Biggest Loser Contest Rules: Weight Loss Challenge

Contest dates: Saturday, Jan 14 – Saturday, March 17 (9 weeks)
This is an individual contest not teams.
Entrance Fee: $25 – Prize $$$ will be awarded, at least to the first place winner and the winner of points
and depending on how many enter the contest I will determine the amount of money given and how many
prizes will be given. Also depending on how many people we get to participate I would love to do $ to the
weekly winner. We will see how much money we get. I will let everyone know the amounts, once we have
a count of participants.
*If we don’t get enough people I may revamp who gets what money so recruit as many as you can the more
$ the better right?
Weigh-in time: Every Saturday from 8:30-9:00 a.m.
How do I earn points?
 You must keep track of all food, calories, exercise, fruits and veggies, and water on the
attached Food Tracking Sheet. This must be done for 5 days each week and this will earn
5 points (1 pt/day).
 You must eat 5 servings (approximately 1 cup) of fruits and vegetables 5 days each week.
This will earn 5 points (1 pt/day).
 You must drink 8 glasses (approximately 8 oz.) of water, 5 days each week. This will
earn 5 points (1 pt/day)/
 You must exercise 1 hour per day, 5 days each week. This will earn 5 points (1 pt/day).
You may earn ½pt for 30 minutes.
 You must complete the weekly challenge. You can record this on the bottom of your
Food Tracking Guide. Meet the challenge for at least 5 days and receive 1 pt/day.
 You must weigh-in weekly. The weekly weigh-in is worth 5 points. ***Since everyone
is busy, everyone gets 2 free weigh-ins in case of vacation conflicts.
 Finally, you earn points for losing weight. If you lose from the previous week, you get 5
points. If you stay the same you get 0 pts. If you gain weight lose 5 points.
 This combines to a total of 35 points possible each week.
 Please come with your total circled on your sheet somewhere. This will make my job
much easier. You can use the form I attached or you can use your own just as long as I
can see all the listed items above
How will weigh- ins work?
Weigh in will be every Sat. morning, please make sure and wear the same type of clothing each
time you weigh in for consistency purposes. Also please make sure and come only at the times that are
allotted for weigh ins. I will not be able to do weigh in at other times other than what is designated. Hence
the two free weigh ins. I know this sounds cranky but I have to protect my time. By every Saturday
evening, I will e-mail the week’s weigh-in results to all contest members. Yes, that’s right – everyone will
know what you weigh. Don’t sweat it, it just adds a little “fuel to the fire”. It will help everyone stay on
their toes and do their best!
You should know that by NO means am I a professional at hosting this contest or in the field of
nutrition, exercise, or weight loss. I am just copying the contest that I participated in. So please know that
you enter the contest at your own risk!
This is truly a wonderful contest that can help you change your current habits, create a better
lifestyle for yourself, and of course, has the big added bonus of accountability. This contest is strictly
between individuals...there are no teams…and men and women compete separately. I do encourage you to
tell others what you are up to, thus, creating a large support group and making you even more accountable!!
I know you can be very successful if you just do your best at following the contest guidelines!
Good luck, happy eating, and enjoy your exercise!!!!