Study Guide for the Final Exam

Study Guide for the Final Exam
1. Know the five dimensions of the five factor personality model. Be able to DEFINE EACH CATEGORY!
2. Know the definition of “temperament.”
3. Please study Freud’s theory of personality. The ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO. Know the functions of each
4. Study the different “defense mechanisms”. Refer to powerpoint. Place special emphasis on reaction
formation and projection.
5. Know the symptoms of schizophrenia
6. Define agoraphobia
7. Define panic attacks
8. Know the signs of anti-social personality disorder
9. Define mood disorder
10.Know the RISK FACTORS for contracting a mental illness ( refer to powerpoint)
11. Study the definition of Dissociative identity Disorder
12. Define social norm
13. Define lowballing, door in the face, and foot in the door compliance techniques
14. Know the results of Milgrams Classic Research. ( The one in which he had teachers administer phony
shocks to learners ). What can we learn from this experiment?
15. Know the definition of conformity
16. Define the bystander effect and be able to identify an example of this phenomenon
17. Define diffusion of responsibility
18. Know STERNBERGS components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment and be able to
recognize the different types of love: infatuation, consummate love, companionate love, etc.
19. What were the results of Zimbardo’s prison study? ( Check out video on youtube or powerpoint)
20. What are women’s friendships based on?
21. Define the fundamental attribution error and be able to identify an example of it
22. Define the term cognitive dissonance
23. What type of therapies expose clients to feared situations?
24. What is the number one quality desired in a life partner?
25. What do men prefer in a mate, what do women prefer?
26. Male friendships are based on?
27. Define phobias
28. Define obsessive compulsive disorder and its symptoms
29. What are some key techniques of psychoanalysis?
30. Study client centered therapy. What qualities must client centered therapists have?
31. Define bipolar disorder