Chapter 4

Chapter 24—Tour
Name: __________________________________
Date: ________________ Block: ___________
700 A.D.
– 570— 1200
B.C. A.D.
(Pages 366-379)
Take this Tour of Chapter 24 to briefly look at some of the topics we will be covering.
1. What is the title of Chapter 24?
2. Chapter 24 has four sections. What are the titles of each?
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
3. Read the Chapter Focus on page 367. What are the four things we will “Read to Discover?
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
Answer the following using specific details.
4. Using the time line on p. 366, when does Charlemagne die? ______________
5. Using the time line, what happened around 900 A.D.?
6. Find the Chapter Focus on page 367 and read about “Why it’s Important.” Complete the
sentence, “Under feudalism, landowning nobles ____________________________________________
7. Define the following terms (pages 367-369),:
fiefs: _________________________________________________________________________
vassal: ________________________________________________________________________
act of homage: ________________________________________________________________
knight: _______________________________________________________________________
8. On page 368, we read about the Lord and Vassal relationship. What did the vassal receive from
the lord once he showed homage?_____________________
9. What three duties did vassals have to perform for their lords? (p. 369) _____________________,
____________________________________, _______________________________________________.
10. Define palisades: (p. 369)_____________________________________________
11. In “Fun Facts” on page 370, we learn more about one nobles’ banquet. How
many pies were consumed at Pope Clement’s feast?
12. On page 370, we learn about Castles. Define the following terms:
13. On page 372, we learn about the life of noblewomen (or ladies). Describe both the rights and
the roles of ladies in feudal life: _________________________________________________________
14. List the 7 rules under the Code of Chivalry (p. 373):
15. On pages 373-374, we learn about knights. Define the following:
Page: __________________________________________________________________________
Squire: _________________________________________________________________________
Tournament: ___________________________________________________________________
Joust: __________________________________________________________________________
16. What were the “costs” of tournaments? ______________________________________________
17. On page 372, in “Linking Across Time,” we can read an excerpt about
the Medieval game of Chess. What country did Chess originate from?
18. What was the difference between “Freemen” and “Serfs” (p. 377)? _______________________
19. What day did peasants have off each week? (p. 377) _________________________
20. What sports did peasants play on the village green? (p. 378) ______________________________