Tarea Semanal

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TAREA SEMANAL - Every week you must do one of the following activities and fill out the “tarea
semanal” sheet. It will be due each Tuesday at the beginning of class. After you do the activity, write a
short description describing what you learned and what you had difficulty with. Each week you must
choose a different activity. After doing 10 different activities, you can repeat activities.
1. Listen to Spanish-language radio (Pandora or batanga) for one hour (music) or 30 minutes (talk).
2. Do a cloze activity (fill in the blanks) for one of the songs here: http://zacharyjones.com/zambombazo/category/musica
3. Play a video game in Spanish for one hour.
4. Listen and/or watch 5 songs/videos that were nominated for a Latin Grammy. Decide which one
you like best and learn the chorus. Linked here: http://zachary-jones.com/zambombazo/listacompleta-de-nominados-al-latin-grammy-2011/
5. Read and listen to an article on Veinte Mundos: http://www.veintemundos.com/en/library/
6. Watch a Spanish telenovela for one hour. Check out local listings.
7. Watch MTVTres for one hour
8. Change your facebook language to Spanish and play on Facebook for an hour.
9. Read a Spanish-language magazine for 30 minutes (may be online). Suggestions:
1. http://www.elgancho.es/index.php
2. http://tuenlinea.esmas.com/
3. http://caras.esmas.com/
4. http://www.veintemundos.com/en/library/
5. http://www.peopleenespanol.com/pespanol/
10. Read/listen to Spanish news on line. Suggestions:
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/ (BBC Mundo)
2. http://mexico.cnn.com/
3. http://www.unonoticias.com/Home
11. Play on one or more corporate Spanish-language websites for 45 minutes, such as:
1. McDonaldshttp://www.mcdonalds.com.mx/
2. Harry Potter http://www.harrypotterla.com/
3. Major League Baseball http://mlb.mlb.com/es/index.jsp?c_id=ml
12. Read a book in Spanish for 30 minutes
13. Read 3 familiar chapters of the Bible in Spanish.
1. http://www.godonthe.net/la_biblia/bibletoc.htm
14. Change your cell phone or mp3 player’s language to Spanish for an entire week.
15. Read the directions in Spanish of seven items in your house (e.g. detergent, shampoo).
16. Read the last 50 tweets using a Twitter hashtag (#) for a Latin-American country or city.
17. Read the last 30 tweets using a Twitter hashtag and a word in Spanish.
18. Read the last 30 Spanish-language tweets by one or more Spanish-speaking artists or politicians
on Twitter, such as Natalia Lafourcade, Juanes, Chocquibtown or Julieta Venegas
19. Read an article about a famous Latino musician or politician in Spanish on Wikipedia.
20. Watch 3 videoclips on sports and 3 videoclips on current news on Univision.com.
21. Compile a list of 30 words involving the profession you hope to have, on 3×5 cards for your review.
22. Explore the Spanish-language section of Barnes & Noble (music, kids’ books, and/or adult books)
for 30 minutes and find two things you would like to own.
23. Listen to a sermon (at least 20 minutes) in Spanish (see oneplace.com).
24. Conversar (o ‘chatear’) en español con alguien por 30 minutos. Recibe permiso de tus padres.
25. Explore iTunes Latino store and iTunes essentials for 30 minutes & find 2 albums or 5 songs you
would like to own.
26. Using post-it notes, post-it 10 items in your house that you don’t know the word for and leave it
there for a week, then report to me from memory what all the items were.
27. Complete a song on lyricstraining.com and bring me the results.
28. Go to a Latino restaurant and using your phone, or flipvideo camera, record the
meal/food/decorations with your commentary in Spanish.
29. “Trailer Transitions” - Watch some movie trailers and do the accompanying worksheet.
30. Present tense verb conjugation practice AND art work. View a description and sample here:
http://zachary-jones.com/zambombazo/check-out-a-sample-of-our-new-ebook-conjugarte/ Ask
teacher for a worksheet to do. I have plenty!
31. Do one of the activities having to do with commercials in Spanish here: http://zacharyjones.com/zambombazo/category/publicidad/
32. Find a commercial in Spanish. Transcribe it and email it to me with a link. If it is good, I will use it
for class (ours or a Spanish 1 or 2 class).
33. Watch a movie in Spanish.
34. Have another idea/suggestion? Please see me OR email me fvaldez@nisdtx.org OR tweet me
(@NhsValdez) for approval before completing it.
Sources: http://musicuentos.blogspot.com/2011/02/its-time-for-them-to-use-their-time.html,
http://elmundodebirch.wordpress.com AND http://cultyciv.blogspot.com/p/tarea-semanal.html