THREAT NOTIFICATION TOP PORTION OF FROM TO BE COMPLETED BY PERSON RECEIVING/PERCEIVING/OVERHEARING THE THREAT. TAKE TO ADMINISTRATOR (OR COUNSELOR IF ADMINISTRATOR UNAVAILABLE) IMMEDIATELY WITH STUDENT. DATE/TIME: ______________ PERSON REPORTING: __________________________ TITLE: _____________________ REPORTING TO: ___________________________________ CAMPUS: ____________________________________ (Principal, Assistant Principal, Director, etc.) STUDENT MAKING THREAT________________________________ GRADE: ____________ THREAT MADE TO HARM: _____ SELF _____ STUDENT _____ FACULTY _____ OTHERS WAS THERE A GESTURE ACCOMPANYING THE THREAT? ________________________________________________ THREAT MADE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY? _____ YES _____ NO IF NOT, WHERE DID THREAT OCCUR?_______________________________________________________________ THIS PORTION TO BE COMPLETED BY REPORTER, OR ADMINISTRATOR/COUNSELOR DURING AN INTERVIEW WITH THE REPORTER LISTED ABOVE ATTACH ANY PAPER DOCUMENTS OR OTHER DOCUMENTATION ASSOCIATED THE THREAT MADE. 1. What was said and to whom? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What was written and to whom? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What was done? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. When and where did this occur? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Who else observed this behavior? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Did the student say why he or she acted as they did? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ By signing below, I acknowledge the above statements are an accurate account of what occurred. Reporter’s Signature_________________________________________ Administrator or School Counselor starts the Threat Assessment/Inquiry Process Date_____________ PAGE 1 Student Safety Protocol-Threat to OTHERS (Page 1 to be completed by School Counselor upon receipt of the Threat Notification from Administrator) Purpose: To provide analysis of potentially threatening situations To provide the basis for deciding appropriate referral for services/interventions To prevent school violence To diminish the chance of any student or staff member being harmed Threat Assessment/Inquiry Team: Administrator: ______________________________________ Campus: ______________ Counselor: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Therapist (if needed):________________________________________________________________________________ Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Resource Office (if threat to someone else):______________________________________________________________ Student Making Threat: ___________________________________________ SSN: ____________________________ Last First MI Age: _____ DOB: _____________ Grade: _______ Race: _______ Gender: ______ M ______F Guardian: ___________________________________________ Relationship: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________ Cell phone: ___________________________________ Emergency Contact: ____________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Please mark any of the following current or past information that is relevant to this student (indicate C or P): __Family Conflict __Poor Academic Performance __ Poor Social Skills __ Relationship Conflict __ Relationship Conflict __ History of Harassing Others __ History of Being Harassed __ Violence Towards Self __ Violence Towards Others __ Victim of Violence/Bullying __ Attitudes about Violence __ Criminal Behavior __ Mental Health Disorder __ Substance Abuse History __ Access to/Use of Weapons __ Recent Loss __ Suicidal Ideation/Gesture __ History of Grievances/Grudges __ History of Abuse/Neglect __ Homicidal Ideation __ Court Involvement __ Special Education __ Unstable Home Environ. __ Poor Family Support __ Perception of being treated __ Recent Downward Progression __Difficulty coping w/stress __ Frequent Discipline unfairly of functioning referrals OTHER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **Adapted from United States Secret Service and United States Department of Education, Threat Assessment in Schools: A guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates. Washington D.C.: 2004 PAGE 2 THREAT ASSESSMENT/INQUIRY – CONT. Section 1 to be completed by School Counselor: Section 2-11 to be completed by Licensed mental Health Professional. If School Licensed Mental Health Professional is unavailable, the School Counselor and Administrator complete Sections 2-11 together and contact a mobile assessor (after gaining parental permission for outside assessment). ALL yes answers require narrative comment. **Adapted from United States Secret Service and United States Department of Education, Threat Assessment in Schools: A guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates. Washington D.C.: 2004 1. MOTIVES AND GOALS: a. b. Has the student failed to express what motivated him/her to make the statement or take the actions that caused him/her to come to the attention of the district administration? ____ yes ____ no Does the situation or circumstance that led to these statements or actions still exist? _____ yes ___ no c. Does the student have a major grievance or grudge? If yes, against whom?____________________________ ____yes____no d. Has the student failed to make efforts to resolve the problem? _____yes____no e. Does the potential attacker fail to see any alternatives to remedy the problem? ____ yes ____ no Note to School Counselor: If ALL of the above answers are “no” skip to the bottom of Page 4. TRANSIENT THREAT. Otherwise contact a Licensed Mental health Professional to assess further. 2. 3. 4. 5. STUDENT INTEREST IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: School attacks or attackers, weapons (including recent acquisition of any relevant weapon) incidents of mass violence (terrorism, workplace violence, school violence, mass murders) _____yes _____no b. Has he/she mentioned Columbine, Santana, Jonesboro, Sandy Hook, etc.? _____ yes ____no COMMUNICATION SUGGESTING IDEAS OR INTENT TO ATTACK: a. Has the student communicated to someone else (targets, friends, other students, teachers, family, others) or written a diary, journal, or web site concerning his/her ideas and or intentions. _____ yes _____no b. Have friends been alerted or “warned away”? _____yes _____no HISTORY OF ATTAACK RELATED BEHAVIORS: a. Developing an attack idea or plan _____yes ____no b. Making efforts to acquire or practice with weapons _____ yes ____no c. Casing or checking out possible sites and areas for an attack ______yes ____no d. Rehearsing attacks or ambushes _____yes _____no e. Other:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONSISTENCY OF STUDENT ACTIONS: a. 6. a. Does information from the collateral interviews and from the student’s own behavior dispute what he/she says is going on? _____yes _____no CAPACITY OF STUDENT TO CARRY OUT AN ACT OF TARGETED VIOLENCE (toward self or others) a. Does the student’s thinking and behavior appear organized? _____yes _____no b. Is there a plan in place? _____yes _____no c. 7. 8. 9. Does the student have the means (i.e. access to a weapon to carry out an attack)? _____yes _____no PAGE 3 STUDENT EMOTIONAL STATE: IS THE STUDENT EXPERIENCING HOPELESSNESS, DESPERATION AND/OR DESPAIR? a. Has the student experienced a recent failure, loss and/or loss of status? _____yes _____no b. Is the student known to be having difficulty coping with a stressful event? _____yes _____no c. Is the student now, or has the student ever been, suicidal or “accident-prone”? _____yes _____no d. Has the student engaged in behavior that suggests that he or she has considered ending their life? _____yes _____no TRUSTING RELATIONSHIPS: a. Does the student lack at least one relationship with an adult where the student feels that he or she can confide in the adult and believes that the adult will listen without judging or jumping to conclusions? _____yes _____no b. Is the student emotionally disconnected from other students? c. Has the student previously come to someone’s attention or raised concern in a way that suggests he or she needs interventions or supportive services? _____yes _____no CIRCUMSTANCES THAT AFFECT THE LIKELIHOOD OF AN ATTACK: a. Are there factors in the student’s life and/or environment that might increase the likelihood that the student will attempt to mount an attack at school? _____yes _____no b. Are those who know the student concerned about a specific target? _____yes _____no c. Have those who know the student witnessed recent changes or escalations in mood or behavior? _____yes _____no 10. CIRCMSTANCES THAT AFFECT THE LIKELIHOOD OF AN ATTACK: a. Are there factors in the student’s life and/or environment that might increase the likelihood that the student will attempt to mount an attack at school? ____yes _____no b. What is the response of other persons who know about the student’s ideas or plan to mount an attack? (Do those who know about the student’s ideas actively discourage the student from acting violently, encourage the student to attack, deny the possibility of violence, passively collude with an attack, etc.) ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. STUDENT’S BELIFE REGARDING VIOLENCE: a. Does the setting around the student (friends, fellow students, parents, teachers, adults) explicitly or implicitly support or endorse violence as a way of resolving problems or disputes? b. Has the student been “dared” by others to engage in an act of violence? _____yes _____no _____yes _____no Page 4 EXTENDED ASSESSMENT/INQUIRY RESULTS To be completed only after the above information has been gathered and the student interviewed. CATEGORY OF THREAT: _____Transient Threat-Rhetorical remarks, not genuine expressions of intent to harm, At worst, expresses temporary feelings of anger or frustration. These can usually be resolved on the scene or in the office. After resolution, the threat no longer exists. Transient threats usually end with an apology or clarification. When in doubt, threat as a substantive threat and involve a licensed mental health professional. ____________________________________________________ School Counselor Signature Date _____Substantive Threat-Expressed intent to physically injure someone beyond the immediate situation. There is at least some risk the student will carry out the thread. Requires protective actions; including warning intended victims and parents. May include legal violations and the need for police consultation/involvement. _____SERIOUS Substantive Threat – Threats of assaulting someone _____VERY SERIOUS Substantive Threat – Threats to kill, rape or inflict very serious injury to self or others. Threats involving a weapon. ____________________________________________________ Licensed Mental Health Professional Signature Date Page 5 Student Name: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________ o o TEAM CONCLUSIONS There is NOT sufficient intent to support that the student poses a threat to self or others. There IS sufficient information for the Team to be reasonably certain that the student DOES pose a threat to self or others. ACTION TAKEN Do not leave this blank, even if transient threat) 1. School counselor will have a minimum of five (5) follow up sessions with the student. ____________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the parent been contacted? _____yes _____no If not, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Refer student for SBMH services? _____yes _____no Is student currently receiving SBMH services? _____yes _____no If the student is receiving SBMH services, please the therapist’s name:_________________________________________ If the therapist was not involved in the threat assessment/inquiry (for example, if threat was transient) immediately notify the therapist regarding the threat so that it may be addressed in the next therapy session. Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEAM SIGNATURES: Administrator (REQUIRED) Date Licensed Mental Health Proc. (if involved) Date School Resource Officer (if involved) Date School Counselor (REQUIRED) Date Other Date ORIGINAL COPY: COUNSELOR’S FILE PAGE 6 GREENBRIER SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMED CONSENT TO RELEASE/OBTAIN INFROMATION 4 School Drive, Greenbrier, AR 72058 501-679-4300 Student Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth:_________________________ Student SSN: Campus: I, _____________________________________, parent/legal guardian of the above named student, hereby authorize the Greenbrier School District to disclose and/or deliver records to, and additionally to obtain records and information from: Person/Agency Contact Information Purpose of Disclosure Date Initials This release automatically expires 90 days after your child’s discharge from the above mentioned facility/agency. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by sending a written notice to the Greenbrier School District, Department of Special Services, ATTN: Kim DeCorte, at the address above. I understand that any release which has been made prior to such revocation and which was made in reliance upon this authorization shall not constitute a breach of my rights to confidentiality. I understand that my ability to receive treatment is not conditioned on my signing this Authorization. ______________________________________ Signature of Student (if 18) or Legal Guardian ______________ Date SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSE INFORMATION AND/OR MENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION. I acknowledge that data to be released may include material that is both protected by Federal law and that is applicable to either Drug/Alcohol or Mental Health Information or both. My signature authorizes release of all such information (as specified above and for the purpose specified above.) ________________________________________________ Signature of Student (if 18) or Legal Guardian __________________ Date In order for the above information to be released, you must sign here and above. Page 7 COUNSELING ASSOCIATES, INC. SCHOOL BASED MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Greenbrier School District RELEASE CONSENT Name of Student: Date of Birth: School: Social Security #: Referral for Therapy Services PURPOSE FOR RELEASE AUTHORIZATION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO GREENBRIER SCHOOL DISTRICT TO RELEASE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO A THIRD PARTY: Contact information and School Records (Describe information to be released) Counseling Associates, Inc. (Name of third party) 350 Salem Road, Suite 1 (Address) Conway, AR 73034 (City, State, Zip) Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Page 8