Simulation courtesy Jocher/Usman/Learned NGA and U of Hawaii WATCHMAN: a WATer CHerenkov Monitor for ANtineutrinos Adam Bernstein Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Rare Event Detection Group Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 LLNL-PRES-653915 1 Reactors emit huge numbers of antineutrinos • 6 antineutrinos per fission • 1021 fissions per second in a 3,000-MWt reactor • About 1022 antineutrinos per second from a typical PWR - unattenuated and in all directions • The catch: mean free path in water is ~300 light years 2 A look back: Small, deployable near field antineutrino detectors for reactor safeguards Determine reactor on/off status Measure thermal within 5 hours with 99.9% C.L. power to 3% in one week Detect switch of 70 kg Pu-U with known power and initial fuel content Rate-based (analysis improves with spectral measurement) • Simple detector design • 25 m from core, outside containment useful for IAEA reactor safeguards • Shipper-receiver differences • Research reactor power • Safeguards by Design and Integrated Safeguards 8’ 3 Long-range reactor monitoring is possible right now– but only for high power reactors with hard-to-scale technology ~3% of signal from South Korean reactors @ 400 km standoff The KamLAND detector Per month: - 16 reactor antineutrinos - 1 background event From 130 GWt of reactors 1000 tonnes scintillator 1000 m depth 4 Standoff reactor monitoring is an NNSA Strategic Goal Current 3 year scoping project Consider Use Cases Select a Site Create a Preliminary Design, Budget and Schedule Measure of Shallow Depth Backgrounds 2014-15 Decision point to deploy WATCHMAN, a kiloton scale antineutrino detector, ~10 km from a US reactor Proposed joint funding with Office of Science, High Energy Physics (DOE-SC-HEP) 5 Ultimate standoff depends on backgrounds from reactors and natural sources Science & Global Security, 18:127–192, 2010 Background 99% confidence level scenarios Detector target mass Standoff in km Low background Discover 10 MWt reactor in 1 year 1 MT 200 High reactor backgrounds Discover 15 MWt in 6 months 5 MT 100 Possible to extend beyond these limits if antineutrino direction can be recovered Global reactor antineutrino fluxes simulation courtesy Jocher/Learned NGA/UH • Gadolinium-doped (light) water is the most viable option for scaling to the largest sizes • Strong synergy with fundamental physics research – Many groups/countries are already investing in this technology • SuperKamiokande is today’s largest comparable detector - 50,000 tons of H2O 6 Some current technologies for discovering unknown reactors • Satellite imaging – – – – – – Very effective at seeing plumes/heat signature Non-specific signature Susceptible to weather, and burial/heat removal countermeasures Continuous power measurement not practical Broad area search not practical Cueing required from other sources of information • Radionuclide detection – – – – Specific to fissile material production Cross-border detection possible Depends on accidental release of activity from reactor Localization and quantification difficult 7 Possible advantages of remote reactor monitoring with antineutrinos • For monitoring State/agency – – – – Antineutrinos are highly penetrating and difficult to shield Continuous long term monitoring is possible Difficult to mask without another reactor Some directional information with sufficient statistics (or multiple detectors) • For the State being monitored – Does not interfere with reactor operations or other activities – Provides limited and specific information about reactor – operational status and/or thermal power – Willingness to deploy detector indicates likely adherence to any agreement that restricts undeclared reactors • For host and monitoring States – Science opportunities facilitate bilateral or multilateral engagements 8 Disadvantages and complications • Background: Declared reactors near detector can ‘outshine’ small undeclared reactors • Limited information: (see advantages) – Crude power estimate and operational status only in the far field • Cost/Complexity: Current technology requires existing underground space (100-1000 meters deep) in the geographical region of interest 9 Why is this work of potential interest ? • Exclude or discover small undeclared reactors with high confidence in a wide geographical region • Small reactor 10 MWt standard: 4 kg Pu/year • Alternative technologies – Radionuclide sensing - depends on accidental release from fuel rods in reactor, ambiguity about location – Satellite surveillance - requires cueing information • Similar to other joint global nonproliferation and science efforts – CTBT’s International Data Center regularly shares seismic data with the science community (Intl. Science Ctr.) – infrasound and hydroacoustic also shared – The SESAME synchroton project in Jordan – “"SESAME…will serve as a beacon, demonstrating how shared scientific initiatives can help light the way towards peace” 45 Nobel Laureates 10 Current Water Cherenkov detectors are large, but can’t identify antineutrinos 20 years of use in neutrino detection IMB, Kamiokande, SuperKamiokande, SNO -1000 – 50,000 tons Above the Cerenkov threshold (v>c/n), the number of emitted photons is proportional to the incident neutrino energy. q = acos(1/n) = 42o Ekin > 0.26 MeV The SuperKamiokande 50,000 ton water detector ~40 m 11 For Water Cherenkov antineutrino sensitivity we need Gadolinium doping to efficiently detect neutrons in water Inverse Beta Decay in Theory e+ p = e+ + n Inverse Beta Decay 511 keV in A Detector 511 keV e+ ~ 8 MeV e p Gd n t ~ 30 ms Neutron captures in LLNL Gd-H2O detector World’s first Gd-H2O detector @ LLNL 0.25 ton Neutron captures in SuperK - 4.3 MeV Evis Neutron source background 12 The WATCHMAN collaboration A. Bernstein, N. Bowden, S. Dazeley, D. Dobie J. Learned, J. Maricic U of Hawaii P. Marleau, J. Brennan, M. Gerling, K. Hulin, J. Steele, D. Reyna S. Dye Hawaii Pacific M. Vagins, M. Smy UC Irvine UC Berkeley UC Davis K. Van Bibber, G. Orebi Gann, C. Roecker, T. Shokair R. Svoboda, M. Askins, M. Bergevin Students getting WATCHMAN-related Ph.D. s S.D. Rountree, B. Vogelaar, C. Mariani, Patrick Jaffke 2 National Laboratories 6 Universities 25 collaborators 15 physicists 5 engineers 2 Post-docs 3 Ph.Ds World Leaders in the Development and Use of Large Water Cherenkov Detectors 13 Compared with other large water detector R&D Detector Status Mass (ton) Type Purpose EGADS WATCHMAN Hyper-K Ongoing 2016 start 2021 or beyond 200 1,000 500,000 Gd-WCD Gd-WCD Pure H2O or Gd-WCD Measure background, material compatibility, energy threshold Too small to see reactor antineutrinos Remotely detect reactor antineutrinos – beam and reactor physics potential Neutrino oscillations, proton decay, supernovae… WATCHMAN would demonstrate Gd option for HyperK or other future big detectors 14 WATCHMAN Program Plan 3.5 year Scoping Phase (2012-2015) • Consider Use Cases • Find a Site • Create a Preliminary Design, Budget and Schedule • Measure of Shallow Depth Backgrounds 4 year Construction and Operation Phase (2016-2019) • Demonstrate sensitivity to reactor ON/OFF transition at ~10 km standoff, with at most 30 days of ON and OFF data, with at least 99% confidence, with a kiloton scale detector. • Demonstrate innovative, scalable, cost-effective Gd-H2O Cherenkov technology, pioneered and patented by LLNL staff and WATCHMAN collaborators • Provide a data-sharing and joint funding model for the scientific community 15 Two Possible Use Cases Large Detectors Ensure no reactors are operating at 10-200 km standoff Ensure only declared reactors are operating at a known site Simplest scenario • Searches for excess antineutrino signal above background More Low Higher background levels complex • Requires knowledge of signal from declared reactors backgrounds due to other reactors Best suited to excluding new reactors in areas without existing reactors Countermeasures are costly • Build a declared reactor near the detector • Physically attack the detector Adjusting power of declared reactors is a potential countermeasure Not yet claiming significance for any particular Treaty or Agreement 16 Siting Study: Map of US Power Reactors 17 Siting Study: US Reactors + Active Mines 18 Preferred and Alternate sites identified Reactor Location Thermal Power (MWt) Detector Location Standoff Overburden (mwe) Approval status Physics potential Preferred PERRY Reactor Perry Ohio Alternate Advanced Test Reactor, Idaho Falls, Idaho 3875 120 Morton Salt/IMB mine (!) New excavation Painesville, Ohio Idaho National Laboratory 13 km - the only reactor in the US at a 1 km suitable distance from a deep mine 1430 ~360 Morton Salt has approved installation INL has approved excavation studies Greater physics potential due to greater depth 19 Antineutrino signal and background Backgrounds: Signal in 1 kiloton of water 511 keV 511 keVe+ e prompt p n e+ m Gd 1. Real antineutrinos 2. Random event pair coincidences 3. Muon induced high energy neutrons 4. Long-lived radionuclide decays ~ 8 MeV t ~ 30 ms n signal + n capture on Gd n 9Li b (100-200 MeV n m • Exactly two Cerenkov flashes • within ~100 microseconds • Within a cubic meter voxel Very different from most backgrounds 20 Full Signal and Background Monte Carlo at the PERRY reactor site Depth Dependent per day • Fast Punch-through Neutrons • Radionuclides not well known ~1 ~1-10 Depth-Independent • PMT and Rock Gamma/Neutrons ~1 Other Reactors <1 Geo-antineutrinos negligible ___________________________________________ Total Background ~10 Perry Reactor Signal 8-12 21 Preliminary Design Task • Stainless tank assembled in place • ~3.5 kTon total mass ~1 kTon fiducial region • ~4800 Target PMTS looking “in” • 480 Veto PMTs on same frame looking “out” • Custom recirculation system for Gd-doped water 78 feet Drift layout at Morton Salt Mine Close-up of Veto PMT Wall 22 Background Measurements at the Kimballton Underground Research Facility • Drive in access down to 1500 foot depth • First-ever continuous measurement as a function of depth Entering KURF • Most important at shallow depths (300 feet, alternative site) • Final measurement will be at the 1400 foot depth of preferred site Small version of WATCHMAN (WATCHBOY) to measure muogenic radionuclide backgrounds Multiplicity and Recoil Spectrometer for fast neutron energy spectrum 23 Physics Synergy WATCHMAN will provide: • The U.S.’s only and one of the world’s largest supernova detectors • A test facility for future large neutrino detectors (advanced PMTs, water-based scintillator…) WATCHMAN may also measure: • the ordering of the neutrino masses – a major question for 21rst century physics • a proposed 4th neutrino flavor (e, m, t ?) • non-standard neutrino interactions Requires upgrade to scint. Requires nearby neutrino beam Science funding agency co-investment is critical to the project’s success ‘Positive dual-use’ aspect strengthens the case for long-range monitoring 24 Underground Detectors for Supernova Neutrinos WATCHMAN (400 events) SNO+ (400) LVD (400) Borexino (100) Baksan (100) Super-K (104) KamLAND (400) Daya Bay (100) ~50% chance of Type-II SN occurring before LBNE comes on line. WATCHMAN would be the only detector in the U.S. to see it. Also the only detector in the world with real-time pointing capability to the supernova source in the sky IceCube (106) Georg Raffelt, MPI Physics, Munich In brackets events for a “fiducial SN” at distance 10 kpc ISOUPS, Asilomar, 24–27 May 2013 Isotope Decay at Rest (ISODAR) neutrino source at 16 meters could extend WATCHMAN physics 1. Sterile neutrino search 2. Non-standard interactions/Weinberg angle arXiv:1205.4419v2 arXiv:1307.5081v1 ISODAR (green) improves significantly on previous constraints from LSND (red) and TEXONO (blue) 1 gL = sin 2 qW , gR = + sin 2 qW 2 ISODAR (solid) has outstanding sensitivity to sterile neutrinos (not affected by the reactor) • The ISODAR antineutrino source – 60 MEV H2+ cyclotron - strong interest from industry for isotope production/medical applications – Be neutron production target – 7Li enriched lithium target gLand gR modifications seen in anomalous n e + e- ® n e + e- rate • Issues under study: • Accelerator deployment feasiblity and mine acceptance • Oil or water-based scintillator may be needed • 2014 WATCHMAN decision will precede accelerator availabilty Sensitivity of WATCHMAN to sterile neutrino oscillations using the ISODAR beam - examples Predicted Expected measurement Observed/Predicted 1.000 0.950 0.900 ! m2 = 1.0 eV2 Pure Water sin22² ee = 0.1 0.850 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L/E (m/MeV) Oscillation patterns for a sterile neutrino ISODAR 6 MeV antineutrino source 16 meter standoff from detector center Observed/Predicted 1.000 0.950 0.900 ! m2 = 1.0 eV2 0.850 0 Plots courtesy of Mike Shaevitz, Columbia U. 1 2 3 4 L/E (m/MeV) 5 6 7 1.000 Observed/Predicted Pure water, 1% scintillator and pure scintillator options Light Scintillator sin22² ee = 0.1 total flux: 0.14 eff_det: 0.60 e beta-decay endp mass: 1000.0 nyrs_dat_array: elimit_factor = sinsq2th_limit d Smearing box s Using Kamland norm error: 0. Eend error: 0. 0.7861E-02 1 L/E Result for dm ile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 0.950 0.900 ! m2 = 1.0 eV2 Pure Scintillator sin22² ee = 0.1 0.850 0 1 2 3 4 L/E (m/MeV) 5 6 7 Watchman dm Conclusions • Remote reactor monitoring may fill an important niche – Continued work on use cases, gap analysis, treaty relevance • WATCHMAN is a natural next step in demonstrating this potential nonproliferation capability • WATCHMAN also has strong physics potential • Science community interest in WATCHMAN is strong – – – – 2013 community report mentioned WATCHMAN April 2014 APS front-page article Major focus in May 2014 community workshop at LBL R&D support in 2015 from science funding agencies 28