E.B.A. SPRING LEAGUE 2016 SEASON www.edmontonbasketball.org LEAGUE RULES AND BYLAWS CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE REGISTRATION CHECKLIST You will need to submit the following to register your team: 1. Registration Form (completed in full) – due March 7, 2016 2. Registration Fee (paid in Full) – due March 7, 2016 3. Player Registration Form (completed in full) – due March 28, 2016 4. Waiver Form (signed by all players) – due March 28, 2016 5. (if a new team) New Team Information Form – If your team has not played in the EBA spring league last season or is not currently playing in the EBA regular season, you WILL NEED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM so your team can be seeded in a competitive division. – due March 7, 2016 If you have any questions, please contact the Executive Director as soon as possible at either (780) 438-0890 or eba@edmontonbasketball.org. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Where can I drop off my registration forms and fees? All forms and cheques can be mailed or dropped off at 2307 – 113 A Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6J4Y1. Can I send my registration forms and fees through email? Yes you can. Please send forms in PDF format. Money can be sent via e-transfer THINGS YOU WILL NEED 1. Matching uniforms with numbers on the front and back for all players 2. one good game ball (size 7) - We sell Spalding T1000 basketballs for $54.00 (includes GST) 3. Score sheets (Can be picked up from the Executive Director at 2307 – 113 A Street) SCHEDULE 1. The schedule will be released at least 2 weeks before games start (round robin) 2. Schedule and results will be posted on the league website 3. Playoffs will begin immediately after round robin games BEFORE THE SEASON BEGINS… 1) Register your team. 2) Order matching uniforms. Numbers are required on the FRONT and BACK of the uniform. We recommend your team have reversible jerseys in case you play a team with a similar colored uniform. You must have them by your first game. 3) Get your official roster and waiver forms filled out right away. These forms are due March 28, 2016. (Submit them to the Executive Director; DO NOT drop off at Saville Centre). You will not be able to add/drop players from your team’s roster after March 28, 2016. Any players not on your submitted roster and/or who have not signed the waiver form will be considered ineligible and your team will forfeit any game they play/participate in. Please note: an individual is only allowed to register with one (1) team in our league. Team rosters cannot exceed fifteen (15) players.. NOTICES 1) Most correspondence is done via email. You will be given notices on schedules releases, game changes, meeting notices, etc., it is important to reply back so we know you have received the notice. Please monitor the website for changes. 2) If you have any questions, please call (780) 438-0890 or email eba@edmontonbasketball.org. 3) Your team will be contacted if you are affected by the change of a game time or cancellation. 4) It is your responsibility to update the league with email or phone number changes. If your team switches team reps (i.e. – the main rep is on vacation), the league needs to know who else to contact. GAME FORMAT The league will be using FIBA rules with the following modifications: 1) 10 minute quarters stop time, 5 min half time. (Officials cannot shorten game clock or have run time). 2) Each team is allotted two (2) time-outs per half and one (1) for overtime (no carry-over). A time-out shall last one (1) minute. A time-out opportunity begins when: For both teams, the ball becomes dead, the game clock is stopped and the official has ended his communication with the scorer's table; For both teams, the ball becomes dead following a successful last or only free throw; or for the non-scoring team, a field goal is scored. 3) Home team supplies: GAME BALL (size 7 for both men & women), SCORE SHEET and SCORE KEEPER. 4) Visiting team supplies: someone to run the scoreboard (KEEP TIME) 5) Both teams need to complete their side of the score sheet BEFORE the scheduled start time. That means players’ FIRST and LAST names are on the score sheet along with their uniform numbers. Please review the score sheet procedures on the next page. 6) No game should end in a tie - must have a winner. Overtime shall run 5 minutes (stop time). Each team will only have one (1) time out. 7) Ten (10) minute warm-up before ALL games. 8) You need 5 players to start a game. If you do not have 5 players dressed and ready to play 15 minutes after the posted start time for your game, your team shall default. The penalty for a default is the loss of the game and a fine of $125.00 which will deducted from your team’s performance bond. 9) Ejections – If a player is ejected from a game by a referee, the player shall sit a minimum of one game (pending review by executive committee) 10) Games will only be rescheduled if there is a scheduling conflict (like a double booking). Only affected teams will be notified by the executive director. GAME CONDUCT 1) There will be zero tolerance for swearing. No arguing or discussion with officials during the game. Coaches and players will be charged technical fouls without warnings. The penalty is one shot and possession for the other team. 2) No jewelry is permitted at all. If the player cannot remove the jewelry, the player cannot play. This rule will be strictly enforced. No Exceptions. 3) All knee braces must be wrapped. No Exceptions. 4) OUTDOOR SHOES – Please note that outdoor shoes and high heels of players and fans must be taken off by before entering the court. Please stay on the grey mats if wearing outdoor shoes. 5) RESPECT THE GO CENTRE STAFF – If you have concerns, notify the league and we will deal with it. SCORE SHEET PROCEDURES The score sheet must be filled out properly by both teams. 1) Please use a regular pen (black or dark blue ink). Lighter colours cannot be read when scanned or faxed. Please set your scanner to dark so once printed we can read it. 2) Both teams are responsible for putting their players on the score sheet BEFORE “tip off”. (This means first and last names). Once the game begins, no names can be added to the score sheet. 3) The winning team is responsible for making sure the Top Line is completed. (Team names, court number, date of the game and division). 4) Both teams have the right to comment on a game or the officials. Any serious issues arising from the game must be emailed to the Executive Director ASAP. 5) The WINNING TEAM is responsible for completing the score sheet and placing it in the EBA drop box at the front desk of the Saville Centre. You may also fax/email in the score sheet WITHIN 2 BUSINESS DAYS. Fax number is (780) 988-1666; Email is eba@edmontonbasketball.org. 6) PENALTIES: If these procedures are not followed, a $15.00 fine will be assessed. Players with no last name on the score sheet will be considered ineligible. If the score sheet is sent in late, the team will lose the 2 points if the game is won. Please keep fax transmission slips to prove you sent the fax; Or if emailing, save your sent items (records can be traced through electronic archives). o Otherwise an appeal will be denied. EDMONTON BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION SPRING 2016 LEAGUE REGISTRATION FORM LEAGUE FEES: $2000.00/team (includes $300.00 bond) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MARCH 7, 2016 1. NAME OF TEAM: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. GENDER: □ MEN □ WOMEN ________________________________________________________________________________________ □ OLD TEAM - REGULAR SEASON DIVISION: ______ OR - LAST YEAR’S SPRING LEAGUE: ______ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. SEEDING INFO □ NEW TEAM □ COMPETITIVE □ SEMI-COMPETITIVE 1 □ SEMI-COMPETITIVE 2 □ RECREATIONAL ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. SEEDING INFO 5. CONTACT INFORMATION FIRST CONTACT: ______________________________________________________________________ WORK # _______________ HOME # ________________ CELL # ________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________________________ SECOND CONTACT: WORK # _______________ ________________________________________________________________ HOME # ________________ CELL # ________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. CONFIRMATION By signing this form, you acknowledge that you have read the spring league registration package in its entirety. You therefore accept all responsibilities as team representative. This includes knowing all due dates, score sheet procedures and understanding of league rules and expectations. Please note that a signature is required to accept your team’s registration. ___________________________________________ Print name ___________________________________________ Signature PLAYER REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT NEATLY WITH ALL INFORMATION COMPLETE) □ MEN TEAM NAME: Must be sent in by March 28 NAME (FIRST, LAST) # Must be sent in by March 28 ADDRESS □ WOMEN Must be sent in by March 28 DOB (DD/MM/YY) 1 / / 2 / / 3 / / 4 / / 5 / / 6 / / 7 / / 8 / / 9 / / 10 / / 11 / / 12 / / 13 / / 14 / / 15 / / PHONE # FREEDOM OF INFORMAITON AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT: Personal information collected from you is collected under the authority of S.32c of the Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to administer program registrations, membership management and facility bookings for Community Services. Aggregate data will be used for program planning and evaluation. Questions about the collection of personal information should be directed to the Community Services FOIP information should be directed to the Community Services FOIP Co-ordinator at 496-4863. SPRING LEAGUE PLAYER WAIVER FORM TEAM NAME: __________________________________________ DUE DATE: MARCH 28, 2016 RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDEMNITY The undersigned provides the waiver and acknowledgments set out below on his/her own behalf: IN CONSIDERATION OF THE EDMONTON BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION (the "EBA"), granting to the undersigned permission to play basketball in the leagues organized by the Association and permission to enter facilities rented or occupied by the Association, the undersigned hereby waives any and all claims for damages, losses, costs, liabilities or expenses to my person or property, of any nature or kind, which may be caused by any act, or failure to act, or the Association, its officers, directors, agents, division representatives or employees. I make this waiver voluntarily with full knowledge of the nature and rules of basketball and in recognition of the fact that I may suffer serious injuries as a result of participating in the leagues organized by the Association. I also acknowledge the following: • I am aware that EBA regulations contain discipline procedures that include fines and suspensions that team members may be subject to if we violate any of the rules contained therein. • In order for EBA to ensure that only registered players participate, I may be required to produce photo ID (such as a driver’s licence) during any game, upon request. • That EBA will use the personal information collected here for league administration only as per FOIP Privacy Policy. Dated this _____ day of __________________, 20___. Players Name (Please Print) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Players Signature Witness Signature EDMONTON BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION NEW TEAM PLAYER INFORMATION FORM This form is used to help the executive properly seed your team into a competitive division for the seeding round. After the seeding round, all teams are reassigned for the regular season. NAME AGE HEIGHT PLAYING EXPERIENCE (Please include highest level of play. If highest level was high school, please state which high school) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Must be sent in by March 27 Must be sent in by March 7 Must be sent in by March 7