Quality and Operations Management

Quality and Operations
Process Control and Capability Analysis
Process Control
• Recognizes that variance exists in all processes
• Sources of variation
– systematic
– assignable
• Purpose
– to detect and eliminate ‘out-of-control’ conditions
– to return a process to an ‘in-control’ state
• Basic tool -- the SPC chart(s)
Measuring A Process
• Types of measurements
– variables data
• length, weight, speed, output, etc
• discrete values
– attributes data
• good vs bad, pass vs fail, etc
• binary values
• Types of charts
– variables -- X-R chart
– attributes -- p, np, c and u
• Basic assumption -- sample means are normally
Getting Started with SPC
X-R Charts
Determine sample size and frequency of data collection
Collect sufficient historical data
Ensure normality of distribution
Calculate factors for control charts
Construct control chart
Plot data points
Determine outliers and eliminate assignable causes
Recalculate control limits with reduced data set
Implement new process control chart
Basic Properties
• sx = std dev of sample mean = s/n
(where s = process standard deviation)
• conventional approach uses  3 s/n
• limitations of control charts
– Type I Error: probability that an in-control value would
appear as out-of-control
– Type II Error: probability that a shift causing an out-ofcontrol situation would be mis-reported as in-control
– delays due to sampling interval
– charting without taking action on assignable causes
– over control actions
Type 1 and Type 2 Error
In Control
Out of Control
No Alarm
Type 1
No error
No error
Type 2
Suppose m1 > m, then
Type 2 Error = Z [(m + 3 sx - m1) / sx ]
Type 1 Error = 0.0027 for 3s charts
Type 2 Error Example
m = 10
m1= 10.2
s = 4/3
sx = 4/9
Then, Type 2 Error
= Z [(m + 3 sx - m1) / sx ]
= Z [(10 + 12/9 - 10.2) / (4/9)]
= Z [2.55] = 0.9946
if m1= 11.0, then Type 2 Error
= Z[0.75] = .7734
if m1= 12.0, then Type 2 Error
= Z[-1.50] = .0668
Prob.{shift will be detected in 3rd sample after shift occurs}
= 0.0668*0.0668*(1-0.0668) = 0.0042
Average number of samples taken before shift is detected
= 1/(1-0.0668) = 1.0716
Prob.{no false alarms first 32 runs, but false alarm on 33rd}
= (0.9973)32*(0.0027) = .0025
Average number of samples taken before a false alarm
= 1/0.0027 = 370
Tests for Unnatural Patterns
• Probability that “odd” patterns observed are not
“natural” variability are calculated by using the
probabilities associated with each zone of the
control chart
• Use the assumption that the population is normally
• Probabilities for X-chart are shown on next slide
Normal Distribution Applied to
X-R Control Charts
Probability = .00135
Outer 3rd
Probability = .02135
Middle 3rd
Probability = .1360
Inner 3rd
Probability = .3413
Inner 3rd
Probability = .3413
Middle 3rd
Probability = .1360
Outer 3rd
Probability = .02135
Probability = .00135
A Few Standard Tests
• 1 point outside Zone A
• 2 out of 3 in Zone A or above (below)
• 4 out of 5 in Zone B or above (below)
• 8 in a row in Zone C or above (below)
• 10 out of 11 on one side of center
Tests for Unnatural Patterns
• 2 out of 3 in A or beyond
– .0227 x .0227 x (1-.0227) x 3 = .0015
• 4 out of 5 in B or beyond
– .15874 x (1-.1587) x 5 = .0027
• 8 in a row on one side of center
– .508 = .0039
Other Charts
• P-chart
– based on fraction (percentage) of defective units in a
varying sample size
• np-chart
– based on number of defective units in a fixed sample
• u-chart
– based on the counts of defects in a varying sample size
• c-chart
– based on the count of defects found in a fixed sample
SPC Quick Reference Card
• P-chart
– based on fraction (percentage) of defective units in a varying sample
– UCL/LCLp = p  3(p)(1-p)/n
• np-chart
– based on number of defective units in a fixed sample size
– UCL/LCLnp = np  3(np)(1-p)
• u-chart
– based on the counts of defects in a varying sample size
– UCL/LCLu = u  3u/n
• c-chart
– based on the count of defects found in a fixed sample size
– UCL/LCLc = c  3c
• X-R chart
– variables data
– UCL/LCLX = X  3 sx = X  3 s/  n = X  A2R where s = R/d2
– UCLR = D4R
and A2 = 3/d2 n
– LCLR = D3R
• for p, np, u, c and R chart the LCL can not be less than zero.
Process Capability
• Cp: process capability ratio
– a measure of how the distribution compares to the
width of the specification
– not a measure of conformance
– a measure of capability, if distribution center were to
match center of specification range
• Cpk: process capability index
– a measure of conformance (capability) to specification
– biased towards “worst case”
– compares sample mean to nearest spec. against
distribution width
How Good is Good Enough?
• Cp = 1.0 =>  3s => 99.73% (in acceptance) =>
.9973 => 2700 ppm out of tolerance
– PG&E operates non-stop
• 23.65 hours per year without electricity
– average car driven 15,000 miles per year
• 41 breakdowns or problems per year
• Cp = 2.0 =>  6s => 99.99983% (in acceptance)
=> .9999983 => 3.4 ppm out of tolerance
– PG&E operates non-stop
• 1.78 minutes per year without electricity
– average car driven 15,000 miles per year
• 0.051 breakdowns or problems per year or one every 20 years