File - Colgate Finance Club

Colgate Finance Club
Sunday, September 14th 2014
Welcome! Basics About the Club
 “CFC is designed to expose undergraduate liberal arts
students to the possible career opportunities in Finance.
We hold five mandatory meetings throughout the
semester, as well as a number of guest speakers, and
other finance-related opportunities.”
Basics About the Club
 Attend 3 out of 5 meetings in order to write “Colgate Finance
Club Member” on your resume
 Schedule and additional information can be found online at (just Google “Colgate Finance Club”)
 Also check your email for updates and recruiting notices!
 All meetings
at 1pm in
Persson Aud.
** unless
 Also posted on
the website
Leadership Structure
 President – Tyler Forbes
 Vice President – Mimi Kornfeld
 Senior Advisors – Grant Riegler
John Rapisardi
Executive Board:
Ryan Groffie
Ritvij Basant
Jack Sneeringer
Mitch Cooney
Mike McCluskey
Finance – What is It?
1. A branch of economics concerned with resource
allocation as well as resource management, acquisition
and investment. Simply, finance deals with matters
related to money and the markets.
2. To raise money through the issuance and sale of debt
and/or equity.
Three Core Areas of Finance
 Public Finance
 Corporate Finance
 Private Finance
Public Finance
 Public finance describes finance as related to sovereign states
and sub-national entities (states/provinces, counties,
municipalities, etc.) and related public entities (e.g. school
districts) or agencies. It is concerned with:
Identification of required expenditure of a public sector entity
Source(s) of that entity’s revenue
The budgeting process
Debt Issuance (municipal bonds) for public works projects
Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve are strong players
in public finance, acting as lenders of last resort and strong
influencers on monetary and credit conditions in the economy
Corporate Finance
 Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources
of funding and the capital structure of corporations and the
actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to
the shareholders, as well as the tools and analysis used to
allocate financial resources
 Balance between risk and profitability
 Maximize entity’s wealth and stock value
 Capital budgeting on projects
 Sources of capital: equity, creditors (debt), bonds, and cash flow
 Investment management, valuation, risk, etc…
Private Finance
 Personal finance may involve paying for education,
financing durable goods such as real estate and cars,
buying insurance, e.g. health and property insurance,
investing and saving for retirement.
 6 key areas of personal financial planning:
Financial Position – net worth and household cash flow
Adequate Protection – unforeseen risks
Tax Planning
Investment and Accumulation Goals
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Time Value of Money
 A key point in finance is the time value of money, which
states that purchasing power of one unit of currency can
vary over time.
 Finance aims to price assets based on their risk level
and their expected rate of return.
 For example, assuming a 5% interest rate, $100 invested
today will be worth $105 in one year ($100 multiplied by
1.05). Conversely, $100 received one year from now is
only worth $95.24 today ($100 divided by 1.05),
assuming a 5% interest rate.
Careers in Finance
 Corporate Finance
 Commercial Banking
 Investment Banking
 Hedge Funds
 Private Equity and Venture Capital
 Financial Planning
 Insurance
 Public Accounting
 Consulting
Finance at Colgate (tips)
 Be Pro-Active.
 Use resources such as Career Services, professors,
upperclassmen, alumni, and informational events
 Develop a resume and personal elevator pitch
 Actively use and update your LinkedIn profile
 Increase your knowledge of financial markets through weekly
publications (Barron's, WSJ, etc.) and books
 Attend company info sessions on campus to gain an understanding of
the recruitment process and firms' expectations of you
 Network, network, network
CIG Portion of the Meeting
Current Events/News Portion
The End
 Thank You!
 Remember to:
 Check out
 Watch out for emails/updates (from
 Next meeting is September 28th !!! Guest Speaker!