Cell Organelle description document

Cell Organelle Analogies
An analogy is a comparison of how two things are alike. In this activity,
your group will create an eBook of Cell Organelle Analogies. In your book you
must compare 6 of 9 organelles listed to characters/things in your favorite
book, movie, sport, or TV show.
Example Organelle:
The Nucleus is like the game makers in The Hunger Games because the
nucleus is the control center of the cell and the game makers control what
happen in the games.
Make Sure to Include:
Name of Organelle
Picture of Organelle
Picture of Character/ Thing you are comparing to
Can insert Video/ Audio
*eBook Should be able to present itself
Cell Organelles
1. Nucleus- Control center of the cell, contains DNA (genetic information)-the instructions for the cell
 Think: Who/what is “controlling” in your favorite movie or book.
o Ex. Gossip girl-Blair Waldorf controls her “minions” in Gossip Girl
2. Golgi Apparatus- Packages waste & protein to be transported out of the cell in vesicles
 Think: Who/what gets things ready to be sent out
o Ex. Gossip girl- people text “Gossip girl” all the gossip and she puts it together to send out
3. Endoplasmic Reticulum- Rough ER has ribosomes that make protein. The ER transports the proteins to
other parts of the cell.
 Think: Who/what transports things to other places
4. Mitochondria- Makes ATP (energy) through cellular respiration
 Think: Who/what is the source of power
o EX. Football- who/what pumps the team up to play?
5. Vacuole- used to store water, food, and waste.
 Think: Where are critical things stored?
o Ex. Football-locker rooms
6. Cell Membrane- Semi-permeable membrane that controls what enters and exits the cell. Made of Lipid
 Think- who is super protective? Or what blocks certain things from getting in?
o Ex. Vampire Diaries/any vampire show-Only humans can walk in homes, an invisible force
does not let vampires in
7. Ribosomes-make proteins
 Think-What makes the things that are important
8. Lysosomes-contain digestive enzymes to break down food and waste.
 Think- where does trash go to be “broken down”
o Ex. Any movie/ show with a jail
9. Cytoplasm-Semi-fluid matrix surrounds the organelles-holds organelles in place
 Think-Who/what keeps characters in their place
Walking Dead
Superhero Movies (Thor, Batman, The Avengers etc.)
Hunger Games
Pitch Perfect