person.

• This way of communication does not contains verbal language.

• But you can non verbally communicate with sounds(screams, tone of voice etc.)

• We can say that non verbal communication can happen between people and animals or animals.


• Body language

• Gestures

• Eye contact

• Clothes

• Dance

• Positioning with in groups


• Successful interaction with others

• Affects attitudes and feelings

• It plays an important role for top job positions

• Determines your social stand

Cultural differences

• Important differences in non verbal communication between cultures can create misunderstandings.

• Appearance, gestures, body movement, posture, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, paralanguage, smell.


• Bowing is criticized in US but shows rank in


• Hands in pocket is disrespectful in Turkey

• Sitting with legs crossed is offensive in Ghana and Turkey

• Showing soles of feet is offensive in Thailand and Saudi Arabia


• Pointing : US with index finger, Germany with little finger, Japanese with entire hand (most

Asians consider pointing with index finger to be rude)

• Counting: Thumb = 1 in Germany, 5 in Japan, middle finger for 1 in Indonesia.

Eye contact

• Western cultures see direct eye to eye contact as positive

• But in Japan, Africa, Latin American and

Caribbean avoid eye contact to show respect.


• vocal characterizers

• Japan — giggling indicates embarrassment

• India – belch indicates satisfaction





End of presentation!!
