Vocabulary 2.2

The material met all the criteria required to
be called a mineral.
• The substance was said to be inorganic.
The item was actually proven to be an
element on the Periodic Table.
Water which is indicated by the symbol H2O
is considered a compound.
Sodium chloride (NaCl) has a crystal
Opal has a luster that is considered greasy.
Green fluorite has prominent cleavage.
When native copper is torn, it results in what
is referred to as hackly fracture.
One can tell that pyrite is not gold, because
it leaves a black streak.
Galena is Lead ore.
According to Mohs hardness scale,
diamond is the hardest solid to be tested.
Now it’s your turn, you will have 3 minutes
to discuss this will your group, starting
Mineral: A naturally occurring, inorganic,
solid that has a crystal structure, and a
Chemical composition.
Inorganic: Not formed from living things or
remains of living things.
Element: A substance composed of a
single kind of atom.
Compound: A substance in which two or
more elements are chemically joined.
Crystal: A solid in which the atoms are
arranged in a pattern that repeats again
and again.
Luster: The way a mineral reflects light
from its surface.
Cleavage: A mineral’s ability to split along a
flat surface.
Fracture: The way a mineral looks when it
breaks apart in an irregular way.
Mohs Hardness Scale: A scale ranking ten
minerals from softest to hardest; used in
testing the hardness of minerals.
Ore: Rock that contain a metal or
economically useful mineral.
Streak: The color of a mineral’s powder.