Previous RFP 13-008 Data Warehousing Design, Development and

Previous RFP 13-008 Data Warehousing
Design, Development and Implementation of Three Data Marts
Questions/Answers submitted in October 2013
1. On page 10, the RFP states: The deliverable warehouse should include relational data marts that will include
the following subjects: a) Student, b) Faculty/Staff, c) Financial management.
1a. May we assume that the Central Data warehouse is already in place?
Answer: No.
1b. Please let us know the technology platform on which the Central Data Warehouse has been built?
Answer: At this time No Data Warehouse has been built.
1c. May we assume that Peoplesoft ERP 9.2 implemented in CWU is the only central data warehouse from
where the data would be extracted to create the data marts. Please clarify?
Answer: No.. PeopleSoft is the primary data source but other databases may be included.
2. On page 10, the RFP states: Producing dashboards with designated Knowledge Performance Indicators
(KPIs) that will be used by multiple audiences.
2a. May we reconfirm that the term KPI means Key Performance Indicators?
Answer: Yes.
2b. Could you please give a list of KPI's that are required to be measured.
Answer: Will be determined prior to start of project. Information will be provided to the selected
3. On page 11, the RFP states: Dashboards and reports developed for and delivered via SSRS and PeopleSoft
3a. May we know what is the type of integration with the PeopleSoft Portal.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
3b. Will it be real time data integration?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
4. On page 12, the RFP states: Implement the Microsoft BI Solution reporting environment. We request you to
tell us what reports are currently being generated, new reports to be included in the envisages system and how
they are being generated. This will help us to understand the process. Also mention the frequency of reports.
Answer: Will be determined prior to start of project. Information will be provided to the selected
5. On page 12, the RFP states: Migrate selected existing reports and leverage Microsoft technology, utilizing
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and including mobile reporting capabilities.
5a. May we request CWU to elaborate more on the mobile reporting requirement.
Answer: CWU currently uses Highpoint with PeopleSoft and a CWU created mobile App.
5b. Also how many reports are expected to be migrated to SSRS platform.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
6. On page 12, the RFP states: Identify any hardware or software needs/changes.
6a. Please give us clarity on the size of current database, expected growth in the size of DB Y-o-Y, no. of
concurrent users, no. of transactions in a minute.
Answer: No warehouse currently exists. Data not available.
6b. What would be the expected no. of users accessing the system?
Answer: Approximately 20 to start.
7. On page 13, the RFP states: Provide a list of at least five (5) contracts of a size and scope similar to the work
described herein that respondent has performed during the last three years… We understand that Global
references are acceptable. Please confirm.
Answer: Global references will be considered.
8. On page 14, the RFP states: The respondent is to submit a fully detailed budget including estimated staff
hours and costs… In order to provide the estimated number of hours for staff resources, it is required for us to
understand complete scope of work for this project. However RFP tells us about creating of 3 relational data
marts which is not sufficient for us to estimate the efforts. We would need to know the data sources, number of
current ETL jobs, type of reports, the current technology platform.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
9. May we know what form of delivery model would CWU be interested in. Can the contractor propose
offshore-onsite delivery model to move certain activities like development and testing to offshore.
Answer: Yes, proposal with some off-site work may be considered.
10. Please clarify on the maintenance aspect of the project. Is the contractor required to provide price proposal
for the maintenance activity?
Answer: No.
11. May we request CWU to help us gauge the size of this project. Please provide us the number of
Dimensions, no of Facts, Data Sources, total number of reports/dashboards that would be part of current scope?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
12. May we know the allocated funds for work to be carried out as part of scope of this RFP.
Answer: No budget for this project has been determined at this time.
13. May we reconfirm that the scope of work does not include supply of
system/application/middleware/database software licenses. Even the testing tools would be provided by CWU.
Answer: Yes, this is correct.
14. May we know if training is in scope of this RFP. If yes, then how many users are expected to receive
training. Who are the group of uses such as business users, administrative users, operational users who shall be
trained. We assume that CWU would provide all the necessary infrastructure to carry out the training. Our
understanding is it will be classroom based training. Please clarify.
Answer: No training other that knowledge transfer to CWU technical staff is required.
15. Can the project be executed in a hybrid model - Core development offshore(in India) and implementation
& Training onsite at CWU. Please clarify.
Answer: No.
16. Multiple source data extractions:
16a. RFP stated multiple sources of extraction: Can you provide some information on the different sources
the University have:
i) Type of operating system – Microsoft.
ii) Size – Undetermined.
iii) # Users – Undetermined.
iv) Purpose of sources – Human Resources, Student, Finance data.
16b. Does the University have a historical data requirements? Yes.
16c. Does the University have an ETL Framework in place? No.
16d. Does the University current have batch process in place? No.
17. Staging data:
17a. Will the University provide a stage area and if so the estimate size? Yes – Size TBD.
17b. Will University provide a development area and if so the estimate size? Yes – Size TBD.
17c. What is the expected sized of the data warehouse the University is looking to build? TBD.
18. State and Federal reporting requirements:
18a. How many reports are estimated for this project? TBD.
18b. Does the University have existing reports that can be re-usable for the reporting Yes.
18c. Does the University have templates that can be use for the new design? No.
19. Designing comparative and predictive analytics, Producing dashboards with designated Knowledge
Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will be used by multiple audiences:
19a. Will the provided staff of the University be able to give the formulas and calculations need for both
comparative and predictive analysis? Yes.
19b. What are the types of audience using the Dashboard for example: 1) Executive Level, and 2) Staff
Answer: All University constituents.
20. Training:
20a. Will the staff require training? No.
20b. Will the University enact the Self-service features for the Dashboard? Yes.
21. On-Site:
21a. Is the expectation that all project staff be located on-site? Yes.
21b. Can the firm have some off-site work performed? Possibly.
22. Does your organization have a budget for this project?
Answer: No budget has been determined at this time.
23. Has your organization contracted with a previous vendor who engaged in similar services in the past 2
Answer: No.
24. Are you expecting all work related to this RFP to be completed onsite?
Answer: No.
25. Are you open to some technical work being completed offsite? From previous DW/BI projects, we've found
considerable client savings realized if some offsite development can be supported.
Answer: Yes.
26. Can you please provide information regarding number of source systems, number of tables, record counts,
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
27. Has your organization attempted to develop Data Marts in previous projects? If so, what was the results of
those previous projects?
Answer: No.
28. We are requesting an extension to the bid due date.
Answer: See Addendum #1.
29. Can this response be emailed or does it have to be hard copy?
Answer: See RFP Section 3.11.
30. The requirement for dashboards and reports developed for and delivered via SSRS and Peoplesoft Portal is
unusual; did the University seek the services of a vendor who specialized in these technologies prior to the
release of the RFP?
Answer: Yes.
31. Since the University required vendors to submit a letter of intent to respond; will that vendor list be
published when the Q and A is released?
Answer: No.
32. What is the budget for this project?
Answer: No budget has been determined at this time.
33. Is there an incumbent vendor currently providing these services to the University?
Answer: No.
34. To what level does the data warehouse need to be implemented with PeopleSoft 9.2?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
35. Will the successful vendor be required to have PeopleSoft skills?
Answer: No.
36. You mentioned in Section #4: Scope of Work: Central Washington University is developing a universitywide data warehousing solution. The solution is based on Microsoft Business Intelligence and will interface
with our current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (PeopleSoft v9.2), which will be implemented January
2014. The deliverable warehouse should include relational data marts that will include the following subjects:
36a. Question 1: Is the goal for your team to start on the Business Intelligence project in November or
January? Answer: Yes.
2.3 Term of Contract: The period of performance under this contract intends to be from November 1,
2013 through June 30, 2014.
36b. Question 2: Do you need any help identifying additional requirements or are all requirements outlined
in Section 4?
Answer: Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
36c. Question 3: You mentioned Design, Development and Implementation in the RFP and is it a correct
statement to assume that you are looking for all 3 areas to be addressed in this RFP response?
Answer: Yes.
37. Please clarify what are CWU expectations with regard to proposal structure: i.e. is this a fixed fee or time
and materials bid?
Answer: Fixed Fee.
38. Are you expecting hardware costs to be included as part of the proposal response? If so, what hardware
systems are you expecting to be included?
Answer: No.
39. Are you expecting software license costs to be included as part of the proposal response? If so, what
software licenses are you expecting to be included?
Answer: No.
40. What software is CWU already licensed for which are planned on being utilized for this project?
Answer: Microsoft Sequel Server, Visual Studio, Business Intelligence.
41. Will CWU provide development environments (servers and workstations) for the consultants?
Answer: Yes.
42. Who besides the on-site project manager is expected to be on-site in Ellensburg on a regular basis?
Answer: Developers and Analysts.
43. Is CWU open to delivery models that include near-shore, off-shore resources or a combination of these for
the delivery of this project?
Answer: No.
44. Is the development team expected to be on-site in Ellensburg on a regular basis? Is CWU open to a
combination of on-site and remote delivery?
Answer: Yes to both.
45. Please describe skill profiles, roles and responsibilities of the CWU OE resources?
Answer: 4 Architects/Analysts .
46. Will OE resource be responsible for user readiness, deployment and training of under users?
Answer: Yes.
47. Please describe the number and type of data sources (other than PeopleSoft) and data volumes?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
48. Please describe which modules of PeopleSoft v9.2 are being implemented? Which of these modules are
expected to be the sources for the data warehouses? What additional data sources will be needed?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
49. Which OS and database platform will PeopleSoft be running on?
Answer: Red Hat Linux, Oracle.
50. Please describe the type and extent of involvement the vendor team will have with the internal CWU IT
Answer: Minimal involvement.
51. Are there plans to use Microsoft SharePoint or other portal technology for dashboards?
Answer: Yes these could be considered.
52. Please describe the user groups and approximate number of users in each group?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
53. Please describe the type and number of reports being migrated?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
54. How many and types of reports that are desired?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
55. How will reports be integrated into PeopleSoft portal (will development of PeopleSoft components be
required, or will integration be via linking to SSRS reports)?
Answer: No PeopleSoft Development will be required.
56. How many security roles, groups, and policies are expected to be needed?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
57. How many users will need to be interviewed for requirements gathering?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
58. What is the current user authentication mechanism (Microsoft Active Directory, PeopleSoft IDs, or other)?
Answer: LDAP.
59. Is there a security group management tool in place or will one be needed (if so, does development of such
tool need to be included in the proposal)?
Answer: No.
60. Will there be any other projects occurring during the timeframe of this project that would impact the project
Answer: Yes.
61. How does CWU currently access and consume information to be contained in the Students, Faculty/Staff
and Finance subject areas?
Answer: Queries.
62. Please advise which version of Microsoft SQL Server Suite is expected to be used (2012, 2008 R2, etc)?
Answer: 2012.
IT Environment (Questions 63-87)
63. What is the volume of data that will need to be loaded today? Have you estimated a growth rate or what
that looks like in 3-5 years?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
64. What is the analytical query workload mix - % tactical vs. complex?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
65. Are you including human capital costs in the decision making criteria (i.e. how many DBA's do you
estimate it will take to maintain this environment)?
Answer: Refer to RFP document Evaluation Criteria section.
66. Which server platform provides the best performance with your application/solution?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
67. Does your system support the high availability features in a clustered environment? If so, which
configurations are supported (Active-Active, Active-Passive, etc.)? Please provide reference models and
explanation for each.
Answer: No.
68. What is the most common high availability solution used by your install base and why?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
69. Is your application supported on tablet and other mobile device platforms? Please explain, as well as
anticipated support in this area.
Answer: Yes.
70. If your solutions' client runs in a browser (Web GUI), which browser type and versions do you support? If
you require plug-ins, which? Do you produce any of these plug ins?
Answer: IE, Firefox, Safari. No plug-ins.
71. What are the recommended bandwidth and latency requirements of your solution?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
72. Is your solution dependent upon any specific vendors network hardware/software?
Answer: No.
73. Do you support multicasting, tunneling?
Answer: No.
74. What is the lowest amount of traffic your application will place on the network? Describe the assumptions
and circumstances of your response.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
75. What is the highest amount of traffic your application will place on the network? Describe the assumptions
and circumstances of your response.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
76. Which network protocols do you support? Is TCP/IP utilized for network transport?
Answer: Yes.
77. Can your software support multiple DMZ connections by utilizing predefined TCP/UDP ports for firewall
Answer: Not applicable to project.
78. Is there a firewall application or vendor that your product/server prefers?
Validate that your product functions in an 802.1x authenticated environment.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
79. Which ports are used for technical support or running your solution?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
70. If you provide technical support or administration via remote connection, what connectivity method(s) do
you use or prefer? (PC Anywhere, VPN, Dialup, etc.)
Answer: Not applicable to project.
71. If your application or solution utilizes internal or self-contained reporting, please respond to the next 4
71a. Describe the reporting module and an overview of its functionality.
71b. Describe the underlying technologies used in developing the module.
71c. Describe the end user support model.
71d. Describe the support model should technical issues surface.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
72. Validate the ability for ad hoc report generation. Denote any limitations, tool requirements, etc., that are
needed for non-standard report generation.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
73. Do your customers typically write custom reports?
Answer: Yes.
74. Do your customers typically deploy professional services to generate custom reports?
Answer: No.
75. Does your offering/solution include a reporting writing tool?
Answer: Yes.
76. Was it developed by your company or is it a 3rd party solution?
Answer: Third Party.
77. Can application data be exported to Excel or other reporting packages?
Answer: Yes.
78. Can the reports be published to a website or in HTML format?
Answer: Yes.
79. Can the reports be distributed via email?
Answer: Yes.
80. Can the reports be generated in PDF format?
Answer: Yes.
81. Describe additional reporting options and capabilities if available.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
82. Can standard reports be modified by the application users and administrators?
If so, how are the modifications isolated during application upgrades, maintenance, etc.
Answer: No.
83. Does the application software and the database software need to reside on the same physical machine?
Provide possible database licensing and pricing implications to the proposed solution.
Answer: No.
84. Provide specifications for equipment/tools required to efficiently run the application, specifically items that
are variable, i.e., minimum memory, recommended storage capacity, processor requirements, etc.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
85. Describe which stack (i.e. Server Hardware, OS, RDBMS, Storage Configuration, Application Server)
provides the best overall performance & scalability with your application?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
86. Describe typical backup and recovery tools and procedures for your solution.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
87. Describe your upgrade and patching procedures. Describe your patch and release cycles.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
Systems Administration (Questions 88-97)
88. Describe how your application ensures the confidentiality and integrity of the application when accessed
through the intranet and/or internet?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
89. Are the logs centrally managed?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
90. Describe the logging format.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
91. Can they be forwarded to a third party log management service, i.e. Syslog?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
92. Describe how the system provides alerts for notification of system events (i.e., automatic paging, emails,
snmp traps).
Answer: Not applicable to project.
93. Describe how the system provides system management API access points for integration with other system
management tools (Tivoli, NetView, etc.).
Answer: Not applicable to project.
94. Describe tools provided for support personnel to proactively monitor system availability, stability, and
response time to keep within required levels.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
95. Describe supported 3rd party monitoring tools. Provide list of supported tools and protocols.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
96. Describe guidelines and procedures provided for performance tuning and troubleshooting.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
97. Describe the average time for required support to understand the product (i.e. Developers, Sys Admins,
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
Implementation Planning (Questions 98-104)
98. Describe your Implementation Methodology as it relates to Design, Proof of Concept, Test,
Implementation, Onsite availability during implementation, job aids, reference guides, training, assistance
w/configuration and system documentation
Answer: Vendor expected to provide Methodology.
99. Define the IPC resources and types of skills required for implementation.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
100. As part of the solution, will third party companies be utilized to provide products or services?
If so, name the company and describe the product or services they will be providing.
Answer: No.
101. Describe the tools, skills, and knowledge requirements necessary for customizing the application.
Answer: Vendor should make provide recommendation.
102. Describe your training services and materials for end-user training. Online training: public training
courses are available for clients. Details are available at:
Answer: Not applicable to project.
103. Describe the resource skills and time levels required to support the application in house? (languages, data
administration tools, etc.)
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
104. Expected time duration for spare parts replacement.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
Information Security (Questions 105-124)
105. How are users authenticated?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
106. How are passwords stored?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
107. Describe your disk level encryption process
Answer: Not applicable to project.
108. Describe your file level encryption process
Answer: Not applicable to project.
109. What password requirements can be enforced (length, complexity, expiration, etc.)?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
110. How is the use of system and application level elevated privileges logged?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
111. How is the use of elevated privileges monitored?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
112. Describe the backup process.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
113. Describe your notification process in the event an Information security breach is identified.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
114. How are security hot fixes or patches certified by your company before they are applied in our
Answer: Not applicable to project.
115. What antivirus software is used?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
116. How often are virus signatures updated?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
117. Describe tools and processes used for logging and monitoring of the application or system?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
118. How is access to the log files controlled?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
119. What information will be captured in the log files? (Need date/time stamp, description of activity and user
Answer: Not applicable to project.
120. Describe support for PKI (digital signatures, certificate exchange, key exchange, key recovery, etc.) by the
product. Include any caveats such as proprietary interface dependencies.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
121. Describe support for CVSS and SCAP in product vulnerability rating and notifications.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
122. What configuration of the product has achieved FIPS/FISMA compliance?
Answer: Not applicable to project.
123. Validate the application will work with LDAP.
Answer: Yes.
124. Validate the system will work with Active Directory 2008.
Answer: Yes.
Change Management (Questions 125-134)
125. Describe the flexibility of the system to keep running during times of change, including version upgrades
and OS and application patching and reboots of the system.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
126. Describe how the product allows multiple versions of the software to run in a test environment to allow
for concurrent testing.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
127. Describe how the product allows multiple versions of a test database to allow for concurrent testing.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
128. Describe how the product allows for a full-size production testing.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
129. Describe how the product allows for separate test and QA environments for the application.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
130. Describe how the product allows the capability to select production data for loading into a test database
for testing.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
131. Describe system tools to validate system changes (i.e., regression tests, automated comparison of control
account data, etc.).
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
132. Describe how the product provides migration tools to perform delivered software upgrades. Describe how
customizations by the utility are tracked and not lost during the upgrade process.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
133. Describe how the system supports operating system and database upgrades.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
134. Describe any effects that OS patching, application patching, or version upgrades may have on High
Availability, particularly in a clustered environment and/or use of a primary Virtual IP address.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
Application Specific (Questions 135-139)
135. Describe how your solution meets each of the following requirements:
Answer: Not applicable to project.
136. Identification: Automate the discovery and classification of structured data (i.e. database servers) and
unstructured data objects (folders, sharepoint sites, mailbox or public folders) that require security protection of
sensitive data.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
137. Monitoring: Enable capabilities to continuously monitor all databases and objects in real time, and can
produce a detailed audit trail that shows the, "who, what, where, when, and how" of each transaction.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
138. Policy Violations: All policy violation data, for all violations of the policy detected by the appliance
inspection engines
Answer: Not applicable to project.
139. Auditing: Audit access of sensitive datasets by privileged and non-privileged users across database servers
and platforms (i.e. Exchange, Sharepoint, NAS & SAN storage systems).
Answer: Not applicable to project.
Host-Based Monitoring (Questions 140-146)
140. Manage User Access Privileges: Automate the management of user rights to structured and unstructured
Recommendations & Modeling: Enable a framework to safely recommend access controls with the ability to
simulate access control changes to ensure no impact to users and when ready ability to commit changes.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
141. Alerts: Provide real-time alerts on critical security events (i.e. abnormal access requests, usage and
database attacks).
Answer: Not applicable to project.
142. Compliance & Reporting: Provide capabilities to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations (I.e.
SOX, PCI DSS, HIPAA and other data privacy laws) through audit analysis and customizable reports.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
143. Audit Analytics: Provide capabilities to identify trends and patterns that may indicate security risks or
compliance problems.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
144. Database Assessment and Mitigation: Provide capabilities to remediate and control the configuration of
environments in order to detect vulnerabilities and mitigate security exposures.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
145. Self-Service Portal: Provide capabilities to automate access authorization, entitlement review, policy
enforcement and compliance reporting through a configurable web interface.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
146. Data Masking: Provide access to business critical information only to those required to see the data
through application of sophisticated, flexible data masking rules based on a user's authentication level Ability to
keep track of any changes and role back the changes through one interface.
Answer: Not applicable to project.
147. Please list the volume of data within the Source system for the subject areas: Student, Faculty/Staff and
Financial management
a. What is volume by table and what is the average daily change?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
148. Our company is a data integration company and would focus on the Data Integration processes, would it
be acceptable to partner with one of our partners to deliver the reporting development/design?
Answer: Possibly.
149. What roles on the project will be filled by Central Washington University, can you please list the roles?
For example:
a. Will Central Washington University be providing a data modeler for this project?
b. Will Central Washington provide the Subject matter expertise(Business Analyst) to assist with reporting
requirements? Have these resources been allocated to the project?
Answer: 4 Architects/Analysts – Resources have been allocated.
150. Please complete the Sizing Exercise required for software configuration and options. See attached Excel
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
151. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP states,”…the winning consulting firm will provide a highly
qualified and experienced on-site project manager, along with appropriately skilled and experienced architects
and developers.”
Question: Is it acceptable for the winning firm to provide the majority of these services via remote access? We
can provide several examples of similar successful projects we’ve completed via a mixed delivery model.
Confirmation of which working arrangements are acceptable will help us provide our cost and time estimates
and any travel expenses included therein.
Answer: No.
152. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP states that “multiple data source extractions” will be part of this
Question(s): Regarding the data extractions, can CWU define the number of data sources involved, describe the
type of data sources involved (i.e., databases, flat files, other), and, if the type is databases, provide which
platforms (Oracle, Microsoft SQL, other)? Also, can CWU provide approximate size estimates of the amount of
data to be extracted? (For example, is it data in the thousands of rows, or millions of rows?)
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
153. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP lists the following item as a requirement of each data mart,
“Dashboards and reports developed for and delivered via SSRS and PeopleSoft Portal.” Question: Is the SSRS
in question hosted in a portal, or is this an actual new environment?
Answer: New environment.
154. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP lists the following item as a requirement of each data mart,
“Dashboards and reports developed for and delivered via SSRS and PeopleSoft Portal.” Question(s): Who are
the key consumers of the data and dashboards mentioned here? What are their respective roles? Have role-based
requirements been defined for this project, and if not, will they need to be defined as part of this project?
Answer: Key consumers are state and local government, faculty, staff and administration. No role base
requirements have been defined but they will be defined as part of this project.
155. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP states that “producing dashboards with designated KPIs that will
be used by multiple audiences” will be part of this project
Question: What degree are definitions for metrics and KPI’s already defined versus still need to be defined?
Answer: Majority of KPI’s will be determined by start of project.
156. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP states that providing “slice and dice data mining capabilities” will
be part of this project
Question: To what extent are requirements for filtering and grouping (“slicing and dicing”) data already defined
for each user role?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
157. In Section #4: Scope of Work, the RFP states that migrating “selected existing reports and leveraging
Microsoft technology, utilizing Microsoft SSRS, and including mobile reporting capabilities” will be part of this
Question(s): What is the vision for “mobile capabilities”? Is the vision platform agnostic? What is the vision for
the amount of data expected to be made available via mobile capabilities?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract
All University level aggregate data is expected to be made available via mobile capabilities.
158. In Section #5: Required Responses, the RFP states that “The respondent is to submit a fully detailed
budget, including estimated staff hours and costs and any non-labor expenses, such as travel and incidentals,
necessary to accomplish the tasks and complete the contract.” Question: We’d like to confirm that submitting a
cost and materials estimate in the proposal is acceptable (as opposed to a fixed fee statement).
Answer: The University desires a fixed cost fee statement.
159. Question: In overall regard to this project, please describe any known challenges with a.) Joining data
across different subject areas, b.) Missing data c.) Inconsistent taxonomies across systems d.) Multiple sources
for master data e.) Other data challenges that might need to be addressed.
Answer: All of the above listed challenges are known challenges.
160. In Appendix A: Form of Contract, the RFP states, “The University may terminate this agreement and be
relieved of the payment of any consideration to Contractor should Contractor fail to perform as required by this
agreement. In the event of such termination the University may proceed with the work in any manner deemed
proper by the University. The cost to the University shall be deducted from any sum due the Contractor under
this agreement.”
Question: In the event that CWU should terminate the contract due to non-performance, is the “sum due the
Contractor” defined as “fees due for any work accepted (and/or completed) by Contractor”?
Answer: Yes.
161. In Appendix A: Form of Contract, the RFP states, “The University may require, and request in writing,
that the Contractor provide the University with a certificate, binder, or policy of liability insurance acceptable to
the University in an amount(s) to be specified by the University. Should the University require such liability
insurance to be provided, the Contractor agrees to provide same prior to commencing performance of this
contract. Copies of the University's written request and the insurance documents provided by the Contractor
shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof.”
Question: Can CWU provide clarification on the exact amount(s) of acceptable liability insurance described in
this requirement?
Answer: See Section 3.18 of RFP document.
162. Will the Data Warehouse go-live date trail the ERP implementation or happen at the same time ? If it will
trail, by how long?
Answer: Yes, approximately 6 months.
163. Will PeopleSoft be the primary data source and if not, what are the other data sources?
Answer: Yes.
164. Assuming PeopleSoft is the primary data source, will it contain historical data? And if so, as per the RFP
document, will the initial requirement be to load 5 years of data in the Warehouse?
Answer: Yes to both.
165. How many selected reports will be migrated and should they undergo evaluation and redesign?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
166. Does the solution need to be hosted?
Answer: No.
167. Is there a current ERP system and what is the size of the DB? If not, what are the sizes of the current
operational systems that support ERP type processing?
Answer: PeopleSoft, under 5 TB.
168. Is there any record count information available for financial postings in the current system?
Answer: Will be provided to the selected vendor.
169. Is the user base comprised of high level analytical users /executives, as well as lower level operational
users seeking granular data? And what would be the % allocation of these user types?
Answer: Yes , approximately 60% executives and 40% lower level users.
170. Roughly how many custom (pre-packaged) reports will be needed?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
171. Do the CWU employees that will be allocated to the project have BI/Data Warehouse or Microsoft BI tool
experience or will they require training?
Answer: Limited, knowledge transfer required.
172. Are the CWU employees allocated to the project going to take an observatory role within the project or
will they be integrating hands on with vendor staff? If so, what roles/allocation of work are the CWU
employees expected to fulfill?
Answer: Hands on with increasing role as project progresses.
173. Is it expected that all vendor staff are to be onsite at CWU 5 days a week for the duration of the project or
is a remote option available?
Answer: No.
174. Is it RFP independent or under the MSA with State of WA? If MSA related, please advise with the
designated category? (If possible, could you give us the answer for this question asap? Thanks a lot)
Answer: Independent.
175. Is there any incumbent?
Answer: No.
176. How many data architects and developers do you expect to work in the project?
Answer: 4.
177. Do we provide consultants to work on site under your management (staff augmentation)? Or do we need
to both provide consultants and manage/supervise their performance as well as the deliverables (deliverablesbased project)?
Answer: Both.
178. Page 13, section 5.2: Company personnel:
178a. “… individuals who would have primary responsibility for the project resulting from this RFP”. Do
you mean the consultants (Project manager, data architects, developers)?
Answer: Consultants Project Manager.
178b. “disclose who within the firm will have prime responsibility and final authority for the work under
this contract”. Do you mean the Vendor Account Manager who will manage this contract? Do you have any
mandatory qualifications for this position?
Answer: Consultants Project Manager, proposals will be scored according to qualifications.
179. For the SLA (Page11, Line30), do we need Implement an application to monitor to ETL Process and
Answer: No.
180. Does the CWU provide the Configuration Management for source code and deployment?
Answer: Yes.
181. What is the Data privacy (P11, L30)? Table level and row level? Object Level?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
182. For the 3 Data Marts (P10, L10~12), how many Attributes and Measures for each data Mart?
Attribute Count
Measure Count
a) Student
b) Faculty/Staff
c) Financial management
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
183. Daily data size and annual data size? Row size for the core information?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
184. How many data source type and the related extracting methods from sources? Directly connect the
operational source systems or extract into files first? Do we have data fields for daily incremental load from the
Answer: ODBC.
185. How many reports? Please share the report samples.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
186. Please provide the source data sample from the operational source systems
Answer: Will be provided to selected vendor.
187. How many end-users to access the reporting system?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
188. How about the average response time of reporting system?
Answer: Dynamic.
189. What time is the SLA time for the daily process? 8:00AM? Or weekend load with 7:00AM of Monday?
Answer: Nightly/off hours.
190. Any routine maintain service after go live?
Answer: No.
191. Approximately how many source systems are included and what is the range of their technology platforms
(for example, Oracle, SQL Server, My SQL, etc.)?
Answer: No more than 10.
192. Are the initial KPI requirements known, and if so, will a copy be provided to assist in sizing the project?
Answer: Yes, will be provided to selected vendor.
193. How many KPI’s, facts and dimensions are estimated? How many detail rows are expected?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
194. Is there an assumption on where the SSRS reports will be hosted; SharePoint, SSRS, PeopleSoft Portal?
Answer: No assumption made at this time. All to be considered.
195. What is your definition of custom and self-service reporting? Are there specific tools that are preferred or
in use or will you want the vendor recommend appropriate tools?
Answer: User able to filter, no specific tools, vendor to recommend tools.
196. What version of the Microsoft BI solution is expected to be implemented? If SharePoint is expected to be
part of the solution, what version is anticipated?
Answer: 2012, Sharepoint-Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the
resulting contract.
197. Assumptions for the Response (comment if wrong)
a. Any delay to the PeopleSoft ERP implementation may cause a corresponding delay in the
implementation of the data marts.
b. The data marts will be designed to refresh daily.
c. Reporting on current data is out of the scope of this project as it is available only in the operational
system. Only the daily refresh data will be available to the data marts for reporting.
d. The data marts will be built in a normalized SQL database.
e. The current hardware and software environment will be provided by CWU to support the identification
of needed environmental changes, licenses for new versions or additional users or other recommendations
for the environment. Additional licenses will be procured by CWU within the timeline identified in the
project plan.
Answer: All correct assumptions.
198. Question withdrawn by vendor
199. Are there any special or related on-going projects (using the same databases/schema) that may require
levels of collaboration of which we should be aware of? E.g. Pending issues or on-going technical
developments, (with timelines if applicable) linked to this project?
Answer: None at this time.
200. Are there any other documents we should review or personnel we should connect to with regards this
project prior to responding?
Answer: No other documents are available at this time as part of this RFP process.
201. Can you outline in order of highest importance the award/evaluation criteria with regards choosing a
vendor for this project?
Answer: See bid document for point allocation and award criteria.
202. Will there be a requirement to provide training for the four (4) professional staff of Organizational
Effectiveness (OE) assigned to this project and/or other related operational personnel?
Answer: Knowledge transfer required.
203. Can you explain the decision making process, including time-frame of stated process?
Answer: See RFP document.
204. How specifically will you measure the success or failure of this project?
Answer: See RFP document.
205. Can you please clarify the email system (on premise or cloud-based) currently utilized and the level of
integration required for same with regards reporting services?
Answer: On Premise with no current integration.
206. Do you use any Content Management Solutions (CMS) such as SharePoint and are reports expected to be
integrated with the same?
Answer: Not at this time.
207. Are reports expected to be integrated with existing web portals, including CWU web site?
Answer: Yes.
208. What PeopleSoft modules are currently utilized or are planned to be utilized by CWU?
Answer: HR, SA, Finance.
209. Other than PeopleSoft, is there a requirement for the data warehouse to be integrated with any other data
source currently being used, or are the other sources already integrated with a warehouse?
Answer: Yes, Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting
210. By self-service reports, do you mean to have availability to a data cube with pre-defined dimensions
identified based on business need, or will this be something that is performed by technical analysts who will be
familiar with the schema and will be pulling in reports from the warehouse either directly or via DB connections
in tools such as Excel?
Answer: Yes.
211. You have indicated that “the solution is based on Microsoft Business Intelligence and will interface with
our current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (PeopleSoft v9.2), which will be implemented January 2014.”
Considering that PeopleSoft is indicated as the main data source to be integrated, can you please confirm if the
design aspects have already been finalized which could be referenced for this solution?
Answer: Yes, will be provide to selected vendor.
212. What level of customization has been done on the PeopleSoft installation?
Answer: Not applicable to this project.
213. Is there a pre-bid meeting/conference on this RFP, so that the bidding vendor community can better
understand the RFP requirements and allow interactive resolution of vendor questions?
Answer: No pre-bid meeting is planned at this time.
214. When will the responses to vendor questions be posted?
Answer: Responses to questions will be posted as soon as all information is compiled.
215. What is the expected budget for this project?
Answer: No budget has be set for this project.
216. When does the contract start and end?
Answer: Contract will start as soon as a contract can be fully executed with the successful bidder. The
contract end date is estimated to be June 30, 2014.
217. Please confirm, if the incumbent/past vendor is eligible to bid for this RFP?
Answer: There is no incumbent vendor for this project.
218. Budget/Location: Does the State have any preference for onsite / offsite / offshore development?
Answer: Onsite.
219. Budget/Location: Will a proposal with offsite / offshore work be scored less?
Answer: Yes.
220. Budget/Location: How many onsite vendor resources can be accommodated by the State?
Answer: At least 4.
221. Budget/Infrastructure: In the case of offsite service, will the State provide VPN access to vendor team
Answer: Yes.
222. Budget/Travel Expenses: Does the vendor staff need to travel to other non-primary locations? If yes,
please provide the information about of locations, who from vendor staff needs to visit the locations,
time/duration and frequency of such visits.
Answer: No.
223. Process & Standards: How many SMEs will be allocated to this project during various phases of the
project for further clarifications, reviews etc.?
Answer: 4.
224. Process & Standards: What is the approximate % allocation of these SMEs to this project?
Answer: Approximately 80%.
225. Requirements/Data: RFP has listed the Student, Faculty/Staff, Financial Management as the major data
entities of the proposed data warehouse and analytics solution. Please provide the number of rows of data
available for each of the above data entities.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
226. Requirements/Data: Please provide total size of current database and expected future growth for major
data entities.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
227. Requirements/Data: Please provide the total number of data sources.
Answer: No more than 10.
228. Requirements/Data: As a follow up to the above question, please list describe the major data sources.
Answer: PeopleSoft, S72, EDRC, CEDARS, Faculty 180.
229. Requirements/Data: Please provide total number of master / reference data sources and describe the major
master / reference data sources. Please also indicate whether such data need to be managed inside the system or
outside the system.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
230. Requirements/Data: Please indicate whether additional tooling / custom coding and security are required
to manage major master / reference data.
Answer: No.
231. Requirements/Data: Does the project create a new data warehouse or use an existing data warehouse?
Answer: New.
232. Requirements/Data: In case of an existing data warehouse, please describe data entities to be reused in the
Answer: Not applicable to this project.
233. Requirements/Data: Please describe the types of formats in which the source data is available (for
example: delimited file, JDBC/ODBC etc.).
Answer: ODBC & Flat File.
234. Requirements/Data: Please provide total number of external data interfaces and describe the major
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
235. Requirements/Data: As a follow up to the previous question, please provide details regarding the data
entities and the frequency with which they are received from external interfaces.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
236. Requirements/Data: Please clarify if the system will use a Staging Area for data validation and primary /
intermediate transformations.
Answer: Yes.
237. Requirements/Data: Please provide total number of data validations and describe major data validations.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
238. Requirements/Data: Due to CWU’s familiarity with the data, please confirm that CWU will be
responsible for cleansing the data prior to staging.
Answer: Yes.
239. Requirements/Data: Please provide total number of data transformations and describe major data
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
240. Requirements/Data: How many types of databases are required by the system (for example: staging, data
warehouse, data mart)?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
241. Requirements/Data: Please provide the # of dimensions to be used in the final data model.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
242. Requirements/Data: Please describe major dimensions and facts / measures to be used in the final data
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
243. Requirements/Data: Does the solution integrate with Enterprise or existing data model? If yes, please
provide such data model and associated business dictionary.
Answer: No.
244. Requirements/Data: Does the system use full refresh to update the data or does it receive incremental
updates? What is the refresh time, in case of full refresh?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
245. Requirements/Data: What is the process of handling receipt of duplicate or changed data? Does the new
data overwrite the old data or the new data is added in new row(s) or other column(s)? In other words, please
describe the use of slow-changing dimensions (SCDs).
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
246. Requirements/Report. Please confirm if State is expecting a COTS reporting tool for the purpose of
fulfilling this requirement.
Answer: May consider.
247. Conversion/Migration/Data: Who will be responsible for the data conversion and migration from the
existing applications?
Answer: CWU OE.
248. Conversion/Migration/Data: If data migration is in scope, how many tables and columns of data need to
be migrated? Please, also indicate the volume (number of rows) of data to be converted for different tables.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
249. Infrastructure: How many environments will the State provide the vendor for this project (for example,
Development, UAT, Production)?
Answer: At least 3.
250. Infrastructure: Please confirm that the user acceptance test environment will have similar capacity as
production environment.
Answer: Yes.
251. Security: How will the end users be authenticated for various application functions?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
252. Security/Data: How will the end users be authenticated for various data access?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
253. Security/Data: Does the data need to be encrypted via explicit coding before transmission?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
254. Security/Data: Does the data need to be encrypted in storage (in files or databases)?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
255. Testing/Data: Please confirm that, the State will provide sample or test data for user and system testing.
Answer: Yes.
256. Testing/Data: Please confirm that the user acceptance test environment will have same data as in the
production environment.
Answer: Yes, periodic refreshes.
257. Testing/Data: Please confirm that, the State will be responsible for data loading in the UAT and
production environments.
Answer: Yes.
258. Testing: How many business days of User Acceptance Testing does the State expect to perform?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
259. Training: Can the vendor propose User Training using Train-The-Trainer approach? Please provide
approximate number and duration of training sessions to be provided along with training user-base.
Answer: Only knowledge transfer required.
260. Support and Maintenance: Does the vendor need to provide technical / maintenance support after
implementation? If yes, how many months of support does the vendor need to provide?
Answer: No.
261. Support and Maintenance: Can the support be provided by offsite team? If yes, please confirm that the
State will provide VPN connectivity.
Answer: No.
262. # of dimensions? What are the other source systems apart from Peoplesoft? Who will generate the
reports? If vendors - provide details on the reports. Training requirements? Initial canned reports?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
263. RFP states that CWU is implementing PeopleSoft. Please provide the name of the vendors involved in
implementing PeopleSoft.
Answer: Not applicable for this contract.
264. Please provide the list of packages of PeopleSoft being implemented at CWU.
Answer: HR, SA, Finance.
265. Does CWU have any expectations with respect to the Predictive Analytics type reports?
Answer: Yes.
266. What are the expectations with respect to Training from the vendor to the End-User, Technical teams?
Answer: Knowledge transfer for techs – no end user training.
267. Can the vendors propose Train-The-Trainer approach?
Answer: Not applicable for this project.
268. How many end-users must be trained?
Answer: None.
269. How many technical staff members must be trained?
Answer: Knowledge transfer for 4 technical staff.
270. RFP states that “Provide Dashboard reporting” is in scope of the project. In order for the vendors to
estimate the effort required to provide dashboard reporting, please provide the list of reports to be developed.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
271. As a follow up to the above question, please provide detailed report specifications for each of the
dashboard reports to be developed.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
272. RFP states that “Provide custom reporting” is in scope of the project. In order for the vendors to estimate
the effort required to provide custom reporting, please provide the list of reports to be developed.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
273. As a follow up to the above question, please provide detailed report specifications for each of the custom
reports to be developed.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
274. RFP states that “Provide State Regulated reporting” is in scope of the project. In order for the vendors to
estimate the effort required to provide State Regulated reporting, please provide the list of reports to be
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
275. As a follow up to the above question, please provide detailed report specifications for each of the State
Regulated reports to be developed.
Answer: Will be provided to the selected vendor.
276. RFP states that the vendor must “migrate selected existing reports”. In order for the vendors to estimate
the effort required to migrate the existing reports, please provide detailed report specifications for each of the
existing reports to be migrated.
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
277. Is CWU looking for a Fixed price cost proposal (OR) a Time and Expenses cost proposal with a fixed
hourly rate for each resource type?
Answer: Fixed Price.
278. What are the specific “Key Performance Indicators” that will be used for dashboard reporting within
Answer: Will be determined prior to start of project. Information will be provided to the selected
279. Support: Is this contract to be supported locally or is there a percentage that can be done offsite/remotely?
Answer: Approximately 80% on-site.
280. Data Sources: What are the data sources for the data warehouse/data marts?
Answer: PeopleSoft, S72, EDRC, CEDARS, Faculty 180 and others yet to be determined. Additional
discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
281. Data Sources: What is the current production storage size? How much does this grow annually? How
long is it archived?
Answer: Will be provided to selected vendor.
282. Data Sources: What is the approximate attributes stored in each data source? If data sources exist, then,
what is the approximate storage size in your production environment?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
283. Staging: What is your Service Level Agreement (SLA) for a staging environment?
Answer: Not applicable to this project.
284. Production: What is your Service Level Agreement (SLA) for a production environment?
Answer: Not applicable to this project.
285. Clients: What tools do you currently use for reporting? Do you intend to change these tools? If so, what
tools will you be using?
Answer: PeopleSoft Query, SQR. Yes we intend to change these tools. New tools yet to be determined.
Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
286. Clients: What decision-making tools do you plan to use?
Answer: Yet to be determined. Additional discovery in this area will be part of the resulting contract.
287. Clients: What are the deliverables, how many, and their usage requirements?
Answer: See RFP document.
288. Clients: Do you intend to use the data for anything other than reporting and decision-making?
Answer: Research and Analytics.
289. Clients: Do you have any mobility, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), reporting requirements? If so, what
are the target clients e.g. cell phone, tablet, pc, etc.?
Answer: Yes to all above.
290. Schemas: Do you have mapping of your data sources? If so, can you provide the mapping?
Answer: Will be provide to selected vendor.
291. Schemas: Do you have a current measure schema? If so, what is the current measurement schema? Are
you intending to change or desire to change this schema?
Answer: No.