BUSINESS INSIGHT Immediate Focus Easier, faster to track patents inter’ly; could reduce patent wars. Can ease costs in patent disputes. 1 GOV: Needs to make commitment permanent and strengthen PPH agreements with other countries. IP Australia and US Patent & Trademark Office have agreed to extend pilot til 13 Apr 2012. Low impact: IP lawyers should be advocates Big potential growth for cloud platforms, software and services. 2 GOV, Edu, Health: All public-facing websites to adopt the public cloud. AGIMO requires all Gov agencies to transit from private to the public cloud. High Impact: Dept of Immigration and Citizenship uses Azure, but considerable lobby/ competition expected. Google, IBM, VMware all focused Will create public distrust and threatens to tighten industry data security laws and regulations. 3 GOV: add’l powers to Privacy Commissioner part of pending privacy law reforms. Vodafone sacks staff for breaking into database and refers the matter to police Medium impact: Privacy advocates could over-react, resulting in onerous regs and damaging public confidence in IT and cloud services E-learning for schools New e-learning initiatives creating demand for SW, devices & content that plays into MS smart schools. 1 Edu: schools to partner with publishers, vendors, academics, etc. Ed. Bureau (EDB) has selected 21 schools for pilot project in use of IT for learning and materials depository. Medium impact: E-learning software vendors, content publishers, device vendors MaD Opportunity to regain initiative in developer community and creative digital sector. 2 Edu, GOV: Make-a-Difference (MaD) scheme explores “creative paths in personal, economic and social domains” for the young Create Smart Initiative funding Inst of Contemporary Culture through 2011 to Make-a-Difference (MaD) High impact: Attractive to all companies in media, arts and digital entertainment areas PSNS: Filtering of sites judged to be porn Internet Access Arbitrary application of existing laws a dangerous precedent; could affect business climate. IT Minister Sembiring threatened RIM’s licence &suggested possible tax charges. RIM began blocking porn. Medium impact: Sembiring is Chairman of conservative Islamic Prosperous & Justice Party; move politically motivated. 1 GOV: NZD2 billion overhaul of gov ICT systems, with emphasis on cloud computing. 9 gov agencies committed to change; Feb 21 closing date for tenders; stringent reqments for data security Medium impact: Comp from IBM, Dell, HP, and Cisco. 2 GOV: Privacy Cmnr investigating NZ Telecom over customer data leaks NZ Telecom’s 2.15m customer database illegally accessed by staff employed by a rival. Medium impact: Privacy advocates could over-react, resulting in onerous regs and damaging public confidence in IT and cloud services AUSTRALIA Public Cloud HK Privacy threats from data theft IND CONTEXT & COMPETE STATUS* Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) NZ Procurement Privacy Business Impact PS SEGMENT Opp to promote Azure cloud & security solutions. Will spread distrust and threatens to tighten industry data security laws and res. ENGAGE REQUIRE* 1 Changing situation that could be positive or negative but should be approached proactively. An issue to be noted but that does not change the status quo. Changing situation that looks to be unequivocally good for MS, whether action taken or not. Context Signif resource should be committed Increase resource commitment No increase in resources reqd Declining resource reqment. COMPETE* High impact: major immediate commercial benefit/risk to MS. Medium impact: Significant long-term benefit/risk on MS. Low impact: Little commercial benefit/risk, or is in line with current policy BUSINESS INSIGHT Immediate SINGAPORE E-Gov “Thrusts” SOUTH KOREA Major revamp of eGov techs and practices; plays to MS strengths ASEAN Masterplan Security apps , cloud apps and maybe IX set-up within Singapore; opps are regional Serious Games Major source of new ideas , apps and developer talent Internet censorship Imports of telecom and broadcast access equip E-gov “mobile” cloud VIETNAM Business Impact ICT national roadmap Spreading rural ICTs Gov threaten to criminalize users who post against “public interest”; opp to influence gov policy. PS SEGMENT STATUS 1 2 3 1 Focus CONTEXT & COMPETE ENGAGE REQUIRE Context Compete GOV: 3 “thrusts” (i) PPP, (ii) SNS tools (iii) WOG (“Whole of Gov”) Masterplan to be implemented 2011-2015 across whole-of-gov (WOG) to take advantage of new technologies and SNS. High impact: All major platform OSS and BSS vendors, security software vendors, SI, etc ASEAN: 4 major initiatives (i) common security framework, (ii) ICT training within USO, (iii) intra-ASEAN IX and apps for cloud computing, (iv) lower roaming charges. TELSOM/TELMIN adopted the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 in KL. Low impact: Funding and implementation remain typically uncertain and probably very patchy, but the regional scale of the plan will attract all comers. GOV: MDA funding Serious Games R&D for verticals such as edu, health, corp. learning MDA commits SGD5m to Games Solution Centre (jointly with Serious Games Inst. of UK) High impact: Attractive to all companies in media, arts and digital entertainment areas PSNS: Redefining legal concept of “public interest” for online posting. Gov banned access to N.Korean; drafting bill to prosecute such cyber “terrorism”. Medium impact: vigorous campaign expected from activists and civil liberties groups; ISPs need to be prepared to lobby. Small step toward liberalizing equip approval; Radio Research Agency notification req’d Medium impact: Korean manufacturers will resist attempts to liberalize completely. Facilitates imports of games consoles, TVs and mobile access devices using alternative OS 2 GOV: imports for non-commercial use will require notification but not type approval. Would open the entire gov machinery to cloud and mobile devices. 3 GOV: MOPAS testing security for its own “private” cloud using mobile devices Initiative inline with gov’s “smart work plan” to convert 30% of workforce to mobile “smart” workers by 2015. Medium impact: A major procurement process would follow, with intense lobbying from local vendors. Where will the investment come from? If PPP then this could become a major opportunity for partnering. 1 GOV/Industry Verticals: National invest program for microchips, SW and NGN “Developing High Technology til 2020” approved High impact: If this vision becomes a real mission; real opportunity to advocate PPP in inflation-hit VN. Internet access positive for commercial and social devpt, e.g. education and health services. 2 GOV, Edu, Health: Program to provide all rural areas with telecom services by 2020 & raise Net access to 30-40%. VND24tril (USD1.23bil) 2011-2020 approved to provide universal access Medium impact: Opp for MS to explore education and health service opportunities with gov Changing situation that could be positive or negative but should be approached proactively. An issue to be noted but that does not change the status quo. Changing situation that looks to be unequivocally good for MS, whether action taken or not. Signif resource should be committed Increase resource commitment No increase in resources reqd Declining resource reqment. High impact: major immediate commercial benefit/risk to MS. Medium impact: Significant long-term benefit/risk on MS. Low impact: Little commercial benefit/risk, or is in line with current policy BUSINESS INSIGHT THAILAND PHILIPPINES MALAYSIA Immediate Internet Censorship Business Impact Potential censorship of Internet content leading to business environment ambiguity particularly for cloud. IPR Code Revisions Likely to become significantly easier for rights holders to seek redress/compensation and exert ownership over original content. Helps business case for cloud. Cybercrime Prevention Bill Strengthens campaign to protect proprietary software, as well as strengthening Net-driven models. Telecom master plan Opp to influence debate and final Plan. Gov will benefit from understanding verticals biz case for access and cloud. Companies can align BB projects with gov timeline to reduce risk. PS SEGMENT STATUS 1 1 2 1 Focus CONTEXT & COMPETE ENGAGE REQUIRE Context PSNS, GOV: There is fear that PPPA amendments will cover online postings in blogs and social networking sites. Amendment of the Printing Press and Publications Act of 1984 (PPPA) to cover “publications” posted online. GOV: Current version of the IP Code does not cover unlawful use of protected materials on the Net. Issue will be one of enforcement. Gov contemplating a bill to expand the Intellectual Property Code to include protection of copyrighted materials on the Net. GOV: Significant opp to provide leadership on ‘governance’ issue and to influence framework and approach. Cybercrime yet to be defined as a legal concept in Philippines. Gov is mulling legislation to punish online offenses (eg, hacking, fraud, cybersex, software piracy, email espionage and child porn through). GOV, Health, Edu: Gov looking to services drivers to determine timelines for further licensing. Draft master plan will focus on expansion of BB Net, fair competition, fair price for services and consumer protection and is expected to be completed by May. Changing situation that could be positive or negative but should be approached proactively. An issue to be noted but that does not change the status quo. Changing situation that looks to be unequivocally good for MS, whether action taken or not. Signif resource should be committed Increase resource commitment No increase in resources reqd Declining resource reqment. Compete Medium impact: Creates unnecessary ambiguity which runs counter to former PM Mahathir’s assurance that Net content would not be censored. High to Medium impact: After legal framework is set up, enforcement is seen to be problematic. But this is core competency for MS. Medium impact: Places MS in strong position compared to more freewheeling competitors. Provides MS with legal remedy to combat software piracy. Medium impact: vendors, ISPs and consumers expected to participate in the consultation process from Feb to May. High impact: major immediate commercial benefit/risk to MS. Medium impact: Significant long-term benefit/risk on MS. Low impact: Little commercial benefit/risk, or is in line with current policy