psda dan produksi pangan

Bahan kajian MK. Agroekologi
Prof Dr Ir Soemarno, pslp-ppsub-2009
Perkembangan Produksi Pangan
Saat ini di dunia timbul kekawatiran mengenai keberlanjutan produksi
pangan sejalan dengan semakin beralihnya lahan pertanian ke non
pertanian untuk kebutuhan perumahan, perkatoran, lokasi industri yang
diakibatkan semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk dan
Dalam rangka antsipasi untuk menyediakan pangan di Indonesia
mendatang, maka berikut disajikan tentang perkembangan produksi
Laju pertumbuhan produksi pangan ini relatif rendah, bahkan untuk
produksi padi cenderung konstan. Keadaan ini terjadi karena luas areal
produksi pangan yang cenderung menurun.
Sustainable Food Production:
Developing the Principles
There are several related principles of sustainable food production, but probably the
most central, is not to use resources faster than they renew.
A common example I´ve used is that if you want to cut one 50-year-old tree a year,
you need to have 50 trees growing of that kind, from seedling to 49 years old. As
long as you have all these trees growing, you can cut one 50-year-old tree a year
indefinitely, and sustain the forest in its present size.
That might seem more important for forestry than food production, but when we
look at the problems of maintaining fertile soil in many areas of the world, trees
become a logical source of food, as they produce fruit, nuts, and fodder for animals.
The plant nutrients of soil are a resource, than can easily be used faster than they
will renew under the plow.
Perennial plants like trees can help to solve this problem, as well as reducing
needed energy use to pull cultivating tools. Which is once more, following the
principle of not using resources faster than they renew, to avoid using too much
energy, whether from fossil fuel, or anything else.
Sejumlah petani di Kab.Bandung
mempercepat masa penanaman padi
musim kedua, dengan memanfaatkan
cadangan air yang masih mencukupi
pada musim kemarau ini. Mereka
berharap dapat memanen pada bulan
Oktober, sehingga dalam setahun dapat
kembali melakukan penanaman sampai
tiga kali.
Sejumlah petani padi di Kec.Soreang,
Selasa (30/6) tengah membajak lahanlahan sawah mereka. Cadangan air
diperhitungkan akan mencukupi sampai
dua bulan ke depan, sehingga diharapkan
tanaman padi mereka selamat dipanen.
Hanya saja, banyak petani mengeluhkan
berkurangnya pasokan air, walau musim
hujan tahun ini lebih panjang. Pasalnya,
banyak oknum perusahaan pengembang
dan calo tanah, menyabotase irigasi
sehingga banyak sawah menjadi
kekurangan air sehingga terkesan kurang
produktif lagi. 4
Land and water management
Two of the most important
agricultural resources, land
and water, are crucial for the
well being of the Asia-Pacific
region, which is home to nearly
three-fourths of the world’s
agricultural population.
However, Asia-Pacific tillers
have to depend on about 28
percent of the world’s cropland
with the land available per
person for cultivation being
just one-sixth of the average in
the rest of the world.
Land and water management
A growing population is
adding to pressure on
arable land.
To meet its increasing food
needs, the region will have
to produce more food
largely from the existing
farmlands because there is
very little land available for
physical expansion.
This can be done only by
increasing crop yields and
stepping up cropping
While new farm technologies can bring about dramatic gains in crop yields, much
depends on the state of land and water resources. A major problem is land
degradation, which is caused in the region largely by water and wind erosion.
A joint study of land degradation in South Asia by FAO, the UN Development
Programme (UNDP) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) found that water
and wind erosion respectively damage 25 and 18 percent of the subregion’s total
land. Latest estimates show that in China water erosion affects 34 percent of the
total cultivated land and wind erosion a further 2 percent. In Thailand, approximately
34 percent of the total land area is affected by water erosion.
Deforestation, excessive use of chemical fertilizers, soil erosion and excessive
extraction of groundwater are major causes of land degradation in the region.
With more than half of the world’s 30 largest cities located in the region, rapid
industrialization and urbanization are also responsible for swallowing up and
affecting arable land.
Farms in the Asia-Pacific region
account for more than half of the
world’s agricultural water use with
60 percent of the world’s water
being consumed by the region in
2000. The region has some of the
wettest and driest spots on earth.
Irrigation systems are not only
costly, but they are also
inefficient. It is estimated that up
to 60 percent of the water diverted
or pumped for irrigation is not
used for plant production. The
region must give priority attention
to modernizing water delivery and
irrigation systems.
Countries in the region need conservation
techniques to combat land degradation.
Integrated watershed management is one
of the best ways of developing rainfed
areas. This has conservation and
development aspects, arresting and
reversing land and ecological degradation
while producing material benefits to local
communities in the form of food, fodder
and forest and livestock products.
Appropriate technologies should also be
adopted to reduce and prevent soil
erosion, which is a serious problem in
hilly areas. These include correct tillage
practices, land formation techniques and
stabilization structures. The Integrated
Plant Nutrition System (IPNS) to increase
soil fertility can also help in reducing soil
Priority areas have been (1) improved
management and sustainable use of land
and water resources for food security; and
(2) enhanced livelihoods, with emphasis
on supporting improved irrigation
systems, sustainable land management
and soil conservation, biodiversity and
In collaboration with national institutions,
a workshop and project were carried out to
promote land evaluation and land-use
planning systems and tools, and to
promote sustainable agricultural systems
to address land degradation and
desertification, biodiversity conservation,
carbon sequestration and reduced
The FAO regional office has launched a new Web site dedicated to the
modernization of irrigation systems - visit
The Web site focuses on design, performance, operation, management and
upgrading of medium- or large-scale irrigation systems.
Tools for use in the appraisal, benchmarking and upgrading of irrigation systems
for modernization and their upgrading are provided as well as training materials
and programmes on the operation and management, modernization and
benchmarking of irrigation schemes.
Training materials can be consulted online and downloaded from the Web site.
Two projects were carried out to promote the development of location-specific
standards on nutrient management, and the establishment and implementation of
bio-organic fertilizer standards.
Investment in land and water (RAP 2002/09) explains the urgent need for arresting
and reversing the decline in investment in land and water development in AsiaPacific countries.
Irrigation needs about one-third of the US$30.7 billion additional annual
investment required in agriculture in developing countries to ensure food security.
How design, management
and policy affect the
performance of irrigation
projects (RAP 2002/20) is a
contribution to an emerging
understanding that physical
and institutional reforms of
the irrigation sector should
be combined, and that
irrigation management
transfer is not only about
transferring operation
functions but also
governance to the irrigation
users and a combination of
the two at different levels.
In September 2003, an agreement was
signed in Bangkok, Thailand between
the Ministry of Agriculture and
Cooperatives (MoAC) and FAO for the
introduction and demonstration of
new techniques for the sustainable
use of soils for crop production. The
project will introduce appropriate
techniques for the rehabilitation and
management of problem soils,
particularly in rainfed agriculture.
Essential and validated information
on land use and land cover will
contribute to improved analysis,
planning and decision-making with
regard to food security and poverty
The project is introducing
drought- and salt-tolerant
crops and assisting farmers in
sharing the available irrigation
water in an equitable and
efficient manner.
Farmers and related
government officials are being
trained on drainage
management and on-farm
irrigation, irrigation
technology, field levelling,
water accounting and
modification of local farm
machinery for conservation
agriculture for small
independent farmers in KK.
The Asia Soil Conservation
Network for the Humid
Tropics (ASOCON) was
formed with UNDP/FAO
support in 1989 and became
a quasi-legal entity in June
The ultimate objective is to
help small-scale farmers use
their land sustainably and
The Third International Vetiver Conference
was held in Guanzhou, Guangdong Province,
in southern China in October 2003. The
theme of the conference was "Vetiver
System’s (VS) application to improve water
quality and distribution in the environment".
Topics included application of VS for: runoff
control, groundwater recharge, erosion
control and slope stabilization, pollution
control and water quality protection,
purification of landfill and mining lactates,
earthworks, stabilization, plant production,
extension strategies, and other grasses for
water and soil conservation.
The network is concerned mainly with the
rational use, management and conservation
of problem soils within the Asia-Pacific
region in a sustainable and environmentally
sound manner.
Pertumbuhan tanaman di lahan kering sangat
dipengaruhi oleh keadaan curah hujan. Untuk
menghindari resiko kegagalan panen, pemilihan
waktu tanam dan varietas harus tepat. Apabila
waktu tanam pada suatu lokasi pengembangan
telah diketahui, maka langkah selanjutya adalah
menyusun pola tanam. Dalam penyusunan pola
tanam, selain aspek biofisik, pola tanam yang telah
berkembang pada masyarakat setempat juga harus
diperhatikan, sehingga pola tanam yang
dikembangkan bukan merupakan sesuatu yang
baru sama sekali tetapi merupakan pengembangan
dari pola tanam yang telah ada.
Pola tanam di lahan tegal di wilayah Banjarnegara
pada MH I adalah ubi kayu monokultur,
tumpangsari antara ubikayu-jagung atau ubikayupadi gogo atau ubikayu-kacang tanah dengan
populasi masing-masing 100%. Dengan mengubah
tata letak tanaman ubikayu menjadi baris ganda,
maka memungkinkan kacang tanah ditanam
kembali pada MH II di antara tanaman ubikayu baik
setelah jagung, padi gogo atau kacang tanah
pertama. Hal ini berarti akan terjadi penambahan
luas pertanaman kacang tanah. Dengan menambah
intensitas tanam berarti akan meningkatkan
produksi dan sekaligus menambah pendapatan
Fertile land and favourable weather conditions make the Asia-Pacific region a
major producer of cereals (rice, wheat and maize), legumes, vegetables, fruits and
industrial crops like rubber, coconut, pepper and oil-palm. The region produces 90
percent of the world’s rice, which is Asia’s most important food crop and the
staple diet for three-fifths of the global population.
Rice provides more than half the daily dietary energy of over three billion people
in the region.
A number of Asian countries are now self-sufficient in rice production; the current
annual harvest of 524 million tonnes is expected to grow to 700 million tonnes by
2025. However, the region is adding 51 million rice consumers to its population
annually while the land and water resources that are available for rice farms are
declining steadily; increasing numbers of marginal farmers in the Asia-Pacific
region are depending on degraded farmlands.
The key to future food security in Asia lies in boosting farm yields without
damaging the natural resource base, reducing the rate of population increase and
diversifying the food basket. FAO is helping to increase rice outputs in Asian
countries where paddy yields are lower compared to the region’s efficient ricefarming nations.
Also, FAO is encouraging Asian rice farmers to combine their harvests with new
crop types, including hitherto neglected species, vegetables, fruits, herbs and
spices, medicinal plants and cash crops.
Crop and farming system diversification that includes, inter alia, livestock
husbandry, will not only increase food variety, but also help to reduce the
environmental, economic and nutritional risks associated with planting only one
type of crop.
Expanding rice production has, moreover, reduced profits from paddy farming. FAO
advocates farming diversification by rearing livestock, planting higher value
horticultural and cash crops and marketing value-added products of all
commodities as the best protection against falling farm produce prices.
In Asia and the Pacific, higher value crops produce 10 to 15 times the net returns
per hectare of rice. The region produces over 50 percent of the world’s industrial
crops mainly via smallholders. Industrial crops cover about 20 percent of available
land in the region.
Effective plant quarantine measures keep
farm pests and diseases from spreading.
Developing countries in the region have to
conform to new international plant
quarantine standards being developed under
the new world trade rules.
While protecting farm harvests from pests
and crop diseases, it is important to ensure
that the methods used do not cause
irreparable damage to the agrarian ecology
and human health.
FAO is promoting IPM techniques to
eliminate the use of expensive chemical pest
killers that are known to be harmful for farms
and consumers. In addition, FAO is
encouraging organic farming such as
organic coffee, pepper, vegetables and fruits.
Potensi ladang jagung di Indonesia sengatlah
besar, karena tanaman jagung merupakan
tanaman yang tergolong kuat dan dapat
ditanam di berbagai jenis tanah. Selain sebagai
bahan baku pakan ternak, jagung juga sebagai
cadangan pangan pengganti beras disebagian
wilayah di Indonesia.
Setelah olah lahan, berikan pupuk kandang
sebanyak 10 ton/ha diberikan sepanjang larikan
tanaman sebelum tanam. Kemudian berikan
larutan Golden Harvest (1 liter Golden Harvest :
air max 200 liter) pada setiap titik tanam. Tahap
ini diperlukan 2 liter Golden Harvest per hektar.
Dengan budidaya yang baik dan menggunakan
teknologi Golden Harvest, potensi yang
sedemikian besar tersebut akan dapat diraih.
Tanaman mengikuti alur bajak, jagung ditanam
sistem baris ganda dengan jarak tanam 40 x 25
cm, 1 tan/rumpun sebanyak 2 baris, dan jarak
antar baris ganda berikutnya 3 m.
For food and horticultural crops, the
focus has been on cropping systems
that promote high value crops; more
effective management of resources in
smallholders’ cropping systems; higher
productivity and sustainable crop
production in tropical environments;
sustainable intensification of urban and
peri-urban agricultural production
systems; integrated crop management;
IPM; and support to the International
Rice Commission. For industrial crops,
activities targeted the development of
underutilized species; improved
cropping systems and crop
diversification; IPM; and support to
regional institutions.
A technically sound, environmentally
friendly and farmer-focused IPM strategy
with corresponding participatory training
activities will be developed and
An on-farm grain storage project was
formulated for Timor-Leste with the
support of UNDP/EU. Support was
also provided in reviewing the
prospects for industrial crops, the
formulation of a coconut oil project
and a feasibility study for palm oil
An upgraded soil analysis facility for
rice and maize production in the
Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (DPRK) has resulted in costeffective fertilizer use
recommendations. A bio-organic
fertilizer standard has been
established in Lao PDR, contributing
to better quality fertilizer for farmers.
Rural Asia-Pacific: Inter-disciplinary strategies to combat hunger and poverty.
The rice-based livelihood-support systems (RAP 2002/12) identifies sustainable
strategies to yield more food, incomes and livelihoods in line with the vision of
eradicating hunger and rural poverty in the Asia-Pacific rice lands over the next
three decades. The publication examines the potential of the wide range of ricebased farming systems in the region to meet the food and livelihood security
demands that will be made on them in the coming decades. It outlines a menu of
interdisciplinary strategies and interventions to enable the rice-based systems to
live up to the challenge and the role that FAO can play.
From farmer field school to community IPM: Ten years of IPM training in Asia
(RAP 2002/15) is a comprehensive account of IPM as a farmer-centred and local
needs-responsive approach, which was developed on the rice farms of Southeast
Asia to tackle the risks arising from excessive pesticide use promoted by the
green revolution.
The publication includes step-by-step instructions on organizing and running
farmers’ field schools along with detailed case studies of farmers’ field schools in
Southeast Asia as well as several personal experiences of farmers who gained
from the programme. A separate section outlines the IPM programme activities in
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam.
The lychee crop in Asia and the Pacific (RAP 2002/16) provides a comprehensive
account of the origin, distribution, production and trade of different species of this
commercially important fruit crop that is cultivated mainly in Bangladesh, China, India,
Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam. These countries produce more than 1.8 million tonnes of
the about two million tonnes of lychee crop cultivated annually in Asia, which accounts
for over 95 percent of the world lychee harvest.
The Technical Consultation on Biological Risk Management in Food and Agriculture
met in Bangkok, Thailand in January 2003. The aim was to consult governments on the
possibilities to harmonize, where appropriate, methods of risk analysis to enhance
capacity building, where needed, particularly in developing countries and countries
with economies in transition and to establish an official information exchange system
on biological risk management in food and agriculture ("biosecurity").
FAO has established a Priority Area for Interdisciplinary Action on Biosecurity to
coordinate this process within the organization.
The first regional consultation of the FAO project Capacity building in biosafety of
genetically modified crops in Asia, which was convened in Bangkok in July 2003,
identified country-specific strengths and weaknesses relating to national capacities,
including legislation, regulations and policies for the biosafety of GM crops. It also
addressed the prioritization of the support needed in enhancing the biosafety
capacities of the participating countries.
Pacific PestNet: Meeting plant protection needs in the 21st century (2003-2005): The
objective of the project is to develop and promote an effective e-mail network
("PestNet") among Pacific Island countries (PICs) by effectively addressing farmers’
plant protection needs and enhancing delivery of pest diagnoses, quarantine
information and advice to farmers.
PestNet will facilitate the identification of pests and diseases by means of digital
photos, which are to be linked to existing databases such as EcoPort. Relevant
training on pest identification and database management will be provided and a
participatory rural appraisal (PRA) survey will assess farmers’ perceptions and
needs in the participating countries.
FAO’s assistance will contribute to improving plant protection decision-making at
the farm level through better access by farmers to demand-driven services for the
identification and control of crop pests and diseases.
The 7th international IFOAM organic trade
conference and the seminar on production
and export of organic fruit and vegetables in
Asia (jointly convened by FAO, IFOAM
[International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements] and Green Net from
Thailand) were conducted from 1 to 10
November 2003 in Bangkok.
The plenary sessions, workshops and
seminars addressed a broad spectrum of
important themes necessary for the further
development of organic markets. In addition
to numerous presentations and discussions
surrounding the Organic Guarantee System
and the movement’s efforts to harmonize
standards and certification, the conference
also emphasized the importance and benefits
of interlinking fair trade and organic
Animal production and health
Millions of rural households in Asia-Pacific countries depend on domesticated
animals for food, draught power and income. The region has 30 percent of the
world’s livestock species. Though livestock food products are still not a significant
part of the diet in developing Asia-Pacific countries, consumption is growing
Developing Asian countries now have the world’s highest growth rates of
production and consumption of food derived from livestock. Meat production in the
region grew from about nine million tonnes in 1961 to more than 90 million tonnes
by the end of the twentieth century. Small farmers account for the bulk of the
livestock production, combining this with cropping and other agricultural activities.
Traditionally, income from the sale of milk, meat, manure and other basic livestock
products has protected small farmers from the shock of crop failure and provided a
steady livelihood for marginal farmers who do not have other agricultural resources.
Ownership of livestock also helps to alleviate hunger among the poor. Possession
of livestock, which feed on open grazing lands, allows the rural poor to take
advantage of common property resources to earn income. Livestock also provide a
substantial amount of draught power on Asia-Pacific farms. According to one
estimate in 1985, the 30 million draught animals then in use on Asia’s small farms
did work equivalent to the same number of tractors.
The considerable growth in the region’s poultry and pig meat industries - the latter
accounted for 55 percent of all meat production in 2000 - is promoting a shift from
pasture-based production systems to feed cropping. Some countries have to
depend on feed imports to meet the needs of the livestock industry.
Prevention, control and eradication of communicable livestock diseases are
central to FAO’s livestock development priorities. Some animal diseases can also
be transmitted to humans such as the Nipah virus, which devastated Malaysia’s
pig industry and claimed more than 100 human lives in 1998 and 1999. A number of
emerging diseases with the potential to infect humans have been identified in the
past ten years.
Over the past 25 years, developing Asian countries have introduced several exotic
livestock species in a bid to increase productivity. However, most of these
introductions - usually through crossbreeding - have not been successful.
Reasons range from increased feed consumption, lower reproductive rates and
greater disease susceptibility of the new breeds, to the debts of local farmers who
are unable to repay loans taken to procure the exotic species.
Peternakan Bebek
Peternakan bebek yang ada di
desa ini ada 2 jenis, yaitu bebek
musiman dan bebek yang
selalu ada setiap saat.
Bebek musiman yang
dimaksud di sini adalah jika
ada orang yang menitipkan
bebeknya di peternakan
Bebek yang ada di desa ini
adalah jenis bebek petelur.
Livestock development is also threatened by the disappearance of indigenous
breeds. Every week, the world loses two breeds of domestic animals, according to
a joint study by FAO and UNEP.
The Asia-Pacific region is home to 99.6 percent of the world’s buffalo breeds; other
common livestock comprise pigs (56.3 percent), goats (62.7 percent), chickens
(46.4 percent) and ducks (85.3 percent). Some livestock species risk extinction, in
particular the H’mong cattle of Viet Nam, which numbered only 14 000 head in 2001.
The coming years are a critical period for livestock production in Asia and the
Pacific. Poorly planned animal-breeding strategies and the loss of indigenous
breeds threaten the region’s ability to meet future food and livelihood demands. At
the same time, the growing demand for livestock products now offers the
opportunity to launch a new food revolution to reduce poverty and hunger among
small farming households that constitute 80 percent of all farming families in Asia
and the Pacific.
RAP 2002/01 - Manual on the diagnosis of nipah virus infection in animals, contains
information on the emergence of the virus and provides general principles and
detailed instructions for dealing safely with it. It includes information on risk
assessment in field investigations, safety procedures during field and laboratory
investigations, all aspects of control and eradication along with guidelines for
action by the pig industry and governments to keep the virus out.
A series of appendices list hands-on safety instructions and essential safety
FAO supports the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (APHCA) - visit - and the South Asia Rinderpest
Campaign. The 27th session of APHCA was convened in Lahore, Pakistan in
August 2003.
Recent APHCA publications issued by the FAO-RAP are: Some issues associated
with the livestock industries of the Asia-Pacific region. (RAP 2002/06); A basic
laboratory manual for the small-scale production and testing of 1-2 Newcastle
disease vaccine (RAP 2002/22); The livestock industries of Thailand (RAP 2002/23);
Report of the 26th Session of the Animal Production and Health Commission for
Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) (RAP 2002/24).
Peternakan kambing
Peternakan kambing ini biasanya
terletak di rumah-rumah
penduduk. Kambing yang ada di
rumah-rumah penduduk ini
umumnya merupakan kambing
Di desa ini, hanya melakukan
penggemukan kambing,
sedangkan untuk pemasarannya
dilakukan di luar desa Peniwen.
Kambing yang ada di desa ini tidak
makan rumput, melainkan makan
Priorities encompassed economic and
environmental sustainability; food safety; risk
analysis of marginalizing smallholder farmers from
market opportunities; threats related to the spread
of transboundary and zoonotic diseases (and
concomitantly the development of newly emerging
diseases generated by high animal density and
international trade in live animals and livestock
products); and the alarming loss of domestic animal
The threat of endemic diseases, pests and newly
emerging diseases - resulting in food shortages,
destabilization of markets and periodically triggering
trade barriers - was addressed jointly by FAO and
the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE),
particularly in the context of FAO’s Emergency
Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and
Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES) through the
preparation of the Asia component of the Global
Framework for the Progressive Control of Foot and
Mouth Disease and other transboundary diseases.
FAO’s Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) assists in the
conservation and promotion of animal genetic diversity. In the State of the World’s
Animal Genetic Resources process, country report preparation and convening of
regional meetings are essential.
Regional meetings identify regional needs for animal genetic resources and aim at
reaching agreement on priorities for action at the regional level, in accordance with
major production system characteristics. The regional office also publishes the
quarterly Asian livestock on the Internet.
A regional training workshop was convened in Fiji to assist the PICs in the
preparation of their country reports as inputs for the State of the World’s Animal
Genetic Resources.
The potential loss of animal diversity was addressed under the umbrella of FAO’s
Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources. Member
countries have agreed to prepare country reports as input to the first report on the
State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources.
A consultation, jointly organized by FAO and the International Feed Industry
Federation in Bangkok in April 2002, discussed changes in livestock systems;
enhanced requirements for protein in the tropics and the potential of ruminants on
limited protein intake to utilize available forage; food safety issues related to
animal feed derived from biotechnology crops, including GMOs; current issues
relating to the use of animal by-products in feed; adaptation of European laws and
regulations on animal feed use, to conditions in developing countries and
countries in transition.
Presentations were made by animal production and health experts on
developments and issues relating to livestock production, protein supplies and the
feed industries of selected countries including Australia, Botswana, China, India,
Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Viet
Nam and countries of the EU.
Under the Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative (LEAD), three pilot
studies in China, Thailand and Viet Nam were conducted to assess the impact of
industrial livestock production on the environment and the area-wide integration of
specialized crop and livestock activities; they have led to the formulation of a
World Bank/ Global Environment Facility (GEF) project.
Peternakan Ayam
Peternakan ayam di desa
Peniwen ini juga hampir
ada di setiap rumah-rumah
Ayam tersebut biasanya
diambil daging dan
Selain itu ada juga telur
ayam Arab yang bisa
digunakan sebagai obat
LEAD is also investigating the impact of changes in the formal market on poor and
small-scale producers.
In the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative (PPLPI), the social consequences of the
transformation of the livestock sector were addressed. The potentials and
constraints of small-scale dairy production for poverty reduction were studied in
Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. PPLPI contributed to the reform of livestock
services in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.
In December 2003, FAO published the preliminary results of the first livestock
census ever conducted in Afghanistan. Data covered around three million families.
The project was carried out by FAO and funded by the Government of Italy. The
results show that there are 3.7 million cattle, 8.8 million sheep, 7.3 million goats, 1.6
million donkeys, 180 000 camels, 140 000 horses and 12.2 million poultry.
Comparisons with earlier livestock surveys showed that the number of farm animals
per family had plummeted.
The number of families without livestock has increased from 11.4 to 14.4 families per
community due to the drought. The number of cattle per family has fallen from 3.7 in
1995 to 1.22 in 2003, while the number of sheep decreased sharply from 21.9 to 2.9
over the same period. The final results of the Afghan livestock census are expected
early in 2004. They will contain detailed results from household and gender surveys.
Animal production and health
The Yak, second edition (RAP 2003/ 06) traces briefly the development of this animal
and then describes in some detail its characteristics and performance and its
products. There is also a discussion of the more recent research and development
projects that may provide a basis for improvements in yak performance and in the
utilization of rangelands. The research and development may also lead to a wider
distribution for the yak and to the better utilization of yak products.
Eighty-two piglets were airlifted from the United Kingdom to Bhutan in September
2003, during a significant logistic operation carried out by FAO. The nucleus for a
pig-breeding programme in land-locked Bhutan, all the piglets survived the journey
and arrived in good health. The importation of live piglets was needed as pigs in
Bhutan are largely in-bred and their numbers are too small to act as a resource for
an expanded breeding programme.
The importation of animals of both sexes of three different breeds will allow the
development of adequate breeding schemes and enhancement of the pig genetic
resources of the country. Funded by FAO within the context of a technical
cooperation programme for improving food security and rural income, the project
aims to improve food production and access to animal proteins in Bhutan.
Animal production and health
In Bangladesh a training programme for the small-scale dairy sector has been
underway since August 2003.
The objective is to develop short-term, tailor-made training courses at the Savar
Dairy Farm of the Ministry of Feed and Livestock (MoFL) for persons and
organizations involved in milk production, collection, processing and marketing in
the small-scale sector to improve efficiency and quality throughout the farm to
consumer milk chain.
Low-cost technologies for collecting milk from remote rural areas and for efficient
small-scale processing of milk and traditional dairy products are being promoted.
An action plan will be elaborated to sustain and commercialize future training
activities and for the expansion of the approach to other regions.
Small-scale milk producers, collectors and processors will be able to improve milk
production representing a promising way to raise family income and improve food
Peternakan Babi
Di desa ini, terdapat dua buah
peternakan babi yang terletak
di Dusun Kalongan.
Peternakan ini memiliki kirakira 20.000 ekor babi. Babi
dititipkan dan dibesarkan di
tempat ini, namun pembibitan
dan pemasarannya dilakukan
di Surabaya.
Animal production and health
Protection against rinderpest and other
major diseases of farm livestock through
emergency preparedness planning and new
vaccine technology is a project being
conducted in Nepal.
The objective is to build up the technical
capacities of the veterinary field services to
increase their emergency preparedness by
means of improved contingency planning
and disease detection, surveillance,
reporting and data storage/ management.
The dialogue between Nepal, India and
China with respect to transboundary
animal disease early warning and early
reaction will be strengthened.
Strengthening national veterinary services
will contribute to improved animal disease
control and thus improved livelihoods of
poor livestock farmers.
Fish and rice constitute the traditional diet of most Asian and Pacific people. Per
caput fish consumption ranges from the world’s highest level in the Maldives to
among the lowest in Pakistan and parts of northern India. In the Pacific,
subsistence fisheries make an important contribution to often high levels of per
caput supplies. Fish provide nutritious food, employment and income for millions
of people. In 1998, capture fishery production from this region accounted for half of
the world’s production, and the production from aquaculture reached 88 percent of
the global aquaculture production of fish and shellfish.
The fishery sector thus plays a valuable role for food security in most countries in
the region. However, in general, marine fishery resources are exploited fully (for
example in the Gulf of Thailand, the Bay of Tonkin and the Bay of Bengal) and many
heavily fished stocks will need to be rehabilitated. It is unlikely that future demands
from an increased population in the region will be met from the seas.
Aquaculture, and to a lesser extent inland fisheries, may provide considerable
opportunities for further development to increase fish production, but the region
will probably need to rely more on imports of fishery products for its future
For many countries in the region, the central
issue remains that of management and
sustainability of the marine resources.
Generally, coastal resources are overfished
severely by an overcrowded small-scale
fishery sector. In these domains, catch rates,
fish size and quality and, in some cases,
fisherfolk incomes, are declining.
Conflicts between small-scale fisheries and
trawlers in the coastal zones are frequent
and fishery management is complicated.
Increasingly, partnerships between local
communities and the central government are
evolving to develop community-based
fishery management systems for local
The prime concern is the need to increase
the supply of fish and the economic benefits
from fishing by the introduction and 46
enforcement of better management.
Aquaculture is an increasingly important supplier of food and sustainer of food
security in many Asian countries. Considerable benefits may be gained by the
better integration of aquaculture into overall rural and agricultural development
programmes. Also, the supply of fish from aquaculture could be increased by the
wider application of technological advances and better management of fish
Diversification and genetic improvement of cultured species needs to be
promoted, together with a wider application of semi-intensive production
systems. Governments and FAO are addressing these issues by promoting
appropriate policies and programmes. The implementation of the Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries remains the primary goal for FAO in Asia and
the Pacific.
The Code raises awareness from top officials to local fisherfolk, creating a
responsible fishery system that stands on the principles of protection for living
aquatic resources, environmental and coastal areas. Central to a responsible
fishery system is the development of fishery and aquaculture techniques, as well
as conservation measures, in complementation with enhanced food security and
food quality, by all people engaged in the industry.
Indonesia adalah
negara yang memiliki
produksi perikanan
tangkap terbesar ke-4
dunia setelah China,
Peru, Amerika Serikat,
dan Chile.
The thrust has been on the sound management and sustainable use of resources in
fisheries and aquaculture; responsible aquaculture development; and the
conservation of marine and inland fisheries’ resources within the framework of the
FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries via the strengthening of regional
institutions and international collaboration.
On 20 February 2003 FAO announced that aquaculture is growing more rapidly than
all other animal food-producing sectors; its contribution to global supplies of fish,
crustaceans and molluscs had increased from 3.9 percent of total production by
weight in 1970 to 27.3 percent in 2000, according to FAO’s State of World Fisheries
and Aquaculture 2002 report (SOFIA).
The contribution from aquaculture increased further to 29 percent in 2001. SOFIA,
presented at the 25th session of FAO’s Committee on Fisheries (COFI), stated that
global fish production remains pushed by aquaculture. COFI is the only global
technical forum for debating international fisheries’ issues.
Commissioned by FAO-RAP, a review of inland capture fisheries in eight Southeast
Asian countries showed that statistics about the sector are underestimated severely
and fail to give an adequate idea of its real importance.
The actual production from inland capture fisheries in these countries is likely to be
at least three times as much as that reported for freshwater aquaculture production.
RAP 2002/11 provides a regional overview of statistics’ collection and reporting
methods used, the sources of error in the official statistics, other constraints to data
collection and recommends strategies for improvement. A second section reviews
the current state of inland capture fisheries’ statistics in the eight countries that
were reviewed.
RAP 2002/13 Pacific Island fisheries: regional and country information reviews
small-scale commercial and subsistence fisheries, which are crucial for the national
economies, food security and rural livelihoods in the Pacific. A regional overview
provides detailed information about fisheries in the subregion as issues of coastal
fisheries’ management.
There are detailed country profiles with national fisheries’ data, an overview of
marine and inland fisheries and aquaculture and utilization of the catch.
Development prospects, the institutional arrangements and international issues
relevant to the sector are also reviewed.
Inland capture fisheries make a valuable
contribution to food security in many parts of the
world and especially in the Mekong Basin.
However, the contribution that inland fishery
resources make to rural livelihoods is often
unknown or underestimated due to a lack of basic
production and consumption information. Accurate
information on the contribution of inland fisheries
is essential for responsible development.
Key uses of accurate information identified by the
meeting were: (1) to determine the status and
trends of the fishery and the environment; (2) to
assess correctly the value of inland fisheries; (3) to
Sumenep memiliki
allocate appropriate resources to the inland
fisheries’ sector; and (4) to fulfill international
New approaches for the improvement of inland
capture fishery statistics in the Mekong Basin. Adhoc expert consultation (RAP 2003/01) details these
Experts from eight countries met in Bangkok in February 2002 to share experiences
and discuss ways of making aquaculture an effective tool for poverty alleviation in
the region. The consultation - jointly organized with the Network of Aquaculture
Centers in Asia-Pacific (NACA) - responded to the growing awareness within the
aquatic resource sector of the need to address poverty more directly. The session
noted that user-friendly aquaculture technologies for the poor are largely in place
and aquaculture development for poverty alleviation should focus on the effective
extension of low-cost technologies, appropriate management practices and securing
access and control to the poor.
Myanmar aquaculture and inland fisheries (RAP 2003/8) reports the outcome of two
missions, one to coastal areas and one to inland areas, fielded by FAO-RAP, NACA
and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). The
purpose of the missions was to review the status of aquaculture and small-scale
inland fisheries; to identify areas for technical assistance related to the sustainable
development of coastal and inland aquaculture and management of aquatic
resources; and to identify immediate assistance opportunities.
The report includes the findings of the missions as well as conclusions and
recommendations in support of the long-term sustainability of fishery resources52in
Collaborative activities with regional partners
(NACA, Southeast Asian Fisheries
Development Center [SEAFDEC], Mekong
River Commission [MRC] and Worldfish
Centre) included a regional donor consultation
on the Role of Aquaculture and Living Aquatic
Resources (the Philippines), the Second
International Symposium on the Management
of Large Rivers for Fisheries (Cambodia), a
regional seminar on Accessing and Meeting
Requirements of Markets for Aquaculture
Products (the Philippines) and a regional
workshop on Use of International Mechanisms
for the Control and Responsible Use of Alien
Species in Aquatic Ecosystems (China).
FAO provided technical and financial
assistance in organizing the collaborative FAOASEAN Strategic Planning Workshop on
Harmonization of Standards for Shrimp ImportExport in Thailand from 4 to 6 November532003
in Bangkok.
Tambak udang
Sebuah tambak udang adalah sebuah
bisnis "aquaculture" dirancang untuk
meningkatkan dan memproduksi udang
laut atau prawn untuk konsumsi
Pertambakan udang komersial dimulai
pada 1970-an, dan produksi tumbuh
dengan cepat, terutama untuk memenuhi
pertumbuhan permintaan Amerika
Serikat, Jepang, dan Eropa barat.
Produksi global total dari udang tambak
mencapai lebih dari 1,6 juta ton pada
2003, mewakili hampir 9 milyar dolar AS.
Sekitar 75% udang tambak diproduksi di
Asia, terutama di China dan Thailand.
25% sisanya diproduksi di Amerika Latin,
di mana Brazil merupakan produsen
terbesarnya. Negara pengekspor
terbesar adalah Thailand.
Pertambakan udang telah berubah dari bisnis
tradisional, skala-kecil di Asia Tenggara
menjadi sebuah bisnis global. Kemajuan
teknologi telah mendorong pertumbuhan
udang dengan kepadatan yang lebih tinggi,
dan broodstock dikapalkan ke seluruh dunia.
Hampir seluruh udang yang dikembangkan
adalah penaeid (yaitu, udang dari famili
Penaeidae) dan hanya dua spesies udang -Pacific White Shrimp dan Giant Tiger
Prawn; hampir mencakup 80% dari seluruh
udang yang dikembangkan. Industri
monokultur ini sangat mudah terserang
penyakit, yang menyebabkan beberapa
pemusnahan dari populasi pertambakan
udang. Peningkatan masalah ekologi,
terjadinya penyebaran penyakit berkali-kali,
dan tekanan dan kritikan dari NGO dan negara
konsumen mengubah industri ini pada akhir
1990-an dan biasanya pengaturan yang lebih
ketat dari pemerintah. Pada 1999, sebuah
program yang ditujukan pada pengembangan
dan promosi praktek pertambakan yang lebih
terjamin dilaksanakan, termasuk badan
pemerintah, wakil industri, dan organsiasi
The project Poverty alleviation through
improved aquatic resources
management in Asia (2003-2005) has
been established to identify aquatic
resource management issues impacting
on the livelihoods of the poor; monitor
and evaluate different management
approaches; extend information;
network within and between sectors and
countries; and help with learning and
communications to support agencies
and institutions to (a) utilize existing
and emerging information more
effectively; (b) better understand poor
people’s livelihoods; and (c) enable
poor people to exert greater influence
over policies and processes that impact
on their lives. The project will contribute
to enhancing the livelihoods of rural
people through the improved
management of aquatic resources.
Covering one-quarter of the world’s land area, the Asia-Pacific region is home to
about 15 percent of the world’s 3.8 billion hectares of forest. The green cover has
to meet the diverse environmental, economic, cultural and social needs of more
than half the world’s population who live in these countries. Asia’s forests
provide food, fodder, fuelwood, timber and livelihoods to hundreds of millions of
people. The forests also sustain one of the world’s richest storehouses of
The forestry sector provides formal and informal employment for millions of
people and continues to act as a food reserve in times of hardship. Forests play
an important role in supporting agriculture in the mainly rural Asian nations by
protecting watersheds and water quality. Furthermore forestry is a significant
contributor to export earnings in many countries.
In recent decades, many countries in Asia and the Pacific have realized the
importance of forests and there is growing awareness of and commitment to
sustainable forest management and public involvement in forest management
decisions. This has resulted in a significant impact on forest conservation, and
the problem of destructive logging practices is being addressed in several
The use of plantation forests to substitute for wood from natural forests is
increasing with Asia-Pacific countries leading the world in forest plantation
development. However, deforestation continues because of weak regulations and
law enforcement, and continuing incentives for competing land uses; juxtaposed
with forest degradation, wasteful use and sharp inequalities in the distribution of
forest benefits, these are serious problems that require novel solutions and joint
action by all those with an interest in forests. Forest crime and corruption are also
serious threats to the region’s forests.
Many countries in the region are now decentralizing forest management into the
hands of local communities that are directly in touch with the forests. This
fundamental shift from large-scale government forestry to small-scale, communitybased forestry management - often called devolution - is proving increasingly to be
an effective way of using forests sustainably and conserving biodiversity.
A key concern is the sustainable use of wood and non-wood forest products. FAO
gives high priority to the production, trade and marketing of these products to
support livelihoods in the rural areas of Asia and the Pacific.
Many other factors come into play as we consider trees.
Many other things will kill trees, animals like deer, goats, beavers, and diseases
and insects and fire and weather events. The animals represent valuable resources
themselves, and even if they are not directly valuable to us, they often are
indirectly valuable in that they are vital parts of the ecosystem in which they live.
For the ecosystem to sustain itself, we can´t use them faster than they replace
Fortunately, trees will usually produce very large numbers of seeds, and if a
seedling gets established and grows beyond the reach of browsing animals, it is
not so vulnerable to being killed by them. Mature trees are also usually less
vulnerable to wind and fire.
Too many animals will prevent any seedlings from growing up, and the forest will
soon have an uneven generational pattern: too many older trees, no seedlings or
saplings. Yet if too few mature trees are killed, the forest floor may not get enough
light to grow vegetation to support many browsing animals at all.
Very often, we can find a tree that is dying or dead
from these other factors, and still get good use
from it.
This looks good, we might think to just be
scavengers, but we want to remember, though, that
other animals are also scavengers of dying and
dead wood, and that they can be valuable to the
overall health of the forest.
Woodpeckers dig holes in dead trees, looking for
insects burrowing in the wood, these holes can be
nesting sites for birds that keep insects in check.
Whatever we do needs to be considered, all
activities need to be kept in balance.
The tops of dead trees provide nesting sites, as
well as perches for birds of prey.
Trees tend to follow secessions, where one sort of
tree grows best in a certain set of circumstances,
and when it dies or is killed, the circumstances are
changed and a different variety will do better.
How can we possibly keep track of all these factors? It isn´t impossible. We have
needs, too, and we belong. Ideally, we can take our share of what grows, and we
can watch for things that are getting out of balance and work to restore that
It is possible, in many woodland situations, that we might cut a whole section of
trees in long paths each year. Each year, we cut away more trees on one edge of
this long narrow clearing, and leave the other side alone. Grass will grow in this
clearing, followed naturally by low growing bushes and trees, of which we
encourage the fruit bearers. As we go farther in distance and time from each
year´s cut, finally the forest trees are growing among the fruit trees, and get taller
and more numerous as we get further away, and bearing nuts of various kinds,
eventually shading out the shorter varieties. Our cutting goes like a long wave
through the forest, on a 50 or 100 year or longer cycle. The cutting is easier for us
than to cut selectively in a standing forest, this practice is very difficult, trees get
hung up, it can be a very dangerous situation for us, and can do a lot of damage to
surrounding trees that we don´t want to hurt. The long path gives us a way to
move the wood, the grassland supports the grazing animals that can pull the wood.
We have a rotation of many kinds of plants, bushes and trees, and support a large
variety of animals.
Nature often does this, but usually in more haphazard fashion. A storm or fire
takes out a section of trees, and you have a natural clearing for a few years. In
countries that have elephants, these will kill big trees, and they create many
openings in forest.
Where elephants are in balance with the environment, there are often many islands
of trees and bushes in a shifting mosaic with grass. People can take the place of
elephants in more northern climates, and help to manage elephants, where they
live. By cutting in lines like this, we should control fires more easily, each cut is a
potential fire stop. While fire is a natural and needed force in many places, letting it
rage out of control seldom seems like a good idea.
Left alone, fire is it´s own control, burning frequently enough that fuel seldom
builds up to high levels. We can let this happen, or we might also use fallen dead
wood as fuel for our own needs. Where fire is needed to open seeds, we have to be
aware of the need, and either let fires burn, or open seeds artificially and plant
Where steep hills are involved, the way we cut
has to take into account possible erosion of
soil, we don´t want paths running up and
down, even if the location of the path is
shifting every year, we need to be careful
about this.
Even in flat land, there may be good reasons
to make our cuts in curves, and sometimes we
might not want to cut a section of trees, want
to give them more time to grow, and end the
cut and start it again further on.
A long straight cut can give the wind a place
to get going fast, this might be an asset to
work with, if done carefully. Simple windmills
could cut wood, and sails might help move it,
but it is also something to be wary of, since
the wind can also be destructive, knocking
down young growth, breaking off branches.
Dalam UU No.41/1999, hutan rakyat
dimaksudkan sebagai hutan yang tumbuh di
atas tanah yang dibebani hak milik. Hutan
rakyat telah lama dikenal dan memberikan
manfaat ganda kepada masyarakat luas, yaitu
berupa manfaat jasa lingkungan, seperti
pencegahan erosi dan banjir, meningkatkan
kesuburan tanah, dan disamping itu juga dapat
memberikan manfaat sosial ekonomi seperti
dalam menciptakan kesempatan kerja dan
meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat melalui
perdagangan kayu.
Wilayah Kalimantan Selatan memiliki luas
hutan rakyat sebesar 108.436.50 Ha dengan
perkiraan potensi 2.021.661.00 m³.
Sistem pengelolaan hutan rakyat yang coba
dikembangkan di Kalimantan Selatan adalah
dengan menanam salah satu jenis tanaman
prospektif diantaranya Mahoni (Swietenia
macrophylla King), Mahoni ditanam pada
Desember tahun 2003, dengan jarak tanam 5 x
4 meter .
Sistem penanaman dilakukan dengan tumpang
sari dengan setiap tahun dibua pergiliran
tanaman palawija.
With the land resources that we can use sustainably, we will get water resources,
and the combination of land and water food resources gives us the population that
can be sustained.
Looking at this from more long term perspectives, we understand that the world
changes dramatically at times, and we shouldn´t run our own population at the
limits of food production, but maintain a factor of safety. This gives a cushion of
resources, in case of climate change either warmer or colder, drier or wetter, and
all that might go with this.
So we have three principles here so far.
1) Use resources no faster than they renew. 2) Treat ecosystems as ecosystems,
and don´t break them up. And, 3) maintain a factor of safety in population, below
that of the maximum theoretical. What that factor of safety is, is something to talk
about in the future. Right now, just getting people to talk about these things is
challenge enough. One last principle of sustainable food production, though, is
that if we don´t figure right, and maintain the best level of population, nature will
figure it for us, and carry it out for us. Those who refuse to think logically about
the matter, aren´t likely to make the best choices for sustaining their lives.
Improved management, sustainable
development and productive use of
forests and forest resources for
food security and improved rural
livelihoods have received
considerable attention. In line with
the FAO Strategic Plan for Forestry
and guidance provided by the AsiaPacific Forestry Commission
(APFC), priority was attached to
better forest management and
harvesting; balancing wood supply
and demand; reforming forestry
institutions; strengthening national
forest policies and institutions; and
improving forestry statistics.
Sustainable Forest Management Paradigm
SFM can be viewed as a system which aims to satisfy the needs of
society for various forest goods and services through the
application of forestry, environmental management, ecological,
social, economic and business principles and methods in the wise
utilization, renewal and development of forest resources without
significant degradation of the inherent capacity of the forests to
provide goods and services on an uninterrupted basis.
As a paradigm or framework, sustainable forestry is closely link to
or intertwined with environmental conservation and socioeconomic
development .
This relationship implies that sustainable forestry, environmental
conservation, and socioeconomic development are mutually
reinforcing elements of sustainable development
Shifting Paradigms in Forest Resources Management
Conceptual Categories
Old Paradigm
New Paradigm
1. Forests
Specialized shops producing one (timber) or few
Emporium of multiple products and diverse services
2. Foresters
The technical experts and forestry authority.
Manage forests by themselves
Technical experts and competent social practitioners
Leaders in forest resources management
Manage forests in partnership with others
Single or Limited
Productivity and Efficiency
One or limited
Rigid/hierarchical organizational structure
Centralized power, authority and decision making
Communication - one way
Many or plural
Technical and social
Equitability and sustainability
Open/flexible organizational structure
Devolved power and authority; shared or participatory
Communication - two way
Biological and physical science
Bio-physical and social science
3. Forest Resource
- Publics
- Problem
- Goal
- Objective
- Strategy
- Program
- Administration
4. Forestry Discipline
Investor hutan tanaman industri dan rakyat
bakal memiliki pasar yang lebih luas untuk
Pemerintah saat ini tengah menyusun
surat keputusan bersama Departemen
Kehutanan, Departemen Perdagangan, dan
Departemen Perindustrian yang
melonggarkan aturan ekspor kayu
Aturan ini akan member peluang lebih
besar ekpor kayu gergajian be rbentuk
bantalan rel kereta api (surface four sides/
Aturan ini memprioritaskan kayu dari HTI
dan HTR. Namun kayu produksi hutan
alam pun bisa juga diekspor apabila
kebutuhan bahan baku industri domestik
Hutan Produksi / Hutan Industri
Hutan produksi yaitu adalah hutan yang
dapat dikelola untuk men
ghasilkan sesuatu yang bernilai ekonomi.
Hutan produksi dapat dikategorikan menjadi
dua golongan yakni hutan rimba dan hutan
Hutan rimba adalah hutan yang alami
sedangkan hutan budidaya adalah hutan
yang sengaja dikelola manusia yang
biasanya terdiri dari satu jenis tanaman saja.
Hutan rimba yang diusahakan manusia
harus menebang pohon denga sistem
tebang pilih dengan memilih pohon yang
cukup umur dan ukuran saja agar yang
masih kecil tidak ikut rusak.
Giants on our hands:
Proceedings of the international workshop on the domesticated Asian elephant (RAP
2002/ 30) is the outcome of the first ever international workshop on domesticated
elephants conducted by FAO-RAP. The workshop defined the situation of
domesticated elephants; identified priority areas of work, especially on registration
and laws; developed workplans for each identified priority area; and developed a
networking mechanism.
The publication should serve as a useful source of information and a good reference
guide for elephant managers, specialists, NGOs and donors seeking opportunities to
improve the management and utilization of Asian elephants.
Under the National Forest Programme Facility, capacities were strengthened for
implementing effective forest policies and programmes. The Facility established
partnerships with China, Indonesia, Mongolia, the Philippines and Thailand.
Practical guidelines for the assessment, monitoring and reporting on national level
criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in dry forests in Asia (RAP
2003/05) is a comprehensive instruction book on collecting and assembling national
level information and reporting.
The guidelines provide tools or
detailed information on (a)
formulating aspects to be
assessed for each individual
indicator; (b) describing how to
obtain, compile and process the
relevant information; (c) identifying
the means used for data collection;
and (d) periodicity of measurement
and measurements to be used.
In addition, a format is provided for
reporting on each individual
assessment aspect and for
monitoring the indicators using the
information collected in two or
more subsequent assessments.
Concerned with the severity of forestry problems, a number of countries in the
region have implemented numerous forest rehabilitation projects to bring back the
forests. While much knowledge and experience have been gained from these
initiatives, they have not been widely publicized or adopted.
There is an urgent need to bring this understanding to the natural resource
managers and policy-makers so that appropriate action is taken and supporting
policies are adopted.
Bringing back the forests. Policies and practices for degraded lands and forests:
Proceedings of the international conference (RAP 2003/ 14) is a collection of some
of the most valuable papers that have been produced recently on the subject.
Phase II of The Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific
(FORSPA) concluded in 2002.
FORSPA, established by FAO in 1991, was designed to assist research institutions
in the Asia-Pacific Region to strengthen their science and technology capabilities in
forestry research. Phase II was funded by the Netherlands’ government.
Departemen Kehutanan mengucurkan
dana pendampingan kredit pengelolaan
hutan tanaman rakyat (HTR) dan Hutan
Tanaman Industri (HTI) .
Koperasi Madina berniat mengembangkan
HTR di Sumatra Utara dan Koperasi Maluku
Utara. PT Cipta Mas juga akan
mengembangkan HTI di Provinsi Sumatra
Lembaga itu telah mengajukan kebutuhan
dana sebesar Rp 7,2 miliar untuk
membiayai sebagian lahan mereka, yang
totalnya seluas 8.000 hektare.
Sedang Dilakukan verifikasi kelayakan
Forest resources in Mongolia are scarce and increasingly susceptible to insect pest
infestations. It is estimated that if no immediate action is taken the country will
lose around 30 percent of its forest resources within the next decade.
The objectives of Emergency measures for control of Siberian caterpillar and other
major forest pests (2003-2005) are :
(a) to reduce the pest population to an economically acceptable level by providing
some of the necessary spray equipment and a limited amount of biological
pesticide sufficient to spray the most heavily infested, high value forest and to
cover the hire of fixed-wing planes for spray operations; and
(b) to strengthen the national capacity to contain future pest outbreaks through incountry training on IPM and pesticide application.
It is expected that the pest population will be reduced substantially and national
capacities to control future pest outbreaks will be strengthened.
Taman Hutan Pinus letaknya
sekitar sekitar 35 km dari Kota
Rekreasi di bawah Hutan Pinus
yang rindang, sehingga sangat
baik duduk di bawah pohon
sambil menikmati hidangan
yang telah disiapkan.
Taman Hutan Pinus merupakan
penghijauan kota dan kebun
Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Samoa Forestry Division (SFD) to
effectively plan and manage forest resources. The objective of this project is to
improve the institutional capacity of the SFD to plan and manage the country’s
forest resources on a sustainable basis effectively.
The development of an appropriate forestry information system is foreseen for SFD
staff. Special emphasis will be given to monitoring aspects and to the application of
tools to improve forest planning and decision-making processes. The capacity to
assess and update information on the country’s forest resources to ensure its
sustainable management will be strengthened.
FAO and partner organizations convened a workshop and study on assisted natural
regeneration (ANR) in the Philippines in April 2002 to highlight the potential and
opportunities of ANR as a restoration strategy. The workshop underscored the
importance of ANR in the broader context of SFM and the potential for cost-effective
rehabilitation of forestlands through more aggressive implementation of ANR.
Advancing assisted natural regeneration (ANR) in Asia and the Pacific (RAP
2003/19) includes selected papers dealing with the technical, environmental and
social dimensions of ANR, as well as papers describing country initiatives.
Agroforestry refers to combinations
of trees, crops and livestock that are
intentionally designed and managed
as a whole production unit. Crop
production can be optimized when
crops are combined with trees and
The benefits include increased crop
yields, improved soil and water
quality, increased biodiversity, as
well as lower greenhouse gas
emissions and increased carbon
In addition, alternate crop uses
related to trees and shrubs,
including bio-energy, fruits, nuts,
horticulture nursery stock, wood
fibre and livestock shelter, could
diversify farms and enhance their
adalah hutan-hutan yang
dibangun dan dikelola oleh
rakyat, kebanyakan berada di
atas tanah milik atau tanah
adat; meskipun ada pula yang
berada di atas tanah negara
atau kawasan hutan negara.
Secara teknik, rakyat ini pada
umumnya berbentuk wanatani;
yakni campuran antara pohonpohonan dengan jenis-jenis
tanaman bukan pohon.
Baik berupa wanatani
sederhana, ataupun wanatani
kompleks (agroforest) yang
sangat mirip strukturnya
dengan hutan alam.
Hutan rakyat zaman
sekarang telah banyak
yang dikelola dengan
orientasi komersial, untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan
pasar komoditas hasil
Tidak seperti pada masa
lampau, utamanya
sebelum tahun 1980an, di
mana kebanyakan hutan
rakyat berorientasi
subsisten, untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan
rumahtangga petani
Hutan milik, yakni hutan
rakyat yang dibangun di
atas tanah-tanah milik. Ini
adalah model hutan rakyat
yang paling umum,
terutama di Pulau Jawa.
Luasnya bervariasi, mulai
dari seperempat hektare
atau kurang, sampai
sedemikian luas sehingga
bisa menutupi seluruh
desa dan bahkan
Hutan jati adalah sejenis
hutan yang dominan
ditumbuhi oleh pohon jati
(Tectona grandis). Di
Indonesia, hutan jati terutama
didapati di Jawa. Akan tetapi
kini juga telah menyebar ke
berbagai daerah seperti di
pulau-pulau Muna, Sumbawa,
Flores dan lain-lain.
Hutan jati merupakan hutan
yang tertua pengelolaannya di
Jawa dan juga di Indonesia,
dan salah satu jenis hutan
yang terbaik pengelolaannya.
In collaboration with partner
organizations, FAO organized
international conferences on
community forestry and
community-based forest fire
Pro-poor approaches to forest
management for food security
and poverty alleviation were
promoted through support to
the model forest approach
and community forestry.
A series of seminars on
managing forests to help
alleviate poverty were
organized in China, India and
Republic of Korea.
Agricultural support systems
Deregulation, liberalization and globalization of trade in agricultural
products under the new World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations
have a considerable impact on domestic agricultural producers in the
Small farmers need support not only to be more productive, but also to
make their produce more marketable in order to enhance their incomes.
In the present era of globalization there is a critical need to strengthen
the capabilities of small farmers to move from subsistence production to
agricultural enterprises.
Commercializing small farmers is a very complex process involving the
cultural and psychological settings of the farmers themselves as well as
the economic and market-oriented performance of the agricultural sector
through increased efficiency of the farms and the private and public
providers of related support services.
Agricultural support
To effectively build the capacity of small
resource-poor farmers to adopt marketoriented farm production generally will
require some form of group action for the
identification of appropriate commercial
enterprise activities; relevant business
management principles and practices;
methods to add value and market agricultural
products; and access services such as rural
and microfinance.
To accomplish this aim, FAO-RAP promotes
market-oriented farm production and support
to small farmers.
It also works with the private sector to
provide agricultural inputs to rural areas, and
to develop efficient marketing chains for
diverse agricultural products to meet both
rural and urban needs.
Agricultural support systems
Farmers in the region also need assistance to reduce heavy
postproduction losses and add value to their produce.
FAO is assisting Asia-Pacific countries to develop postproduction loss
prevention programmes and agro-processing technologies, especially
for cereals and horticultural crops. The aim is to enhance rural
employment and incomes through the development of agro-industries,
value-added products and the full utilization of raw materials.
FAO helps to enhance rural employment and income opportunities both
on and off farm; promotes a diversified and integrated market-oriented
farming system approach for sustainable development; and enhances
the managerial capacities of the smallholders in support of commercial
agriculture through improved agricultural extension strategies.
Agricultural support
Rural and microfinance are
increasingly important tools of
rural and agricultural development
in Asia and the Pacific.
FAO promotes viable rural
banking, savings and agricultural
credit schemes as tools to alleviate
However, lack of proper
administration, recording and
accounting systems to process the
huge number of transactions
associated with this type of
finance, is a common problem.
The main thrust has been on rural finance juxtaposed with the increasing need
for microfinance; the development of legal and regulatory procedures for
national microfinance institutions; the development and upgrading of market
information services; market-oriented production for small farmers’
households; the integration of rural areas in national and global markets; the
judicious use of mechanization in agriculture; postharvest management; and
value added through agroprocessing.
In collaboration with GTZ, FAO Bangkok acts as the global development and
support centre for the MicroBanking system, currently in use in more than 1
100 offices worldwide.
The MicroBanking System (MicroBanker) is a retail banking software product
designed and developed by FAO for small- to medium-sized financial
institutions. It is a unique software system that combines high performance
features - real time transaction processing and integrated operation - and low
cost computer hardware requirements.
The MicroBanker is an integrated package
consisting of the following modules:
Loans, Savings Accounts, Current
Accounts, Shares Accounts (for credit
unions and cooperatives), Time Deposits,
Customer Information and General Ledger.
The new Windows-based version, called
MBWin, is the system of choice for many
rural finance and microfinance institutions.
The IMFTL engages in group-based
microfinance, employing Grameen
technologies and also provides
microfinance services to individuals.
During the project, three branches were
opened, more than 29 staff were trained,
branch procedures, savings and loan
products were designed and manuals
prepared. The IMFTL mobilized more than
one million US dollars in savings within 15
FAO maintains close collaboration with development partners dealing with rural and
microfinance such as the Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA),
the Association of Food and Agricultural Marketing Agencies in Asia and the Pacific (AFMA)
and ESCAP.
A project entitled Capacity building in farm management, marketing and agribusiness for
young farmer groups is underway in Tonga.
The objective of the project is to assist the ministry’s extension programme and the Future
farmer project in the capacity building of young farmers’ groups and to enhance the
recognition of the important role young farmers have for the future development of the
agricultural sector.
A wide range of training courses for extension workers and young farmers is being
conducted and appropriate training material is being produced and made available. A
national marketing and distribution network will be strengthened by relevant training on
market data storage and analysis as well as by the supply of computer equipment.
It is expected that extension staff, participating Peace Corps Volunteers and selected
members of young farmers’ groups will apply relevant farm management tools for farm
business analysis and will have improved knowledge and skills for the marketing of fresh
To overcome land shortages in Nepal, the
most appropriate way to increase feed
production seems to be planting of
winter fodder, e.g. fodder oats, in
irrigated areas after the paddy rice
The objective of the project Capacity
building for fodder oat technologies
(2003-2005) is to build up the necessary
technical capacity of technicians,
extension staff and farmers in fodder
oats’ (and accompanying forage
legumes) technology to identify better
multi-cut oat cultivars; to prepare and
demonstrate fodder oat management
packages, including haymaking, on
farmers’ fields; and to assure seed
supply through local production.
Rising agricultural production since the 1980s has not only increased the cropping
area and crop yield in Jiangsu Province, China, but also the volume of crop straw,
mainly wheat and paddy rice straw. Due to a shift in rural energy structure, an
increasing amount of straw residues is not utilized anymore but burnt in the fields
or discarded to rivers and roadsides.
The objective of the project Promotion of advanced straw utilization technologies in
Jiangsu province (2004-2005) is to introduce, demonstrate and extend advanced onfarm technologies for efficient straw utilization such as conservation agriculture,
recycling-straw-to-soil, feeding-straw-to-livestock and growing mushrooms on
straw medium.
Technical training for village-level technicians and farmers is being conducted to
enable them to adopt key techniques and to increase their awareness of the harmful
effects of the improper treatment of surplus straw.
Appropriate straw utilization techniques will contribute to increasing crop
production and farmers’ incomes while at the same time reducing straw surpluses.
In 2003, Empowering vulnerable
groups through training on village
level food processing assisted
Cambodia in the social and
economic integration of
vulnerable groups of women,
disabled persons, demobilized
soldiers and their families into
rural community life, through the
improvement of their microenterprise management and
marketing skills as well as the
provision of vocational training
and job opportunities.
This has led to enhanced
employment generation and
income of vulnerable groups by
processing and adding value to
agricultural crops.
Despite unprecedented rates of economic growth, food insecurity remains a major
challenge for many countries in Asia-Pacific.
Although the output of food grains and other agricultural commodities in many of
these predominantly agricultural countries has recorded impressive gains, the
incomes of small and marginal farmers have failed to improve to desired levels.
Rural poverty and food insecurity at the household level remain pronounced,
despite pervasive government interventions in agricultural markets. Apart from
internal challenges, the countries of the region also face challenges posed by rapid
changes in the international trade and economic environment.
FAO brought together a mini roundtable meeting to seek the views of member
countries and to establish priorities for its programme of work in agricultural
marketing for the next few years. Participating countries were China, India,
Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Nepal, the Philippines and Thailand.
AFMA also participated. Proceedings of the mini roundtable meeting on agricultural
marketing and food security (RAP 2003/02) outlines the outcome of the two-day
roundtable meeting, including the main conclusions and recommendations that
Food Production, Public
Health, and the Environment
Ketahanan pangan adalah
suatu kondisi dimana setiap
individu dan rumahtangga
memiliki akses secara fisik,
ekonomi, dan ketersediaan
pangan yang cukup, aman,
serta bergizi untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan sesuai dengan
seleranya bagi kehidupan
yang aktif dan sehat.
Selain itu aspek pemenuhan
kebutuhan pangan penduduk
secara merata dengan harga
yang terjangakau oleh
masyarakat juga tidak boleh