Indonesia’s Health Sector Review 1 OVERVIEW DATA, GRAPHS AND TABLES UPDATED DECEMBER 2010 Next Update foreseen in March 2011 adding the Actuarial Estimates and Jamkesmas Review Background 2 The WB received requests for electronic copies of the various charts, tables and graphs included in the reports and papers produced for the Indonesia Health Sector Review In response, this synthesis report has been created. It includes the key charts, tables and graphs that can be downloaded This is a living document and updates will be inserted when new data become available This document does not summarize all the work that was carried out, rather it includes mainly the data and graphs. For summaries and details please refer to the documents listed in the annex. Each slide includes the source document for easy reference This review was put together by the World Bank Jakarta-based health team including Claudia Rokx, Pandu Harimurti, Puti Marzoeki, Eko Pambudi, George Schieber, Ajay Tandon and John Giles. Elif Yavuz was involved in earlier versions. Indonesia’s Dynamic Environment 3 Indonesia’s health system performance is challenged by a changing environment: O n g o i n g d e m o g r a p h i c a n d e p i d e m i o l o g i c a l t r a n s i t i o n s t h a t are likely to increase demand and result in more costly and more diverse health care. A d d i t i o n a l p r e s s u r e w i l l c o m e f r o m e m e r g i n g d i s e a s e s a n d epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, H5N1 (Avian Influenza) and H1N1 (Swine Influenza). T h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f L a w N o . 4 0 / 2 0 0 4 o n U n i v e r s a l Health Insurance Coverage (UHIC) will further increase demand and utilization. Indonesia’s population is growing: by 2025 there will be 273 million people and the elderly population will almost double to 23 million. 4 75+ 75+ 70-74 65-69 65-69 60-64 60-64 55-59 55-59 50-54 50-54 45-49 45-49 40-44 40-44 35-39 35-39 30-34 30-34 25-29 25-29 20-24 20-24 15-19 15-19 10-14 10-14 -15,000 -10,000 -5,000 5-9 5-9 0-4 0-4 0 5,000 10,000 Population in Thousands 2000 Source: BPS 2005. Males Females 70-74 15,000 -15,000 -10,000 -5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 Population In Thousands 2025 The demographic transition may provide a ‘demographic bonus’ in the short term if those coming of working age are employed… 5 Dependency ratio, 1950-2050 90 total ratio to working-age population 80 demographic bonus 70 young window of opportunity 60 50 40 30 20 10 eldery 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 year Source: Adioetomo 2007. 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 …but may also have serious implications for the delivery and financing of health care; doubling the need for care from aging alone. 6 World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Although communicable disease remains a large burden, with the changing age structure disease patterns will shift to noncommunicable disease and injuries, increasing and diversifying the demand for health care further. 7 Changes in Burden of Disease in Indonesia 70 60 50 SKRT'95 40 SKRT'01 Riskesdas07 30 20 10 0 Perinatal / Maternal Source: Riskesdas Survey 2007. Communicable Disease Non-communicable Disease Injuries The obesity rate is rising and increased prevalence of risk factors will change the burden of disease – increasing the need for preventive measures. 8 Adult Obesity in Indonesia (%) Richest 23.2 Quintile 4 19.9 Quintile 3 17.8 Quintile 2 16.8 Poorest 15 Rural 15.7 Urban 23.6 Females 29 Male 7.7 0 5 Source: Riskesdas Survey 2007. 10 15 20 25 30 35 Increased need will demand more resources for health. Fortunately, despite the global economic crisis, the macroeconomic picture is still favorable. 8 9 6 7 Pre-crisis forecast 4 5 Post-crisis forecast 2003 2005 2007 Source : IMF World Bank. 2009. Giving More Weight to Health in Indonesia. 2009 year 2011 2013 Health System Performance 10 Indonesia’s health system performance measured in terms of health outcomes, financial protection, consumer awareness and equity and efficiency is mixed: I n d o n e s i a s c o r e s h i g h l y o n r e d u c i n g c h i l d m o r t a l i t y b u t l o w on reducing maternal mortality. I n e q u i t i e s i n h e a l t h o u t c o m e s b e t w e e n i n c o m e l e v e l s a n d geographic areas are very large and constitute a major problem for the health sector overall. Indonesians live longer in 2010 and child mortality has fallen dramatically since the 1960s. 200 150 100 50 50 Infant mortality Infant/underfive mortality rate 60 Under-five mortality Life expectancy 0 40 Life expectancy 70 11 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 year Source : WDI 2009 World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Health Expenditure Review 2008. 2010 But geographic inequities remain large: life expectancy varies between 60 in West Nusa Tenggara and 75 in Yogyakarta. 12 World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Health Expenditure Review 2008. Indonesia performs well in terms of infant mortality relative to other comparable health spending level countries but less well for its income. 13 Above average INFANT MORTALITY (2008) Malaysia Vietnam Sri Lanka Thailand Below average ChinaBangladesh Lao PDR Indonesia India Below average Above average Attainment relative to health spending per capita Source: WDI 2009, WHO 2008 World Bank. 2009: Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Despite significant reduction in IMR over time, some neighboring countries have performed better. 14 100 250 Infant mortality, 1960-2009 Indonesia Thailand 25 Vietnam India China 5 Sri Lanka 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Source: WDI 2009 Note: y-axis log scale World Bank. 2009: Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. 0 Source: DHS 2007. Infant Mortality Child Mortality West Sulawesi Maluku West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara South Kalimantan North Maluku Gorontalo Central Sulawesi North Sumatra Bengkulu Papua West Papua South-east Sulawesi West Sumatra West Kalimantan Riau Islands Banten Lampung South Sulawesi South Sumatra West Java Riau Jambi Bangka Belitung DI Aceh East Java North Sulawesi East Kalimantan Bali DKI Jakarta Central Kalimantan Central Java DI Yogyakarta Death for every 1000 live birth And there are large inequalities between provinces and income levels. 15 120 100 80 60 40 20 In fact, some of Indonesia’s provinces are at par with some of the best and worst performing countries. 16 100 150 Infant mortality, 2008 50 West Sulawesi North Maluku Riau Islands West Java DKI Jakarta Congo,Niger Rep. West Nusa TenggaraTanzania West Sumatra South Sumatra Riau East Kalimantan DI Yogyakarta India Timor-Leste Uganda Cambodia Zimbabwe Papua New Guinea Bangladesh Vietnam China Ukraine 0 San Marino Indonesia Other countries Source: IDHS (2007) & WDI 2009 World Bank. 2009: Presentation on Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Indonesia also performs less well on maternal mortality for its income level in international comparisons. 17 Above average MATERNAL MORTALITY, 2008 Vietnam Sri Lanka Below average China Thailand Malaysia Bangladesh India Lao PDR Indonesia Below average Above average Attainment relative to health spending per capita Source: WDI 2009 (MMR:Model WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA/The Worldbank), WHO 2008 World Bank. 2009: Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. And will need extra efforts to achieve the MDG of reducing maternal deaths by 75 percent by 2015. 18 The World Bank 2010.”…End Then She Died”: Indonesia Maternal Health Assessment. Underweight among children under five years of age has declined significantly… 19 40 Moderate 37.5 Severe 35.5 35 30 Percentage Underweight 31.6 29.5 26.4 25 24.6 31.2 20 28.3 20 19 18.3 15 17.1 19.8 19.3 28.2 27.5 27.3 26.1 19.2 19.6 28 19.2 18.4 13 10 11.6 5 6.3 7.2 1989 1992 10.5 8.1 7.5 6.3 8 8.3 8.6 8.8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 5.4 0 1995 Source : Susenas 1989-2005, Riskesdas 2007 Source: Susenas various years. 1998 2007* …however, stunting rates, which are an indicator of chronic malnutrition, remain very high. 20 Above average Stunting Among Children under 5 years old, 2000-2009 Thailand Sri Lanka Below average Bangladesh Vietnam China Indonesia Lao PDR India Below average Above average Attainment relative to health spending per capita Source: WDI 2009, WHO 2008 Health Spending Trends 21 By any measure Indonesia’s public spending on health is low and inequitably distributed: Indonesia’s public health spending as a proportion of GDP has stagnated in recent years and compares unfavorably with other comparable income countries. Indonesia’s Out-of-Pocket (OOP) spending is about average for its income level and has improved in recent years. Indonesia does reasonably well on reducing catastrophic spending incidence but less well on health insurance coverage and equity. Public spending on health is inequitably distributed across provinces and income quintiles. Despite substantial increases in government health expenditures as a share of GDP over recent years, Indonesian governments barely spends 1 percent of GDP on health. 22 Government health expenditures by level of government (2001-2009) IDR Trillions (constant 2007 prices) 45 1.2% 40 1.0% 35 30 0.8% 25 0.6% 20 15 0.4% 10 0.2% 5 0 0.0% 2001 Central 2002 2003 Province 2004 2005 District 2006 2007* 2008* Share of GDP World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Health Public Expenditure Review 2008. 2009** Total and public health spending in Indonesia is low relative to other comparable income countries. 23 GOVERNMENT HEALTH SPENDING VS INCOME,2008 10 10 Government Health Spending (% GDP) 15 15 TOTAL HEALTH SPENDING VS INCOME, 2008 Samoa China Thailand Malaysia Samoa Vietnam Thailand China Cambodia Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia 0 Indonesia 0 Lao PDR 5 5 Vietnam Cambodia 100 250 1000 10000 25000 10 GDP per capita Source: World Development Indicators 2009, WHO 2008 Note: GDP per capita in current US$; Log scale 100 250 1000 GDP per capita Source: World Development Indicators 2009, WHO 2008 Note: GDP per capita in current US$; Log scale World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. 10000 25000 And government health spending as a share of the budget is even lower than total government expenditures as a share of GDP. 24 30 40 50 Government spending vs income, 2004-2006 20 Government spending (% GDP) Indonesia 10 Government health spending (% budget) Indonesia 100 250 1000 2500 GNI per capita (US$) Source: WDI World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. 10000 25000 OOP spending, a measure of financial protection, is about average relative to comparators. 25 80 OOP spending as share of total health spending vs Income per capita, 2008 60 Cambodia Lao PDR Vietnam Philippines 40 China Malaysia 20 Indonesia Thailand 0 Samoa 100 250 1000 10000 GDP per capita, current US$ Source: World Development Indicators 2009, WHO 2008 Note: GDP per capita in current US$; Log scale World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. 25000 Financial protection, measured as the OOP share of nonfood spending has improved. 26 Source: Equitap Update 2009. By regional standards, the incidence of catastrophic health spending is low in Indonesia. 27 18.0 16.0 14.0 % of households exceeding threshold 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Malaysia (1999) Taiwan (2000) Indonesia (2006) Thailand (2002) Hong Kong (2000) Sri Lanka (1997) Philippines (1999) Indonesia (2001) Greater than 25 percent of nonfood expenditures Korea (2000) Nepal (1996) India (2000) China (2000) Bangladesh (2000) Vietnam (1998) Greater than 10 percent of total expenditures Catastrophic payments for health care are defined as OOP payments in excess of a substantial proportion of the household budget, usually 10-40 percent (Van Doorslaer et al. 2006; Xu et al, 2003) World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Equity of public spending on health could be improved; it is low in international comparisons and has not changed much since 2001. 28 Poorest Quintile Share of Public Hospital Inpatient Subsidies in EAP Region Poorest quintile share of subsidy 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Hong Kong 2002 Sri Lanka 2004 Thailand 2002 Malaysia 1996 Vietnam 2003 Bangladesh 2000 Mongolia* India 1996 Indonesia 2006 Indonesia 2001 Gansu (China) 2003 Zhejiang (China) 2003 Heilongjiang (China) 2003 Shanxi province (China) 2003 World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Inequities between provinces are also evident from differences in health expenditures. 29 District Public Health Expenditures by Province (2005) World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Health Expenditure Review 2008. Technical efficiency is low in Indonesia in global comparisons and there are large differences between provinces. 30 average case- f low A: high case-flow low occupancy average case- f low 100 C: high case-flow high occupancy A: high case-flow low occupancy C: high case-flow high occupancy 80 80 T M 60 N UK C V F LA G Irl Tk US Aus E Idn H HK I Ch PB Cdn CZ S Nl D Mng Mys 40 average bed occupancy CN case-flow (case per bed per year) case-flow (cases per bed per year) 100 Banten Kalseng Bangka Belitung NTB B a l i DKI Jakarta Sulsel Sumsel Sulteng Sulteng Irian Jaya Tengah Jatim Bengkulu Jabar R i a u Jateng Kaltim KaltengLampung DIY average Sumbar N AIrian D Jaya Barat bed occupancy J a mb i Sumut Irian Jaya Timur Maluku 60 40 Sulut 20 Tw Rok J 20 B: low case-flow low occupancy B: low case-flow low occupancy D: low case-flow high occupancy 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 D: low case-flow high occupancy 0 0 0 0 NTT KalBar 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 percent bed occupancy rate percent bed occupancy rate Technical efficiency is ideally measured using case-mix unit cost data, however these are not available in Indonesia. Instead case-flow and average bed occupancy are used. World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. 100 Indonesia’s Health Delivery System 31 An already stretched health system will incur further pressure due to increased demand from ongoing demographic, nutrition and epidemiological transitions as well as the introduction of universal health insurance coverage. I n d o n e s i a ’ s h e a l t h i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , a l t h o u g h w i d e l y a v a i l a b l e for primary care, does not have sufficient beds or health workers to respond to these increased needs. P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s u p p l i e s a r e r e a s o n a b l e b u t m o s t I n d o n e s i a n pay more than they need to and most expenditures are out of pocket. T h e r e i s a p r e s s i n g n e e d t o a d d r e s s h u m a n r e s o u r c e s distribution inequities and quality. S a t i s f a c t i o n l e v e l s o v e r a l l a r e g o o d a l t h o u g h t h e r e i s a h i g h level of dissatisfaction with various aspects of health care. Indonesia’s primary public health care system is extensive: more than 90 percent of the population has access to primary care facilities. 32 Ratio Puskesmas per 100,000 Population Source: MoH. 2008. Health Profile. While Indonesia has a well-developed primary health system, it has fewer hospital beds than comparators. 33 5 10 15 HOSPITAL BED SUPPLY VS INCOME, 2000-2010 Vietnam Lao PDR 0 Cambodia 100 250 China Thailand Malaysia Philippines Samoa Indonesia 1000 10000 GDP per capita, current US$ Source: World Development Indicators 2009, WHO 2008 Note: GDP per capita in current US$; Log scale World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. 25000 And Also Fewer Health Workers 34 MIDWIVEs/NURSES SUPPLY VS INCOME, 2000-2010 China Philippines 100 250 15 10 5 Philippines Malaysia Thailand Samoa Indonesia 1000 10000 GDP per capita, current US$ Source: World Development Indicators 2009, WHO 2008 Note: GDP per capita in current US$; Log scale Lao PDR Cambodia Vietnam 0 0 Vietnam Lao PDR Cambodia Midwives/Nurses per 1,000 2 4 6 8 20 DOCTOR SUPPLY VS INCOME, 2000-2010 25000 100 250 Malaysia Samoa Thailand Indonesia 1000 10000 GDP per capita, current US$ Source: World Development Indicators 2009, WHO 2008 Note: GDP per capita in current US$; Log scale World Bank. 2010. New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: A Health Work Force Study. 25000 At the Puskesmas level most basic services are available. 35 Structural Indicators and Quality Scores for Prenatal, Child Curative and Adult Curative Care (by Clinical Setting)(2007) Quality Measures Public Settings Puskesmas Structural quality Internal water source (%) Private Settings Private Nurse Pustu Private Midwife Private MDs All Settings 89 71 80 84 89 84 Inpatient beds (%) Functioning microscope (%) 28 79 3 5 3 1 28 3 3 7 18 25 Tuberculosis service (%) Measles vaccines in stock (%) 95 97 30 51 8 5 2 48 44 11 38 51 Tetanus toxoid vaccine in stock (%) Hepatitis B vaccine in stock (%) 97 55 9 59 12 55 92 52 6 54 16 52 World Bank. 2010. New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: A Health Work Force Study. Secondary and tertiary care have not progressed equally: the number of hospitals and hospital beds has grown slowly. 36 Increase in numbers of hospital beds between 1995 and 2006 by ownership 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 1995 MoH 1997 2000 Province, district, municipal 2003 Armed forces, police 2005 State-owned World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Health Expenditure Review 2008. 2006 Private Health Center Ratio bed per 10,000 World Bank. 2008. Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Health Expenditure Review 2008. Health center ratio per 100,000 Indonesia Banten West Java Lampung West Nusa Tenggara East Java Riau South Sumatra South East Sulawesi North Sumatra Central Java Jambi Bangka Belitung Island West Kalimantan Bengkulu East Nusa Tenggara Central Kalimantan Central Sulawesi South Kalimantan South Sulawesi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam North Maluku Gorontalo DKI Jakarta D I Yogyakarta West Sumatra East Kalimantan Bali Papua Maluku North Sulawesi West Papua # Health center 1,200 1,000 6 600 400 4 200 2 0 0 Ratio There are 2.5 beds per 10,000, 3.5 Puskesmas per 100,000 and 5.6 hospitals per 1,000,000 Indonesians, however, on average, there are serious inequities among provinces. 37 10 8 800 The ratio of physicians to population also masks significant inequities among urban and rural areas. 38 Source: KKI 2008. DPT3 immunization, often considered a good indicator of health system coverage, is low for Indonesia’s health expenditure level and may indicate low levels of efficiency. 39 Country Total health expenditure pc (US$) DPT3 immunization coverage Indonesia 26 70 Uganda 22 84 Rwanda 19 95 Tajikistan 18 85 Tanzania 17 90 Nepal 16 75 Pakistan 15 80 Bangladesh 12 88 World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Analysis of the number of staff per primary care facility illustrates inequalities at the facility level… 40 Facility National Java-Bali Sumatra Other Provinces 1997 2007 1997 2007 1997 2007 1997 2007 Puskesmas Number of Doctors Number of Doctors (%) 1.51 1.90 3.4 7.0 1.68 1.96 1.5 5.9 1.19 1.85 2.0 1.09 1.62 6.8 15.9 11.3 Number of Midwives 5.85 3.69 5.76 3.44 6.33 5.28 5.62 3.18 Number of Nurses 5.05 6.14 4.58 5.60 6.16 7.16 5.84 7.61 Number of Midwives 0.98 0.81 1.06 0.76 1.13 1.17 0.44 0.21 Number of Nurses 1.08 1.06 1.02 1.09 1.16 1.08 1.16 0.89 Pustu Source: IFLS 1997; 2007. …and quality, measured as diagnostic and treatment ability, varies between regions and geographic areas and has not improved much over time. 41 Quality of Public Health Services in Indonesia 1997-2007 (by Region) Service National Java/Bali Sumatra Other Provinces 1997 2007 P= 1997 2007 P= 1997 2007 P= 1997 2007 P= Prenatal Care Public 42 46 *** 45 47 ** 35 39 ** 38 49 *** Private 40 44 *** 43 46 *** 34 37 ** 39 46 *** Public 56 64 *** 58 66 *** 48 56 *** 55 65 *** Private 55 59 *** 57 62 *** 50 52 54 60 *** Public 49 56 *** 52 59 *** 43 48 *** 44 53 *** Private 46 53 *** 48 56 *** 40 51 *** 44 51 *** Child Curative Care Adult Curative Care *** p<0.01, **p<0.05 World Bank. 2010. New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: A Health Work Force Study. In international comparisons Indonesia spends little on medicine per capita, and most expenses are out-of-pocket. 42 Spending on drugs per capita in US$ Thailand Malaysia Vietnam Philippines Cambodia Indonesia Government India 0 5 10 15 20 Private 25 Over half of Indonesian districts spent less than US$0.55 per capita in 2007 and some spent less than US$0.10. Districts would need to spend around US$1.50 per capita or more on average (assuming the central government continues to provide around US$0.55 per capita for Puskesmas drugs) to provide all the primary care medicines recommended by WHO. Source: WHO. 2004. The World Medicines Situation. But most Indonesians pay more than they need to for their medicines when they buy from the private sector or from public hospitals. 43 Price ratio to median international indicator price Private pharmacies Public hospitals Originator brands Most sold branded generic Lowest price generic 22-26 6-7 2.6 22 1.7-6 2.15 Source: National Institute for Health Research and Development (NIHRD) Survey 2004. Provision of health services by private health providers has grown significantly over the past decade. 44 At the national level, physician practices per 1,000 of population grew at 38.5 percent The number of midwife practices per 1,000 population increased by 4.64 percent. And the majority of physicians working in a Puskesmas supplement their income through private service provision World Bank. 2010. New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: A Health Work Force Study. And utilization of private health providers fell after Askeskin was introduced and the utilization of Puskesmas increased. 45 Changes in choice between public and private sector between 1999 and 2008 World Bank. 2009. Doctors, Midwives and Nurses: Health Work Force Review. However, most Indonesians continue to seek ambulatory care from private providers when ill. 46 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 2007 20% 1997 10% 0% Source: IFLS 1997 & 2007. Overall consumer satisfaction with inpatient and outpatient services appears good… 47 Source: GSD2 and Susenas. …although there is a high level of dissatisfaction with various aspects of the provision of health care… 48 Dissatisfaction With Various Aspects of Health Services (%) 21.7 waiting time 26.1 17.2 hospitality 13.6 24.2 24.1 information availability 29.7 involvement in Decision making 32.8 25.6 private consultation 27.3 27.9 26.8 freedom of choice 21.7 cleanliness 18.3 11.6 family visit 0 5 10 15 20 percent inpatient Source: Sakernas National Health Survey 2004. outpatient 25 30 35 …and many people continue to opt for self-treatment or forego treatment altogether. 49 Source: Susenas various years. Health Financing Reform 50 The new government is committed to implementing the reform and assuring all Indonesian citizens access to quality health services and financial protection against the impoverishing effects of large unpredictable medical care costs. Fulfilling this commitment will require the development, implementation, and monitoring of policies affecting all aspects of the health system – basic public health programs; delivery systems and logistical capacity; quality and distribution; organization, management, and accountability; pharmaceuticals; financing; public—private partnerships and all levels of government. Background 51 The 2004 Social Security legislation (Law No. 40) envisages coverage of the entire population through a mandatory health insurance system evolving from the existing insurance programs. As of 2009 the government has covered some 76 million poor and near poor through the Jamkesmas program, funded through the central government budget. However, progress over the last five years has been slow in developing the final configuration of the health insurance system and the transition plan to provide health insurance to the remaining 50+ percent of the population who currently lack coverage remains to be developed. Many local governments have developed their own financing schemes, some for the uncovered non-poor. The health insurance reform is complicated by the big bang decentralization reform that took place in 2001 which transferred most of the authority and responsibility for assuring service delivery capacity to local governments. World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Health insurance systems in Indonesia since 2008. 52 Current Insurance Systems Ministry of Labor Jamsostek Types: Coverage (millions of people) Social security Social HMO 4.1 Ministry of Finance Private insurance Commercial health insurance 6.6. including personal accident Ministry of Health Ministry of Defense Askes, HMOs PT Askes: -Civil servants -Commercial HMOs Civil servant: 14 Commercial HMOs: 2 Military personnel Jamkesmas (scheme for the poor) 76.4 Free health services 2 Technical oversight Financial oversight Source: Gotama and Pardede. 2007. Adapted and updated by World Bank staff. The Current Health Policy Baseline for Health Financing Reform: System Strengths. 53 The country has favorable demographic circumstances with dependency ratios falling over the next 30 years There are high educational and literacy levels The government is committed to reform Health spending levels are not excessive The country achieves reasonable health outcomes, financial protection and consumer satisfaction There is substantial experience with health insurance programs There is an extensive primary care delivery system Pharmaceuticals are generally available World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. The Current Health Policy Baseline for Health Financing Reform: System Challenges. 54 Half the population lacks health insurance coverage Health financing and delivery systems are highly fragmented Human and physical infrastructures are limited and face quality and efficiency problems Salary and capital subsidies to public health providers preclude the development of a ‘level playing field’ for both public and private providers to compete on the basis of price Critical data for decision making are lacking, including national and subnational health accounts, detailed information on the numbers, risk profiles of the insured and the uninsured, and unit cost information Design features of the Jamsostek and Askes programs result in high OOP costs for program beneficiaries and limit operational effectiveness and sustainability Local contributions vary widely, current intergovernmental fiscal redistributions may not adequately reflect local fiscal capacity and need, and the fiscal capacity of districts vary widely. World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Framework to Assess HI Financing Options. 55 What is the ‘ultimate’ HI system of Universal Coverage (UC) under Law No. 40: single unitary Social Health Insurance (SHI); or multiple systems under a single set of rules; or a unitary general revenue funded system (e.g., Jamkesmas for all)? What are the specific details of this system with respect to: single or multiple funds; eligibility of different groups including informal sector workers; benefits covered including cost sharing and referral requirements; financing including public subsidies and regional contributions; provider payment and cost containment; quality assurance; Administration; and the role of the private sector. What are the transition policies to get to (UC)? World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Future Vision 1: Jamkesmas for All: An Indonesian NHS. 56 This approach approximates a National Health Service like that in Sri Lanka. It reflects the fact that more than half of the population is currently poor or near poor, and thus has a very limited ability to pay. It also recognizes the inherent difficulty of identifying the 61 percent of workers who are in the informal sector and having them pay premiums. By picking up formal sector workers through general revenues, firms might be more competitive as their 3-6 percent payroll contributions would be eliminated and/or could be replaced by more efficient and equitable broad-based taxes. World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Future Vision 2: A Single Integrated SHI Fund. 57 This approach approximates the ‘new’ national SHI model (now called Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI)) where the SHI is funded through both wage-based contributions for public and private sector workers (and retirees) and government general revenue contributions for the poor and other disadvantaged groups. Under this approach there would be a single standardized national HI fund (although one could also establish multiple funds as in Germany or Japan). The poor would be financed through the GoI budget, while government and private sector workers would be funded as now through wage-based contributions. The GoI would need to decide if informal sector workers would be covered by the GoI like the poor (as in Thailand) or whether mechanisms can be developed to make them contribute some share of their earnings. World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Future Vision 3: MHI through a Single Set of Rules Applying to Multiple SHI and NHS Type Programs. 58 This approach could be considered as a variant of Option 2 or a combination of Options 1 and 2. Existing programs would be scaled up to include the entire population. All the poor and other disadvantaged groups would be covered through Jamkesmas. All private sector workers would be covered through Jamsostek (possibly though elimination of the opt out, employer size, and wage ceiling restrictions and adding requirements to cover retirees). Civil servants and civil service retirees would be covered through Askes (or the Askes program could be folded into Jamsostek, or conversely). A decision would need to be made about how to handle informal sector workers. The three programs would have separate administrative structures but would operate under the same set of rules concerning issues such as benefits and contracting/provider payment. There might be cross-subsidies required across programs on the financing side. World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. No Matter Which Option is Chosen, The Devil Will Be in The Detail. 59 Administrative and governance arrangements Defining the benefit package Determining eligible groups Determining purchasing/contracting arrangements and cost containment policies Estimating actuarially sound premium levels Determining financing sources Defining revenue collection mechanisms Defining transition steps to new system Developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation procedures World Bank. 2009. Health Financing in Indonesia: A Reform Road Map. Actuary Estimates Update in March 2011 60 The purpose of the actuarial estimates was to respond to the GoI request to assist in developing baseline estimates for the cost of existing health insurance programs and to perform an actuarial analysis to cost different options for attaining UHIC. It demonstrates the importance of the decisions to be taken regarding the detail as each decision influences the level of financing needed. The exercise included the development of a baseline based on the 2008 Askes claims data, the creation of a range of baselines and the creation of various scenarios. More Resources for Health; Assessing Fiscal Space 61 In all likelihood, and for a variety of reasons, Indonesia will need to boost health spending in the near future as it expands access to care through the expansion of Jamkesmas, the health insurance scheme for the poor and the near poor. In addition, projections based on demographic and epidemiological changes in the country indicate there is likely to be a significant increase in the demand and need for health services and more sophisticated care. Despite a tripling of the public budget for health over the past five years, this increased need, combined with the fact that Indonesia remains a comparatively low spender on health, indicates that there will continue to be upward pressure on resources for the health sector in the near future. Visualizing fiscal space for Indonesia: different means by which government spending on health can increase. 62 Fiscal space for health (increase as % of government health spending) Conducive macroeconomic conditions Efficiency Reprioritization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Other sector-specific resources Sector-specific foreign aid World Bank. 2009. Giving More Weight to Health: Assessing Fiscal Space for Health in Indonesia. One of the most important determinants of fiscal space for health is economic growth which has a positive outlook in Indonesia. 63 8 Since the outbreak of the crisis, the IMF has lowered its growth and inflation forecasts for the country, although growth remains in the 6-7 percent range per annum over the period 2008-2013. 6 7 Pre-crisis forecast 4 5 Post-crisis forecast 2003 2005 2007 2009 Year 2011 Source: IMF World Bank. 2009. Giving More Weight to Health: Assessing Fiscal Space for Health in Indonesia. 2013 Higher revenues provide extra resources, but Indonesia’s revenues as a percentage of GDP (19 percent) are low in comparison with other lowermiddle-income countries. 64 Higher income Upper middle Middle income Lower income 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Revenue (% of GDP), 2003-2006 World Bank. 2009. Giving More Weight to Health: Assessing Fiscal Space for Health in Indonesia. 40 Given current low levels of spending for health compared to other sectors, a good case can be made for reprioritizing in favor of health. 65 7% With subsidies declining again (in 2009) there might be increased space for the health sector 6% 5% Subsidies % of GDP 4% 3% Interest payments 2% Education Infrastructure National Defense Govt Apparatus 1% Agriculture 0% 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008* Health World Bank. 2009. Presentation on Giving More Weight to Health: Assessing Fiscal Space for Health in Indonesia. Indonesia’s has not depended significantly on external resources for health in recent years. 66 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 External resources (% of total health spending) Source: WHO. 2005 In addition to increasing budgets for health, effective fiscal space may be generated by increasing the efficiency of spending. 67 Sri Lanka is often presented as an example of a country that has been able to attain excellent health outcomes with relatively low levels of resources, in part because of the underlying efficiency of its health system. Performance relative to income and health spending, 2008 Below average 3 0 1 2 Below average 2 0 1 Maternal mortality Indonesia Above average -3 Below average -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Performance relative to income percapita Above average -1 -2 Sri Lanka -3 Above average -2 -1 Indonesia -3 Performance relative to per capita health spending 3 Under-five mortality Sri Lanka Above average -3 Below average -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Performance relative to income percapita Source: WDI 2009 World Bank. 2009. Giving More Weight to Health: Assessing Fiscal Space for Health in Indonesia. Local variation in performance across districts further indicates potential efficiency gains. 68 80 80 Turkey Turkey Kab. Kab. Madiun Madiun Bangladesh Bangladesh Uganda Uganda Pakistan Pakistan Kab. Kab. Ciamis Ciamis Kota Kota Ambon Ambon NepalNepal 100 Kab. Kediri Kab. Semarang Kab. Kediri Kab. Semarang 80 JapanJapan Vietnam Vietnam Kab.Kab. TanaTana Toraja Toraja Skilled birth attendance Skilled birth attendance Kota Padang Panjang Kota Kediri Kota Padang Panjang Kota KediriUkraineUkraine China China 80 100 DPT3 immunization DPT3 immunization 100 Global comparison of Indonesian districts, Global 2005 comparison of Indonesian districts, 2005 Kab. Bantul Kab. Bantul Kab. Kuningan Kab. Kuningan Indonesia Indonesia Kab. Barito Kab. Selatan Barito Selatan Kab. Barru Kab. Barru 60 Kab. Kab. Subang Subang Kab. Kab. Asmat Asmat Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 60 Skilled birth attendance Skilled birth attendance 60 60 Indonesia Indonesia Kab. Kab. Morowali Kab. Kab. Lombok Barat Barat Morowali Lombok Kab.Kab. Parigi Moutong India India Timor-Leste Parigi Moutong Timor-Leste Kota Kota Singkawang Singkawang 40 Kab. Nias Selatan BurundiBurundi Kab. Nias Selatan Kab. Wonosobo Kab. Wonosobo Pakistan Pakistan 20 ChadChad 40 NigerNiger Somalia Somalia 20 40 20 20 40 Kab. Kab. Bombana Kab. Kab. Bangka Tengah Bombana Bangka Tengah SenegalSenegal Bhutan Bhutan Kab. Hulu Utara Utara Kab. Purbalingga Kab.Sungai Hulu Sungai Kab. Purbalingga Tanzania Tanzania Cambodia Cambodia Bangladesh Bangladesh Kab.Kab. Pakpak Bharat Pakpak Bharat Indonesia Other countries Indonesia Other countries ource: SUSENAS & WDI Source: SUSENAS & WDI Source: Susenas and WDI. Ethiopia Ethiopia 0 0 0 0 Kab. Yahukimo Kab. Yahukimo Indonesia Other Other countries Indonesia countries Focus on MDG 5: Reducing Maternal Death 69 At least 10,000 women continue to die of childbirth -related causes every year in Indonesia. E v e n t h o u g h s k i l l e d b i r t h a t t e n d a n c e h a s i n c r e a s e d significantly, more needs to be done to accelerate a reduction in deaths and achieve MDG5. A l a r g e n u m b e r o f w o m e n c o n t i n u e t o d e l i v e r a t h o m e w i t h o u t professional help. H i g h l e v e l s o f u n c e r t a i n t y a b o u t m e d i c a l e x p e n s e s c o n t i n u e t o delay the decision to seek care at a facility. E v e n w h e n w o m e n r e a c h a f a c i l i t y o n t i m e , q u a l i t y o f management is poor and death rates at facilities remain high, especially, but not only, in poor areas. There has been an impressive improvement in skilled birth attendance since 1987, but the poor continue to lag behind. 70 Maluku West Sulawesi North Maluku East Nusa Tenggara Papua Banten Gorontalo Southeast Sulawesi West Papua South Sulawesi Central Sulawesi West Kalimantan West Nusa Tenggara South Sumatra Central Kalimantan West Java Jambi Lampung Bengkulu DI Aceh East Kalimantan South Kalimantan East Java West Sumatra Bangka Belitung Central Java North Sumatra Riau North Sulawesi Riau Islands Bali DI Yogyakarta DKI Jakarta percentage Disparities exist between province, economic quintiles, and education levels. 71 Delivery assistant & place by province 100 80 60 40 20 0 Data source : IDHS 2007 % SBA % Facility base delivery Most poor women continue to deliver their babies at home with traditional birth attendants (TBAs) where the risk of maternal death is highest… 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Poorest Poorer ANC/Prof del No care (No ANC/No prof del) MMR Source: DHS 2007. Middle Richer Richest ANC/No prof del No ANC/Prof del Maternal Death per 100,000 Live Births % ANC/Professional delivery 72 …even though midwives are almost everywhere and are equally distributed. 73 Government target is 100 midwives per 100,000 population by 2010. Note: All types of midwives included. Source: Indonesia Health Profile 2008. Midwife availability has increased significantly, however, TBA remains the preferred choice of provider for childbirth. 74 CJ EJ DKI DIY CJ 80 DKI 100 120 SBA VS Ratio TBA, 2007 EJ WJ WJ 60 % Delivery by health professional DIY 40 40 60 80 100 120 SBA VS Ratio midwife, 2007 20 40 60 80100 Ratio midwife per 100000 pop 200 Ratio TBA per 100000 pop Source: Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) (IDHS, 2007), Ratio midwife (Indonesia health Profile, 2007) Ratio Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) (PODES, 2008) Note Abbreviation: DKI=DKI Jakarta, W J=W est java, CJ=Central Java, DIY=Yogyakarta, EJ=East Java World Bank. 2010. Presentation on “…and then she died..” Indonesia Maternal Health Assessment. 400600 There is a serious shortage of Ob-Gyns in Indonesia and the few there are cluster in richer urban areas. 75 Although more than 70 percent of pregnant women receive antenatal care by skilled providers, the quality of care varies widely. 76 Although Riau scores high on ANC in general, tetanus vaccination is very low and an important part of ANC. It is insufficient to rely only on ANC numbers World Bank. 2010. Presentation on “…and then she died..”. Indonesia Maternal Health Assessment. Ob-Gyns provide the most comprehensive services but reach only a limited population. 77 Antenatal Care Services by Type of Assistance in West Java (DHS 2007) World Bank. 2010. “…and then she died..”. Indonesia Maternal Health Assessment. Four areas for priority action to improve the health status of Indonesian mothers: Being implemented in ongoing pilots. 78 1. Improving coordination between public and private sector services at provincial and district levels 2. Strengthening coordination between community-based services and hospital services 3.Reducing financial barriers to utilization of maternal health services 4. Improving clinical skills and quality assurance Increase research into near miss and maternal death for better understanding of the local contributing factors. Use this analysis to determine whether factors such as access to SHI, ANC, and place of delivery had an impact on outcomes •Improve vital statistics registration, particularly for deaths among women of reproductive age •Address the unmet need for access to emergency obstetric care among the large majority of the female population •Conduct a hospital assessment for maternal health to identify barriers to care within the facility context •Review the social insurance coverage amounts to expand what is reimbursed and to cover the true cost of having a delivery with a skilled provider. •Review reimbursement mechanisms in the case of referral upwards to a hospital for complications. •Improve the quality of the skilled provider, particularly the Bidan di Desa by building on existing initiatives (such as Bidan Delima) and linking quality of care to accreditation and certification. •Look at the implementation of the comprehensive emergency obstetric services to find areas of improvement. World Bank. 2010. Presentation on “…and then she died..”. Indonesia Maternal Health Assessment. Focus on Jamkesmas Update in March 2011 79 IMPACTS TO DATE: C o v e r a g e h a s e f f e c t i v e l y b e e n i n c r e a s e d a n d a n e s t i m a t e d o n e third of the population is currently being covered, according to official data (Susenas survey data indicates lower coverage rates). F o r t y - t h r e e p e r c e n t o f t h o s e c o v e r e d a r e p o o r a n d n e a r - p o o r households. U t i l i z a t i o n o f h e a l t h s e r v i c e s a m o n g J a m k e s m a s b e n e f i c i a r i e s h a s increased, especially for inpatient services. J a m k e s m a s h a s a p r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t o n t h e O O P h e a l t h e x p e n d i t u r e s of the poor and near-poor; those with Jamkesmas coverage have lower OOP payments (a measure of financial protection) and Jamkesmas beneficiaries have a lower incidence of catastrophic medical expenditures when compared with those with no insurance or those with other forms of insurance. G e o g r a p h i c a n a l y s i s s h o w s s i g n i f i c a n t i n c r e a s e s i n i n p a t i e n t utilization in the poorest provinces (NTT, Papua, Maluku). Annex: World Bank Studies for the HSR 80 Investing in Indonesia’s Health: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Public Spending. Health Public Expenditure Review – June 2008 Indonesia’s Doctors, Midwives and Nurses: Current Stock, Increasing Needs, Future Challenges and Options. Health Human Resources Review – January 2009 Giving More Weight to Health: Assessing Fiscal Space for Health in Indonesia– January 2009 Health Financing in Indonesia: a Reform Road Map – June 2009 New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: a Health Work Force Study – October 2009 ‘and then she died’: Indonesia Maternal Health Assessment – December 2009 Annex: Forthcoming World Bank Studies 81 Forthcoming: Actuarial Costing of Universal Health Insurance Coverage in Indonesia: Options and Preliminary Results – January 2011 Enhancing Health Equity and Financial Protection in Indonesia: How Well Does Jamkesmas do? Jamkesmas Review Paper - March 2011 Annex: World Bank Policy Notes Series 82 Pharmaceuticals : Why Reform is Needed – March 2009 Accelerating Improvement in Maternal Health : Why Reform is Needed – June 2010 Financing Universal Coverage: Assessing Fiscal Space in Indonesia – July 2010 Achieving Universal Coverage: Different Stages of Harmonization of Implementing Health Insurance Information Systems – August 2010 Forthcoming: Health Professional Education in Indonesia: Why Reform is Needed M a t e r n a l H e a l t h M e e t s H e a l t h F i n a n c i n g