shaker heritage society board of trustees responsibilities

In accordance with the Bylaws, members of the Board of Trustees are elected
for a term of two years and may serve no more than four consecutive terms
unless elected as an officer.
The mission of the Shaker Heritage Society is to celebrate and interpret
America's first Shaker settlement and to preserve it for the benefit of future
The duties and responsibilities of every SHS trustee include the following:
1. Fiscal: become and continue to be a Member of the Society at least the
minimum level and contribute to the Annual Appeal. Our current Board goal is a
cumulative total of at least $250 in personal contributions, volunteer time, and
2. Participate in development activities by contributing financially, attending and
encouraging others to attend events and engaging in the raising of funds when
3. Understand and support the stated mission of the Shaker Heritage Society
and participate in the planning process and actions which will lead to the
fulfillment of that mission.
4. Maintain vigilance over the activities and budget of the Shaker Heritage
Society. This vigilance includes understanding the annual budget, ethics, policies
and activities of the Society and the museum community.
5. Attend the regularly meetings of the board and committees and give notice
when such attendance is not possible. Unexcused absences from three
consecutive Board meetings will be construed as a resignation from the Board.
6. Actively participate on at least one committee and/or task force of the
7. Act as an advocate for the Society whenever the opportunity should arise.
8. Assist in the identification and recruitment of potential members of the board.