AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick Digital Productivity Data61 Data Australia Opportunities – Market Pull Manufacturing productivity increase through CSIRO’s LAMS/Guardian concept. Global market for light weight robotics 6.5B$ (2011), CAGR 6% (IMS Research) Manufacturing Execution System Market: 13.6 B$ by 2020, CAGR 12% (Source: MarketsandMarkets May 2014); Key players: ABB, Camstar system, Emerson, GE, Honeywell, iBASEt, Omron, Oracle, Rockwell, SAP AG, Schneider Electric, Siemens AG 3D printing: US$7 billion by 2025, (IDTechEx). Hidden Cost of Manufacturing in Australia: 1B$ opportunity; solution IoT • CSIRO Industry workshops across the country: Need for assistive automation Growing Importance 1500 exp 950 700 400 2012 2013 2014 2015 RoboBusiness Conference Attendees Some Examples for Industry Pull AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick Pipeline Status 2014 – Former Agile Manufacturing Full Pipeline Weighted Pipeline Executed/With Client Final Proposal Proposal Initial Prospect/Lead FY14/15 $14.45M $4.02M $1.28M $2.15M $2.10M $8.93M Innovation Hubs (MF/DPF) Industrial Internet and Robotics Centre LLP QLD Lindfield Technology Test Bed Centre Carbon Fibre Nexus Geelong Additive Manufacturing Centre Clayton 11 | NICTA Redfern 3000 Hours/a Loss at Australian Distribution Centres Source: Manufacturers Monthly 21 August 2015 Digital Productivity Thank you CSIRO Manufacturing and Digital Productivity Marcel Bick t +61 2 9413 7473 E ICT-Enabled Manufacturing – Goal Supporting the future competitiveness and responsiveness of Australia’s Industrial/Manufacturing Sector through fit for purpose information technology service innovations that improve the transformation of labour, knowledge and resources to optimize Australia's production efficiency. CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship Addressing Silicon Valley Community Three-year engagement plan • Build industry network, business opportunities, link global innovation system Growing Importance How: CSIRO keynote, panel representation, exhibition, product presentation Manufacturing and Digital Productivity 1500 exp 950 700 400 2012 2013 2014 2015 San Jose, Sep 23-24 2015 CSIRO Guardian Technologies Economic Importance of Sectors – The WHY Source: Derived from ABS 2013, Gross Value Added by Industry AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick High Medium Low Growth Plan ICT-Enabled Manufacturing: FY14-18 Manufacturing Market Forecast (global/local) IoT, iManufacturing Architecture: Manufacturing Informatics, Interoperability Impact Drivers AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick $1.1m $0.5m Technology Licencing e.g. Manufacturing Informatics FY2014-16 $2.5m International Government /Research / NGO’s Resource Efficient Manufacturing: Sustainability and Custom Manufacture Processes $1.5m Australian Private / Consortia / Government High Performance Workplace: Assistive Robotics and Collaboration International Private /SME/LMC ICT enabled manuf. Strategy Segmentation / Risk Factors $1.0m $0.8m $0.9m $0.0m Agile Manufacturing Innovation in technology to drive productivity and competitiveness of Australia’s Manufacturers Computer Modelling Arc Welding Lightning and Electrical Breakdown Instrumentation & Electric Machines High Speed Instrumentation Visual Monitoring Systems Plasma Processes Systems Design Fluid Dynamics Lightweight, High-speed, Small motors Particle Flow Dynamics Switched Reluctance and Permanent Magnet Motors Electric Motors CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship Advanced Prototyping Automated Manufacturing Solutions Additive Manufacturing Monitoring Processes and Environment Integrated Electronics Enhancing Collaboration between Worker & Automation Systems Measurement Science Mechatronics Design i-Manufacturing: Transforming Manufacturing through Information and Internet of Things (IoT). SWOT Agile Manufacturing Strengths Weaknesses Global reputation in -Critical mass – vulnerable to loss of key personnel -Assistive automation -Recognition & credibility through established track record (but growing strength over past 12 months) - High Precision optical coatings -Sustainable supply chains -Public perceptions towards new technologies resulting in loss of jobs -Staff committed to mission-oriented impact - Limited CapX: Access needs to be ensured as there is a risk -Emerging networks and long term relationships across key markets because Agile operates across flagships in Government, business and industry - Theme strategy yet to be fully road tested and ratified relationships with industry, government and academia -Alignment with Annual Direction Statement -Pro-active and directed capability development -Emerging platform technologies relevant to the theme -Recognised as a world leader in high-quality custom fabrication, coating and metrology of high precision optical components Opportunities Threats -Emerging evidence for relevance and growth potential in the Theme’s targeted areas of focus, specifically Assistive Automation and Manufacturing Informatics -Australian manufacturing struggling in certain sectors creates negative image -Leverage our existing partner’s network to expand our own network of partners (e.g. Commercialisation partners through Boeing) -Opportunities for manufacturing from - Government engagement and supportive government policies New partnerships with unions (e.g. AMWU) to promote the benefits of new technologies - Apply design-led innovation principles to improve capture of value within the program and externally AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick -SMEs lack of ability to fund research -International competition for R&D providers and high Australian dollar. 13/14: 70% revenue from international clients -Lack of full awareness of competitors at this point -IP position is at an early stage of development and could be outmanoeuvred by competitors -High cost of establishing a credible effort in new activities (CAPEX) Increase Engagement Efficiency Now Goal How 50 Contacts = 10 Prospects Qualified 20 Contacts Segment analysis + target 10 Qualified Prospects = 5 Proposals 5P 5 Proposals = 1 Transaction 5 P = 1T 1 Transaction = $120,000 (average) 1 T = $500,000 Each technology partner contacted contributes only $2400 of external revenue $25,000/ contact Cluster, State + Federal How to get there • Change in focus to larger transactions and clusters, 12 mths lifecycle, requirements of monthly follow ups to convert. • BD education program for project leaders, specifically proposal writing AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick Engagement Plan – Events and Comms Still to be segmented into third party and CSIRO lead Conference Target Audience / Impact Supporting Stream Strategy Robobusiness, USA Automation Industry and End Users / Leads into Prospects. Commercialisation partners. New industry contacts. Raise visibility of CSIRO internationally. LAMS, Manufacturing Informatics (TBC) – Launch White Paper LAMS 10/14 Sponsor, Keynote YES YES Robobusiness, EU Automation Industry and End Users / New industry contacts. Raise visibility of CSIRO internationally. LAMS, Manufacturing Informatics (TBC) Travel restricted TBC TBC Automatica, EU Industrial Automation and End Users / New industry contacts. Commercialisation partners LAMS, Manufacturing Informatics (TBC) See above 06/14 NMW, AU Government, Australian and International Manufacturing Sales Reps / national visibility Manufacturing Informatics, LAMS, - Launch White Paper 05/14 May15 May16 Comput. Science and eResearch Conf. AU Science leaders / Creating of networks Manufacturing Informatics. Semantics in Science Engineer. 03/14 NEED: Major trade show: Industrial Software Engineering Software Engineering Industry / Identify commercialisation partners CEBIT too broad (?) Manufacturing Informatics, LAMS TBC TBC TBC Sustainable Manufacturing Seminar Australian Industry, Government Sustainable Manufacturing / Circular Economy / LCA TBC TBC TBC International Coatings Conference, EU Coating equipment manufacturers, end users / seek commercialisation partner and end users (e.g. LIGO) Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies 10/14 YES YES LAMS workshop NSW Australian Manufacturers NSW, government / Leads into Prospects. Continuous MIICRC engagement LAMS 03-04/14 YES YES Manufacturing Informatics workshop Australian Industry, Government / Seek industry feedback on initiative, new industry contacts Manufacturing Innovation 05/14 YES YES Design-led innovation workshop TBC TBC TBC AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY15/1 6 Thought Leadership - Target for White Papers Need a project lead to run with these News Magazines: Supporting Stream Strategy: Topic 2014 PACE: Process and Control Engineering ( ) Emerging Industrial automation technologies LAMS 2, following NSW industry consultations Robobusiness, Oct 2014 Manufacturing Informatics NMW / May 2014 Manufacturing Informatics NMW / May 2014 Manufacturers Monthly ( ) - News, Articles on business solutions for manufacturing industry, case examples, emerging technologies. Electronic News ( – Articles on latest engineering and technological developments Ferret ( ) - latest product, company and industry news updates, including industrial automation. The Conversation ( ) – Articles, opinion on science, research and Technology in general Azorobotics ( ) – Robotics and automation Australian Manufacturing ( ) – News, Articles on business solutions for manufacturing industry. ManufactureLink ( ) - AMTIL’s News web aggregate on advance manufacturing technologies Trade Magazines: AMTIL ( ) - Trade Magazine: AMT Australia’s Best ( ) - Trade Magazine: Australia’s Best Manufacturing Manufacturing Magazine ( ) – Trade Magazine: The National Manufacturing Magazine AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick 2015 Targets for LAMS Commercialisation – International Prioritization and time line to be confirmed Manufacturers Adept Technologies ABB Ltd Kuka AG Yaskawa Kawasaki Robotics DENSO Robotics Yamaha Robotics Staubli Robotics Toshiba Machine EPSON Robots Fanuc (Japan), AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick Business Focus Country Contacts USA Robobusiness 2013 Sweden Australian and overseas Germany Japan Japan Japan Japan Germany Japan Japan Japan Robobusiness 2013 Contact Category Targets for LAMS Commercialisation – National Manufacturers Business Focus Country Contacts Contact Employees SAGE Automation Pty Ltd South Australia 300 Rockwell Automation Australia Ltd. Victoria 130 Magnetic Automation Victoria 70 State Automation Victoria 60 Inaco Automation Controls New South Wales 60 Machinery Automation & Robotics New South Wales 60 KW Automation 35 Delta Building Automation Queensland Australian Capital Territory Ocean Office Automation New South Wales 20 Beckhoff Automation Victoria 20 Integrated Automation Victoria 20 Selpak Automation New South Wales 18 Environmental Automation New South Wales 18 Air & Automation Equipment New South Wales 17 Austec Building Automation Queensland 10 Industrial Automation Western Australia 10 Robotic Automation New South Wales 10 AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick 30 Targets for Guardian Technologies (Software Engineering) Manufacturers of Coating Equipment Business Focus Country Guided Reality Integrated Software Solutions USA Under development Contacts Contact Category Australia Objectives: • Industry consultation has taken place, innovative end users have been identified, needs are confirmed. Now: • Identify commercialisation partners with a strong business focus on hardware/software integration. Engagement Through: • Consolidated approach with MDU/DPAS/FMF (started) • End Users, e.g. Boeing AMT BD Plan, Marcel Bick CSIRO 30 Strategic Clients Order Client Top 20 by Revenue 10 by Strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD) National Aeronautics & Space Agency (NASA) Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) AusAID Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) Bureau of Meteorology(BOM) Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) Bayer Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Boeing Company (Boeing) BHP Billiton (BHP) Department of Industry and Investment , NSW Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) 19 Grape & Wine Research & Development Corporation (GWRDC) 20 Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research & Development (ANLEC) 21 Orica 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 General Electric (GE) DRALGAS – Office of Northern Australia Department of Human Services (inc Centrelink) BP Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) Dairy Australia IINET Petronas Murray Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) Commercial in Confidence Group FHLSI IS FHLSI FHLSI ENV FHLSI ENV ENV ENV FHLSI FHLSI FHLSI ENERGY MMM MMM IS ENERGY ENV MMM MMM ENV IS ENERGY FHLSI FHLSI IS ENERGY ENV FHLSI 10 ENV 7 IS 4 MMM 4 ENR 5