Design Public Hearing Template

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Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
• MassDOT Project Manager
• Process Facilitators
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Proponent
Consultant Engineering Firm
Responsible for Design
MassDOT’s Highway Division
Responsible for administering the
Design Process and providing
Resident Engineer Services
Federal Highway
Responsible for Oversight
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Location
Limits of Work or Study Area
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Why do we need
this project?
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Existing Issues
Cut-Through Traffic
Intersection Safety
Structurally Obsolete Bridge
Deficient Pedestrian Accommodation
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Existing Issues (cont.)
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Goals
Congestion | Relieve Congestion
Cut-Through Traffic | Reduce Cut-Throughs
Intersection Safety | Improve Inter. Safety
Structurally Obsolete Bridge | Replace Bridge
Deficient Bike Accommodation | Improve Bike Accom.
Drainage | Reduce Flooding
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Scope
• What is being done?
• What type(s) of work are involved to fix it?
• What improvements are being made?
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Project Schedule
25% Design Submittal
100% Design Submittal
Design Public Hearing
Construction Starts
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
How will traffic
be affected?
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
ALERT: Traffic Impacts
Lane closures?
Alternative routes?
Road closures?
Ramp reconfiguring?
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
• Relate alternative to project goals
• Clearly state limitations or constraints: Time, Funding, Historic,
• Show alternative(s) compliance with applicable MassDOT
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Proposed Improvements
• Truthful cheerleading is good – enthusiasm helps
• Clearly explain benefits for: All modes of travel; Abutters; Local
business; Environmental
• Show existing and proposed cross-section: Google SketchUp or other
3D rendering tool. When showing future conditions, cue off existing
landmark as reference point
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Section 106
Chapter 9.1
USCG Bridge Permit
Explain which agencies have
• Explain how community members
can participate
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
Public Information Meeting, Location, Date
Project Name
Location | Project File No.
• Provide:
- Mail-in comment sheets
- Contact Person; Email Address; Phone Number
- Project website (if applicable)
Thank You
Project Name
Location | Project File No.