Presentation - romnet-era


Specific support projects and other activities sustained by the

European Commission in the benefit of the potential participants to FP6

Dan Dascalu

(coordinator of ROMNET-ERA)


Romanian participation in FP6/NMP

(successful projects)

Romanian institutions in successful projects

Romanian participation in various instruments

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Romanian institutions (28) in successful projects

Research institutes/centres

Gov. organisations

(1); 3,6%

(4); 14,3%

Professional societies

(1); 3,6%

National Institutes

(5); 17,9%


(6); 21,4%

Research Units of the Romanian


(2); 7,1%



(9); 32,1%

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Participations in successful projects (36)


(6 projects)



(14 projects)



(6 projects)



(8 projects)


Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005



(2 projects)


Support from SSA and CA

Just two SSA from NMP, but ….


 MANVIS (?)

CA from NMP (3)

Four SSA from the special call for research centres in ACC (three presented today)

Other SSA and AC, including SSA from



Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

CA from NMP (1)

Project acronym : CONCORDE

Project full title : " Co-ordination of Nanostructured Catalytic Oxides Research and

Development in Europe ".

Project type: Coordination action (CA)


Romanian partners:

1. National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP)

2. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry (UoB)

Coordinator : CSIC-ICP, Spain

Specific objectives of co-ordination activity :

 Maintain EU leadership on metal oxide-based catalysts by improving knowledge on their properties and gaining know-how in a multi-disciplinary and a multi-technique approach, involving a high number of research teams.

 Identify applications and emerging opportunities where the co-ordination of research efforts could result in significant improvement of the competitive

European chemical and petrochemical industry.


-alternative cheap processes for chemical syntheses (fewer reaction steps, replacement of noble metals with cheaper oxides, lower energetic cosumption); new materials with impact on the eco-system opportunities for research and education / reducing the « brain exodus »

 creation of an European network of excellence

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

CA from NMP (2)

Project acronym : IMPART



Project type: Coordination action (CA)


Romanian partners:


2. National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, Iasi

3. Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G.Murgulescu” of the Romanian Academy

Coordinator : CHALEX Research LTD., U.K.

Project description:

The primary aim of this CA is to prevent knowledge of the health and environmental implications of nanoparticles from a lagging behind the technological advances. In order to do this, IMPART will foster communications links between numbers of regional, national and international initiatives in order to reduce duplication of effort, full expertise and facilitate cooperation between networks. This will result in an improvement in the understanding of the potential impact of nanoparticles on human health and the environment .


Tasks: topical studies to promote greater understanding of the impact of nanoparticles on human health and the environment; recommendations for future research policy

Tasks: state of the art risk report;risk assessment workshop and updated report; guidance booklet on reducing the negative impact of nanoparticles

Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G.Murgulescu” ICF tasks:

ICF Laboratory of chemical thermodynamics (Dr. Speranta Tãnãsescu ) is involved in all the actions of the project having the principal goal understanding of the short and long term implications of nanotechnology for health and the environment. The contribution in the project is based on the former research experience existing in the Laboratory of Chemical Thermodynamics as concerns the large potentialities offered by the Applied

Chemical Thermodynamics to characterize and investigate from the energetic point of view the advanced materials involved in the complex modern systems and the new technologies.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

CA from NMP (3)

Project acronym : VIF CA

Project full title : Virtual Intelligent Forging

Project type: Coordination action (CA)


Romanian partner: UNIVERSITY Dunarea de Jos” of GALATI (UGAL)

Coordinator : CEMEF – Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, France

The consortium gathers educational and research organisations, experts in the various scientific areas, and a large number of forging, software and IT industries from 17 European countries. The

Deliverables include a Book of forging, projects for an e-Database and an e-learning platform, benchmarks for process simulations and materials testing, and a structure for a virtual supply chain.

UGAL participates in WP2 - Existing documents, Reference Data - and WP5 –

Teaching Forging Excellence within the following actions: State of the art of the mechanical testing techniques and physical parameters determination techniques, Emetal forming portal with the results of UGAL team, Releasing the teaching materials introduced in ARIADNE network, Master curricula in Virtual

Intelligent Metal Forming within continuing education system, Organizing a summer school on Metal Forming Processes subject.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Research centres from ACC (1)

Project acronym : INDUMAT

Project full title : Strengthening of the RDI Potential for

Advanced Materials and Composites to Enhance the

Performance of the Electrical Industry

Project type: SSA




WP1, WP2, WP3: - Strengthening the human RDI potential of ICPE-CA

Diffusion of the research results

WP1, WP3: - Renewal of S&T equipment

- Diffusion of the research results

WP4: Development of research strategies

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Research centres from ACC (2)

Project acronym : ROBIOS

Project full title: “ Strengthening Romanian Research and

Training Capacities in Biosensing and Related Areas

Project type: SSA

Romanian partner: International Centre of Biodynamics-


 Coordinator: ICB

Project description:

ROBIOS seeks to improve the existing high quality research capacities, technological and human resources of ICB in biomedicine and Food &

Water Quality Assessment. These methods are meant to highly contribute to the implementation of EU quality standards in Romania. Implementation of

ROBIOS Specific Support Actions will strengthen participation of the ICB in FPs’ activities.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Research centres from ACC (3)

Project acronym : RAINS

Project full title : Romanian Action for Integrating,

Networking and Strengthening the ERA

Project type: SSA

Romanian partners: “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular

Chemistry Iasi, Strategic objective(s) addressed

Strategic objectives addressed: Reinforcement of the Associated Candidate

Countries’ Research Capacities

Thematic priority: 3 NMP

Thematic area: Knowledge-based multifunctional materials

Thematic strategic objective: Development of fundamental knowledge. The objective is to understand complex physico-chemical and biological phenomena relevant to the mastering and processing of intelligent materials with the help of experimental, theoretical and modelling tools.

The strategic objective addressed by RAINS Project : reinforcement of the research capacity of Romania (one of the target associate candidate countries). More specifically, RAINS is aimed to consolidate the research potential of an outstanding Romanian research centre – the

“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (PPIMC) in the 3 NMP area of 6th FP.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

SSA for “nano” (1)

Project acronym: NANOMAT

Project full title: Promotion of SMEs in Nanotechnology and

Nanomaterials to broaden European Research

Project type: SSA

Coordinator: INNOVA Europe


Romanian partners:

Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti

Centrul de Tehnologii Avansate-CTANM

Project description:

The nanoMAT SSA FP 6 Project supports the participation of small and mediumsized companies (SMEs) in the Sixth Framework Programme, in the field of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials nanoMAT focuses in particular on companies in new EU Member States and

Accession Countries

The support is provided through technological intelligence and innovation assistance services

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

SSA for “nano” (2)

Project acronym: NENAMAT

Project full title: Network for Nanostructured Materials of Associate Candidate

Countries (ACC)

Project type: SSA

Coordinator: Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, SLOVAKIA

Romanian partners: National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, Iasi,


Project description:

 to mobilize in ACC existing human and material resources in the field of nano-structured materials; significantly improve the communication and collaboration between centers working in this area of research in individual ACC and between the Centers in ACC, Member States,

Russia & New Independent States (NIS) and Southeast European Countries, (SEEC);

 to disseminate scientific information as well as results of the research in the field of nanotechnology and nanostructured materials; to consolidate, network and strengthen the RTD potential in the area of ACC; to create a common platform for coordination of the research, education and training activities in ACC in the field of nano-structured materials; to contribute to the building of ERA ;

This aim will be achieved by building-up communication tools for connecting the individual Centers in ACC; monitoring, sharing and developing of the infrastructure; improving training and mobility; exchange of knowledge; preparation of common projects.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

SSA for “textile”

Project acronym: NENAMAT

Project full title: Network for Nanostructured Materials of Associate Candidate

Countries (ACC )

Project type: SSA

Coordinator: Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, SLOVAKIA

Romanian partners: National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, Iasi, ROMANIA

Project description:

 to mobilize in ACC existing human and material resources in the field of nanostructured materials; significantly improve the communication and collaboration between centers working in this area of research in individual ACC and between the Centers in ACC,

Member States, Russia & New Independent States (NIS) and Southeast European

Countries, (SEEC);

 to disseminate scientific information as well as results of the research in the field of nanotechnology and nanostructured materials; to consolidate, network and strengthen the RTD potential in the area of ACC; to create a common platform for coordination of the research, education and training activities in ACC in the field of nano-structured materials; to contribute to the building of ERA ;

This aim will be achieved by building-up communication tools for connecting the individual Centers in ACC; monitoring, sharing and developing of the infrastructure; improving training and mobility; exchange of knowledge; preparation of common projects.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

CA for “fashion”

Project acronym: FASHION NET

Project full title: Network of intermediaries to foster transnational research & innovation in SMEs in the fashion industry

Project type: CA

Coordinator: Institute for industrial promotion, Italy

Romanian partners: INCD pentru textile si pielarie

Project description:

 to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs to facilitate SMEs access to FP6

 to promote the transnational SMEs cooperation to consolidate ties and integrate network and partnerships between intermediaries (NCP, industrial associations, incubators, R&D organisations and clusters of SMEs)

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005


Inventory and networking of Research Centres with a potential for participation in FP6

Topics: priority 1 (partial), 2 (partial), 3 and 5

Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest

•Other SSA coordinated by IMT:



Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

The main target of the project is to provide a substantial contribution in bringing Romania in a better position to integrate in ERA

• The main target groups at the national scale are: a) the scientific community scattered in more than 600 research centres; b) the community of innovative SMEs which do not have yet the experience and motivation to participate in FP 6

• The core of the whole process is performing the inventory, the screening and the networking of the high-quality research centres

• Restructuring for integration in ERA will be the only realistic chance of the Romanian research to become competitive. The consortium putting forward this proposal has the competence and the authority to address the local scientific community and has the full support of national authorities

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Inventory as a pre-requisite for networking

• We cannot start directly with the networking. First step: the inventory of the research centres (as well as of innovative SMEs), with their potential and their offer/request for collaboration

• Identifying of research groups (from three separate research systems: national R&D institutes, university research centers, research units of the Romanian Academy) will be focused on some priorities of FP 6, catalyzing the participation to EU projects.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

First an inventory of the Romanian centers of research will be realized

• Today the information about these centres is spread over a large number of sources and difficult to access. The number of centres involved in networks is very small. The visibility of these centres is low and their participation to FP 6 is below expectations.

• The project will provide public and interactive electronic databases, in English, that will display information about scientists and research centers, about international research projects involving Romania and the external partners of

Romanian organizations, as well as the offer/request of collaboration (including scientific services)

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Identifying centres questionnaire

The first area:

Explanation what means centres and contact data

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

The second area:

Interest in Framework Programme 6 (FP 6 )

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Page viewing the information registered in data bases .

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Other countries from Eastern Europe



cro and


notechnologies are going





 Networking at the national scale in:

 NMS (New Member States)

 ACC (Associate and Candidate Countries)

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005


Bring the information to the desk of every researcher

Information going West

Exchange knowledge

Promote direct, face-to-face, contacts

 An interesting experience:


 Prague, 10-13 January 2005



Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005










work pursuing the integration of

NMS and ACC in ERA



National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies


Basic features

Instrument: SSA (Specific Support Action)

Call: IST-SSA, section for NMS and ACC

Field: micro- and nanosystems

Consortium: 18 partners (8 from NMS and ACC)

Coordination: IMT-Bucharest (Poland and Lithuania and also Germany, Spain, U.K.) are providing core members for joint

Budget: 715,000 euro

Duration: 3 years

Status: under negotiation

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005


(1) Revealing and promoting the research competences from NMS and ACC, namely competences which are relevant for the development of the field of micronanosystems at the European scale ;

(2) Facilitating the participation of NMS and ACC organisations to EU programmes and other activities in the field of micro-nanosystems;

(3) Performing extensive networking at the pan-

European scale in the field of micro-nanosystems .

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Activities in four work packages extensive networking , using an integrated communication platform; creation, maintenance, promotion and linking of databases of researchers, research and industrial organisations, enhancing the visibility of potential partners from NMS and ACC and promoting participation to EU programmes; the organisation, with the same purpose of brokerage events and seminars, primarily in NMS and ACC, also

Forums for strategic development in NMS/ACC (added during the negotiation) organisation of three annual editions of a new European research conference devoted to

Microsystems as a platform for integrating technologies


Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Why another project?

Why another support project devoted to NMS and ACC?

Why financing again:


Meetings etc?

The present double meeting in Prague is sustained by:


 NEXUSPLUS (for meetings)

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Going further …….

“Conventional” microsystems (e.g. based on silicon technology): already a traditional field with a substantial offer of research from

Western Europe (and not only);

Eastern Europe (NMS and ACC) has not so much to offer at this time, because research infrastructure is available in just a few countries, whereas MST industry is almost absent ( see presentation by P. Grabiec, ITE,

Poland, )

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

However …….

 However, the situation is changing if you are considering the expanding field of mixedtechnologies. For example, integrating micro-, nanoand biotechnologies requires a wealth of competence in new materials and multi-disciplinary phenomena.

One can attract competences in basic sciences or in emerging multidisciplinary fields.

Integration at the system level may benefit from the experience of

“traditional” engineering fields.

 New applications are expected in health care, environment, food industry etc.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Convergence of technologies

After the first successful calls, the evolution of the field seems to be already dominated by mixed technologies, or the convergence of micro-nano-biotechnologies .

This tendency is expected to continue also in the last calls of

FP6, as well as in FP7. Indeed, the overall trend seems to be the convergence of IST (including microtechnologies), nanotechnologies and biotechnologies.

New materials (such as polymers used in microsystem technologies) are an important factor for innovation.

Nanofluidics and nanochemistry are also expected to play an important role .

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for health will continue to remain, perhaps, an important topic, with new micro-nanosystems for diagnosis and healthcare.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Common call priorities 2 and 3

A common call with priority 3 (NMP), now closed, was launched in 2004 in order to develop new medical instruments and/or intelligent diagnosis equipment for healthcare of the future, using advanced biosensors

(including biological sensors).

Significant applications are expected from the integration of technological developments - in particular of biosensors and smart and hybrid materials that may interact with their surroundings, precision engineering, micro- and nanofluidics, and opto/electromagnetic methods with greater knowledge of the interactions between biological and nonbiological systems.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Taking advantage …….

MINOS-EURONET is taking advantage of the opportunities created by the new developments

Whereas nanoscience and nanotechnologies are attracting massive investments and human resources, many industrial applications should be reached through micro-nanosystems and nanoelectronics

The focus is on the new calls and future FP7, because they are representing new opportunities of cooperation

Existing IPs and NoEs offer little room (if any) for accommodating new partners

 There is already a big pressure from Western partners

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

However, new instruments do offer opportunities …

New instruments are creating scientific communities which could be approached easily through the coordinator

If these communities are put in contact, easily exchanging information this will increase the probability of finding the appropriate partner once new financing opportunities are occurring

MINOS is using a number of e-tools: the idea is to bring the information to the desk of the researcher and allow

Preliminary exchange of information will increase the efficiency of face-to-face meetings

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Unique feature

The proposal is put forward by 18 partners. The backbone of this powerful consortium is constituted by the Western research organisations which are coordinators of 8 other big projects in


In this cluster of 8 independent projects is covering a broad spectrum of technologies and applications, requiring broad multidisciplinary science and engineering and displaying an exciting potential of cooperation for NMS and


Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

The backbone of the network of networks

In MINOS consortium we have the coordinators of:

 5 NoE (3 from priority 2/NMP and 2 from priority


 2 IPs from priority 3/IST

 One Training-by-research network (Marie Curie)

 Associate partners (NoEs and IPs, e.g. NANO-


This cluster (associate partners not included) is totalling 159 different organisations , which provides a critical mass for pan European networking.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005


Nano2Life ( Bringing NANOtechnologies TO LIFE),

NoE, priority 3, NMP .

 Scientific and technological area: Nanobiotechnology area of complex and integrated novel sensor technologies.

Application domain: Health care, pharmaceuticals, environment, security, food safety, etc. The network support the development of nanoparticles and nanofluidics handling, integrated systems: cells, lab-on-chip.

Expected implications: To keep Europe as a competitive partner the field of nanobiotechnology. Nano2Life intends to tackle fragmentation, to durably integrate organizations, to interface two worlds: nano and bio, to translate science into economic benefits and educate society about nanobiotechnologies.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Micro-nanotechnologies for health

HEALTHY AIMS (Nano scale materials and sensors and microsystems for medical implants improving health and quality of life), IP in priority 2, IST

Scientific and technological area: Technologies involved: RF

Communications and power source for implanting into the human;

Biocompatible materials; Micro-electrodes; Micro-assembly techniques, Sensors and actuators to fit inside the body.

Application domain: New implantable medical devices: Cochlear implant; Retina implant and glaucoma sensor; FES for upper and lower limbs; Artificial intra-urethral sphincter; Sphincter sensor; Intracranial pressure sensor for long term implant (>10 years).

Expected implications: Usage of microsystems and nanotechnology in the medical sector, thus ultimately improving the quality of life for citizens across Europe.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Food quality and safety

GOOD FOOD (Food Safety and Quality with

Microsystems), IP in priority 2, IST

Scientific and technological area: Micro and Nanotechnology (MST and M&NT): Micro fluidic system for residue concentration;

Integrated optical sensor combined with smart CMOS camera detector;

Gas sensors array based on metal oxide and cantilevers; Single chip array of gas sensors on micro machined membranes; Electronic tongue.

Application domain: Food safety and quality: fast antibiotics residues screening; Pesticide detection; detection of toxigenic fungi using molecular markers (DNA); Detection of Food borne pathogens;

Multisensing Microsystems integration for food control.

Expected implications : Developing the new generation of analytical methods based on Micro and Nanotechnology (MST and M&NT) solutions for the safety and quality of food.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Artificial olfaction

GOSPEL (General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a

European Level), NoE in priority 2, IST

Scientific and technological area : Artificial olfaction: Gas sensor systems realized in MSTechnology; nanostructured sensitive layers; innovative bio-inspired data analysis; integration of electronics with the sensors; microsystem packaging.

Application domain: Quantitative assessment of gases and odors;

Understanding of the biological sense of smell and mimic its relevant functions.

Expected implications: A landscape of European capability in artificial olfaction; identification of services required by industry, development of the offering and putting in place the necessary legal and organisational structures to implement them. GOSPEL will develop multi-disciplinary approaches to this subject through a comprehensive training and exchange programme.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Non-silicon microtechnologies

4M (Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and

Applications), NoE in priority 3, NMP .

 Scientific and technological area : Micro- and Nano-


Application domain: New generation of sensors, actuators and systems for safety and security of people and environment.

Expected implications: Development of Micro-and

Nano-Technology (MNT) for batch-manufacture of microcomponents and devices into user-friendly production equipment, processes and manufacturing platforms. 4M will unify the currently fragmented European R&D expertise on non-silicon microtechnologies into a

European Centre for MNT process and product development.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Micro- and nanofabrication

PATENT-dfmm (Design for Micro & Nano

Manufacture), NoE, in priority 2, IST.

Scientific and technological area: Micro & Nanosystem


Application domain: Micro and nanotechnology based products.

Expected implications:

Major advances in the performance of communications, transportation and control systems, radical improvements in the accuracy and sensitivity of environmentally sensed data, bio-chemical devices awaited with the potential to improve healthcare and medicine;

 solving key challenges in the fields of modeling and simulation, test, reliability and package engineering;

 creation of a

Virtual Institute

” for Design for Micromanufacture

Methodology DfMM research for M&NT based products.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Micro- and nanotechnologies for electronic communications

AMICOM (Advanced MEMS for RF and

Millimeter Wave Communications),

NoE in priority 2, IST .

Scientific and technological area: Micro and Nano


Application domain : Micro and Nano Systems; Mobile and Wireless Systems; safety of road.

Expected implications: AMICOM will solve major technological issues; will develop a generic platform of knowledge to assess smart systems for advanced information and communication applications. The microsystems will feature innovative functionalities, such as circuit redundancy, reconfigurability and power management.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Manipulation at micro- and nanoscale

ASSEMIC (Advanced Methods and Tools for Handling and

Assembly in Microtechnology), Training by Research

Network, Marie Curie actions .

Scientific and technological area: Micro-handling and

– assembly:

New tools and systems for ultra precision positioning accuracy (microand nano-range); Industrial production issues and manufacturability of assembled MEMS.

Application domain: Assembly of MEMS; biological applications.

Expected implications: T he development of a number of system and tools prototypes for handling and assembly in MST, various micro grippers and a haptic interface device for telemanipulation; enhancement of the quality of European research training in the field of Micro-handling and assembly.

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005


The above projects were selected for their connection with certain application domains such as health ( Healthy Man ), food industry ( Good Food ), environment and security ( GOSPEL ), communications ( AMICOM ), which are connected to priorities and needs of NMS and ACC.

Moreover, another factor was their connection to new materials in microtechnologies ( 4M ), micro-nano ( PATENT ), nano-bio

( Nano2Life ) and micro-nano-bio ( ASSEMIC ) focus.

The orientation towards mixed technologies, or converging technologies (see above) will be an important feature of the activity. Extremely representative for this evolution it is the presence in the above cluster of two NoEs from NMP, namely

4M and Nano2Life, whereas two others: Nanofun-Poly and


accepted to be associated to the above cluster. So did also SENSATION, an IP from IST (again micronanosystems).

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

MINOS-EURONET: specific features

An annual Conference related to converging technologies: “

Micro- nanosystems as a platform for integrating technologies

Forums in NMS/ACC about strategic reorientation of research toward national priorities (in the ERA context)

Going East: Well-focused brokerage events

Going West: NMS/ACC presentations at big centres in Western Europe

Selecting and promoting NMS/ACC competences in general: a critical mass of information should be reached

Networking at the European scale

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Something new!

The center of gravity moves


Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005

Thank you!

Dan Dascalu. Info-day FP6/NMP,

Romanian Academy, 17 Jan. 2005
