Medieval Europe * The Middle Ages

Medieval Europe – The Middle Ages
Brainstorm three questions you would like to
explore based on this picture. Write them down
on notebook paper/in your device.
Pair up with your nearest neighbor and share
your questions, comparing similarities and
Medieval Europe – The Middle Ages
Important Background Information:
1. After the fall of Roman Empire, Europe had no
central capital.
2. The land was divided into many small kingdoms.
This era was called the Medieval Era.
3. Tens and thousands of castles were built
throughout Europe.
As we watch the video…
1. Listen for information that answers your
questions from the warm up.
2. Write down what you learned about your
3. Add or change your question based on what
you have heard in the video.
Important Vocabulary for this Unit
• Feudalism – a political and military system used in the
Middle Ages
• Fief - a large area of land that a lord gave to a less
wealthy noble, who was known as a vassal.
• Lords - could be any nobleman, member of a highranking class, or church official who owned a fief and
allowed a person to use part of it in return for services.
• Vassal - Individuals who agreed to use a portion of a
lord’s land. Ownership of the land remained with the
lord, but he allowed the vassal to tax the peasants on
the land and keep the proceeds. Also, the vassals
received a portion of the crops that these peasants
produced. In return, the vassal promised to be loyal to
and fight for his lord.
As we view the next 3 videos…
• Complete your Main Idea Web
• Fill in information that you learn in each video
• This will be taken for a GRADE!
With a partner…
• Complete the last bubble in your Main Idea
• Remember to use only 20 WORDS OR LESS!
• Be prepared to share with the class!
Homework 4/23
-Complete your first person account from the
perspective of a king, noble, knight, or peasant.
-Unit 8 Flash Cards due MONDAY 4/28!
Warm Up 4/23
1. Why were so many castles built in Europe during
the Middle Ages?
2. Why did Feudalism begin?
3. What were Kings responsible for in the Feudal
4. What were Nobles/Lords responsible for in the
Feudal System?
Take out your handout from yesterday!
• What was each person’s role in the Feudal
• As we read through the descriptions of the
Feudal System in the Middle Ages, complete
the visual for each person (Kings, Noble or
Church Officials, Knights, Peasants).
Peasants were also known as serfs. Serfs were peasants who were attached
to the land and unable to travel freely.
Homework 4/23
• Unit 8 Flash Cards due MONDAY 4/28!!!
• -Vocab Assessment on WEDNESDAY 4/30
Look at the political
1) Who do you think
the people are?
2) What do you think
they are doing?
3) What are their
Reading/Graphic Organizer
• Today we will read about 4 different countries
and how they developed during the Middle
• We will also view a brainpop about an
important document in England’s history
called the MAGNA CARTA!
Economy Begins to Expand
• During the High Middle Ages (1000
CE – 1300 CE), the economy of
Europe gets stronger
– Farms begin to produce more crops
– Population increases
• Merchants begin to trade extra
goods with one another
– Some merchants begin to travel far
distances to trade goods
Economy Continues to Expand
• Trade routes are developed along major
• Towns begin to grow and roads connect
• Peasants and serfs are able to start saving
money and leave their manor
– Many peasants and serfs become
craftspeople and merchants
– Some start their own farms near towns where
food is needed
Feudalism Weakens
• Because many serfs and peasants are
beginning to leave their manors, the
feudalism system becomes weaker
• Kings became more powerful. People
agreed to pay taxes in return for
protection and government
– Kings are able to afford the powerful armies
and the best weapons
• Lords and knights begin to lose their
Nation-States Emerge
• During the Late Middle Ages (1300-1500), several kingdoms
continued to increase in size and power and eventually
formed nation-states
• Nation-State: An independent country united under one
government and linked by a common culture and language
• 4 major kingdoms developed into nation-states:
• During the Early Middle Ages, England was
dominated by two tribes:
– the Angles (northern, central and eastern
– the Saxons (southern England)
• In the 800s, King Alfred united the two groups
to from one country
• In 1066, there was a conflict for the next King
of England when King Edward died
– A French nobleman named William the
Conqueror defeated Harold of Wessex in the
Battle of Hastings
England (continued)
• William the Conqueror became King of
England and set up a strong central
• At first, there were conflicts between the
Anglo-Saxons and the Normans (a group
from France). Eventually, they worked
out their differences
– The modern English language is a
combination of Anglo-Saxon and Norman
• Henry II established the English system
of common law- laws that applied
equally to everyone in England
The Magna Carta
Magna Carta- Brainpop
• The Magna Carta came about when King
John angered many nobles with a set of
laws they believed were unfair
• In 1215, the nobles, barons, and church
officials rebelled against King John and
forced him to sign an agreement. This
agreement listed the rights of nobles and
limited the power of kings
• The average person did not gain any
rights in the Magna Carta, but it became
a model for those that demanded
democratic rights in the future
BrainPop – Magna Carta
• Answer the following questions as you watch:
1. Why would King John agree to sign the Magna
Carta if it limited his power?
2. What are the differences and similarities of
the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights?
3. What is a parliament?
• A group called the Franks formed the Holy
Roman Empire in the 800s
• Next, the Capetian Dynasty began and rulers of
this dynasty continued to expand the French
France (continued)
• In 1226, Louis IX became King of
France at the age of 12 (with help
from his mom). Louis was a strong
– He defined the duties or royal officials
– He created punishments for
counterfeiting money
– He outlawed duels
• In 1328, the last Capetian ruler died
and France entered a period known
as the Hundred Years War
The Hundred Years War
• Lasted from 1337-1453
• A series of short wars between England and France
over control of land
• The English won major battles because they had better
weapons, mainly the longbow
• Joan of Arc was a peasant girl from who said she had
visions from God to drive the English out of France
– Led by Joan of Arc, the French rallied and pushed the
English back. However, she was captured and killed
• After her death, the French started using cannons and
were able to drive the English all the way out of France
• During the 700s, Muslims conquered much of the
land in Spain and ruled the area for a few
hundred years
• By the late 1200s, the Christians pushed the
Muslims out of Spain, except for small parts
• The kingdoms of Prince Ferdinand and Princess
Isabella joined forming one large Spanish
• They were able to defeat the remaining Muslims
The Inquisition
• Although Muslims no longer had control of
Spain, some Muslims still lived there
• This led to the Inquisition
• During the Inquisition, Christians tortured and
killed many people of other religions (Islam
and Judaism) because they viewed these
religions as a threat
• During the 900s, Russia was known as Kievan
• Weakened by civil war, Kiev and its surrounding
states were captured by the Mongols, led by
Genghis Kahn in the early 1200s
• They were forced to be part of the Mongolian
Russia (continued)
• By 1380, Russia had gained enough power and
wealth to fight back against the Mongols
• In the early 1400s, the Russians were able to
drive the Mongols out of Russia for good
The Mongolian
Empire in 1279
Russia (continued)
• In 1547, a tsar (ruler) named Ivan IX took control
of Russia
• Ivan feared that nobles would try to overthrow
him, so he:
– Killed and imprisoned many wealthy citizens
– He passed laws making serfs and peasants bound to
their land (not allowed to leave). Serfs and peasants
were a part of Russia until the 1800s.
– He required nobles to supply troops for the Russian
• He later became known as Ivan the Terrible
-Unit 8 Flash Cards Due MONDAY 4/28!!!!
-Vocab Assessment on WEDNESDAY 4/30.
Warm Up
1. What was life like for peasants during the Middle Ages?
2. Do you think the Feudal System was a good system? Why or
why not?
3. What were the four main nation-states that developed
during the Middle Ages?
How is the Magna Carta important to history? What did it
lead to?
5. Would you consider Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen
of Spain, to be violent rulers? Why or why not?