Building Words - Willans Hill School

Building Words
Building and Learning Words Lesson
This lesson is designed to be run over two days. The first day (stage 1)
1. Students are given a set of letters to make some words. The letters for this lesson are: i e r l l f t m.
Students are then asked to cut them out and place them on their desks. The teacher or students will read
from the instruction (listed below). Students then begin to build their words.
Letters: i e r l l f t m
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
The next part of the lesson is designed for students to practice beginning letter sounds (ie. D – for dog)
2. Before students commence sorting beginning letters, teacher talks about begging letters and provides
examples. Visuals can be used to assist a wider range of student abilities (ie. Providing a visual for a dog and
two distinctly different letters F and D, student to match beginning letter with picture)
Sort by beginning letter
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Building and Learning words lesson (stage 2)
This is a follow up of the previous day (stage 1).
1. Students are given the same set of letters to make some words. Students are again asked to cut them out
and place them on their desks. The teacher or students will read from the instruction. Students then begin to
build their words.
Letters: i e r l l f t m
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
The next part of the lesson is designed for students to practice rhyming words.
2. Before students commence sorting rhyming words, teacher talks about other words that rhyme and why.
Visuals can be used to assist a wider range of student abilities (ie. Providing a visual for a dog and a visual for
a frog, student to match visuals)
Sort by beginning letter
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Making Words Instruction List
N.B. Students enjoy taking turns reading the instructions to the class. Students that would like a turn, but find the
text too difficult enjoy participating using pre-recordings on the multistep.
1. Take 2 letters and spell it. It is going to be a great
2. Add a letter to spell fit. You need to exercise to
stay fit.
3. Now make the word fill. Fill the pitcher all the
way to the top.
4. Change the vowel sound to spell fell. His sister
fell and skinned her knee.
5. Now let’s make a magic e word, mile. He ran the
mile in 5 minutes.
6. The next word is tire. A nail made her tire go
7. The next word is rile. My brother likes to rile up
the dogs until they won’t settle down.
8. Let’s make another 4-letter word, life. She’s
loved to sing her whole life.
9. Mix the letters around to spell file. He had to file
the whole stack of papers in the cabinet.
10. Change the first letter to spell tile. We decided
to re-tile the bathroom.
At the end of each stage, the class reviews words they have learnt through a bingo game. Before the game
commences each student is encouraged to read their words.
N.B. To include all students’ visuals may need to be used in conjuction with bingo words.
Word wall words for the current week can also be used.
Bingo Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Words: it mile tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill fell mile tire rile life file tile
Words: it fit fill tire rile life file tile