Middle Ages Test Study Guide

Middle Ages Test Study Guide
1. Would you rather be a woman in the Middle Ages or a woman today?
2. The Christian slaves were freed by the church and became freedmen.
Why did most of the freedmen become serfs and work the land for a
lord? What did the lord give to the serf? What did the serf have to do
for the lord?
3. What happened to the slaves that were not Christians?
4. Describe Peter’s experience the first time he walked into a Middle
Ages city. What did he see, smell, touch, hear, and taste?
5. How did the Black Plague spread?
6. How did the plague spread to other countries?
7. What are some of the symptoms of the Black Plague?
8. How long did it take for the Black Plague to kill a victim?
9. What was the result of the Battle of Hastings?
10.What was the Magna Carta?
11.Why was the Magna Carta important?