Campbell High School Learning Today for Tomorrow’s World Course Syllabus - Spanish III Spring 2014 Teacher: Señora Laura Acevedo-Pabón Room: 105 Phone: 678-842-6850, ext. 471 e-mail: Blog: I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Spanish III language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the Spanish language and understanding of the Spanish-speaking cultures. It assumes that the students have successfully completed a Spanish II course and/or at its beginning are at the Intermediate -Low level of proficiency in speaking and writing and at the Intermediate-Mid level of proficiency in reading and listening. Students begin to show a greater level of accuracy when using basic language structures, and they are exposed to more complex features of the language. They continue to focus on communicating about their immediate world and daily life activities, read material on familiar topics, and write short, directed compositions. The major means of communication between students and instructors will be in the target language. By the end of Level III, students will exhibit Intermediate-Mid level proficiency in speaking and writing and Intermediate-High level proficiency in listening and reading (ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 1999). For complete information on the curriculum and Georgia Performance Standards, please, access PICASSO through the county web site II. UNITS OF STUDY: The course is divided into three thematic units: Health and Fitness, Pop Culture, and Relationships. More information on Thematic Units for foreign language can be found on PICASSO on the Cobb County website. The following concepts from Bloom’s Taxonomy will be taught. Analysis: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, and test. Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, and write. Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate. This is an approximate timeline and order of the course. It is subject to change due to school activities and weather. Week 1-3 Review Spanish I and II Week 4-6 Health and Fitness Week 7-9 Novel Studies/Literacy Training Week 10-11 Pop Culture Week 12-14 Novel Studies/Literacy Training Week 15-17 Relationships Week 17-18 Proficiency Assessments and Review for Final III. STANDARDS: The following Foreign Language standards will be taught (a complete description of each strand can be found on Picasso or Communication Interpersonal Mode of Communication (IP) Interpretive Mode of Communication (INT) Presentational Mode of Communication (P) Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products (CU) Connections, Comparisons, and Communities (CCC) IV. TEXTS AND RESOURCES: Realidades 3 – Prentice Hall Textbook Website: Student Companion Website: Useful Websites:;;;;; Supplies: One 1 ½” 3-ring binder, 6 dividers labeled Calentamientos, Trabajo Interpretativo, Grámatica, Vocabulario, Tarea, Hojas Sueltas, 1 composition notebook, loose leaf paper (plenty of it), Spanish-English dictionary, index cards, one plastic folder with prongs, pens, pencils, color pencils, markers or crayons, large glue stick. V. METHODOLOGY: The methodology and learning activities in Spanish class will consist of oral presentations, cooperative learning projects, performance based tasks such as role-playing and skits, peer writing and review, vocabulary games, song and rhyme making, web quests and other online assignments, reading groups, listening stations, games, etc. VI. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: Students will be assessed in accordance with the Georgia Performance Standards. Students are expected to use Spanish learning in class. The methodology used to grade students will reflect their mastery of the Spanish language throughout various language modes. A variety of assessments will be used to evaluate students. VII. GRADING POLICY: This course is designed to reflect the five strands of the national and Georgia performance standards for foreign languages: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Assignments will be communicative (interpretive, interpersonal, or presentational) with at least two other strands incorporated. Assessment categories will be either formative (for example homework, participation, quizzes) or summative (unit projects or tests), and will reflect these three communicative modes. Assessments, online tests, end-of-unit performance-based tasks will be used to calculate student grades. All work, formal or informal, will fall under one or more of the following categories: Interpersonal Communication 30% Interpretive Communication 20% Presentational Communication 15% Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, Communities 15% Proficiency Assessment 10% Final Exam 10% Academic Honesty: The use of online translators for ANY assignment is not allowed and is considered dishonest work. Plagiarism, either from books or internet web sites, is also considered to be dishonest. In the event that dishonest work is turned in, a zero will automatically be given for the entire assignment or project. The use of a dictionary is considered acceptable. PICASSO/Synergy PICASSO is an online resource that provides parents with current information on standards, curriculum and other district information. To access PICASSO, go directly to Synergy is the new grading system for Cobb County. You will be able to continue to monitor academic progress, behavior, teacher comments, etc. Please make sure to contact the school to obtain your access code in order to keep up with your student’s progress. IX: MAKE UP POLICY/ABSENCES: Students with excused absences must make up all missed work in accordance with Cobb County School policy. The establishment of a student buddy system is recommended. Your study buddy (you should have 2) will pick up any handouts or notes and inform you of any work done that day. It is your responsibility to schedule a time to make up tests/quizzes and other productive skills work within the time frame allowed by the school’s policy. X. TUTORING: Tutoring will be available on Mondays after school from 3:30p.m. to 4:15p.m. The foreign language department has also established a schedule for tutoring. Students will have access to tutoring from other teachers almost every day. Please contact your teacher for more information. XI. CLASSROOM RULES AND EXPECTATIONS: All rules stated in the student handbook, this syllabus, and posted in the classroom will be enforced. In addition, the safety of everyone and the right to receive an education must be protected. Be Respectful… Show respect for the people and property of others at all times. Be on Time … Late arriving students disrupt learning time. Be Prepared… Have all materials for class use. Be Polite… only one person speaks at a time. FOLLOW THE GOLDEN RULE: Treat others as you would like to be treated. BE SPARTAN SHARP!!! DISCIPLINARY ACTION(S): A. First Offense - Verbal warning B. Second Offense – Detention / Parent contacted C. Third Offense - Detention / Parent contacted D. Administrative Referral* * Severe actions will be referred to the Administration immediately. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spanish Syllabus Signature Page Please complete the requested information and sign to indicate that you have received and read this Spanish III Syllabus for Spring 2014. Thank you. ___ Yes ___ No I have read and understood the content of this syllabus. In case of questions or concerns I will contact Señora Acevedo-Pabón through email or telephone. ___ Yes ___ No I have a computer at home. ___ Yes ___ No I have access to Internet at home. Student name: ____________________________________ Signature: __________________________________ Parent name: _____________________________________ Signature: __________________________________ Parent email address: ______________________________ Parent Telephone Number: ___________________ Date: _________________________________________