Food and Nutrition - Mr. Slavinsky's Wiki

Food and Nutrition
Mr. Slavinsky
7th Grade Health
Walter Reed Middle School
Lesson 1: Nutrients for Health
• Read Pages 88-93
• You will learn about:
• Nutrients your body needs to be healthy.
• How to choose nutrient rich foods.
• How to read Nutrition Facts panel.
Six Major Nutrients
• Nutrients – substances in food that your body
needs to grow.
• Carbohydrates – provide energy
• Starches
− Rice, Pasta, Breads, Potatoes, Beans, Corn.
• Sugars
− Milk, Fruit, Honey
• Proteins – repair body cells and tissues
• Repair body cells and tissues
− Made from amino acids
− Meat, Dairy Products, Fish, Eggs, Plant Foods.
Six Major Nutrients
• Fats – nutrients that supply energy and promote
• Saturated Fats
− Solid @ room temperature.
− Butter, Stick margarine, Fats in Meat, Poultry and Dairy
• Unsaturated Fats
− Liquid @ room temperature.
− Plant Sources: Vegetable oils, nuts, olives, avocados
Six Major Nutrients
• Vitamins – help regulate body’s function
• Water Soluble Vitamins
− Vitamin C and B Vitamins
– Replaced daily.
• Fat Soluble Vitamins
− Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K
– Body stores until needed
• Fruits and Vegetables are best source of Vitamin A
and Vitamin C
• Whole grain breads and cereals supply Vitamin B.
• Milk is a good source of Vitamin D and B vitamin
Six Major Nutrients
• Minerals :
• Strengthen bones and teeth
• Keep blood healthy
• Keep heart and other organs working properly.
• Calcium – help bones
− Milk
Phosphorus – help bones
Magnesium – help bones
Potassium – balance of fluids
Chlorine – balance of fluids
Sodium – balance of fluids
− Salt
• Iron – red blood cells.
− Meat, spinach, leafy green vegetables, fruits, dry beans.
Six Major Nutrients
• Water :
Helps with digestion
Carries nutrients through the body
Removes waste from body
Regulates body temperature
• DRINK 8-10 glasses of WATER each DAY.
Ideal Meal
• In your notebooks:
• Describe your perfect dinner
• Include EVERYTHING you would want to eat.
ABC’s of Good Health
• Aim for fitness
• Build a healthy base
• Choose sensibly
Aim for Fitness
• Be physically active every day.
• 60 minutes of daily physical activity.
Build a Healthy Base
• Eating well
• Grains, Fruits, and Vegetables
• Healthy eyes, skin, bones, and blood
• Fiber
• Part of grains, fruits, and vegetables that the
body cannot break down.
• Helps move waste out.
• 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
• Make sure food is safe to eat.
Choose Sensibly
• Avoid eating too much fat
• Cholesterol – used by the body to build cells
and make other substances.
• Saturated fats raise level of cholesterol.
• Avoid eating too much sugar.
• Avoid eating too much salt.
• One teaspoon sugar = 5 grams
• Calculate how many teaspoons of sugar are in
1 can of Coca Cola or Pepsi soda.
• Submit Online
− Per.6 and Per. 7
Reading a Nutrition
Facts Panel
• Nutrition Panel:
How large 1 serving is
# of Calories
Amount of Nutrients
Daily Value (%)
• Lesson 1 Review
• Page 93
• 1-5
• Do Not Copy Questions
• Tech Academy
− #’s 1-8
Lesson 2: The Food
Guide Pyramid
• Read Pages 93-97
• What you will learn:
• What influences food choices
• How to use Food Guide Pyramid to make
healthy choices.
Foods you Choose
• Nutrition – process of taking in food and using it
for energy, growth, and good health.
• Influences on Food Choice:
• Personal Taste – Look, smell, feel, and taste.
• Geography – Land, climate, agricultural products where
you live.
• Family, Friends, Cultural Background – family
• Advertising – Food ads
• Cost – Fast and Easy
• Convenience – Preparation Time
Food Guide Pyramid
• Fats, Oils, and Sweets: Use sparingly.
• Milk, yogurt, and cheese group: 2-3
• Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and
Nuts Group: 2-3 servings
• Vegetable group: 3-5 servings
• Fruit Group: 2-4 servings
• Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta group: 6-11
Using the Pyramid to Meet
Your Needs
• Number of servings that is right for you
depends on the amount of energy that you
need each day.
• Factors Include:
• Age
• Gender
• Level of Activity
Daily Servings
• Page 96
• Copy table on recommended daily servings for
• Due Tomorrow
Variety of Foods
• Slice of Pizza:
Tomato Sauce
Variety of Foods
• Foods that are
high in sugar and
fat are generally
low in nutrients
and high in
• Calorie’s measure
the energy
available in foods.
• Teens need:
Lesson 2 Review
Page 97
Do Not Copy Questions
• Tech Academy
• #1-6
Lesson 3: Healthful
Meals and Snacks
• Read Pages 98-101
• What you will learn:
• Planning nutritious meals
• Why eating breakfast is important
• Choosing healthful snacks
Planning Healthful Snacks
• Regular Meals: Don’t skip meals
• Portion Size: Portion sizes are smaller than
you think.
• Small amounts from Pyramid Tip: Watch
your fats and sugars.
• Aim to achieve balance over time: Balance
your diet
Breakfast of Champions
• Breakfast:
• Include complex carbohydrates and some
Oatmeal and egg with fruit.
Whole wheat toast and eggs.
Add Vitamin C rich foods: Grapefruit or Orange Juice
Calcium Rich Dairy: Milk or cheeses
Cup of yogurt
Cereal, Muffin, String cheese, Fruits.
Group Work
• With a partner make a list of some healthful
breakfasts you could prepare when you are
in a hurry.
• Nutrient Dense : High amount of nutrients relative
to the number of calories.
• Nutrient Dense Snacks:
• Baked tortilla chips with salsa
• Fruit smoothie with milk or yogurt
• Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat
• Raw veggies with yogurt dip
• Apple and cheese slices with graham crackers.
• Popcorn with chili powder or cinnamon
• Tomato or vegetable juice. (V8)
Homework-Due Tomorrow
• Complete the table with at least 5 foods in each.
Nutrient Dense Foods
Not Nutrient Dense
• Lesson 3 Review
• Page 101
• On Separate Paper
• Do Not Copy Questions
• #’s 1-6
• Tech Academy
− #’s 1-7
− #7 should be on a separate paper all together
Lesson 4: The Digestive
and Excretory Systems
• Read Pages 102-107
• What you will learn:
• How your body digests food
• How your body removes waste products
• Digestion – process by how food gets broken down.
• Digestive System – group of organs that work together to
break down foods.
• Saliva – Digestive juice produced by salivary glands in mouth.
• Small intestine – 20 foot long tube where most of digestion
takes place.
• Liver –An organ that helps digest fats. Produces bile.
• Pancreas – Organ that helps small intestine. Makes enzymes
that break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
• Excretion – Process of how the body gets rid of waste.
• Excretory System – A System that removes waste from your
• Colon – Storage tube for solid waste.
• Kidneys – Organs that filter water and waste materials from
Steps in Digestion
• It takes 16-24 hours for your body to break
down food into energy and get rid of
I. Mouth – Crushing and Grinding
II. Stomach – Chemical Breakdown
III. Small Intestine – Useful Material Extracted
IV. Colon – Water Removal
V. Waste Elimination
Chewing and Swallowing
1. Teeth tear and grind the food into small shreds
or chunks
2. Salivary glands produce saliva. Enzymes in the
saliva begin chemical breakdown of
carbohydrates, converting starch to sugar.
Saliva also moistens food for transport.
3. Flap called epiglottis closes off the trachea to
avoid choking. The uvula closes off the airway to
the nose.
4. Swallowed food enters esophagus, a tube that
Organs of Digestive System
• 1. Acid and enzymes in the stomach break the
food down until it resembles a thin soup called
• 2. Food moves to the small intestine, a coiled
tube, about 20 feet long, where most of the
digestive process takes place.
• 3. The liver, the body’s largest gland, secretes a
liquid called bile that helps digest fat. Liver also
helps regulate levels of sugar in the blood, breaks
down harmful substances such as alcohol, and
stores some vitamins.
Organs of Digestive System
• 4. After the liver produces bile, it sends it to the
gallbladder. The gallbladder stores the bile until it
is needed.
• 5. The pancreas is a gland that helps the small
intestine by producing pancreatic juice, a blend of
enzymes that breaks down carbohydrates,
proteins, and fats.
• 6. The walls of the small intestine are covered
with fingerlike projections called villi. Nutrients
from the digested material pass through the villi.
This allows the nutrients to enter the bloodstream
and eventually reach body cells.
Removing Waste
• Some foods have minerals that the
body cannot use.
• During digestion they are separated out.
• Excretion is the process by which the body
gets rid of waste material
3 Kinds of Waste
• The body produces 3 kinds of waste:
• Solid
• Liquid
• Gas
The excretory system is the system that
removes waste from your body and
controls water balance.
Major Organs of Excretory
• Major Organs of Excretory System:
• Bladder
• Kidney
• Colon
Liquid Waste
• 50-80% of your body is water.
• Most waste is dissolved in that water.
Solid Wastes
• Solid waste is made from food your body
cannot digest.
• Includes Fiber
• After digestion, body sends water and undigested
solid waste to the COLON.
• Water is absorbed and sent back to the body.
− The remaining solid waste becomes FECES.
– When colon fills up, strong muscles in its walls contract
pushing feces out.
Eliminating Liquid Waste
1. Kidneys filter water and waste materials from
the blood. (2) Urine is made up of the fluid and
dissolved substances secreted by the kidneys.
2. The Kidneys send the urine to the bladder
through two tubes called ureters.
3. The bladder is a pouch in which urine is stored.
4. A signal from the nervous system lets the
person knows that it is time to go. Urine passes
through a tube called the urethra.
Caring for Digestive and
Excretory Systems
Eat a balanced diet
Eat foods low in fat and high in fiber
Eat at regular times each day
Drink 8-10 glasses of water
Take care of your teeth
Stay active
• Lesson 4 Review
Page 107
#’s 1-6
Do Not Copy Questions
On Separate Paper
− #’S 1-8
Lesson 5: Managing
your Weight
• Read Pages 108-111
• What you will learn:
• How to determine healthy weight
• Dangers of eating disorders
• Healthful ways to manage weight
Body Mass Index-BMI
• Body Mass Index – A way to assess your
body size, taking your height and weight
into account.
• Homework assignment ONLINE
• 1. Multiply weight by 0.45
• 2. (Your Height in Inches x 0.025)2
• 3. Divide answer from Step # 1 by Step # 2
− What is BMI of person who is 5’ 2” (62 inches) and weights
110 pounds.
Benefits of Healthy Weight
• Less chance of disease
• Better lifestyle
• Long healthy life
• Think of 5 more with a partner
Nutrition and Physical
• You must take in as many calories as your body
burns during the day.
• Extra calories get converted to fat.
Calories burned in 1 hour
Activity and Calorie Use
In-Line Skating
Eating Disorders
• Extreme eating behaviors that lead to
serious illness or even death.
• Anorexia - a person has an intense fear of
weight gain and starves him/herself.
• Bulimia Nervosa – a person repeatedly eats
large amounts of food, and then purges.
• Binge Eating Disorder – Compulsive
Health Skills Activity
• Tech Academy
• With a group create a public service
announcement that promotes having a realistic
body image. Create a poster, a radio ad, or a
television commercial.
• Due in 1 week.
• Lesson 5 Review
Page 111
#’s 1-5
On Separate Paper
Do Not Copy Questions
− #’s 1-7
• Chapter 4 Assessment
Page 116-117
#’s 1-16
On Separate Paper
Do Not Copy Questions
• Tech Academy
− #’s 1-20