Outline: 2/19/07 Pick up Exam #1 - from me Pick up CAPA #10 & 11 - outside Seminar – Tues @ noon Jaecker Applications – Chem Dept. Today: Chapter 16 Chemical Equilibrium The Equilibrium Constant (Keq) Manipulating/Calculating Keq Exam #1 Average ~74.7 High: 99,… Exam 1 (121-03) 14 12 # students 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 5 15 15 2525 3535 4545 5555 65 65 75 75 85 85 95 95 Score Well done! Exam #1 What to do if…. Go over test = do a post mortem Remember it’s only 20%...or less! Change something… Come visit… Chapter 16: Equilibrium 2 NO2(g) N2O4(g) Rateformation = kf[NO2]2 N2O4(g) 2 NO2(g) Ratedecomposition = kd[N2O4] Ratef = Rated kf [NO2]2 = kd[N2O4] At equilibrium: Define an “equilibrium constant”: Keq = kf /kd = [N2O4]/[NO2]2 nomenclature: [concentrations] or p becomes Rxn quotient: Q = [products]/[reactants] e.g. If Q = Keq system is at equilibrium If Q > Keq products reactants If Q < Keq reactants products The Equilibrium Constant For a general reaction aA + bB cC + dD the equilibrium constant expression for everything in solution is Cc Dd K eq Aa Bb where Keq is the equilibrium constant. The Equilibrium Constant • An equilibrium can be approached from any direction. 2NO2(g) • Example: N2O4(g) • has K eq P2 NO 2 P N 2O 4 6.46 The Equilibrium Constant • In the reverse direction: 2NO2(g) P N2O4(g) 1 N 2O 4 K eq 0.155 6.46 P2 NO 2 Equilibrium Constant Rules: Magnitude of Keq tells you about preferred direction of reaction Keq = 31000 or Keq = 4.610-8 more products (at equilibrium) more reactants Equilibrium Constant Rules: Reactions can be written in either direction at equilibrium Keq = 1/ K’eq Reactions can be written as the sum of other reactions (Hess’ law) Keq = K’eq K”eq A specific example (chem 113): AgCl(s) Ag+ + Cl- Keq = 1.8 10-10 Ag+ + 2 NH3 Ag(NH3)2+ Keq = 1.6 107 AgCl(s) + 2 NH3 Ag(NH3)2+ + ClKeq = 2.9 10-3 Equilibrium Constant Rules: Solids and (pure) liquids are left out of the Keq expression Example: H3PO4(aq) + 3 H2O(l) PO3-4(aq) + 3H3O+(aq) Keq = [PO3-4 ] [H3O+]3 / [H3PO4] Equilibrium Constant Rules: Magnitude of Keq tells you about the extent of reaction Reactions can be written in either direction at equilibrium Solids and (pure) liquids are left out of the Keq expression Units of Keq are defined to be 1…. Let’s Practice: Worksheet #6 (A) Keq = (pNO)2(pO2) / (pNO2)2 = (0.0015)20.051 / (0.1)2 = 1.15e-5 Starting from initial concentrations: Mix: 110-3 Fe3+ and 110-3 SCNKeq = 142 What are the final concentrations? Fe3+ + SCN- Fe(SCN)2+ 110-3 110-3 -x -x 0 Initial +x Change (110-3-x)(110-3-x) +x Equil. Initial concentrations: Mix: 110-3 Fe3+ and 110-3 SCNWhat are the final concentrations? Keq = [Fe(SCN)2+ ]/[Fe3+][SCN-] 142 = x / (110-3 - x) (110-3 - x) (a quadratic equation in x) x = 1.1110-4 Return to Worksheet #6 Do problems B & C Practice these! Finish Friday