Temecula Preparatory School
Spanish 2 – Elementary Spanish II
Academic Year 2015-2016
Instructor: Karine Khurshudyan
E-mail address: kkhurshudyan@temeculaprep.com
Room 26
Welcome to SPANISH 2
Material for Spanish 2
1. ¡Buen Viaje!: Glencoe Spanish 2-Conrad J. Schmitt, Protase E. Woodford
2. Activities Manual
3. Any binder to save handouts, etc.
4. Expo Dry Erase markers and a red pen.
1. Any English/Spanish, Spanish/English dictionary
Course Description
Welcome to Spanish 2. This course is a continuation of skills learned in Spanish 1. Students
will become more proficient in the use of the Spanish language through reading, writing, listening
and speaking. Student will gain more knowledge of the culture and civilization of the 21 Spanish
speaking countries. Proper uses of object pronouns and past tenses will be emphasized.
Student Learning Outcomes
The objective of this course is to develop proficiency in Spanish. After successful completion of this
semester of Spanish, students will be able to:
1. Produce and carry on a basic conversation using authentic language, pronunciation, and
using the correct forms of grammar and vocabulary.
2. Read and describe basic written material in Spanish.
3. Create/Complete written assignments in Spanish using various tenses by:
a. Selecting correct forms of basic grammar;
b. Applying the appropriate vocabulary
c. Using a Spanish/English dictionary
Spanish 2 Syllabus
d. Using their listening skills.
4. Possess cultural awareness of some of the 21 Spanish–speaking countries.
Course Expectations and Policies
Students are expected to:
a) Attend the class on time. The attendance is mandatory.
b) Be actively participating in everyday classes: being in class on time, listening to the
instructor, producing, asking questions, volunteering, participating in projects,
practicing in class and outside of the classroom. You are expected to devote a
minimum 1 hour each day outside of class time working and practicing Spanish.
c) Develop an understanding of basic grammatical concepts and an appreciation of the
various cultures of the Spanish speaking world.
d) Have the homework and all the assignments ready on the due day. No late
homework/assignment is accepted.
e) Respect others; work hard as an individual and as a group member.
f) Be responsible, take the course seriously and show interest throughout the course.
Methods of Evaluation
A student's grade shall be determined by the instructor using multiple measures of
performance related to the course objectives. Methods of evaluation may include but are not limited
to the following:
a) Homework – Most homework comes from the workbook and it is checked and
graded daily in class. Occasionally, additional homework will be assigned from
the textbook or in a given handout.
b) Quizzes – There will be a minimum of 5 quizzes throughout the semester; five
announced. However, the instructor reserves the right to give unannounced
quizzes at any time throughout the semester to evaluate student’s ongoing
understanding and comprehension of grammar and vocabulary.
c) Class participation – active participation is acquired by, but not limited to;
1. Being in class and paying attention
2. Speaking Spanish inside the classroom
3. Participating in ALL projects
4. Volunteering
5. Being respectful and courteous to every person in the class
d) Workbook– Most of the homework comes from the workbook to help you
complete the entire chapter. Homework will be checked daily.
e) Chapter exams – There are five chapter exams throughout the semester. Each
exam is worth 100 points and it’s composed of five sections: listening, culture,
grammar, vocabulary, and composition. Note: if the word count is not met in the
composition, student will automatically lose 5–10 points depending on the
g) Final exams – the final exam will be given to assess student’s assimilation of
grammar, vocabulary, and written communication skills.
Spanish 2 Syllabus
NOTE: Make sure to TURN OFF and PUT AWAY your cell phones. They interrupt the class and
distract students. If your cell phone rings, vibrates or you are “text-messaging” during class,
there will be a quiz for the entire class the following class date.
Spanish 2 is a course that requires constant participation and a lot of dedication, hence, Attendance
is mandatory.
a) Attendance is taken right after the class starts. Please plan to be in class and
ready to participate throughout the class period
b) Should you miss a quiz and/or exam due to an emergency, you have 24 hours to
contact your instructor and make suitable arrangements. You must provide
written documentation for your absence before a make-up exam is given. You
will have only one week to make up a quiz or an exam.
NOTE: Arriving more than ten minutes late or leaving more than ten minutes early regardless of the
reason, will automatically forfeit your attendance and class participation extra credit opportunity.
Grades will be distributed in the following manner:
Homework: 20%
Participation/Classwork: 20%
Quizzes: 20%
Tests: 30%
Final/Midterm: 10%
Important Helpful Resources
www.wordreference.com – online dictionary
www.duolingo.com – practice your Spanish every day!
Spanish 2 Syllabus
I have read the 2015-2016 academic year syllabus for Spanish 3 at Temecula Preparatory and I
agree to abide by the guidelines set forth. I understand that participation is graded based on class
participation, homework, quizzes and exams. Participation, along with the workbook/assignments
are the basis for my final grade. I understand that I will need 70% overall in order to get credit for
the course.
Print Student name
Student Signature
Print Parent name
Parent Signature
Spanish 2 Syllabus