Facilities Planning: Process Considerations

2015-16 Budget
Maintenance Projects (Schedule D)
Interfund Transfers (Schedule E)
March 5, 2015
Facilities Planning: Process
The Mission Statement is the Litmus Test
All students are provided the opportunity and
necessary support to engage in relevant, challenging
work which contributes to their academic and social
growth and development.
All staff, teachers and administrators are part of a
larger learning community, working together to build
collective capacity in order to provide a high-quality,
relevant, equitable education for all.
Facilities Planning: Process
The Building Conditions Survey
NYS Education Law (Section 155.1 Educational
Facilities, Part a.4) and regulations require a Building
Conditions Survey (BCS) to be conducted every five
A separate state aid formula reimburses districts for
part of the cost of this survey.
The BCS is currently in process, funding is included
in the 2014-15 and 2015-16 budget.
Facilities Planning: Process
The Building Conditions Survey
Building Systems Conditions Ratings and Definitions:
 Excellent: System is in new or like-new condition and functioning
optimally; only routine maintenance and repair is needed
 Satisfactory: System functioning reliably; routine maintenance and
repair is needed
 Unsatisfactory: System is functioning unreliably or has exceeded its
useful life. Repair or replacement of some or all components is needed
 Non-Functioning: System is non-functioning, not functioning as
designed, or is unreliable in ways that could endanger occupant health
and/or safety. Repair or replacement of some or all components is
 Critical Failure: Same as “NF” with the addition that the condition of at
least one component is so poor that at least part of the building or
grounds should not be occupied pending needed repairs/replacement
or some or all components is needed
Facilities Planning: Process
The Capital Projects Fund accounts for financial resources to
be used for the acquisition or construction of capital facilities and
equipment purchases financed in whole or in part from the
proceeds of obligations, with additional funding from Federal,
State and local sources (e.g. Transfers to Capital).
Capital expenditures can be accounted for in either the General
or Capital Project Fund when they are locally funded, but must be
accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund when funded with
Capital expenditures greater than $10,000 may be eligible for
State Building Aid.
Facilities Planning: Process
As defined by Facilities Planning:
Maintenance Project: Work or expenses which do not prolong
the life of a building or add to its value. Typically, this type of
work is intended to simply keep a building in an operating
condition and includes both maintenance and repair work.
Maintenance includes refinishing or resurfacing with painter's
type finishes.
Repairs -- Repairs are occasional work of a recurring nature
which are intended to restore to a satisfactory condition that
which has decayed, deteriorated, weathered or become broken,
torn, or otherwise inoperable. As such, repairs will fix, mend,
make good or replace a part(s), or put it together again, or
cause it to operate satisfactorily.
Facilities Planning:
Maintenance Projects
Maintenance Projects typically do not meet the
criteria to be accounted for in the Capital Projects
Fund, therefore, they can’t be included in the Transfer
to Capital.
Maintenance Projects do not receive State Building
Facilities Planning Process:
Timeline for a Typical Project
Projects listed in Schedule E for 2015-16 budget:
Facilities Director gathers preliminary information on infrastructure and
program needs
BOE, Superintendent, and administration determined projects to be
included in 2015-16 budget – Fall 2014-Winter 2015.
Architect does preliminary plans of project Feb. 2015 – May 2015.
Budget Vote May 2015 which includes funding for project.
Architect finalizes plans (May-June 2015) and submits to NYSED
Facilities Planning July 2015. (Currently 7 month review process).
NYSED Facilities Planning approves plans February 2016.
Projects bid March 2016.
Bid awards approved by BOE and work begins Spring 2016.
Schedule D
Budget Maintenance Projects 2014-15 Recap
Proposed Budget Maintenance Projects 2015-16
Facilities & Maintenance Dept.
Mission Statement
“To provide quality service in an efficient and
professional manner in order to create and
maintain a clean, safe, and comfortable
environment for the entire school community
conducive to the pursuit of the School District
Facilities & Maintenance Facts
Budget Maintenance Projects
These projects are:
 Not state aid-able (GR, MW & Maintenance Shop)
because of building function.
 Considered a district responsible “maintenance” item by
SED (painting, non-functioning motors, valves, etc.).
 An issue that requires immediate (within next school year)
attention and does not require architect design.
 Items that are typically minor enhancements/repairs to the
buildings that are not easily aid-able through a capital
project because of low cost thresholds or require being
coupled with a larger project of like type.
Maintenance Budget Projects 2014-15
Maplewood Annex window replacement
Shaker Junior High School
Replacement Spot Lighting
SHS Gym Fire
Alarm System
Carpentry Shop
Boiler Replacement
(To Be Replaced in
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
Blue Creek
 Install new dock cover system for delivery trucks at dock
 Install plastic timbers around playground
 Asphalt repairs at rear of primary wing and parking areas
Boght Hills
 Replace walk bridge on playground
 Replace batteries in GPS clock system
Forts Ferry
 Replace hot water booster heater in food service
 Abate and remove stage in old cafetorium
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
Blue Creek Dock Cover System
Loudonville Triplex
Condensate Unit
Original Forts Ferry
Booster Heater
BH and SHS
F-Gym Folding
Partition Door
with Pull Curtain
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
Boght Hills Playground Bridge
( Structural Cracks)
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
Latham Ridge
 Install wall panel system to divide Room 22 into separate
instruction spaces
 Replace carpeting in Support Teacher room (Labor Only)
 Replace triplex condensate pump in boiler room for steam
heating system
 Replace fire alarm system for building
 Asphalt repairs around building and relining of parking spots
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
Southgate School
 Install additional sink in Nurse’s office for special needs
 Load Test Building Generator
 Asphalt repairs in lower parking lot
Transportation Facility
 Asphalt repairs around transportation facility
Facilities and Maintenance Shop
 Asphalt repairs in parking area
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
Shaker Junior High School
 Replace existing water cooler in cafeteria and gym foyer with
bottle filler type
 Install wall panel system to create PT area in Nurse’s Office
 Install wall pads on north gym wall in old gym
 Install new back-up batteries for 2005 exterior lighting system
 Asphalt repairs on bus loop roadways
Shaker High School
 Replace main office conference room carpeting
 Repair wall padding in H and F Gyms
 Replace window AC unit in C207
 Asphalt repairs in driveways and parking lots
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
District-wide Asphalt Repairs
SJHS Wall Pad Installation
SHS Conference Room Carpet
Proposed Maintenance Budget
Projects 2015-16
 Vacuum pump out storm drains at all district buildings
 Upgrade 3 security camera DVR’s to Honeywell System
 Install 4 LCD projectors per building (elementary)
 Replace batteries on Simplex, C-Cure and Fire Alarm
 Replace worn carpet around the district
 Restripe crosswalks, fire lanes, loading zones and student
drop-off areas
 Replacement of all building time clocks
 Replace 20 security cameras for district security systems
 Miscellaneous playground equipment repairs
Schedule E
Interfund Transfers (Total: $3,150,000)
Transfer to Capital Fund Projects 2015-16
Transfer to Special Aid Fund-Summer
Special Education Program ($150,000)
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Blue Creek Elementary
 Mill and resurface main driveway, bus loop and all parking
areas; construct new student drop off area and additional
parking on west end of building; improved walkway in front of
building and new sign
 Estimated Cost: $350,000
Complete installation of dehumidification units and related
ducting, electrical and plumbing
 Estimated Cost: $100,000
Replace Gym and cafeteria AHU’s; includes all abatement and
duct cleaning
 Estimated Cost: $140,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Blue Creek (Continued)
 Replace original corridor convector/cabinet heater units.
 Estimated Cost: $20,000
Replace roof and connector roof on 1991 addition
 Estimated Cost: $85,000
Reduce the size of the bathroom area in Room 7 to increase
classroom size
 Estimated Cost: $15,000
Abate asbestos floor tile in Room 2 with vinyl tile
 Estimated Cost: $10,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Forts Ferry School
 Re-point original chimney flue and replace various
corner veneer bricks missing or damaged around the
 Estimated Cost: $35,000
Latham Ridge School
 Replace the roof on the original building and the 1991
addition roof
 Estimated Cost: $750,000
Loudonville School
 Replace the roof on the 1991 addition
 Estimated Cost: $80,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Shaker Junior High School
Replace cafeteria/kitchen air handling and exhaust units
and hallway univents
 Estimated Cost: $175,000
Shaker High School
Remove track and first level substrate of track; repair
southwest corner of sub-base. Resurface entire track
and install all weather material at both ends of track;
install steeple chase and relocate pole vault area
 Estimated Cost: $500,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Shaker High School (Continued)
 Mill and fill BC parking lot to High School student
pathway (to K-Wing Exit) and pave
 Estimated Cost: $100,000
Replace F-Gym lighting with energy efficient T-5 or LED
 Estimated Cost: $25,000
Repoint E-Boiler room chimney and make additional
masonry repairs at H-gym walls and receiving area
 Estimated Cost: $25,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Shaker High School (Continued)
Construct and install custom art room sink/storage units
to replace original building units
 Estimated Cost: $50,000
Repair courtyard deck roof area to stop leaks in food
service hallway; repair settled curbing near D Wing and
replace multiple pavers that are broken
 Estimated Cost: $25,000
Remove and replace goal posts on Varsity Football field;
prep and paint JV goal posts
 Estimated Cost: $30,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Shaker High School (Continued)
Phase III Pool Renovations
 Re-grout interior of pool, recover deck and walls with
tile; remove and replace all floor tile; prep and paint
pool area
 Estimated Cost: $185,000
 Install new lighting in pool area
 Estimated Cost: $125,000
 Install new timing system, related wiring in deck, new
starting blocks and set points, as well as new diving
 Estimated Cost: $100,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Shaker High School (Continued)
 Reconfigure library to create a “Learning Commons”
space and directed learning areas.
 Estimated Cost: $75,000
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Shaker High School Track Rebuilding, Resurfacing and General Improvements
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
Blue Creek Paving and New Student Drop-off Area and Parking Lot
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
SHS Library “Learning Commons” Concept
Proposed 2015-16 Transfer to
Capital Fund Projects
SHS Art Room Sink Cabinet
FF and SHS Re-point
Boiler Room Chimney
What’s next?
Budget committee current schedule:
March 2: Preliminary Budget Overview
March 5: Maintenance & Interfund Transfers
March 9: Debt service, Enrollment
March 16: Equipment, Technology, Revenue, Fund Balance
March 19: (Location TBD) New programs and initiatives,
including Full Day Kindergarten and ENL, Staffing Changes,
Summer Curriculum, Contingency Budget
March 26: Further discussion (if needed)
March 30: Voting by Board of Education