B.C. or B.C.E A.D. or C.E. republic Empire Emperor Rome Roman Empire Julius Caesar Augustus Christianity Legacy Dates before Christ. Dates run backwards to 0. Indicates modern dates since Christ. Dates run forward from 0. Form of government in which citizens elect leaders to represent them Area, often including defeated countries or kingdoms, ruled by a single, all-powerful ruler Ruler of an empire A city located in the modern day country of Italy on the continent of Europe. Large areas controlled by Rome including parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Man who ended the republic of Rome by appointing himself dictator for life First emperor of Rome once it became an empire A religion based on the teachings of Jesus in the Roman province (area) of Judea. Important things or ideas you leave behind for future generations. Rome’s legacy to us includes all Art, Architecture, Engineering, of these things: Citizenship, Philosophy, Law, Language, Writing, Military Organization Fresco A picture painted onto wet plaster on the wall or ceiling Mosaic A picture made up of small pieces of tile, colored glass, and stone George Washington’s statue looks Roman because it was made to copy a Roman Emperor or God. Aqueduct The Romans built this to carry water to distant places. It was a legacy of Roman engineering. Dome A roof in Roman architecture shaped like a half-circle Also found in the U.S. Capitol Building. Colosseum A stadium in Rome. It was built using many Roman arches. Arch Important element of Roman architecture that allowed for wider, more open spaces in building. Natural Law And Natural Rights The Roman idea that we all have rights given to us by nature. The Twelve Tables A group of laws organized into 12 sections and written down. Latin They were engraved on tablets of metal and put on display at the Forum in the city of Rome, so that everyone could see them. The official language of Rome Greek The official language of the Byzantines Latin Prefixes, Roots, Suffixes Word parts in English that often have Latin influences. The Roman Empire was too big! Size made the empire hard to defend. Constantine Emperor who made Christianity the official religion of Rome Diocletian Emperor who divided the empire Reasons for the fall of Rome 1. Political (fighting to choose the emperor) 2. Economic (taxes, slaves) 3. Size (too big) 4. Barbarians (invasions) Year of the fall of the Roman Empire Empire that split off from Rome and survived after the Roman empire fell. 476 A.D. Byzantine Empire Constantinople Capital of the Byzantine Empire chosen by Emperor Constantine. Important location in the center of trade and defense! Culture Includes language, customs, and religions. Roman culture was different than Byzantine culture in several ways. Byzantine Christianity Splits into two Churches: Roman Catholic (led by the Pope) and Eastern Orthodox (led by the Byzantine emperor).