The Northside Spirit SEPTEMBER 2013

The Northside Spirit
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
“It is not the promise that makes us believe the man, but the man who makes us believe the
promise.” This quote by ancient Greek playwright, Aeschylus, captures the essence of what I
hope we will all take away from this summer’s sermon series on the promises of Jesus Christ.
For certainly when Jesus makes a promise, we can trust that he, the Son of God, will be true to
keep his promise. And as I reflect on the various promises Jesus makes, it’s obvious he touches
the deepest part of our lives – our anxiousness, our worry, our fear for our future, our need to
know we are loved by God, our death, our weariness, our need for direction. And one of the
promise topics that seemed to strike a chord with so many people (including a sixth grader in our
congregation) is “forgiveness.” Not only our need to be forgiven, but our need to forgive. Let
me repeat Jesus’ promise: “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will
forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your heavenly Father will not forgive your
sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15)
We all need to be forgiven. As hard as we try, and as faithful as we often are, there are times
when we miss the mark of Christ-like living. Every one of us can think of bad
decisions we’ve made, of the pain and sorrow we’ve caused someone, of the dark secret we try
to keep hidden, and we know we need God’s forgiveness and mercy and the
opportunity to begin anew. And the wonderful thing – the “promise,” – is that we are forgiven.
And, we are given a clean slate. The Bible says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far will
he remove our sins from us.” God love us so much, he is willing to
forgive us and give us a fresh start.
However, that forgiveness is based on our willingness to forgive others. Can we offer those who
have wronged us, hurt us, betrayed us, the same mercy and compassion that God has offered to
us? Yes, it is difficult to forgive. But we need to remember that
forgiveness does not excuse or condone inappropriate behavior. It does not make a wrong
suddenly right. And it does not necessarily mean we forget, for we can learn from all our
experiences good and bad. But forgiveness is an expression of God’s very
character, and we, as Christians are called to have that same character. Consider for a moment,
all that God has forgiven in your life, all the times God has offered you mercy and compassion,
all the times God has given you the chance to begin again, not because you deserve it, but simply
because God loves you. Now…once you have let that sink in, how can you pass up a chance to
do the same?
As we head into a new fall season, may we all be re-committed to being more faithful disciples
of Jesus Christ.
~ Pastor Rebecca
From Your Assistant to the Pastor
“God has given you a message to share. When you believe and trust in God you also
become His messenger. God wants to speak to the world through you….because you have a
storehouse of experiences that He wants to use to bring others into his family.”
~ Pastor Rick Warren
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we begin the fall and the leaves change colors, and the crisp air is heard through the
rustle of branches in the trees, we begin to leave the dog days of summer behind and return to
our normal routines. The company has left and the kids and grandkids have started back to
school with new outfits and backpacks, and it’s that time again when we gather together again
for “Rally Day!” It’s also the time of year that we say goodbye to the beach services and when
we slowly accept that another summer has come to an end. But with all of these endings, come
new beginnings! And this is truly a great time to embrace all the new
activities that are happening at Northside and invite others to come to church! Most likely your
friends and neighbors are in the same transitional place you are and may be seeking a new
beginning and a fresh start, so invite them to join us for worship! Additionally, the
Gospel is full of new beginnings and good news that is just waiting to be shared with
everyone! The concept that God loves us and invites us into His family is such an inspiring
message that we need to share this with our friends and neighbors! Now I realize that
sometimes people are uncomfortable talking about “church” with relatives and friends. But what
if someone you knew was drowning? Would you wait until Olympic swimmer,
Michael Phelps was in town to save them? As ridiculous as that sounds, some people think only
certain people are called to share the Gospel, but that’s not true- all of us are called as Christians
to share Christ’s love with others! And you have been called out of the darkness into His
marvelous light, so that you might take this faith and share it with others. You have the Word of
God at your fingertips and the best part is, that you don’t have to be the most
eloquent or polished speaker, because you are already equipped with everything necessary to
proclaim the Gospel where it is needed. You just have to tell your story and the rest will fall into
place. Therefore, trust and have faith that God will place the words in your heart to share with
others so that they too may experience a new beginning in Christ and join us at Northside! So
invite your family, friends, relatives, neighbors or colleagues to the
Northside family and fall into some of the exciting, new activities and projects that are
beginning and be transformed by Christ’s love.
From your Director of
Children and Youth Ministries
Hey Church Family,
Another September is here! As I enter my 6th year of serving as your Director of Children and
Youth Ministries, I am reminded of the joy it is to see our children and youth grow. It’s amazing
to see where they were 6 years ago and to see how far they have come, to know their personal
stories and to see them shine. Our children and youth are unique, they are fun and they always
amaze me. As we enter a new season at Northside, I invite each one of you to discover that
amazement by being in fellowship with our children and youth. Try
something new by serving as a Sunday School Assistant, volunteering to chaperone an
outing or event. Are you looking for help for something you’re involved in at Northside like the
Holly Fair or Thrift Shop? Invite them personally to volunteer their time (they are
excellent workers and love the opportunity for leadership). Or you could volunteer to be a
mentor to one of our children and youth. I invite you to become involved, to learn our
children and youth’s names, to learn their interests and where they are in life. Thank you for
being a loving church family. Thank you for prayerfully considering how to impact our
children and youth this year with your presence, prayer and love.
September 2012
Last day of Summer Sunday school: Sunday September 1st for our Nursery through 4th Grade
September Youth Group; Unite Cape: a fabulous Cape Cod wide FREE Christian Event with
music, food and games for our 7th-12th Graders at Brewster Baptist Church on Saturday
September 7th from 4 to 8pm! Please meet and get picked up at Brewster Baptist Church. Make
sure to let Evy know you can attend!
Rally Day: Sunday September 8th! Our Sunday School Registration table will open at
9:30 am for all of our children and youth to register for the new school year! NEW this year: we
will have a Church Picnic after worship to celebrate the beginning of a new year in
fellowship with everyone in our church family! Make sure to sign up in the Narthex so we know
how many scrumptious burgers and hotdogs to make & to sign up to bring a side dish or dessert!
Or email me at
Youth Mission Trip 2013 to Sturgis South Dakota Brunch Celebration: We would like to
thank everyone who supported us all year long to serve the Lord and the community of Sturgis,
South Dakota, with a Brunch on Sunday, September 22nd, right after Worship.
There will be slide shows, photos, games, awesome food and testaments from our youth. Hear
their experience, see their experience and get a taste of appreciation! Please make sure to sign up
on the Sunday School Bulletin Board so we know how much awesome food to make! There is no
charge for our Celebration Brunch. Or you can email me at
Peace and Love, EVY
Christian Education
Want some time away? Looking to grow in your Christian faith? Rolling Ridge, our United
Methodist Retreat Center is offering several one-day programs this fall to help you to help you
deepen your spiritual journey with God. This is an excellent opportunity for rest and reflection in
a beautiful setting in North Andover. See bulletin board for more details.
“Embracing a Life of Meaning” – Tuesday Morning Studies, led by Pastor Rebecca will begin
on September 10th at from 10 – 11am, and we will look at the book by best selling author and
poet, Kathleen Norris. This is a five week session looking at Belief, The Bible, Community,
Place and Us. She will take us through questions and learnings about why these matter the most.
Everyone is welcome. Please let Pastor Rebecca know if you plan to attend, so she can order
your workbook.
"Being United Methodist-What it Means, Why it Matters"
What's so different, unique, special about the United Methodist Church? We know we
love Northside, but why does it matter that we're United Methodist? Have you been a United
Methodist for a long time, but never really learned about our unique roots and approach to the
faith that make us especially suited to carry Christ's love into the world today--a world that needs
it so? Are you still searching for answers about God and our faith that will give you the hope
and help you need in today's often frantic, troubled world. Do you wonder how being a United
Methodist helps us meet that need? And do you wonder if it really matters what denomination
or religious heritage is ours, as long as we follow Christ?.
Then the 6-week study we'll be offering Monday evenings, beginning September 23,
from 7-8:30pm, may be just what you're looking for. Our study will focus around the book
Being United Methodist--What it Means, Why it Matters, by the prolific author and fromer
seminary professor and teacher, J. Ellsworth Kalas. Like many of his works, the book is written
in a down to earth style, yet with a depth that intrigues and excites the reader with it's fresh
insights about our church, it's history, our faith and our beliefs, and most importantly, always:
what all that means for our faith in today's world.
Our study will be led by Rev. Mike Stotts, a retired United Methodist Pastor, active in
our church family. Join us at the church for those 6 Tuesday evenings, for a much deeper
understanding of this United Methodist family of which we're a part! Sign up this Sunday in the
church narthex.
Hello and Welcome Back!
The Missions committee has had a busy summer and looks like we will continue with the same
momentum into the fall! Just a few things to share with all of you that have happened over the
course of the last few months as well as a few things that are coming up!
Summer Camp Scholarships: We are pleased to announce that we were able to provide
financial assistance totaling over $ 1,600 to 10 summer campers from Northside! Those who
received scholarships were Shawn Peckham, Annabelle Napolitano, Patrick Baker, David
Malone, Joseph Malone, Tatiana Malone, Rylee O’Leary, Brenden Meyer, Timothy Meyer, and
Jack Machell. We can’t wait to hear in September how great their camp experiences went!!!
Changing the World Update: During the months of June, July and August all the loose change
that was collected during the worship services will be donated to UMCOR (United Methodist
Committee on Relief) to help others during times of tragedy, and devastation. This is an
amazing group and one that has an enormous impact on the local and global issues that occur
each and every day. Thank you for your donations!
Changing the World September: During the month of September, our focus will be on “Bread
for the World” which is a collective Christian voice urging our nation to end hunger at home and
abroad. By changing policies, programs and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist,
we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities where we live. Churches all over
the world like Northside are committed to ending hunger because it is central to our Christian
mission of helping our neighbors. Therefore as we pray and learn more about hunger this month,
and we offer our resources to eliminate hunger both abroad and locally let us be cognizant of the
other areas in our lives where we can also make a difference!
Imagine No Malaria- ReRun Shoes and Rally Day:
The Imagine No Malaria Project is an extraordinary effort of the people of the United Methodist
Church, to end preventable deaths by malaria in Africa. One way is by supplying mosquito nets
for people to cover their beds. For $10, a net is purchased, given to a family, and lives are saved!
Over the last few years Northside has raised over $1,650 to purchase nets, meaning we have
saved 165 lives. In conjunction with Rerun Shoes, we can continue to make a difference and
save lives. For every 100 pounds of shoes received, Rerun Shoes will donate one mosquito net.
In addition, the shoes are given to micro-business owners in West Africa, who recondition, clean
and prepare the shoes for sale in their shop.
By recycling your footwear, you save lives, and help the economy in struggling countries. Any
and all shoes are accepted (except winter boots and shoes with holes), so please join us in this
initiative on Rally Day ( Sunday, September 8th) Bring your shoes to church and place them in
the brown box in the Narthex.
Thank you so much for your continued support! ~ The Missions Committee
Through the end of July our direct giving has continued below our anticipated budget (see
Perhaps we should ask ourselves, “What is a pledge?” A pledge is a vow, a personal
commitment to give to the church a specified amount of money on a weekly or monthly basis. It
is an amount that you have decided signifies your gratitude to God and your willingness to
partner with God in supporting God’s work at Northside. And remember, just as you seek to be a
good steward of what God has given you, it is the responsibility of the church to be a good
steward of the money you give to it. A pledge may be thought of as follows:
P – Prayerfully considering all that God has given you.
L - Loving God in a way that is tangible.
E – Evaluating your income and expenses, trying your best to give your most.
D - Dedicating a set amount for God, to be given regularly and consistently.
G - Giving to something that has eternal value.
E – Effectively changing lives by contributing to God’s work here on earth.
When you make a pledge to Northside, it remains confidential. You are assigned an account
number and receive quarterly statements reflecting your giving.
Some may ask, “I donate every week, but why should I pledge?” When you commit to pledging
a set amount, our church can then budget responsibly for various projects and ministries. We
take very seriously our responsibility to plan the church’s expenditures for the coming year to be
in line with our expected income. Just as you need to know what your income will be so you can
plan and budget for your household, the church needs to know our expected income so we can
plan and budget for God’s household.
Results through July 2013:
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Holly Fair - November 9, 2013
Dennis Senior Center 9am—3pm
This year we NEED people to chair or help on these three tables.
1. The Silent Auction—gift certificates & small gift items
2. Northside Talents—handmade gifts & crafts from our congregation
to show how talented we are!
3. The Treasure Chest—Small or large treasures and collectibles.
*These 3 tables are very important to the success of the Holly Fair.*
Jewelry: new and used. Contact Nancy Beless 508-362-0304, Barbara Hansen 508-694-6544 or
Irene Thomas 508-385-4993.
Cookie Walk: You can start baking now and freeze them so we have lots of cookies!
Bake Table: Cakes, pies, muffins, sweet breads, pastries, brownies, cupcakes, specialties.
Knit and Crochet table: Alice Hofmann 508-398-9573
Bean Soup table: John Benker 774-487-7410
The Northside Café: Sue Eldridge 508-398-0008
Yard sale
Something More: Themed gift baskets, wreaths, sachets, etc. Sally Lepain 508-385-9995 or
Susan Ginkus 508-362-0273.
If you would like more information, or are interested, please contact:
Chairperson—Sue Myland at 508-385-2684 or email
“I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing.” ~William James. Our Adult Choir
has begun their practices, and would welcome anyone to join them in
praising and worshipping the Lord with song and music. They meet on Thursday nights from 7 –
8:30pm. All skill levels are welcome, even if you don’t read music. Also,
Stephanie will be leading the Youth Choir this year, as well as the Bell Choir. If you are
interested in being part of these ministries, please contact Stephanie at 508-240-4181 or
Northside – The Body of Christ
Why are you a Christian? Why do you attend Northside? As you think about these questions,
ask yourself – if your faith and church are important to you, how can we, as a church, reach out
to others who haven’t heard our Good News? Who don’t attend any church? We hope that
everyone who loves God, and who wants Northside to be a vibrant, effective Body of Christ, will
come share your thoughts and ideas, as we gather for a Leadership Retreat on Saturday,
September 21st from 9am – 2:30pm. Coffee and snacks will begin at 8:30am, and lunch will be
served. While it’s important that our committee chairs and leaders attend, this program,
sponsored by the Charting the Course Team, is open to everyone who has an interest in the future
of our church, and the impact Northside can and should have on our community. We will be
reviewing where we currently stand, and then looking at opportunities to better focus our
Missions outreach, including the role of the Thrift Shop. Please sign up in the
narthex, so we
know how many to plan for lunch and materials. If you have any questions, please see Pastor
Library Committee
What’s Happening in the Library?
√ Check it Out! by Gayle Kerr
When was the last time you read a book that really inspired you to do something for the
Lord? The Women’s Book group has recently read two such books. The title of one of these
books is The Same Kind of Different as Me. It tells the true story of a dangerous, homeless
drifter who grew up picking cotton in virtual slavery, an upscale art dealer who is accustomed to
the world of Armani and Chanel, and a gutsy woman with a stubborn dream. It is “a story so
incredible no novelist would dare dream it” (according to the jacket cover). You can find this
book on our library shelf under “What’s New.”
The second book is Kisses from Katie and, again, it tells the true story of a young woman
of 19 who had a dream to work with the children of Uganda, many of whom are orphans from
the AIDS epidemic. With a strong faith and a determined resolve, she is able to accomplish some
incredible things for these children and even ends up adopting many of them as her own. Her
story is truly an inspiration and evidence of what a difference one person, armed with her faith,
can make in the midst of terrible suffering. This book will soon be on our library shelf as well.
Do you have a favorite book that has inspired you that you would like to share with
others in the congregation? Just let me know for we would love to have reviews printed for
others to read. Thanks. And don’t forget to visit the library and check out what’s new!
A Letter of Thanks
“Although my message is a bit late, it is no less sincere. I want to thank the men from your
church who brought a wheelchair ramp to our house. They assembled it and matched the
construction perfectly to our porch. And they cleaned up when they were through! I found them
to be a very pleasant and knowledgeable group and was pleased to join them in closing prayer.
The ramp has made a difference in my husband’s recovery. Our cat enjoys
stretching out on the carpeting to enjoy the sunny days. There is such a need for this kind of
assistance and I will share our experience with members of our congregation at St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church in East Harwich. “
In Christ’s care,
Tom and Dorothy Kean
CROSSROADS: September Gathering (All are welcome)
Crossroads is a movement of adults on the Cape who are interested in exploring their
spirituality. Crossroads is passionate about helping both single and married adults, find
belonging, meaning, and purpose in their lives through God. No matter who you are, or where
you are from, you are welcome to join us! We will gather for dinner and fellowship on Thursday,
September 19th at 6pm. This is a casual time where anyone looking to form a deeper relationship
with God is welcome. We hope you will come out and enjoy some fellowship and share God’s
impact in your life! For more information contact Kate LaCroix. Please register with Kate prior
to September 16th, if you would like to attend so we can make reservations. Location of dinner
TBA based on the amount of those who would like to attend. Hope you will join us!
Hey Everybody!
I'm headed off to SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University) this month
and I will be
majoring in culinary. I’m looking forward to learning different culinary techniques, meeting
new people, living in a new place and seeing what campus life is all about. I hope to play
basketball, soccer or hockey while I’m going to school, but more than anything, I’m excited to
be living on campus. I will miss all of you at Northside, my Cape friends and work, but hope to
keep in touch! Looking forward to seeing all of you during my holiday breaks!
Luke Plucinski
Your Smile
It takes “so little time to do so much for your smile.” Of all the health problems that plague us,
those involving our teeth and gums can be the most serious—and are probably the most
preventable. A good home oral hygiene program is one of your best defenses. The immediate
goal of your home care is to keep bacteria under control and prevent plaque build-up. Brush your
teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled brush—three times is better. It’s best to replace your
toothbrush every three or four months. At first, the plaque that forms is soft, so there is never
any need to scrub hard to clean your teeth. It’s all about consistency and proper technique.
Plaque that is not removed by daily brushing and cleaning between teeth can harden into
calculus. Those rock-like deposits can only be removed with professional cleaning. Decaycausing bacteria may still linger between teeth where toothbrush bristles can’t reach. Flossing
and water irrigation can effectively remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and
Thrift Shop
Save the Date!
Thrift Shop Volunteer Luncheon
Sunday, October 6, 2013
After church service in the Fellowship Hall
RSVP by September 30th to
Marianne Hirschman (508) 896-4031 or Conni Weare (508-362-4584).
We give a tremendous THANK YOU to Hal Romme for his hard and diligent work on
repairing our library wall. It became a much bigger project than anticipated, and we are very
appreciative of his willing to make contacts, pull permits, and put in hours of labor, with his
brother, Art, much of it donated to the church. Please express your thanks when you see Hal!
In and Around
Sharing our building space! We at Northside are excited to be able to open our doors and
provide space and facilities for several groups in our community. We have a Cape Cod Child
Development Playgroup that meets Wednesday from 10-11:30am, a Boy Scout group that meets
on Monday nights, a Gamblers Anonymous Group that meets Sunday at 7pm, one Alcoholics
Anonymous group that meets Sunday at 3:30pm and another that meets every morning at
7:15am. Also, the Brewster Garden Club meets the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00am.
And we are a bus stop for school choice youth going to Nauset High School. So don’t be
surprised if you see lots of cars and activity! What a joy to share God’s house with those around
Share with your friends and neighbors! When you receive a Constant Contact email from the
church (the ones with pictures and color, announcing an event), please forward it to other people
in your address book, as a way of sharing what’s happening at our church and inviting them to
come. This is an easy and non-threatening way to get the name of Northside and Christ into our
Pastor Rebecca and John will be at Adam Hamilton’s Church of the Resurrection
Leadership Conference and a family wedding from Wednesday, September 25th through Sunday,
September 29th. We welcome Kate LaCroix to the pulpit on September 29th.
Do you have questions, thoughts, concerns, accolades, regarding Northside and would like to
talk with someone? Our “at large” members of the Administrative Council will be glad to share
your thoughts with the leadership of our church. Please see Jerry Archibald, Sandy Burke or Jay
Northside Red Sweatshirts and T-Shirts needed for the November Fair and other
activities are available by order. Please sign up on order form in the narthex or contact Joan
Anderson, 508-385-9155, or There are also some red shirts
available in stock.
Blood Pressure checks will start up again on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:30am and on
the last Sunday of each month at 11:00am, beginning this month. Please also be aware that you
can have your blood pressure checked any time you need it, upon request.
Our Annual Charge Conference, under the direction of our Superintendent, Rev. Seok Hwan
Hong, will be on Saturday, October 26th at 10:00am. This purpose of a Charge Conference is to
review and evaluate the mission and ministry of the church, receive reports and adopt objectives
and goals for the coming year. Everyone is invited to attend.
Chairpersons should have their
reports to the office by October 11th.