Kindergarten Vocal Music Curriculum Map September-October Recognize difference between speaking and singing Participate in singing activities November-December January- February Uses appropriate Develops a sense of posture for singing high and low Uses a variety of tonal centers READING & WRITING Demonstrates readiness for rhythmic notation through aural and visual i.d. of long and short sounds Kinesthetically shows direction of melodic phrases FORM Develops an awareness of same and different RHYTHM Performs with steady beat Responds to steady beat in various meters Combines singing with steady beat MELODY PART WORK LISTENING = all year Sings and hears a diverse repertoire Demonstrates …using left to right readiness for melodic progression notation Develops an awareness of 4 beat phrases Demonstrates same, similar and different through music Claps rhythms of word patterns Invents beat motions Sings while walking in a circle March-April Uses word substitution to improvise Improvises musical dialogs through chant, rhyme, and song Improvise simple rhythmic patterns Sings while maintaining steady beat on an instrument Develops an awareness of vocal and instrumental timbres May-June Produces age appropriate musical tone