Original Speech Category Scorecard Name: _______________________________________Club: ____________________ Division: ____Novice (1-2 minutes) ____Intermediate (3-5 minutes) ____Junior (2-3 minutes) ____Senior (4-8 minutes) Title of Speech: ___________________________________________________ What Was Said Excellent Good Fair Comments: Did the speech grasp your interest from the start? Does the speaker develop one main idea? Is the main idea clearly developed and well supported? Does the speech create interest with the audience? Does the speech end with an appropriate conclusion? How It Was Said Excellent Good Fair Comments: Is speech clear and distinct? Is pronunciation acceptable? Are important ideas stressed through vocal changes? How were gestures and body language? Is delivery natural, friendly and conversational? Answer to Questions (Intermediate and Senior Division Only) Judges Comments and Suggestions: Ribbon: B R W P D:\106741844.doc 4-H Speaking Contest Judging Instructions Thanks for sharing your time and talents. Many successful adults have credited a 4-H speaking program as something that made a positive difference in their ability to talk or lecture to an audience. You will make a difference in a young person’s life in the days ahead. Read over the enclosed contest rules and guidelines. You will select two top youth in each age division for the categories of Original Speech and Interpretative Reading. A top pair will be selected in the Dynamic Duo categories. Please select two alternates in each category and age group. All others will be recognized with a certificate. Your evaluation sheets will be given to the speakers at the end of the contest. Please ask each person, in the Original Speech category, 1-3 questions pertaining to the topic at the conclusion of the speech (excluding the Novice age group). When you have heard all the participants, discuss the award selection. Please feel welcome to give general comments when the awards are announced. If you can stay afterward to answer questions from the participants, it would be appreciated. D:\106741844.doc