Please see Midterm Review Powerpoint for all material prior to Midterm Drive Reduction Theory Please Explain the Arousal Theory of Motivation Peak performance comes with a moderate level of arousal. What is the name of this principle? Yerkes-Dodson Law Fill it in Approach-approach Other similar conflicts that cause stress Avoidance-avoidance Approach-avoidance Multiple Approach-avoidance Fight or Flight > When you remember events in great detail, it is called: Flashbulb memory/Eidetic memory Why do stressful events in particular stay with us? Adrenaline “I want 7 ice cream cones give or take one or two.” Short term memory storage 7 +/- 1 or 2 1776194118122015 Chunking Which of these items will you likely remember because of the serial position effect? aka primacy and recency. Different from the imagery example – that’s when you can remember words because you can picture them. Explain the tip of the tongue phenomenon. Happens because of a Retrieval Malfunction What’s the difference between these two? Aptitude vs. achievement. All tests, especially intelligence tests have to be reliable and valid. What’s the difference? Alfred Binet – French psychologist who began studying intelligence levels. Louis Terman – Stanford professor who developed our current IQ test. WAIS Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (C) For Children What percentage of scores fall between one standard deviation of the mean? 68% Charles Spearman Who’s theory claimed that our personality stems from the conflicts we all have hidden in our unconscious from early childhood? Please explain. What are our built in, unconscious, protections for anxiety arousing thoughts? Which defense mechanism is this? Displacement You’re really the one not to be trusted: Projection Denial Displacement Projection Reaction Formation Regression Rationalization Intellectualization Sublimation Alfred Adler Carl Jung Karen Horney Raymond Cattell Mneumonics: I Cattell 16 things about your personality just by lookin at ya. Hans Eyesenck: “Eye Sink you are introverted, just like your father.” Introversion and Extroversion traits. Gordon Allport: Cardinal (Everything you do), Central (significant aspects)and Secondary personality traits (less dominant) William Sheldon Endomorph friendly, outgoing Ectomorph Shy secretive Mesomorph Assertive, confident Body types play a role in personality. Never took hold. TAT Test Thematic Apperception Test MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory What are the four characteristics of abnormality? Maladaptive (harmful) Disturbing (to others) Atypical (unusual) Irrational (unjustifiable) Please refer to review handout for changes from DSM4 to the DSM-5. GAD Phobias When a psychological issue/stress shows up as a bodily symptom. Somatoform Disorder. What’s it called when you think you exaggerate small symptoms into great illnesses? Most likely caused by only getting attention when you were sick. Hypochondriasis Fugue. Watch your mouth. Try again. What is psychogenic fugue? Stress and anxiety get pushed under the surface and then come out as a different identity. Old name: Multiple personality disorder New name: Dissociative identity disorder When people experience depression during certain times of the year, usually winter. Light therapy sometimes helps. Which disorder does this pic represent? Don’t confuse Schizophrenia with Multiple Personality (DID) Disregard for others feelings. No guilt, remorse. View world as a hostile place. Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Center of universe. Histrionic: Overly dramatic behavior. Need attention. Borderline: Teeters on border of neurosis and psychosis. Mental problems vs. out of touch with reality. Many, many more. Type of therapy that analyzes any thoughts that come to the mind of a client when asked about dreams, relationships, memories. Free Association Strong positive or negative feelings of the client directed toward the therapist. Transference Humanistic Take ownership and responsibility for actions with Gestalt Therapy Softer version: Cognitive therapy for depression – Aaron Beck What’s the term that describes the therapeutic use of drugs? Psychopharmacology/neurobioligical approach The form of psychosurgery in which part of this part of the brain is severed in an effort to prevent seizures from affecting the other side of the brain. Corpus Callosum Roger Sperry studied split brain patients. Please explain Cognitive Dissonance When no one wants to go against the tide. Groupthink Be there 11:30 100 multiple choice (no blanks) 2 free response 2 hour test Pencils (no mechanical) Pens Read entire question for each There will be a few bullets that you do not know. Try to answer each in order, then move on. Answer easier essay first.