7th Grade Spanish Our Lady of Mercy School 2014-2015 Teacher: Miss Kaitlyn Williams Email: kwilliams@olmshicks.org Classroom: 206 Class days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Course Description The Spanish program for 7th grade serves as a transition from an introduction to the language and culture to the ability to communicate in the language in real-life situations and an increased understanding of the culture. Through the presentation of vocabulary in each chapter, the students will have the opportunity to put their new words together to communicate coherently. In addition, through the presentation of the readings, the students will recombine known language and read and learn in Spanish about the Hispanic culture. The themes covered this year include greetings and goodbye, days and months, counting and numbers, seasons and weather, descriptions, class and school, telling time, nationalities, clothing, food and beverages, family, houses and apartments, sports and the parts of the body. Class Preparation The following items are to be brought to class every day: pen and/or pencil highlighters loose-leaf Paper (1) marble notebook (1) 2-pocket folder textbook and workbook ¡Buen Viaje! 1 (2005) by Conrad J. Schmitt and Protase E. Woodford Spanish-English/English-Spanish dictionary Evaluation Every assignment that is turned in will be graded. Grades are based on homework, tests, quizzes, and class participation. Homework In order to practice and reinforce what is learned in class, homework assignments are given every day. All homework assignments will be checked and/or collected the following day at the beginning of class. Homework not completed by the beginning of class will result in a grade of zero for that assignment. Corrections must be made on all homework reviewed in class. Tests and Quizzes Tests will be given on each textbook chapter and quizzes will be given on each section of the textbook chapter’s vocabulary. There will be a minimum of a one week notice for tests and a minimum of a one day notice for quizzes. Tests and quizzes will cover the information from class notes, textbook chapters, handouts and homework assignments. Study guides will be handed out prior to each test. Class Participation Class participation is based on attendance, class preparation, homework completion, ontask behavior adherence to rules and procedures and contribution to class activities. Attendance Students are responsible for any missed homework assignments, tests, or quizzes. If the student was present on the day that homework was assigned, it is due the class he or she returns. However, it is the student’s responsibility to talk to me in order to ensure that their missed homework assignments, quizzes and tests are made up. Extra Help Extra help is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays before school from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. or after school from 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. It is the student’s responsibility to set up an appointment to meet with me. ¡Bienvenidos! I am delighted to have you in my Spanish class this year. Each day, we will spend time perfecting the four skills necessary for learning a foreign language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To be successful in any foreign language class, a student must practice both inside and outside the classroom. You should come prepared for each class by making sure to complete homework assignments, study vocabulary and key expressions and participate in class activities. I look forward to a fun year of learning the Spanish language! ¡Buena suerte! Please sign and return the statement below by Wednesday, September 10, 2014. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the above course syllabus for 7th grade Spanish. I am aware of all requirements necessary to succeed in the course. Student Name______________________________________ Class__________________ Student Signature___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________