Mrs. Holbert Room D6 Anatomy and Physiology Standard & Honors Description: This course is an in-depth study of the structure and functions of the human body. Physical and earth sciences are incorporated as appropriate. The basic concepts of chemistry and cell biology lay a foundation for three unifying themes: first, the interrelationships of body organ systems; second, homeostasis; and third, the body as a dynamic community of interdependent parts. Mastery of scientific and medical vocabulary, as well as studies of pathological conditions, are used to facilitate the understanding of the body systems. Students participate in a variety of laboratory activities, including microscope work and dissection. Grading: Grades are not given, they are earned- only you can determine what grade you will receive!! Grades can be earned by several of the following: Tests, Homework, On Task Assignments (OTA), Lab Activities, Projects, Notebook, Journal Articles, Writing assignments and Participation Points Nine Week Grading Policy: *Subject to change 60% Test 30% Labs/Activities/ Quizzes 10% Daily Grades: 1st 9 weeks 2nd 9 weeks Mid term 3rd 9 weeks 4th 9 weeks Final 40% 40% 20% 40% 40% 20% Final Grade: 50% 1st semester Percentage Scale: 90% - 100% 80% - 89% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 0% - 59% A B C D F 50% 2nd semester Discipline Policy: 1. Classroom & Lab Rules: A. Treat all people and property with respect B. Be punctual and prepared for class C. Listen and follow directions D. Follow the school’s student handbook 2. Classroom Rewards: A. School supplies, treats, and other little surprises—Given for good behavior and participation 3. Classroom Consequences: The Classroom Behavior Management form will be followed for both minor and major offenses. Cheating: Cheating is defined as: using another students work from a previous year or this year, copying another students work, looking at another students test, allowing another student to copy from your test, having access to any cheat sheet (on paper, on desk, written on self, anywhere), talking or passing notes during tests, use of cell phone, text messaging, and copying or pasting work from the internet and other published material without citing sources. Cheating will be reported to the administration, parents will be contacted and the student will receive an F for that assignment or test. Make-up Work: 1. Students must see the teacher the day they return for all make up work. Students will sign their work out with a missed work slip, collect the work and have 3 school days to return the work for full credit unless special circumstances are arranged with the teacher. If the student does not collect work the day he/she returns then the missed work will be considered late. 2. All missed notes are your responsibility to get from a classmate or off of the school website. A. All PowerPoint presentations for this course are posted on the school website ( B. Directions will be given and the students will be shown how to get to the presentations on the website. 3. All make-up work will be done before/after school, Indian Period or during YOUR break; not during class. 4. If a lab activity is missed, a one page single spaced or two page double spaced paper on the labs concepts will replace the grade. Sources must be cited, just like writing a paper in English class. Late Work: 1. Work can be turned in late for 70% of the actual grade if turned in by the exam correlating with the late assignment. If absent for the exam, late work must arrive on the students first day back. A. Example: You make a 90 on a worksheet and turn it in late, but before the exam. Your worksheet grade is now a 63. Procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Students enter the classroom quietly and go straight to their desks. Students must have a pencil / pen out and their notebook open on desk before tardy bell rings. Before the tardy bell rings, students must be at their desks working on the OTA. All papers should have the student’s full name, date, period, and assignment name on the top right corner. After permission is given, bathroom trips will only be allowed the first five minutes or last five minutes of class. Teacher dismisses the class at the end of the period, not the bell. Testing Procedures will be followed for every quiz and test. (Cheating in not tolerated so several steps are in place to deter and remove temptations.) A. Students should always have a pencil for testing. B. Nothing should be in, on, or around the desks during testing. All books, bags, purses, etc. will be placed in the front, side, or back of the classroom. C. The on task assignment (OTA) on testing days will be to follow testing procedures. School Website: A copy of this course syllabus as well as other needed information can be found on our school’s website on my section. The following steps will guide you through getting to my section. 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to On the main page locate the academics heading which is located on the left hand side Under academics locate and click on school staff Under teaching staff locate and click on my name (Holbert, Jessica) Communication: 1. Email is the best way for communication. Feel free to contact me for grades or for a meeting. 2. The application “Remind” will be used for communication as well. If you would like to be updated through text (or it can do email as well) please do the following: A. Text @d6anatomy to 81010 B. Email leave the subject and body of the email blank. Anatomy and Physiology tentative course outline TOPICS ACOS STANDARD Introduction to the Anatomy- Medical terminology Introduction to Human Body- Planes, Systems, & Cavities Cells & Tissues Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System & The Senses Midterm Cardiovascular & Lymphatic System Respiratory System Digestive System; Nutrition Urinary System Endocrine System Reproductive System Mechanisms of Disease Final 1&2 3&4 5 6 7 8 1-8 9 11 10 13 14 12 15 1-15 Supply List: A $10 dissection donation (if you plan to dissect) **Each student will receive a letter explaining about the donation Required supplies that every student must bring to class EVERYDAY1. #2 pencils and black/blue pens 2. Three ring binder with divider (used for notes and notebook work) 3. College ruled notebook paper 4. Colored Pencils 5. Highlighter Requests- Kleenex tissue, Lysol spray, Clorox wipes, paper towels, hand soap and hand sanitizer Acknowledgement of Receipt: I have received a copy of Mrs. Holbert’s course syllabus. I have read, understand, and agree to follow the policies and procedures outlined in it. As a student, I will do my best to complete all my work and follow all policies. As a parent /guardian, I agree to uphold the policies and keep up with my student’s progress in this class. Both the student and parent/guardian understand how to sign up for reminders and that the best way to contact Mrs. Holbert is through email. Please sign the student information sheet as verification that you have received a copy of the syllabus. Please keep this copy for you record. A digital copy is also available online.