
Nutrition Support
Aspiration- Removal of a sample of fluid and cells through a needle. Aspiration
also refers to the accidental sucking in of food particles or fluids into the lungs
bolus feeding- The syringe method of tube feeding. Food is poured into the
tube and held up so gravity moves the food down the tube. The tube is washed
with water and clamped.
clear liquid diet- a diet of fluids with minimal residues (fat-free broth or strained
fruit juices or gelatin)
closed system- a system in which there is no exchange of material, energy, or
information with the environment.
Colonocyte- mature, non-dividing epithelial cells forming the colonic epithelium.
crystalline amino acid- Part of a basic TPN solution
continuous feeding- Slowly fed throughout the day. The tube is cleaned with
water every 4 hours.
elemental formula- Contains free amino acids that are easily digestible
enteral feeding- tube feeding, is a way to deliver nutrients through a tube if you
cannot take food or drink through your mouth
full liquid diet- Consists of only liquids and foods that liquefy at room
Gastrostomy- surgical creation of an opening through the abdominal wall into
the stomach
hepatic steatosis- the collection of excessive amounts of triglycerides and other
fats inside liver cells.
Hydrophilic- Having an affinity for water; readily absorbing or dissolving in water
Hyperosmolar- Abnormally increased osmolar concentrations in the body
implantable port- An implanted device through which blood may be withdrawn
and infusions given without repeated needle sticks. Installed beneath the skin.
iso-osmolar- Osmolality is greater than body fluids.
Jejunostomy- surgical creation of an opening between the jejunum and the
anterior abdominal wall; will allow artificial feeding
medical food- Medical foods are foods that are specially formulated and
intended for the dietary management of a disease that has distinctive nutritional
needs that cannot be met by normal diet alone
modular product- Single macronutrients used to augment oral feeding. Do not
provide a source of micronutrients
Nasogastric- Referring to the passage from the nose to the stomach.
Orogastric- Referring to the mouth and the stomach. A tube that passes from
the mouth to the stomach.
Osmolality- The concentration of particles dissolved in a fluid. Can help
diagnose medical conditions such as dehydration. Particles per kg of solvent.
Osmolarity- the measure of solute concentration, defined as the number of
osmoles (Osm) of solute per liter (L) of solution.
Ostomy- surgical procedure that creates an artificial opening for the elimination
of bodily wastes
refeeding syndrome- Refeeding syndrome is a syndrome consisting of
metabolic disturbances that occur as a result of reinstitution of nutrition to
patients who are starved or severely malnourished. Renourishment is the
process of avoiding refeeding syndrome
semi-elemental formula- contain peptides of varying chain length, simple
sugars, glucose polymers or starch and fat, primarily as medium chain
Stylet- A fine wire that is run through a catheter, cannula, or hollow needle to
keep it stiff or clear of debris.
three-in–one system- A nutrient solution containing glucose, proteins, and
tube feeding syndrome- A potentially fatal condition caused by a feeding
regimen given through a tube that provides too little water and too much protein
in the diet
tunnel catheter- a rubber-like tube “tunneled” under the skin into a large vein in
the body.
two-in-one system- Amino acids and lipids given in one solution
Viscosity- The resistance to flow
ASPEN- American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
CATI- Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing
CVC- Central Venous Catheter
CVN- Central Venous Nutrient
EN- Enteral Nutrition
IVH- intravenous hyperalimentation
JCAHO- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
JPEN- Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
LCFA- Long chain fatty acids
MCFA- Medium chain fatty acids
MCT- Medium chain triglycerides
NDT- Nasoduodenal tube
NPO- Nothing Per Orem - Nothing by mouth
PEG- percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube
PICC- peripherally-inserted central catheter
PN- Parenteral Nutrition
PPN- Partial Parenteral nutrition
PVN- Peripheral Venous Nutrition
SCFA- Short Chain Fatty Acid
SNS- Specialized Nutrition Support
TPN- Total Parenteral Nutrition