The Marketing Mix One function of marketing is to provide the company with a program to reach the target market. The marketing mix outlines the areas the company needs to focus on to achieve this goal. The Marketing Mix 2 Cs Consumer Competition (direct, indirect) 4 Ps Product Price Place (how/where to sell) Promotions Business Survivor Logo Contest LOGO CONTEST ANSWER KEY 1. McDonalds 18. Walmart 35. Logitech 2. Dolby Sound 19. NHL 36. Kool Aid 3. Michelin Tires 20. Air Canada 37. Warner Brothers 4. Windows XP 21. OSSTF 38. CBC 5. Volkswagon 22. John Deere 39. Campbell’s soup 6. NBC 23. Toys R Us 40. Roots 7. Fruit of the loom 24. United Way 8. Hewlett Packard 25. Dodge Ram 9. Province of Ontario 26. Tommy Hilfiger 10. Internet Explorer 27. Telus 11. A & W 28. Pillsbury 12. Wonder bread 29. Hallmark 13. Molson Canadian 30. Travelodge 14. Taco Bell 31. Rice Krispies 15. YMCA 32. Mr. Clean 16. General Electric 33. Old Spice 17. Shoppers Drugmart 34. Iams dog food