Northside Open Gym Guidelines Tuesday evenings 7p to 9p, FLC

Northside Open Gym
Tuesday evenings 7p to 9p, FLC
 Purpose: To have Christ-centered, active fun. Learning to help one another as the Bible teaches us while
becoming much healthier people.
 May be rescheduled to accommodate other events as needed. Throughout the year, the facility is used by many
programs, therefore a flexible schedule is necessary. Temporarily rescheduling to another day of the week is
always an option if possible. Call Scott Cooksey (904) 591-8936 to verify if cancelled or rescheduled.
 Sign in and out- is required of all present, all ages and must be legible. Name, email for updates on schedule
and information, parent or guardian name, best working emergency contact number and name of emergency
 Visitors definitely welcome. All guidelines are to be followed by anyone who attends at all times. Using the
facility for over six months without ever visiting a Northside Baptist Church service is strongly discouraged.
Northside Baptist Church service attendance is an ideal way to continue supporting each other spiritually
outside of this weekly program.
 Use has no cost. However, if you would like to help financially, you certainly can. Please leave an offering during
Church services. There may also be a donation dropbox available in the Family Life Center. See Scott Cooksey
with any questions concerning financial contributions.
 A positive, helpful attitude is expected by all participants.
 Short devotions may be held, at which time all are required to attend. (Usually 5-10 minutes)
 Please ask the coordinator if you want to organize a game or exercise. Please keep in mind the intention is for
an open, informal time of fun and exercise.
 Use of equipment may be limited by coordinator and what he/she chooses to take out on a given night. Just
because equipment was used in the past doesn't mean will be used in the future.
 All Equipment must always be put away, cleaned and organized after every use.
 There is the possibility of you or your party getting injured. You will not hold the church responsible for such
incidents. You understand as the responsible party, you are responsible for yourself and those you brought. You
are expected to supervise those minors under your care.
 Abuse of equipment will not be tolerated.
 Safety is expected and disregard for safety will not be tolerated. If a child can be or is in harm's way, solutions
will be discussed.
 Building is to be left clean each and every night, better than when we arrived. Clean up bursts may be asked
where all present help straighten up, every hour or so.
 Main basketball gym and exercise gym and bathrooms to be used only. No one allowed in any other Family Life
Center area/ NCA area or outside building. Occasionally, the fellowship hall may be opened up for snacks.
 Once signed out, please promptly leave Northside property (hanging out in parking lot, vehicles, church will not
be tolerated). Discussions should be held in FLC prior to leaving.
 Safety is extremely important. Safety practices will be taught if observed there is a need especially with
strength and exercise equipment. Safe actions will be expected and reinforced in all areas of gym use and at all
times. Misuse or immaturity will not be tolerated. You may be asked to not return for a period of time or
permanently if disregard for safety is observed by supervisors depending on severity.
 Strength/ training gym is limited mainly to adults. Training your child in safe techniques is accepted, however
any horseplay or immaturity is cause for dismissal from training room and time of return is the coordinator's
decision. The number of people in the gym is also the coordinator’s decision. You may be asked to leave until it
becomes less crowded.
 Courtesy and unselfishness expected at all times.
 Exercise gym may be limited in how many occupy the room if necessary.
 Early drop off is not allowed. Late pick-up is not allowed.
 Open and close times will be followed.
 If you are having someone pick you up, they must be on time.
 Excessive problems with drop off and pick up may be cause for being asked to not return for a period of time or
permanently if disregard is obvious.
 Absolutely no public display of affection, physical or verbal.
 Personal possessions (gym bag, electronics, jackets, shoes…..) are your responsibility. NBC is not responsible for
lost or stolen items.
 Any illegal activity will not be tolerated.
 If someone under 18 is attending, they must either be with a personally known Northside Baptist Church adult
member or the parent or guardian is to call Scott Cooksey, coordinator prior to attending to arrange who is to
be the responsible person. If there is no one available to supervise and take responsibility, Northside Baptist
Church has the right to postpone attendance until worked out. Scott Cooksey cell (904)591-8936. Leave
voicemail if necessary with a good callback number.
Signing-in confirms you have reviewed, understand, and will follow all guidelines listed. Failure to sign in or be
deceptive will result in dismissal from these activities.