Cincinnati Christian University PIC 555 01 Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism Description A seminar designed to help students construct a biblical theology of missions and evangelism and learn practical techniques of theological formation in new Christian communities. A particular focus of the course is on the theory, practice, and products of contextual theology. Objectives Develop a vision for holistic ministry rooted in a biblically sound theology of mission. Devise ministry strategies appropriate to the cultural context and conducive to indigenous church leadership. Demonstrate foundational skills to equip and empower indigenous Christian communities to interpret and apply the Bible in their cultural contexts. Required Reading Escobar, Samuel. The New Global Mission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone. Downer’s Grove, IL: IVP, 2003. Ott, Craig and Stephen J. Strauss. Encountering Theology of Mission: Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, and Contemporary Issues. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2010. Tennent, Timothy C. Theology in the Context of World Christianity. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007. Spring 2013 Tues. 6:30-9:10 pm (3 credit hours) Instructor: Mr. John Chesnut E-Mail: Phone: 513-593-4091 Due Dates Assignmentsare to be uploaded to Moodle by midnight the evening of the due date. Late work is penalized 25 points per day. Jan. 29-Apr. 30, weekly: Reading Assignments Mar. 26-Apr. 23: Hermeneutical Community Project (specific dates to be assigned) TBA: Global Theology Presentations Apr. 30: Theological Reflection Paper Disclaimer This syllabus should not be taken as a comprehensive statement of all policies related to this course. The professor reserves the right to amend or alter the course plan during the semester, with adequate warning to the students of any changes. Class Policies Students may miss class twice before being dropped from the roll. Late work is penalized 25 points per day. Assignments are to be uploaded to the Moodle site for the course by midnight the evening of the due date. In case of technical issues with the Moodle site, assignments may be emailed to the professor. Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 1 Assignments Reading Assignments: 3% each, 36% total (due weekly, Jan. 29-Apr. 30, 6:30 pm) As this is a discussion-based seminar course, it is essential that students come to class each week having completed the reading assignment and prepared to discuss it intelligently. Twelve writing assignments will be given during the semester, requiring students to summarize and reflect briefly upon the weekly reading. These assignments will serve as notes in class to help the student be prepared to contribute and will be taken up at the end of class. Assignments should be typed, double-spaced, printed and brought to class. In case of printer problems, email the work. Students who are absent may email their work to me by 6:30 pm on the due date. Work emailed after this time will be subject to late penalties. Hermeneutical Community (20%) (dates to be assigned) A ‘hermeneutical community’ is a group of people who work together to understand and apply the Bible in their context. A knowledgeable facilitator shepherds the group and supplies additional information as necessary without controlling the discussion. This method of theological formation places in the hands of local Christians the tools to become a “selftheologizing” church, an important element in overcoming dependency, addressing the local ministry context effectively, and remaining both flexible and biblically grounded as culture changes. We will simulate this method by giving each student the opportunity to facilitate a class discussion on a topic relevant to the course based on their individual backgrounds, interests, and questions. Topics should be approved by the professor. Examples: o o o o o o Should Christians participate in some specific aspect of culture? Can the church incorporate a particular aspect of culture into its practice? What is the best way to evangelize a friend of a particular culture or life situation? Who do I relate to a Christian friend who holds a different doctrinal position? How can the Bible help me resolve a personal issue relevant to ministry (relationship issue, use of resources, personal shortcoming, etc.) Your ideas? For the chosen topic, students will submit 5 pages of typed, double-spaced notes, including: o o o o o A description of the question being addressed and its wider relevance to missions and evangelism. An illustration, story, personal experience, etc. to raise interest and provoke thought about the topic. A list of 5 open-ended discussion questions the student will pose while facilitating discussion. A brief biblical/theological reflection on the topic, including at least 5 relevant Scripture passages (type out the entire verse along with its citation; you can cut and paste easily from ) The student’s thoughts about how the Scripture on this topic should be applied in his or her culture. Based on these notes, each student will facilitate a 30 minute class discussion on the topic by introducing and illustrating the topic, then guiding the class through some of the discussion questions and relevant Scriptures. Finally, the student will suggest his or her own biblical answer to the question and allow the class time to discuss and evaluate that answer. Grades will be based upon the quality of the prepared materials and the student’s effort to facilitate discussion. See rubric at the end of the syllabus for specific grading standards. Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 2 Theological Reflection Paper (20%) Students will prepare a ten page theological reflection paper to reflect their mastery of course objectives. The paper will consist of four approximately equal parts: o Summarize your personal theology of mission Think about what you consider to be the most important themes in Scripture relevant to mission. Examples: the Kingdom of God, the love of God, holiness, justice, the Trinity, the incarnation, missio Dei, creation, the image of God, etc. Choose one or two such themes and explain how it shapes and guides your understanding of mission. Include well-chosen biblical references, citations of course readings, and other sources as appropriate. Students are not required to do additional research beyond the course readings but are welcome to do so. o Explain how different types of ministries fit into your mission theology. Based on your theology of mission, what is the role of preaching, benevolence, social justice ministries, etc.? Is your theology broad enough to include various kinds of social ministries under the concept of “mission” or do these belong in some other category? o Describe a ministry strategy that is consistent with your theology and appropriate to your current or planned ministry context. Tell me briefly about your current or planned ministry. Sketch out a ministry plan and explain how it flows from your theology and fits the ministry context. Your ministry strategy might include issues such as: ministry personnel, target audience, methodologies, use of resources, etc. o Explain how your strategy will be conducive to indigenous church leadership rather than fostering dependency. Make sure your strategy “begins with the end in mind.” Explain how you will involve local people in leadership early in the process. Consider what impact your chosen strategies will have upon the local church. Will your strategy make the church dependent upon you? If some dependence on the missionary or ministry leader is unavoidable at the early stages of your ministry, explain why this is the case, and what plans you have for strengthening local leadership and transitioning the ministry to their authority as soon as possible. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, and strictly follow Turabian formatting standards. See rubric at the end of this syllabus for specific grading standards. Global Theology Presentation (24%) (due date TBA) Graduate students will read Tennent, Theology in the Context of World Christianity, Preface and chapters 1 and 10. Chapters 2-9 will be divided among students for class presentations. Students will prepare 5-7 pages of typed, double-spaced lecture notes and discussion questions based on their assigned chapters, doing additional research as necessary to master the topic. Notes should be typed out, not a sketchy outline. Students will teach a lesson on their assignment in class. Lessons should be 45-60 minutes long, depending on audience interest and involvement. Lessons should not consist entirely of lecture. They must include some interactive learning method such as discussion, audio-visual resources, learning activities, etc. This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to acquire college teaching experience. Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 3 Course Outline 1/22 - Introduction: Importance of Mission Theology 1/29 - The Changing World of Missions - Reading Assignment 1 due: Ott: Introduction; Escobar: Preface, ch. 1-4, ch. 10. 2/5 - Contextualization, Globalizing Theology - Reading Assignment 2 due: Escobar: ch. 8; Ott: ch. 11. 2/12 - God and the Nations in the Old Testament - Reading Assignment 3 due: Ott, ch. 1. 2/19 - God and the Nations in the New Testament - Reading Assignment 4 due: Ott, ch. 2. 2/26 - Biblical Basis for Wholistic Church-Planting 3/5 - SPRING BREAK 3/12 - “Missio Dei” as the Justification of Mission - Reading Assignment 5 due: Ott: ch. 3; Escobar: ch. 5-7. 3/19 - The Purpose and Nature of Mission - Reading Assignment 6 due: Ott: ch. 4. 3/26 - The Task of Missions - Reading Assignment 7 due: Ott: ch. 5-6; Escobar: ch. 9. - STUDENT PRESENTATIONS 4/2 - Missionaries: Selection and Roles - Reading Assignment 8 due: Ott: ch. 7, 9 - STUDENT PRESENTATIONS 4/9 - The Church and Mission - Reading Assignment 9 due: Ott: ch. 8 - STUDENT PRESENTATIONS 4/16 - Spiritual Dynamics and Mission - Reading Assignment 10 due: Ott: ch. 10 - STUDENT PRESENTATIONS 4/23 - Christianity and Other Religions - Reading Assignment 11 due: Ott: ch. 12 4/30 - The Necessity of Mission - Reading Assignment 12 due: Ott, ch. 13. - THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION PAPER DUE 5/7 - Conclusion / Discussion Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 4 PIC 555 01 Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism Student’s name:__________________________ Mailbox number:_________________________ Rubric for Hermeneutical Community Project These are the standards used to grade your assignment. A copy of this rubric will be returned with your assignment, marked to indicate the reasons for your grade. Paper received by deadline, no penalty. Grade: _________ Paper received 1 day late. Grade: __________ - 25 points = __________ Paper received 2 days late. Grade: __________ - 50 points = __________ Paper received 3 days late. Grade: __________ -75 points = __________ Paper received 4 or more days late: Grade: __0__ Excellent (25 pts) Notes include all topics required by the syllabus and meet the page requirement. Average (20 pts) Notes include all topics required by the syllabus but fall somewhat below the page requirement. Below Average (15 pts) Notes are missing one or more topics required by the syllabus or fall significantly below the page requirement. Unsatisfactory (0 pts) No notes were submitted. Preparation Notes indicate a relevant and interesting choice of topic, intriguing questions, selection of appropriate Scriptures and careful reflection on the biblical implications of the topic. Notes indicate a choice of topic that has some relevance to missions and evangelism. Questions, Scriptures, and reflection are adequate but not particularly deep or original. Notes indicate a choice of topic that has relatively little relevance to missions and evangelism. Questions, Scriptures, and reflection seem somewhat careless or superficial. No notes were submitted. Group facilitation Facilitator keeps group members interested and involved and keeps the discussion moving toward resolution without dominating the group. Facilitator is mostly able to keep students engaged and the topic generally moving in a purposeful direction. Facilitator allows the discussion to stagnate or turn into a lecture rather than a genuine group discussion. Student does not complete the group facilitation portion of the project. Biblical focus Facilitator keeps the discussion biblically focused, helping students reflect theologically and reach some consensus. Facilitator keeps the discussion generally biblically focused. Theological reflection is present but may not go very deep. Facilitator allows the discussion to remain at the level of culture and opinion without drawing it adequately back to Scripture. Student does not complete the group facilitation portion of the project. Notes Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 5 PIC 555 01 Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism Student’s name:__________________________ Mailbox number:_________________________ Rubric for Theological Reflection Paper These are the standards used to grade your assignment. A copy of this rubric will be returned with your assignment, marked to indicate the reasons for your grade. Paper received by deadline, no penalty. Grade: _________ Paper received 1 day late. Grade: __________ - 25 points = __________ Paper received 2 days late. Grade: __________ - 50 points = __________ Paper received 3 days late. Grade: __________ -75 points = __________ Paper received 4 or more days late: Grade: __0__ Excellent (20pts) Paper meets page requirement, is properly formatted, has minimal spelling and grammar issues. Average (15pts) Paper falls slightly below page requirement and/or has some minor issues with formatting, spelling, or grammar. Below Average (10pts) Paper falls significantly below page requirement and/or has significant issues with formatting spelling or grammar. Unsatisfactory (0 pts) Paper is too far below page limit or has too many formatting, spelling or grammar issues to merit credit. Personal theology The theology analyzes one or two biblical themes relevant to mission with depth and sophistication. The theology is adequately explained with some biblical support, but not in great depth. The theology is not explained clearly or well supported biblically. The paper does not include a personal theology of mission. Holistic ministry The paper thoughtfully reflects on the roles of various types of ministries with relation to student’s theology. The paper reflects somewhat on the roles of various types of ministries with relation to student’s theology. The paper includes only brief and cursory mention of how various types of ministries relate to student’s theology. The paper does not reflect on how various types of ministries relate to student’s theology. Ministry strategy The ministry strategy flows clearly from the theology and seems appropriate to the ministry context. The ministry strategy is somewhat connected with the theology and is somewhat appropriate for the context. The ministry strategy is unconnected with the student’s stated theology or incongruent with the ministry context. The paper does not include a ministry strategy. Indigenous leadership A plan for raising up indigenous leadership is clearly described and seems workable. A plan for raising up indigenous leadership is described but may need additional work. A plan for raising up indigenous leadership is poorly described and need substantial additional work. No plan for raising up indigenous leadership is described. Technical issues Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 6 PIC 555 01 Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism Student’s name:__________________________ Mailbox number:_________________________ Rubric for Global Theology Presentation These are the standards used to grade your assignment. A copy of this rubric will be returned with your assignment, marked to indicate the reasons for your grade. Paper received by deadline, no penalty. Grade: _________ Paper received 1 day late. Grade: __________ - 25 points = __________ Paper received 2 days late. Grade: __________ - 50 points = __________ Paper received 3 days late. Grade: __________ -75 points = __________ Paper received 4 or more days late: Grade: __0__ Excellent (25 pts) Notes meet the page requirement, are well organized and show careful preparation. Average (20 pts) Notes fall a little below the page requirement or need a little more organization or preparation. Below Average (15 pts) Notes fall significantly below the page requirement or need significantly more preparation. Unsatisfactory (0 pts) No notes were submitted for the assignment. Presentation length Presentation productively fills the allotted time Presentation is a little long or short. Presentation is significantly too long or too short. No presentation was completed. Presentation contents Presentation covers the important points of the chapter in a clear and interesting way. Presentation covers most of the important points of the chapter in a way that many students can understand. Presentation misses some key aspects of the chapter and/or leaves students confused. No presentation was completed Interactive methods Presentation skillfully incorporates one or two interactive learning methods in a way that enhances students’ understanding of the topic. Presentation incorporates at least one interactive learning method that is somewhat helpful in helping students understand the material. Presentation incorporates at least one interactive learning method but it was not particularly useful in enhancing student learning. Presentation does not include an interactive learning method. Notes Biblical Foundations of Missions & Evangelism 7