Music Scope and Sequence K-6 Grade Rhythm Kindergarten Keep a steady beat Beat & divided beat (ta, ti-ti) 1st Beat/divided beat/ and one beat rest. One sound on a beat (ta), two sounds on a beat (ti-ti). Draw, read, recognize and perform rhythm stems for ta and ti-ti. Add ta-ah (half note- two beats) and half rest. Be able to recognize and perform ta, ti-ti, ta-ah & rest in various songs and rhythmic exercises. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Introduce whole note, dotted half note, and four 16th notes per beat. Be able to play and sing rhythms correctly. Add note heads to rhythm stems, stem direction. Strong and weak beats. Introduce grouping beats into meters of 2, 3, & 4. Add tie & slur notation. Introduce syncopation. Add grouping 16th and 8th notes in various beat combinations. Meter: duple, triple. Time signatures Add dotted quarter & eighth note combinations, and the triplet. Introduce 6/8 and mixed meter and time signatures. Dotted 8th and 16th notes in various combinations. All time signatures in meters of 2, 3, 4, and 8, plus mixed meters. Davis School District Melody Singing and Solfege Speaking vs. singing. Different voices and environmental sounds. Introduce matching pitch, intune singing on sol & mi & la, using solfege hand signs. Add sol, mi, & la as note heads (pitch) on simple staff. Recognize these pitches by sight, by sound, and by using hand signs In-tune singing. Folk and traditional repertoire. Add re and do. Recognize combinations & patterns of d-r-m-s-and la by sight, sound, and by using hand signs. Identify recurring melodic patterns in songs i.e. m-r-d. In-tune singing. Folk and traditional repertoire. Add melodic direction and contour. Add high do. d-r-m-s-l-d1 Pentatonic songs. Seeing, hearing, and recognizing pitch patterns in songs and music. Folk and traditional repertoire. Music of many cultures. Add fa and ti to complete the major scale. Add low la and ti below do. Sing, read, and recognize pitch patterns. Question and answer phrases. Play and read notes on the staff for the soprano recorder: B, A, G, and E, D. Add low s1, l1, t1. Recorder: add learn to read and play middle C and high C, F and F#. American & patriotic music. Folk and traditional repertoire. Melodies in C, G, D and F with key signatures. Read, play & sing correct notes reading from the staff. Music from world culture, and differences in music in various historical periods Each grade level ADDS to concepts learned in the previous year. Harmony Form Expressive Qualities Simple ostinato AB Comparatives: loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low, up/down, same/different, sound/silence, smooth/detached Vocal & rhythmic ostinato. Major and minor songs. Phrase, ABA Same/different phrases Tempo, dynamics, timbre, repeat signs Add 2 part rounds, melodic and rhythmic rounds and in combination. Add rondo, i.e. ABACABA ABA Add vocal and instrumental timbres. Add bar line to section off beats. Dynamic markings f and p. 2 and 3 part rounds, vocal & instrumental. Rounds using pentatonic songs. Layering 2 and 3 part rhythmic or vocal ostinato or patterns. Add introduction, coda, and interlude. Introduce the 5 line staff, moveable do. Introduce the musical alphabet. Steps, skips, repeats on staff and in solfege scale. Add treble clef sign, fermata, accent, staccato, and D.C. al Fine. Identify the tonal center as do in major. Vocal & instrumental ostinato. AABA Add the tonal center as do in major and la in minor. Instrument families. Chordal accomp. in C, G, F,D. Singing and playing parallel 3rds & 6ths. Monophonic, polyphonic, & homophonic Add theme and variation AB-Chorus Add cresc. & decresc. symbols & abbreviations. Add 1st & 2nd endings. Bar lines, double bar line pp & ff largo, moderato mp, mf, sharp, flat, natural, playing and singing a slur. Staff reading. Sonata Form: ABA. Symphony, ballet, band, musical theatre, various styles. Play and sing with sensitivity and attention to all expressive qualities. Tie vs. slur, staccato, 1st & 2nd endings, ritardando (rit.), sfz. All dynamic markings. Music Scope and Sequence K-6 Each grade level ADDS to concepts learned in the previous year. Davis School District