Fossil Evidence of Evolution


Bellringer 11/21/13

• What is a fossil?

Topic: Fossil Evidence of


EQ: How do fossils form?

Take a look!

Evidence supporting evolution

• Fossil record

– shows change over time

• Anatomical record

– comparing body structures

• homology & vestigial structures

• embryology & development

• Molecular record

– comparing protein & DNA sequences

• Artificial selection

– human caused evolution

Fossil record

• Layers of rock contain fossils

– new layers cover older ones

• creates a record over time

– fossils show a series of organisms have lived on


• over a long period of time

What is a fossil?

• The preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past

• Can be formed from a bone , tooth, shell, or other part of an organism

How do fossils form?

• Most fossils form when organisms that die become buried in sediments

(particles of soil and rock)

Fossil Formation

• Only the hard parts of an organism (bones, shells, and teeth) generally form fossils because the soft parts are broken down too quickly.

• Most fossils are formed when an organism is quickly buried by sediments.

Types of Fossils

• Mold – impression of an organism in a rock.

• Cast – a fossil copy of an organism in a rock.

• Trace Fossil – preserved evidence of the activity of an organism.

• Original Material – Tissues are preserved in ice, tar, and amber.

What are petrified fossils?

• A fossil formed when minerals replace all or part of an organism

How are mold and casts related to fossils?

• Mold – A type of fossil formed when shell or other hard part of an organism dissolves , leaving an empty space in the shape of the part

• Cast – A type of fossil that forms when a mold becomes filled in with minerals that then harden

What are trace fossils?

• Preserved evidence of the activity of an organism.

How else are remains preserved?

Original Remain

• Entire organisms, such as the huge elephantlike mammoths have been preserved in ice

• Bones and teeth have been preserved in tar pits

• Insects and other organisms can become stuck in sticky sap . The sap then hardens forming amber

How do you determine a fossil’s age?

• Relative dating

• Radioactive dating

What is relative dating?

• A technique used to determine which of two fossils is older

• Can only be used when the rock layers have been preserved in their original sequence

What is radioactive dating?

• A technique used to determine the actual age of a fossil

• The rocks that fossils are found near contain radioactive elements, scientists use these elements to determine decay

( half-life )

What are radioactive elements?

• Unstable elements that decay, or break down, into different elements

What is half-life?

• The time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay

• Scientists can compare the amount of a radioactive element in a sample to the amount of the element into which it breaks down

What do fossils reveal?

• Fossils help scientists piece together information about

Earth’s past

• The millions of fossils that scientists have collected are called the fossil record

What is the Geological Time Scale?

• Scientist have used the ages of rocks and fossils to create a “calendar” of

Earth’s history that spans 4.6

billion years

• Scientists have divided this large time period into smaller units called eras and periods sometimes called the

Geologic Time Scale

What are the theories on how fast does Evolution Occur?

• Gradualism –

Evolution occurs slowly but steadily

• Punctuated

Equilibrium –

Species evolve during short periods of rapid change

When is a species extinct?

• A species is extinct if no members of that species are still alive
