Syllabus for Ninth Grade English 2012-2013 School Year Mrs. Manning Brief description of the class This class is intended to promote students’ communication skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will participate in a wide variety of assignments, activities, and discussions to provide them with opportunities to practice and strengthen these skills. Vocabulary 20 word lists will be studied from the text Vocabulary Workshop (Level D), with new units assigned on Mondays and tests given one-and-a-half weeks later on Wednesday. Assignments will be given during the one-and-a half-week time period, including but not limited to determining words’ synonyms and antonyms, and using words correctly in sentences; additional assignments may also be given. Spelling tests will be given on the same day as the vocabulary tests. Vocabulary book assignments are not accepted late, as we go over these in class. Grammar Most assignments will be from Writing and Grammar, Communication in Action, Gold Level, although other assignments may be given. Quizzes and tests will be given to assess students’ knowledge and progress. Literature Numerous selections of literature will be presented and read throughout the course of the school year. These selections will include novels, short stories, plays, essays, narratives, and poetry. Most selections will be from the literature anthology, Glencoe Literature Course 4. Students will read Romeo and Juliet and The Outsiders. If time permits, we may also read Great Expectations, The Good Earth, or Lord of the Flies. In addition to the assigned reading, students may be required to answer both objective and subjective questions related to the literature, learn related vocabulary, write papers/essays associated with the literature, or complete an assigned project. Some selections will be read in class, either quietly or aloud, while others will be required reading outside of class. Composition Various writing assignments will be given through the course of the school year to practice and polish various types of writing and help students prepare for and succeed in various standardized tests. Writing assignments will vary in necessary length from 5+ sentences to 4 page compositions/essays. Writing assignments may be related to vocabulary exercises, topics in grammar, selections of literature, or other age-appropriate topics Most assignments will be graded with a rubric. Compositions will be retained in the student’s permanent portfolio. Projects Prepared and impromptu speeches will be given to provide the students the opportunity to speak in front of the class. Other projects will be given throughout the course of the year, which will relate to material being studied at the time. Book Logs/Reading In order to meet Pennsylvania Academic Standards, all students will be required to read independently and complete book logs. Students will be given a page requirement at the beginning of each marking period, and book logs will be accepted at any time during the marking period prior to or on the due date. Book Logs are not accepted late. If a student exceeds the required reading for a particular marking period, the additional pages will be used toward the requirement the following marking period. Book logs are entered into students’ grades at the end of each marking period; therefore, a significant change in grade may occur if a student does not complete the requirement. Book logs will be retained in the student’s permanent portfolio. Grading Procedures and Frequency of Grading Grade Percentage of Term Grade Frequency of Grading Compositions/Projects 25% *About 3 per 9 weeks Quizzes (scheduled and surprise) 15% *About 1 per week Tests 25% *About 8 per 9 weeks Homework/Classwork 25% *About 4 times per week Book Logs/Reading 10% *700 pages per term *These frequencies are estimates and will vary throughout the course of the year. Late/Make Up Work Policy As per school policy, when a student is absent, he/she will be given as many days to make up missed assignments/notes as he/she was absent from school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain necessary materials and assignments. The assignments for each class will be posted in the classroom for a minimum of one week, so that they are easily obtainable by the student. Additionally, any handouts that the student missed will be in a tray near the listed assignments for the student to easily obtain. Assignments are also posted daily on the website at It is the student’s responsibility to arrange the make-up of any missed quizzes or tests during non-class time. Homework that is turned in late for any reason other than an excused absence will be accepted for a period of three (3) school days for half credit. As a general rule, students are not permitted to visit their lockers to obtain work that they have forgotten to bring to class. Projects and major compositions that are turned in late for any reason will lose 10 percent per day late. Failure to complete assignments in a timely manner will result in a low grade and potential loss of privileges imposed by the office. How I May Be Reached I can be reached by e-mail at or by telephone at 570-946-7001. I am always available during quiet study and I gladly stay after school as necessary to answers questions, assist students, and administer make up quizzes and tests. ☺Looking forward to a great year!! (Please fill in completely, detach, and return this page to Mrs. Manning with your child.) I have read and I understand the syllabus and discipline plan for English 9 class. ________________________/____________________________ Parent Name Parent Signature ________________________/____________________________ Student Name Student Signature In order to keep you informed, please provide a PARENT/GUARDIAN e-mail address that is checked often. ______________________________________________________