GRADE 4 MUSIC VOCABULARY Dynamics – the different levels of loudness and softness of sound. pianissimo (pp) – very soft piano (p) – soft mezzo piano (mp) – medium soft, mezzo forte (mf) – medium loud forte (f) – loud fortissimo (ff) – very loud decrescendo – getting softer crescendo – getting louder Note value – whole note – 4 beats (say ta-aa-aa-ah) half note – 2 beats (say ta-ah quarter note – 1 beat (say tah) quarter rest – 1 beat (say sh) pair eighth notes - 1/2 + ½ beat (say ti-ti) Call and Response: a part of the song where a portion of the melody (call) is followed by an answering portion (response) Timbre: the unique difference of sounds in voices or instruments Tempo: the speed of the beat Melody: a line of single notes that move upward, downward or repeat. Harmony: two or more notes sounding at the same time Texture: layering sounds to create thin or thick quality in music Rhythm pattern: a grouping of long and short sounds (for example: in clapping the rhythm of the words you clap with each syllable you sing) Steady beat: a regular pulse Ostinato: short repeated pattern Verse: the section of the song where the melody stays the same, but the words change (tells the story) Refrain: the section of the song that is sung the same way every time it repeats